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nature climate change


New damage curves and multimodel analysis

suggest lower optimal temperature

Received: 6 May 2022 Kaj-Ivar van der Wijst 1,2 , Francesco Bosello3,4,5, Shouro Dasgupta ,

Laurent Drouet 3, Johannes Emmerling 3, Andries Hof 1,2,

Accepted: 17 February 2023
Marian Leimbach 7, Ramiro Parrado 3,4, Franziska Piontek 7,
Published online: xx xx xxxx Gabriele Standardi3,4 & Detlef van Vuuren 1,2

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Economic analyses of global climate change have been criticized for their
poor representation of climate change damages. Here we develop and apply
aggregate damage functions in three economic Integrated Assessment
Models (IAMs) with different degrees of complexity. The damage functions
encompass a wide but still incomplete set of climate change impacts based
on physical impact models. We show that with medium estimates for
damage functions, global damages are in the range of 10% to 12% of GDP by
2100 in a baseline scenario with 3 °C temperature change, and about 2% in
a well-below 2 °C scenario. These damages are much higher than previous
estimates in benefit-cost studies, resulting in optimal temperatures below
2 °C with central estimates of damages and discount rates. Moreover,
we find a benefit-cost ratio of 1.5 to 3.9, even without considering damages
that could not be accounted for, such as biodiversity losses, health and
tipping points.

Cost-benefit analysis (CBA) of climate change provides insight into In CBA models, the benefits of climate change mitigation can be
the economic consequences of different climate policy strategies. obtained from reduced-form damage functions, which relate global
The results of CBAs critically depend on the quality of the underly- average temperature increase to aggregate economic losses. In recent
ing information on mitigation costs, avoided damages, the processes years, empirical top-down estimates that relate observed temperature
represented in the models and the coverage of relevant uncertain- with economic growth have been developed8–10. The disadvantage
ties. While there is a rich literature on mitigation costs 1–7, it has of this method is that the underlying drivers of climate damages are
been notoriously difficult to get reliable information on damages. unknown, and it is very uncertain whether historical empirical correla-
Similarly, much less is known about the role of the type of Integrated tions between temperature and economic growth can be extrapolated
Assessment Model (IAM) used to analyse the costs and benefits. to the (far) future. In earlier CBA studies, on the other hand, most
While model intercomparison studies are common for other cli- estimates of damage functions relied on semi-qualitative assessments
mate change research areas (, by experts, these assessments currently being considered as mostly, outdated11–18.,, To overcome these drawbacks, a new set of regional climate change, very few have been performed on cost- damage functions12 was recently built in a bottom-up process as part of
benefit analyses. the European Horizon 2020 project COACCH ( These

PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency, Den Haag, the Netherlands. 2Copernicus Institute of Sustainable Development, Utrecht
University, Utrecht, the Netherlands. 3RFF-CMCC European Institute on Economics and the Environment (EIEE), Fondazione Centro Euro-Mediterraneo
sui Cambiamenti Climatici, Milan, Italy. 4CMCC@Ca’Foscari Centro Euro-Mediterraneo sui Cambiamenti Climatici, Università Ca’Foscari, Venice, Italy.
Department of Environmental Sciences, Informatics and Statistics, Ca’Foscari University of Venice, Venice, Italy. 6Grantham Research Institute on
Climate Change and the Environment, London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), London, UK. 7Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact
Research, Member of the Leibniz Association, Potsdam, Germany. e-mail:

Nature Climate Change


a Included damages b Creation of regional c Integrated Assessment d Macro-economic

damage functions Models assessment

MIMOSA 1. Fixed temperature path

1. GDP losses from CGE

CGE WITCH 2. Cost-benefit analysis

2. Quantile regression
REMIND 3. Benefit-cost ratio
(for SLR and non-SLR
Other damages (not included)

Harmonized assumptions

- SSP socio-economic baseline

... - Discounting
- Temperature in 2020


Howard et al.
Burke et al. (LR, SSP2)

COACCH damage function:
CGE output
GDP loss (%)

Quantile regression
Quantile regression
(5th–95th percentile)
DICE (2016)
Ellos también
diferencian entre 0
eventos relacionados
con la temperatura y Tol (2018)
eventos relacionados
con el aumento del
nivel del mar
−2°C 0°C 2°C 4°C
Temperature (above 1986-2005)

Fig. 1 | Overview of the creation and use of the damage functions. Results from are used in the IAMs (c) for the macro-economic analysis of this paper (d).
nine sectoral impact models (a) are included in a CGE model to calculate GDP The example damages shown in the bottom panel are the combined damages
losses for various scenarios and points in time (b). Using quantile regression, (including sea-level rise, no adaptation) aggregated for the world, and are
a curve is fitted through the points at the 5th (low estimate), 50th (medium) and compared to several literature damage estimates. Burke et al. (LR, SSP2) refers to
95th (high) percentiles for each region. These reduced-form damage functions the SSP2 Long Run damage function.

functions are based on physical impacts derived from last-generation Literature shows that the results of cost-benefit studies depend not
impact models covering a wide range of sectors (agriculture, forestry, only on the damage function but also on the macro-economic param-
fishery, energy demand, energy supply, labour supply, riverine floods, eters and assumptions such as discounting or savings, as well as the
transportation and sea-level rise)12. The impact of these physical representation of mitigation costs and dynamics18. Several studies have
damages on economic losses was estimated by an economic model— been published in recent years looking into uncertainty in cost-benefit
the Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) model13–15 ICES16—with analysis. These studies typically only consider a single model18–21 and
improved representation of driving forces and transmission mecha- use the older top-down or empirical damage functions. Here we per-
nisms of economic impacts (Fig. 1 and Extended Data Table 1). form a multimodel CBA study using the newly developed COACCH
Compared with similar exercises14,15,17, the damage functions devel- damage functions, allowing exploration of the impacts of a consist-
oped here use a higher level of regional detail and provide internally ent set of damage curves (including an explicit uncertainty estimate)
consistent uncertainty ranges. This high spatial granularity applies in different models. Three IAMs are used: the reduced-form model
particularly to the European Union (EU), where the macro-economic MIMOSA18, and the process-based models WITCH22 and REMIND23.
impact assessments are determined at the NUTS2 level. The consist- First, we investigate how the damage functions translate to (regional)
ency in uncertainty representation derives from accounting for (1) GDP losses given different temperature pathways, and how the results
different climate scenarios, (2) different socio-economic scenarios, from each model relate to each other (hence covering the uncertainty
(3) different impact ranges within each climate scenario originated as a result of model representation). Next, we determine the combined
by impact model uncertainty and (4) how the economy reacts to these effect of mitigation costs and damages on optimal emission pathways
impacts. The new damage functions have been separately estimated for using cost-benefit analysis and compare them with the goals of the
impacts related to temperature increase and sea-level rise (with a much Paris Agreement (Fig. 1). We also calculate benefit-cost ratios (BCRs)
longer time delay). The damage curves also include versions for the for these optimal emission pathways, this ratio indicating the relation-
case of sea-level rise with and without optimal adaptation (Methods). ship between the relative costs and benefits of climate mitigation.

Nature Climate Change


a Damages in 2100 (RCP 6.0, with SLR adaptation)


15% 15% Average

10% 10% damages (%)

5% 5% 16

0% 0%












Damage type:
Indirect 10

Non-SLR 8


15% 15% 15%

10% 10% 10%
5% 5% 5%

0% 0% 0% 0












b Damages in 2100 (RCP 2.6, with SLR adaptation)


15% 15%
10% 10% damages (%)

5% 5%
0% 0%













Damage type:
Indirect 10
Non-SLR 8



15% 15% 15%

10% 10% 10%
5% 5% 5%

0% 0% 0% 0












Fig. 2 | End-of-century damages for the five macro-regions for two scenarios. RCP2.6 scenario (b). Both scenarios assume optimal sea-level-rise adaptation.
The damages are split into three types (direct temperature-related damages, This figure does not show intra-regional differences; only the population-
direct sea-level-rise damages and indirect damages from GDP loss accumulation). weighted average per macro-region is shown.
The damages are shown for the year 2100 in the RCP6.0 scenario (a) and the

For medium estimates of damage function and discount rate, we 6.0 leading to a global average temperature change of about 3 °C by
find a BCR of 1.5 to 3.9. This presents an important case to improve 2100 (also coinciding with the no-policy scenario in one of the models,
societal acceptance of climate policy, as the purely economic ben- REMIND), and RCP2.6, which is a trajectory in line with the well-below
efits of reduced climate damages substantially outweigh the costs of 2 °C target of the Paris Agreement. We fixed the temperature pathways
climate policy. to reveal whether the model parameterizations shaping economic
growth differ substantively.
Multimodel comparison of economic damages The COACCH functions allow decomposing the total GDP losses
We first compare the sensitivity of final economic damages to differ- into (1) direct impacts from sea-level rise, (2) direct temperature-related
ent model dynamics. To do this, we calculate the macro-economic impacts and (3) indirect impacts from cumulated dynamic effects,
effect of the damage functions in the three IAMs under two fixed tem- for example, through investment25,26. Unless stated otherwise, we
perature pathways: the Representative Concentration Pathway24 (RCP) assume that optimal adaptation has taken place against sea-level-rise

Nature Climate Change


Global damages, with SLR adaptation

Damage quantile: 5 Damage quantile: 50 Damage quantile: 95

20 20 20

15 15 15
GDP loss (%)

RCP 6.0
10 10 10

5 5 5 Model:
0 0 0
2030 2050 2100 2030 2050 2100 2030 2050 2100 REMIND

20 20 20 Damage type:
15 15 15 SLR
GDP loss (%)


RCP 2.6
10 10 10

5 5 5

0 0 0
2030 2050 2100 2030 2050 2100 2030 2050 2100

Fig. 3 | Sensitivity analysis of the global damage costs. Damage cost decomposition of the global GDP losses with optimal sea-level-rise adaptation for RCP6.0 (top
row) and RCP2.6 (bottom row) for three levels of damages (low: 5th quantile, medium: 50th quantile, high: 95th quantile), in 2030, 2050 and 2100.

(SLR) damages. Therefore, reported SLR damages are the sum of SLR in regions with relatively long coastlines, such as Asia and the OECD.
adaptation costs and residual damages. Without SLR adaptation, Asia and the OECD have the highest damages
On a global level, the GDP loss in the baseline RCP6.0 scenario in RCP2.6 as, in this case, sea-level-rise damages account for most of
ranges from 10 to 12% at the end of the century when using medium the total damages (Supplementary Fig. 1.1b).
damage (50th damage quantile) estimates. The damages are reduced
to 3.1–3.6% GDP loss in 2100 in the mitigation scenario RCP2.6. The Impact of damage curve uncertainty
economic damages are not very sensitive to the model used. The total damages are about twice as high when using the high end of
In Fig. 2, higher spatial resolution results from the original the damage quantile (95th damage quantile, Methods): 18–22% global
COACCH damage functions and the IAM used have been aggregated average GDP loss vs 11–12% for the medium damage quantile (Fig. 3).
for the five macro-regions of the Shared Socio-economic Pathways There is a small probability that global impacts will be slightly positive
(SSP) database27 to facilitate comparison (Methods). up to 2050, as indicated by negative GDP losses for the 5th damage
There is high agreement across models also on regional damage quantile, due to gains from increased agricultural yield in Latin America
patterns, although the ranges are larger in some regions than in others. (Supplementary Fig. 1.4b). These gains are offset by sea-level-rise dam-
In the RCP6.0 scenario (Fig. 2a), the damages are highest in the Middle ages towards the end of the century.
East and Africa region, with total losses between 13% and 18% of GDP, Until 2050, the differences between RCP2.6 and 6.0 are still mod-
followed by 12% to 14% for Asia. The other three regions have lower total erate. They only strongly diverge towards 2100 (up to 50% higher
damages (6–8% for Latin America, 5% for Organisation for Economic damages for RCP6.0 than for RCP2.6 in 2050, whereas the damages
Co-operation and Development (OECD) (see Methods) and 3–5% for are 300% higher towards the end of the century).
Eastern Europe and Northern Asia (EENA)). This figure does not show REMIND shows lower indirect effects than the other models. While
intra-regional differences; only the population-weighted average per all economic assets are fixed in MIMOSA and WITCH, in REMIND, assets
macro-region is shown. can be relocated, facilitated by more advanced trade mechanisms29;
Even with optimal adaptation, sea-level-rise damages, including accordingly, losses are lower.
adaptation costs, make up a substantial part (10–13%) of total direct
damages in Asia and the OECD region. This share is much lower in the CBA
other regions (as low as 2% of total direct damages for Africa). Without We now add mitigation costs of each model to perform a comprehen-
sea-level-rise adaptation (Supplementary Fig. 1.1), total damages per sive CBA.
region become substantially higher (from global average damages of The cost-optimal (or, in a strict sense, welfare-optimal) end-of-
11–12% with SLR adaptation to global damages of 14–17% without SLR century temperature for the medium estimates of damages is similar
adaptation). This is especially pronounced in the OECD (5–6% total dam- for all three models: around 1.9 °C above pre-industrial levels (Fig. 4).
ages with SLR adaptation to 12% total damages without SLR adaptation), These temperature estimates are median climate estimates; we have
which confirms previous literature on the benefits of SLR adaptation28. not assessed uncertainty in the climate module. Interestingly, none
RCP2.6 reduces the total damages to a regional maximum of 4.5%, of the models applies net-negative emissions to limit temperature
compared with the 18% for RCP6.0 (Fig. 2b). The regional distribution of increase to these levels. This is a consequence of running the models in
damages is similar to RCP6.0, except that Asia has now slightly higher cost-benefit mode (minimizing damages and mitigation costs) instead
damages than Africa. Because of the slow processes of sea-level rise, of cost-effectiveness mode (minimizing mitigation costs only). Previ-
the differences in sea-level rise damages between RCP2.6 and RCP6.0 ous research18,30,31 has shown that cost-benefit runs lead to much higher
are relatively small in the first half of the century. Accordingly, the rela- reductions early in the century and less use of net-negative emissions
tive share of damages from sea-level rise becomes larger, especially than cost-effectiveness runs.

Nature Climate Change


Damage quantile: 5 Damage quantile: 50 Damage quantile: 95

a Global CO2 emissions (CBA path)

50 50 50
3.1 °C
CO2 emissions (Gt CO2)

40 40 40
2.8 °C

30 2.8 °C 30 30

20 20 20
Temp. in 2100 1.9 °C
10 using each 10 10 1.6 °C
IAM's internal 1.8 °C
climate model 1.5 °C Model:
0 0 1.9 °C 0
1.7 °C
2020 2040 2060 2080 2100 2020 2040 2060 2080 2100 2020 2040 2060 2080 2100 REMIND

b Cost decomposition
Cost type:
8 8 8 Indirect
Damages: SLR
Costs (share of GDP, %)

6 6 6 Damages: non-SLR

4 4 4

2 2 2

0 0 0

2030 2050 2100 2030 2050 2100 2030 2050 2100

Fig. 4 | Emission pathways, damage costs and climate policy costs in CBA their calculation of temperature outcomes. b, GDP loss (compared to baseline
setting. a, Cost-optimal emission trajectory and corresponding end-of-century GDP) decomposed into policy costs (mitigation costs), damage costs and indirect
temperature in cost-benefit runs for the low, medium and high end of the damage costs. Here, the indirect costs result from accumulated GDP impacts from
function uncertainty range (damage quantiles). While only global CO2 emissions mitigation and damage costs.
are shown in this figure, each model also takes into account non-CO2 gases in

As expected, the low damage function leads to higher optimal of 1.5% yr−1, combined with an elasticity of marginal utility of 1, in line
end-of-century temperature increases of 2.8–3.1 °C, and the higher with recent literature18,19 and a recent expert elicitation32. We perform
end of the damages leads to optimal temperature increases, which a sensitivity analysis with a lower and higher discounting parameter to
are very close to the 1.5 °C target of the Paris Agreement (1.5–1.7 °C). cover the full range of current discounting estimates. We use 0.1% yr−1
as a low PRTP value, as in the Stern33 review, and 3% yr−1 as a high PRTP
Model uncertainty value covering a range similar to the Inter-Agency Working Group on
The optimal emission pathways in MIMOSA, WITCH and REMIND are the Social Cost of Carbon34, while keeping the elasticity of marginal
similar. REMIND is slightly less sensitive to variability in the damage utility fixed.
function than the other two models. It can also be noted that overall As shown in Fig. 5, the impact of damage function uncertainty
mitigation costs are lower in REMIND (Fig. 4b, see also ref. 6). None- on the cost-optimal end-of-century temperature is twice as large as
theless, in terms of temperature, the model shows the smallest differ- the impact from discounting uncertainty. The spread in optimal tem-
ence (only 0.2 °C) between the 50th and 95th damage quantiles. The peratures is around 1.5 °C for damage cost uncertainty and 0.7 °C
bottom-up description of mitigation options, including hard-to-abate for uncertainty in discounting. Without sea-level-rise adaptation,
processes, puts stringent constraints on the total mitigation potential; the optimal temperature across all discounting scenarios is between
this means that the model already exploits the largest share of the 0.1 °C and 0.2 °C lower than with optimal sea-level-rise adaptation, as
total mitigation potential already in the 50th damage quantile run. In the models choose to reduce the other damages as much as possible.
MIMOSA, the mitigation costs are higher (around 2% of GDP for the Peak temperatures are in some cases more than 0.1 °C higher than 2100
medium CBA scenario) than in REMIND, but the model is more flexible temperatures, but only for end-of-century temperatures of 1.5 °C or
in achieving higher mitigation levels. It has less strict inertia constraints lower (Supplementary Fig. 2.2).
and allows more net-negative emissions towards the end of the century
than REMIND or WITCH, explaining the lower optimal end-of-century Comparing costs to avoided damages using the BCR
temperature in the high-damage-quantile scenario. WITCH shows a Besides providing a cost-optimal target, an important and
stronger initial mitigation effort, becoming less towards the end of policy-relevant metric is the BCR, showing by how much the avoided
the period even with the modest global carbon price of US$67 per tCO2 damages outweigh the mitigation costs. When subtracting the residual
in 2030 (Supplementary Fig. 2.1) for medium damages. WITCH still damages of a CBA scenario from the damages in a baseline scenario, we
reaches similar end-of-century temperatures as REMIND and MIMOSA, obtain the avoided damages, in other words, the economic benefits of
based on different assumptions about land-use CO2 emissions, other mitigation (expressed as % of GDP). Comparing the total discounted
greenhouse gases and the climate model used. avoided damages to the total mitigation costs gives a BCR of mitiga-
tion (Extended Data Fig. 1). Globally, most benefits occur in the second
The role of discounting half of the century or even beyond 2100, as damages increase slowly
Another key component in long-term cost-benefit analysis is the dis- while mitigation costs increase early, even incurring the large costs
count rate. By default, we use a pure rate of time preference (PRTP) at the beginning of the transformation. Therefore, we consider the

Nature Climate Change


Damage quantile: 5 Damage quantile: 50 Damage quantile: 95



(rel. to pre-industrial, °C)

Temperature in 2100 MIMOSA

SLR adaption:
1.5 Without

0.1 1.5 3 0.1 1.5 3 0.1 1.5 3
Discounting (PRTP, %) Discounting (PRTP, %) Discounting (PRTP, %)

Fig. 5 | Optimal temperature in 2100 in CBA for different levels of discounting and SLR adaptation assumptions. The levels of discounting are quantified by three
values of the PRTP, also called utility discounting. REMIND has not been calibrated to use the low utility discount rate.

a Resulting benefits and costs over time b Benefit-cost ratios

Benefits and costs as % of GDP

Avoided damages
30 Costs 3.2
2:1 1.8 WITCH

2050 2100 2150 0.1 1.5 3.0 % yr

Fig. 6 | BCR for the CBA scenario using the medium damage function (50th discounted avoided damages divided by the total discounted mitigation costs.
percentile). a, Policy costs (dotted lines) and avoided damages (benefits, REMIND is not calibrated for the lowest discount rate. The numbers above the
solid lines) over time for the scenario with medium discounting. b, BCR: total bars correspond to the exact value of the benefit-cost ratio.

2020–2150 time range. Using a medium discount rate (PRTP of 1.5% yr−1), estimated damage function), the optimal temperature increase is
the benefits are almost twice the total discounted costs (multimodel below 2 °C according to all three models. Assuming the high end of
range of 1.5–3.9, Fig. 6). This gives strong economic validation of the the damage function (estimated at the 95th percentile), the optimal
Paris-consistent mitigation scenario, especially when considering temperature increase is close to 1.5 °C in all three models. Since the
that the damage functions are likely to be underestimates since not all COACCH damage functions do not include all impacts (for example,
damage sectors have been included (see Discussion). When assuming biodiversity loss, health impacts and tipping points), the resulting
the high damage function, the BCR increases to 1.8–5.0 for medium temperature outcomes are likely to be conservative, meaning that this
discounting (Supplementary Fig. 2.2). Since the low damage function study gives strong economic validation of the Paris Agreement. Our
yields CBA paths with very low to no mitigation effort, the BCR is not damage functions only explicitly modelled adaptation for sea-level
calculated here. Since these scenarios are performed in a cooperative rise. For the other impacts, adaptation is implicitly addressed in the
setting, only the global results are calculated. A regional BCR requires CGE (market-driven adaptation), but not in the impact models. Future
assumptions on equity and burden sharing, which are outside the scope research needs to improve our understanding of adaptation in a com-
of this paper (see Discussion). prehensive global impact study.
Interestingly, when aggregated globally, the COACCH low, medium
Discussion and high damage functions are close to the DICE35, Howard et al.11 and
The results in this study show that, from a purely economic perspec- Burke et al.8 functions, respectively (Fig. 1), thus also leading to similar
tive, the benefits of reduced climate damages substantially outweigh optimal temperature levels17. However, the methodology for creating
the costs of climate policy, even when some climate change damages, the damage function is completely different. While DICE, just like the
including those on biodiversity and health, are not accounted for. This new functions presented here, also relies on bottom-up sectoral physi-
presents an important case to improve societal acceptance of climate cal impacts, major criticisms about these damage functions (as used
policy. in DICE35, FUND36 and PAGE37) are the lack of empirical foundation, the
The results are based on (1) detailed process-based biophysical relatively simple monetization method used, and the relatively old
impacts, (2) a consistent economic modelling approach to quantify and scarce impact data they are based on38,39. A more recent study21
and monetize these impacts in a multimodel context, (3) the separa- with bottom-up impacts directly included damages from a limited set
tion of temperature and sea-level-rise impacts and (4) allowing for of 4 sectors in their IAM, using a simplified damage function for each
sea-level-rise adaptation investment. We show that with medium of the sectors. Contrary to the bottom-up methods such as DICE and
damages (evaluated at the median of our multi-impact-model chain Rennert et al.21, empirical damage functions, such as Burke et al., with

Nature Climate Change


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Nature Climate Change


Methods IAMs
Damage functions To assess the macro-economic implications of the new COACCH dam-
Damage functions connect global or local temperature increase to loss age functions, we used three different IAMs of varying levels of com-
of income or consumption. Here we use the newly created COACCH plexity. IAMs are models designed to capture the interplay between,
damage functions. among others, the climate, the economy and the energy system.
In a first step, a set of climate change damages quantified by MIMOSA18 is a recent IAM based on FAIR58, with 26 regions covering
process-based sectoral impact models were evaluated in their the whole world. It is a relatively simple cost-benefit IAM but still covers
macro-economic consequences, applying the ICES recursive-dynamic the relevant technological and socio-economic dynamics. Temperature
CGE model16 ( The list of impacts considered and is a linear function of cumulative CO2 emissions59. MIMOSA uses the
their implementation in the CGE model for the evaluation are reported DICE sea-level-rise module. In contrast with the previous global ver-
in Extended Data Table 1 (refs. 47–56). The climate change impacts did sion, we have now regionalized the mitigation costs, population, initial
not include potential losses originated in ecosystems or in the health capital stock and baseline GDP and CO2 emissions (see Supplementary
sector. This is motivated by the difficulty in addressing the non-market Information 4 for more details). The direct regional mitigation costs
dimension of those impacts with a ‘market-transaction-based’ model are calculated as area under the marginal abatement cost curve and
such as CGE. Also, catastrophic events were not considered, even have been recalibrated to the IPCC AR6 WGIII database.
though some ‘extremes’ (riverine floods) were included. WITCH22 is a dynamic optimization IAM of intermediate complex-
To provide the amplest account for uncertainty, all the impacts ity, with 17 world regions. The climate module is based on the DICE and
were specified for nine combinations of climate change scenarios MERGE climate modules, calibrated to reproduce the CMIP5 model
(RCPs), social economic development scenarios (SSPs) (Supplemen- ensemble results. The sea-level-rise module is the model of Li et al.60.
tary Fig. 3.1) between 2020 and 2070, a range of low-to-high variability Mitigation costs are endogenously computed on the basis of a fully
in the climate and impact models used, and two different assumptions hard-linked energy system covering all main energy supply technolo-
on investment mobility determining the economic consequences. gies and demand sectors. Moreover, land-use mitigation actions and
In a second step, these data were used to extrapolate the costs are computed on the basis of the linked GLOBIOM model. The
reduced-form climate change damage functions. Two different types policy costs are then calculated as total GDP loss compared to a baseline
of damage function were estimated using linear and quadratic quantile scenario without climate policy.
regression, depending on the region (Supplementary Information 3.1): REMIND23 is an optimal growth IAM with a high level of detail in
one specific to sea-level rise, the other to the remaining climate change the representation of the economy and the energy sector, including
damages. SLR damage functions were estimated assuming ‘current mitigation options in the energy system and land-use sector. REMIND
level adaptation’ and ‘incremental adaptation’, when coastal protec- is soft-coupled to MAGICC61 as its climate module. The policy costs
tion is upgraded following the prescription of ‘optimal’ adaptation are calculated as GDP losses compared to a baseline scenario without
from the DIVA model57. For the remaining damages, adaptation was not climate policy.
explicitly modelled. However, some level of adaptation occurs in the
CGE optimization process, where economical assets can be reallocated The CGE model
between sectors and regions. All damage functions and underlying ICES16 is a recursive-dynamic CGE model for the world economy based
GDP loss estimates are provided in Supplementary Information 3.1. on the GTAP8 database62. While GTAP10 was available at the time of
The damage functions were estimated through different ‘damage writing, ICES has been calibrated separately for the entire 2020–2070
quantiles’. Unless otherwise stated, the medium damage estimate is period according to the macro-economic trends of the SSPs, making it
the 50th quantile, and the low and high estimates are the 5th and 95th less sensitive to updates of the starting point (more recent calibration
quantiles, respectively. years) from the newer GTAP versions. It simulates in 5-year time steps
from 2020 to 2070. For this exercise, a model version was developed
Direct vs indirect costs featuring a sub-national resolution for the EU economies represented
The COACCH damage functions are level damage functions: they by 138 territorial units. We considered 24 different economic sectors.
directly impact economic output instead of economic growth. How- An extended description of the ICES model and of the calibration
ever, a reduced economic output also has an indirect impact on GDP process is provided in Supplementary Information 6. Using a CGE to
growth26 through reduced investments for the next time period. For calculate the damages allows the use of the highly detailed represen-
this reason, we also report indirect damages, accounting for this tation of the economy to account for feedbacks and rebound effects
reduced growth effect. When fixing the temperature path to RCP6.0 or triggered by climate change impacts.
RCP2.6, we calculated the indirect damages as the difference between
an RCP run with and one without damages while keeping the mitiga- Harmonization
tion costs constant. This yields the total damages. By subtracting the To allow a comparison of the results between the models, we harmo-
direct damages as reported from the damage function, we obtained nized key assumptions. We used the SSP227 assumptions on baseline
the indirect damages. For the CBA runs, it was not possible to dis- GDP, population growth and baseline emissions. The discounting was
tinguish between reduced economic growth from climate impacts also harmonized: by default, we used a PRTP (also called utility discount
and from mitigation costs. We therefore did not report the ‘indirect factor) of 1.5% yr−1 and an elasticity of marginal utility of 1.001, in line
damages’, but instead report the ‘combined indirect costs’ from both with a recent expert elicitation32 on discount rates. Since temperature
damages and policy costs. These were calculated as the difference is an essential factor determining the climate damages, the climate
in GDP between the CBA run and a baseline without damages and models were calibrated such that the 2020 temperature was harmo-
without mitigation costs. By subtracting both the direct damages nized and equalled to 1.16 °C above pre-industrial levels63. Moreover,
and the mitigation costs, we obtained the combined indirect costs. all damages are reported relative to 2020 damage levels. While the
For the BCR calculation, the indirect costs need to be included for a COACCH damage functions are calibrated for the 1986–2005 period
fair comparison of benefits and costs. We therefore scaled the direct and therefore report non-zero damages in 2020, we assumed that the
policy and residual damage costs to include the indirect costs to observed GDP of 2020 already incorporates these damages. Specifi-
obtain total policy and residual damage costs. The residual damages cally, if the COACCH damage function relative to 1986–2005 tempera-
were then subtracted from the total damages in a no-policy scenario ture is noted by D1986−2005 (Tt ) for temperature level Tt, the damages as
(Extended Data Fig. 1). incorporated in the models are:

Nature Climate Change


Drel. to 2020 level (Tt ) = D1986−2005 (Tt ) − D1986−2005 (T2020 ) , 55. Schleypen, J. R. et al. D2.4. Impacts on Industry, Energy,
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62. Narayanan, G., Badri, A. A. & McDougall, R. Global Trade,
Data availability Assistance, and Production: The GTAP 8 Data Base (Center for
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change damage functions are available at 63. Visser, H., Dangendorf, S., van Vuuren, D. P., Bregman, B. &
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non-sea-level rise and combined damage functions for all used dam- after ‘Paris’: an uncertainty and sensitivity analysis. Climate 14,
age quantiles. All scenario data from the three models are available at 139–155 (2018). Source data are provided
with this paper. Acknowledgements
The research presented in this paper and all authors benefitted
Code availability from funding under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Framework
The calculations and the figures used in this paper and the scripts Programme for Research and Innovation under Grant Agreement
required to reproduce them are available at No. 776479 for the project CO-designing the Assessment of Climate
zenodo.7627679. Change costs (COACCH, and from the
The model code and documentation of the MIMOSA model are European Commission Horizon 2020 Programme H2020/2019–2023
available at, of under Grant Agreement No. 821124 (NAVIGATE).
the WITCH model at and of the REMIND
model at and https:// Author contributions for the model code. All authors contributed to the manuscript, the development of
the idea and set up of the study. F.B., R.P., G.S., S.D. and K.-I.v.d.W.
References developed the damage functions. F.B., L.D., J.E., A.H., M.L., F.P.,
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48. Havlík, P. et al. Global land-use implications of first and second Competing interests
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49. Kindermann, G. et al. Global cost estimates of reducing carbon
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for primary production and fish production in large marine
ecosystems. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B 367, 2979–2989 (2012). Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed
52. Hinkel, J. et al. Coastal flood damage and adaptation costs to Kaj-Ivar van der Wijst.
under 21st century sea-level rise. Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA 111,
3292–3297 (2014). Peer review information Nature Climate Change thanks Elisa Lanzi,
53. Ward, P. J. et al. Assessing flood risk at the global scale: model Jarmo Kikstra and the other, anonymous, reviewer(s) for their
setup, results, and sensitivity. Environ. Res. Lett. 8, 044019 (2013). contribution to the peer review of this work.
54. van Ginkel, K. C. H., Dottori, F., Alfieri, L., Feyen, L. & Koks, E. E.
Flood risk assessment of the European road network. Nat. Hazards Reprints and permissions information is available at
Earth Syst. Sci. 21, 1011–1027 (2021).

Nature Climate Change


Extended Data Fig. 1 | Calculation of the costs and the benefits (avoided damages) for the Benefit-Cost-Ratio analysis. First, the direct policy and residual damage
costs are scaled to include the indirect costs (remaining difference with a baseline run without damages). The scaled residual damages are subtracted from the total
damages from a no-policy run.

Nature Climate Change


Extended Data Table 1 | Impacts categories included in the estimation of the reduced-form climate change damage
functions and implementation for their economic assessment

Nature Climate Change

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