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Int J Appl Earth Obs Geoinformation 85 (2020) 101989

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Analyzing parcel-level relationships between Luojia 1-01 nighttime light T

intensity and artificial surface features across Shanghai, China: A
comparison with NPP-VIIRS data
Congxiao Wanga,b, Zuoqi Chena,b, Chengshu Yanga,b, Qiaoxuan Lia,b, Qiusheng Wuc,
Jianping Wua,b, Guo Zhangd,**, Bailang Yua,b,*
Key Laboratory of Geographic Information Science (Ministry of Education), East China Normal University, 500 Dongchuan Road, Shanghai 200241, China
School of Geographic Sciences, East China Normal University, 500 Dongchuan Road, Shanghai 200241, China
Department of Geography, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN 37996, USA
State Key Laboratory of Information Engineering in Surveying, Mapping and Remote Sensing, Wuhan University, 129 Luoyu Road, Wuhan 430079, China


Keywords: Nighttime light (NTL) remote sensing data have been widely used to derive socioeconomic indices at national
Luojia 1-01 and regional scales. However, few studies analyzed the factors that may explain NTL variations at a fine scale
Nighttime light due to the limited resolution of existing NTL data. As a new generation NTL satellite, Luojia 1-01 provides NTL
Land-use/land-cover data with a finer spatial resolution of ∼130 m and can be used to assess the relationship between NTL intensity
and artificial surface features on an unprecedented scale. This study represents the first efforts to assess the
Random forest regression
relationship between Luojia 1-01 NTL intensity and artificial surface features at the parcel level in comparison to
High spatial resolution
the Suomi National Polar-orbiting Partnership-Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (NPP-VIIRS) NTL data.
Points-of-interest (POIs) and land-use/land-cover (LULC) data were used in random forest (RF) regression
models for both Luojia 1-01 and NPP-VIIRS to analyze the feature contribution of artificial surface features to
NTL intensity. The results show that luminosity variations in Luojia 1-01 data for different land-use types were
more significant than those in NPP-VIIRS data because of the finer spatial resolution and wider measurement
range. Seventeen variables extracted from POI and LULC data explained the Luojia 1-01 and NPP-VIIRS NTL
intensity, with a good out-of-bag score of 0.62 and 0.76, respectively. Moreover, Luojia 1-01 data had fewer
“blooming” phenomena than NPP-VIIRS data, especially for cropland, water body, and rural area. Luojia 1-01 is
more suitable for estimating socioeconomic activities and can attain more comprehensive information on human
activities, since the feature contribution of POI variables is more sensitive to NTL intensity in the Luojia 1-01 RF
regression model than that in the NPP-VIIRS RF regression model.

1. Introduction have a statistically significant relationship with socioeconomic indices,

such as population (Sutton et al., 2001; Ye et al., 2019; Zhao et al.,
Due to the rapid increase in human activities, transportation con- 2019a), gross domestic product (Lo, 2002; Zhao et al., 2017), poverty
struction, and urban expansion, artificial lights are prevalent in most (Yu et al., 2015), house vacancy (Chen et al., 2015; Lu et al., 2018),
urban areas (Falchi et al., 2011; Gaston et al., 2013). Nighttime light carbon dioxide emissions (Liu et al., 2018; Ou et al., 2013), and elec-
(NTL) remote sensing data can record artificial lights at night and have tricity consumption (Shi et al., 2018). To further explore the relation-
been proven to be a useful proxy for measuring the intensity of human ship between NTL data and socioeconomic indices, a comprehensive
activities (Elvidge et al., 1997; Huang et al., 2014). NTL data generally understanding of NTL data, especially regarding its spatial variability

Abbreviations: DMSP-OLS, Defense Meteorological Satellite Program-Operational Linescan System; DN, digital number; LULC, land-use/land-cover; NPP-VIIRS,
Suomi National Polar-orbiting Partnership-Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite; NTL, nighttime light; POIs, points-of-interest; RF, random forest

Corresponding author at: Key Laboratory of Geographic Information Science (Ministry of Education), East China Normal University, 500 Dongchuan Road,
Shanghai 200241, China.
Corresponding author at: State Key Laboratory of Information Engineering in Surveying, Mapping and Remote Sensing, Wuhan University, 129 Luoyu Road,
Wuhan 430079, China.
E-mail addresses: (G. Zhang), (B. Yu).
Received 18 April 2019; Received in revised form 23 September 2019; Accepted 7 October 2019
Available online 12 November 2019
1569-8432/ © 2019 Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
C. Wang, et al. Int J Appl Earth Obs Geoinformation 85 (2020) 101989

Table 1 remote sensing data (Chen et al., 2019; Ye et al., 2019). RF regression
Key specifications of the three nighttime light satellites, including the Defense models can identify the relationship between dependent and in-
Meteorological Satellite Program-Operational Linescan System (DMSP-OLS), dependent variables as well as the corresponding contribution of in-
Suomi National Polar-orbiting Partnership-Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer dependent variables to a dependent variable (Breiman, 2001). How-
Suite (NPP-VIIRS), and Luojia 1-01.
ever, few studies have focused on factors that could explain the NTL
DMSP-OLS NPP-VIIRS Luojia 1-01 intensity of Luojia 1-01 imagery, since Luojia 1-01 is a new generation
of NTL remote sensing satellite. We therefore compared the differences
Swath ∼3000 km ∼3000 km ∼250 km
in the contribution of artificial surface features between Luojia 1-01 and
Spectrum 0.5–0.9 μm 0.5–0.9 μm 0.46–0.98 μm
Quantization 6 bits 14 bits 14 bits NPP-VIIRS data and determined the specific contribution of each fea-
Calibration N/A On-board On-board ture to NTL density level, which complements existing studies mainly
calibration calibration focused on the mesoscale relationships between NTL and socio-
Spatial resolution 2.7 km 750 m ∼130 m
economic variables.
Time span 1992–2013 2011–present 2018–present
Spatial coverage Globe from 75 °N Globe from 75 °N to Parts of the globe
The objectives of this study are: (i) to determine the contribution of
to 65 °S 65 °S each artificial surface feature to Luojia 1-01 and NPP-VIIRS NTL data,
(ii) to establish the characteristics of Luojia 1-01 NTL data compared to
NPP-VIIRS NTL data, and (iii) to indicate situations to which can Luojia
and factors influencing NTL variations, is crucial. 1-01 NTL data be applied. To fulfill these objectives, we first introduce
Two widely used NTL products are the Defense Meteorological our study area (Shanghai, China) and datasets used in this study. The
Satellite Program-Operational Linescan System (DMSP-OLS) stable NTL datasets contained Luojia 1-01 and NPP-VIIRS NTL data for compar-
data and Suomi National Polar-orbiting Partnership-Visible Infrared ison, artificial surface features (POIs and LULC) to explain the NTL
Imaging Radiometer Suite (NPP-VIIRS) NTL data (Imhoff et al., 1997). variations, and OpenStreetMap data to generate parcels. We subse-
As a new generation NTL satellite, Luojia 1-01 was launched on June 2, quently describe our methods: Data preprocessing, such as geometric
2018 by Wuhan University, China (Jiang et al., 2018; Li et al., 2019). correction and radiometric calibration, were employed for Luojia 1-01
Compared with DMSP-OLS and NPP-VIIRS, Luojia 1-01 acquires NTL data to ensure that it can be compared with NPP-VIIRS data. RF re-
data at a finer spatial resolution (∼130 m) with 14-bit quantization (see gression models were constructed to analyze the relationship between
Table 1). Jiang et al. (2018) investigated artificial light pollution using NTL intensity and artificial surface features. We then discuss the RF
Luojia 1-01 and NPP-VIIRS data and concluded that the former can be regression model fitting and feature contribution of different variables
effectively used. Li et al. (2018) found that Luojia 1-01 achieved a in the RF models. Finally, the advantages, disadvantages, and future
higher accuracy of urban extent extraction than NPP-VIIRS data. Ou applications of Luojia 1-01 compared to NPP-VIIRS are discussed.
et al. (2019) evaluated the capability of Luojia 1-01 data for detecting
the extent and degree of impervious surfaces and compared it to that of 2. Study area and datasets
NPP-VIIRS data. It was found that Luojia 1-01 data could produce a
more precise map of impervious surfaces but failed to provide reliable 2.1. Study area
estimates of the degree of imperviousness. Nevertheless, Luojia 1-01,
with an improved NTL-intensity detection performance, enables a de- Shanghai is located on the east coast of China (Fig. 1). Its municipal
tailed look into artificial surface lighting distribution. Analyses of the administrative area covers around 6000 km2. In 2015, its population
relationship between different artificial surface features and NTL in- was 24.15 million, with a population density of 3809 people/km2.
tensity and knowledge of its determinants could lead to a better un- Shanghai has been China’s largest economic center since 1850 (Yue
derstanding of these data and their future applications. et al., 2014). As one of the fastest growing cities in the world, Shanghai
The responses of DMSP-OLS and NPP-VIIRS NTL signals to different has been experiencing extensive urban expansion with an annual
land-use/land-cover (LULC) types have been analyzed previously (Li growth rate of 5.80% from 1978 to 2015 (Fei and Zhao, 2019). Along
et al., 2014; Ma, 2018). Li et al. (2014) developed an unmixing model with rapid urbanization and dramatic changes in urban spatial patterns,
to quantify the contribution of each land-use type to DMSP-OLS and changes in artificial light are also noticeable in this metropolitan area.
NPP-VIIRS NTL data. Ma (2018) focused on the pixel-level connection
between land features and NPP-VIIRS NTL intensity. In general, NTL 2.2. Datasets
intensity in urban areas tends to be much higher than that in other
regions. However, some small built-up areas far away from urban Five datasets were used in this study, including two NTL datasets
centers might not be captured by NPP-VIIRS due to its limited spatial (i.e., NPP-VIIRS and Luojia 1-01) for comparative analyses, LULC and
resolution. Recent studies have attempted to use points-of-interest POI datasets for providing artificial surface feature context, and
(POIs) data to determine the relationship between NTL intensity and OpenStreetMap data for generating a parcel map.
human activities. Chen et al. (2017) analyzed the relationship between
POIs and DMSP-OLS NTL data at the parcel level and concluded that 2.2.1. NTL data
NTL from shopping and enterprise POIs contributed much more to the The version 1 product of NPP-VIIRS NTL monthly composite data of
DMSP-OLS NTL intensity than the other two POI categories (i.e., re- July 2018 (,
sidential and factory). Above all, artificial surface features, whether accessed July 2019) was used in this study (Fig. 2(a)). The composite
they are LULC represented by the use of the ground surface or POIs data were generated by eliminating pixels contaminated by cloud
represented by comprehensive human activities, affected NTL varia- cover, lunar illumination, or other factors and averaging the data col-
tions to a greater or lesser extent. However, few studies have in- lected daily by the Day–Night Band from NPP-VIIRS in a specific month.
vestigated the relationship between NTL intensity and artificial surface Its unit is nW cm−2 sr-1 and spatial resolution is about 500 m (Shi et al.,
features (LULC and POIs) at the parcel level. 2014a). The NPP-VIIRS NTL data were projected to the Albers Equal
Random forest (RF) models are increasingly being used as classifiers Area Conic projection. To correct pixels with erroneous values, the
or regression models in remote sensing applications (Adam et al., 2012; preprocessing procedure proposed by Shi et al. (2014b) was performed.
Mutanga et al., 2012; Stumpf and Kerle, 2011; Ye et al., 2019; Zhao Luojia 1-01 is a new generation of NTL remote sensing satellite
et al., 2019a). RF regression models have recently been successfully launched on June 2, 2018. It is a sun-synchronous satellite with a ca-
applied in gridded population mapping and human activity detection pacity of covering the earth within 15 days. Luojia 1-01 is equipped
using NTL remote sensing data combined with other multi-source with a more sensitive complementary metal oxide–semiconductor

C. Wang, et al. Int J Appl Earth Obs Geoinformation 85 (2020) 101989

Fig. 1. Location of our study area - Shanghai, China.

sensor with 14-bit quantization (Table 1), making it superior to DMSP- significant, we reclassified the initial LULC categories into seven types:
OLS and NPP-VIIRS. Its unit is W·m−2 sr-1 μm-1, and we converted the cropland, woodland, grassland, water body, unused land, urban area,
unit to nW cm−2 sr-1 for the convenience of comparison. Luojia 1-01 has and rural area. Fig. 3(a) illustrates the spatial distribution of built-up
a higher spatial resolution of ∼130 m with a swath of 250 km. In this land in the study area, including urban and rural areas.
study, Luojia 1-01 NTL data from July 14, 2018 were used (Fig. 2(b)). The POI dataset was collected from Baidu Map (
Luojia1-01 data were obtained from the High-Resolution Earth Ob- com, accessed June 2019), which consists of more than 20 types of
servation System of the Hubei Data and Application Center (http://59. artificial surface features. The initial 449,808 POIs were aggregated
175.109.173:8888/, accessed June 2019). As shown in Fig. 2(c), the into 22 categories, namely auto service, bank, clinic, commercial
ground control point (red cross) was located at a three-way junction. building, education facility, enterprise, entertainment, exhibition
However, this point in Fig. 2(d) shifted slightly (approximately 3 center, factory, government agency, hairdressing, hospital, hotel,
pixels). To improve the data quality, geometric correction was required market, media, public facility, shopping mall, sport, transportation,
for further applications. residential community, restaurant, and retail. We generated a POI
density map by counting the number of POIs in each parcel. Fig. 3(b)
illustrates the parcel-level density of enterprise POIs as an example.
2.2.2. Artificial surface feature datasets Although spurious social data may occur, the overall pattern (or dis-
The artificial surface feature datasets consisted of two components: tribution) can be accurately reflected by a large number of POIs.
an LULC dataset and POI dataset. The LULC dataset was provided by the
Data Center for Resources and Environmental Sciences, Chinese
Academy of Sciences, and has been produced every five years since 2.2.3. OpenStreetMap data
1990 (Liu et al., 2002). The 2015 LULC dataset was updated from the The road network data from OpenStreetMap (http://www.
2010 LULC map via visual interpretation of a set of Landsat 8 images., accessed June 2019) include several road types,
The produced LULC dataset had a spatial resolution of 30 m. Six LULC such as motorway, trunk road, primary road, secondary road, and re-
categories were identified in the dataset, namely cropland, woodland, sidential road. We generated parcels for our study using the
grassland, water body, unused land, and built-up area. Each category OpenStreetMap road network data. Parcels are polygons bounded by
had several sub-categories. Built-up area had two sub-categories: urban road networks, which serve as natural segmentation boundaries of
and rural areas. The former refers to the built-up land in cities and urban areas (Hu et al., 2016; Zheng et al., 2018). To remove un-
counties and the latter to rural settlements. Since artificial NTL in- necessary details (e.g., overpasses), we removed small pathways and
tensity is strongly correlated with both urban and rural areas (Ma, selected motorways, trunk roads, primary, secondary, and tertiary
2018) and the difference in NTL intensity between the two is roads to segment the parcels. Different road widths were used for

C. Wang, et al. Int J Appl Earth Obs Geoinformation 85 (2020) 101989

Fig. 2. Samples of two nighttime light (NTL)

datasets of the study area: (a) NPP-VIIRS NTL
data and (b) Luojia 1-01 NTL data as well as a
ground control point (red crosses) in (c)
Landsat 8 imagery and (d) Luojia 1-01 NTL
data (For interpretation of the references to
colour in this figure legend, the reader is re-
ferred to the web version of this article).

Fig. 3. Spatial distribution of artificial surface features: (a) land-use/land-cover dataset of urban and rural areas, and (b) parcel-level density of enterprise POIs.

different road levels, e.g., 30, 30, 20, 17, and 10 m for motorways, 3. Methods
trunk roads, primary roads, secondary roads, and tertiary roads, re-
spectively. Land parcels bounded by roads were generated after re- Our methods involved three main steps: (i) data preprocessing, (ii)
moving road spaces. Finally, we removed land parcels smaller than 0.02 feature extraction, and (iii) model building and analysis. Fig. 4 shows
km2. After parcel generation, 4360 parcels were obtained for the entire the methodological framework for analyzing the relationship between
area. The largest parcel was 192.76 km2 and the smallest was 0.03 km2. NTL intensity (from NPP-VIIRS and Luojia 1-01 data) and artificial
The average parcel size was 1.48 km2. surface features at the parcel level. First, data preprocessing, including
geometric correction and radiometric calibration, was performed on the

C. Wang, et al. Int J Appl Earth Obs Geoinformation 85 (2020) 101989

Fig. 4. Methodological framework for quantifying the relationship between nighttime light intensity and artificial surface features. LULC: land-use/land-cover; NPP-
VIIRS: Suomi National Polar-orbiting Partnership-Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite; OSM: OpenStreetMap; POIs: points-of-interest.

Luojia 1-01 data. Then, the entire study area was segmented into par- After geometric correction and radiometric calibration, we ag-
cels based on road networks and urban boundaries. Based on the parcel gregated the area of each LULC type and the number of POIs in each
map, we built the parcel-level feature datasets that contained NTL POI category as the predictor variables for the RF regression models to
density (NPP-VIIRS and Luojia 1-01) and artificial surface features. The estimate the sum of NTL intensity at the parcel level. Overall, we ex-
latter comprised two components: LULC and POI variables. We used 29 plored a total of 29 variables, each of which had different units and
variables after standardization and the NTL density of each parcel to ranges. To facilitate their comparison, normalized each variable using
build the RF regression models, which were used to investigate the Eq. (2):
explanatory ability of artificial surface feature datasets for parcel-level
Xij-min(Xi )
NTL intensity. Before building the models, we compared the luminosity X sij =
variations with artificial surface features. The parcel datasets were di- max(Xi )-min(Xi ) (2)
vided into two types: training and test parcels. After model building and where Xsij is the standardized value for variable i at parcel j; Xij is the
parameter optimization, we tested the performance of the RF regression value at parcel j; Xi is variable i; and max (Xi ) and min (Xi ) are the
models and compared the feature contribution variation for NPP-VIIRS maximum and minimum values of variable Xi , respectively.
and Luojia 1-01 NTL intensity.

3.2. RF regression models

3.1. Data preprocessing
An RF regression model is an ensemble-learning algorithm that
Considering that Luojia 1-01 NTL images contained slight geo-re- improves the regression trees method by using a large set of decision
ferencing errors compared with Landsat 8 images, a geometric correc- trees (Breiman, 2001). RF regression models have been applied in
tion was performed on the Luojia 1-01 images to reduce geometric various fields, such as biomass estimation (Mutanga et al., 2012) and
errors based on the Landsat 8 Operational Land Imager-Thermal population mapping (Stevens et al., 2015; Ye et al., 2019), showing
Infrared Sensor (, accessed August 2018) and high accuracy and the ability to model complex interactions between
OpenStreetMap road network. Twenty evenly distributed ground con- different variables. More details about the formulated RF regression
trol points were selected from the Luojia 1-01 NTL image, and the root models can be found in Breiman (2001).
mean square error was 0.165 pixels (approximately 21.46 m) after The main parameters in RF regression models include the number of
geometric correction. Through this preprocessing, the geometric posi- estimators (number of regression trees grown based on a bootstrap
tioning error of the experimental images was reduced. A radiometric sample of the observations), max features (number of features to con-
calibration for Luojia 1-01 data was subsequently performed to ensure sider when looking for the best split), max depth (maximum depth of the
that the NPP-VIIRS and Luojia 1-01 NTL data could be compared. We tree), min splits samples (minimum number of samples required to split
converted the digital numbers (DN) to radiance for accurate analysis of an internal node), min leaf samples (minimum number of samples re-
lighting brightness and discrepancy. The radiance value was calculated quired to be at a leaf node), and oob score (the generalization accuracy
via Eq. (1): using out-of-bag samples). As a supervised algorithm, the RF regression
3 model requires selecting samples for model training. Training samples
L= 10−10D 2 W (1)
are selected using the bootstrap method, and the RF regression models
where L is the radiance of a pixel in the Luojia 1-01 image (W m sr-1), are trained after optimizing the above parameters using a cross-vali-
D denotes the DN value of a pixel, and W is the bandwidth of 0.52 μm, dated method. The oob score represents the float score of the training
since the radiometric range of Luojia 1-01 is 0.46–0.98 μm. After cal- dataset obtained using an out-of-bag estimate. The Gini importance is
culating the radiance of each pixel, L in the study area ranged from 0 to derived from the loss of model prediction accuracy when the values of
6174.07 nW cm−2 sr-1. one variable are permuted between instances (Breiman, 2001). The Gini

C. Wang, et al. Int J Appl Earth Obs Geoinformation 85 (2020) 101989

importance of each predictor is measured by calculating the percentage The average NTL radiance value with different land-use types by
of increase in root mean square error when oob data for each variable Luojia 1-01 and NPP-VIIRS is shown in Fig. 5(b). Compared to the
are permuted while all others remain unchanged. The variable selection average NTL radiance values of Luojia 1-01 and NPP-VIIRS, the NTL
method (Guyon and Elisseeff, 2003; Mutanga et al., 2012; Zhao et al., radiance trend with different land-use types was similar in both Luojia
2019b) used in this study filtered the unrelated variables and offered 1-01 and NPP-VIIRS; the highest average Luojia 1-01 NTL radiance
the best simulation of the RF according to Gini importance. Feature (63.87) was located in the urban area, followed by rural area (21.13),
contributions represent the contributions of the variables to the pre- grassland (8.17), cropland (6.96), woodland (6.23), water body (2.38),
diction in an RF model (Kuz’min et al., 2011), which provides detailed and unused land (0.06). The NTL radiance of Luojia 1-01 in the urban
information about the relationships between the predictor and outcome area was therefore almost three times that of the rural area. The
variables. The feature contribution procedure for a given instance in- average NPP-VIIRS NTL radiance of the urban area was 36.64, and
volves two steps: (i) calculation of the local increments of feature those of rural land, grassland, cropland, woodland, water body, and
contributions for each tree and (ii) aggregation of the feature con- unused land were 19.64, 12.35, 9.56, 8.53, 3.71, and 2.46, respectively.
tributions over the forest (Palczewska et al., 2014). The average NPP-VIIRS NTL radiance of the urban area was 1.87 times
In this study, RF regression models were constructed using the that of the rural area.
sklearn Python package. The artificial surface features (variables ex-
tracted from LULC types and POIs) were considered to be the predictor 4.2. RF regression model fitting
variables, and the NPP-VIIRS or Luojia 1-01 NTL intensity was re-
spectively considered to be the outcome variable. The number of esti- Parcel-level NPP-VIIRS and Luojia 1-01 NTL intensity data were
mators values from 10 to 500 with an interval of 10 were tested, and the respectively used to build RF regression models with artificial surface
max depth, min split sample, min leaf samples, and max features values variables (29 variables from LULC and POIs). The variable selection
were tested from 1 to 100 using a single interval. We removed each results show that the optimal RF regression models were built with 17
artificial surface variable in a descending order of Gini importance from variables, which contained four LULC variables (urban area, rural area,
the predictor variable datasets to identify the related predictor vari- water body, and cropland) and 13 POI variables (auto service, bank,
ables that could offer the best RF regression model. The optimization of commercial building, enterprise, entertainment, factory, government
variable numbers required for the simulation was determined using the agency, hotel, media, transportation, residential community, restau-
oob score. Feature contributions were used to measure the influence of rant, and retail). The oob score of the optimal RF regression models was
artificial surface variables on the prediction of parcel-level NTL density 0.62 using Luojia 1-01 data and 0.76 using NPP-VIIRS data. The best
and to provide explanations for particular decisions made by the RF parameters of the RF regression models are shown in Table 2.
regression model. If the contribution of one predictor variable was Selected variables ordered by the Gini importance are shown in
positive, the value of this feature increased the NTL intensity by the Table 3. Whether in the NPP-VIIRS or Luojia 1-01 RF regression model,
contribution value. Conversely, a large negative contribution of the the most influential variable was urban area (Table 3), with values of
feature implied that the value decreased the NTL intensity by the up to 0.606 in the NPP-VIIRS RF regression model and 0.577 in that of
contribution value. Luojia 1-01. Therefore, if urban area did not participate in model
training, the accuracy of the respective models would be reduced by
4. Results 60.6% or 57.7%. In the NPP-VIIRS RF regression model, rural area was
the second most important variable (0.086), followed by cropland,
4.1. Luminosity variations with artificial surface features water body, transportation, enterprise, and hotel. Enterprise was the
second most important variable in the Luojia 1-01 RF regression model
To explore the luminosity variations between the NTL intensity of (0.089). In this model, the Gini importance of commercial building,
NPP-VIIRS and Luojia 1-01 images with different artificial surface rural area, and bank was higher than 0.030, slightly larger than those of
features, we measured the area and average NTL radiance of each LULC other variables except for urban area and enterprise.
type from the NPP-VIIRS and Luojia 1-01 data (Fig. 5(a) and (b)).
Cropland and urban area covered 3729 and 1365 km2, accounting for 4.3. Feature contributions for NPP-VIIRS and Luojia 1-01
56.35% and 20.63% of the total land area, respectively, followed by
rural area, water body, woodland, grassland, and unused land (14.90, Figs. 6 and 7 show the feature contributions of LULC and typical POI
6.21, 1.55, 0.35, and 0.01% of the total area, respectively). variable features in the NPP-VIIRS and Luojia 1-01 RF regression

Fig. 5. (a) Area of different land-use/land-cover (LULC) types and (b) average radiance value of each LULC type using NPP-VIIRS and Luojia 1-01 data.

C. Wang, et al. Int J Appl Earth Obs Geoinformation 85 (2020) 101989

Table 2 Notably, the contribution did not increase significantly when the
Optimal parameters of the random forest regression models. cropland area increased in the Luojia 1-01 RF regression model.
ID Parameter Range Optimal value Optimal value Feature contributions of the four typical variables related to POIs
(Luojia 1-01) (NPP-VIIRS) are shown in Fig. 7. The feature contribution of enterprise ranged from
0 to 0.01 in the NPP-VIIRS RF regression model (Fig. 7(a)), and this
1 Number of 10–500 120 220
variable made a positive contribution to the parcel-level NTL density.
2 Max features 1–100 14 10
Compared with the NPP-VIIRS RF regression model, the contribution of
3 Max depth 1–100 12 11 enterprise was higher and much more sensitive in the Luojia 1-01 RF
4 Min split samples 1–100 2 2 regression model (Fig. 7(a)). A similar trend also existed in the feature
5 Min leaf samples 1–100 1 1 contributions of transportation, residential community, and bank
6 oob score Whether to use out- Use out-of-bag Use out-of-bag
(Fig. 7(b)–(d)). The contributions of them were more sensitive in the
of-bag samples samples samples
Luojia 1-01 RF regression model than that in the NPP-VIIRS RF re-
gression model.
Table 3
Gini importance of each variable (*: from points-of-interest, and **: from land- 5. Discussion
use/land-cover) for NPP-VIIRS and Luojia 1-01.
5.1. Advantages and disadvantages of Luojia 1-01
ID Variable NPP-VIIRS Luojia 1-01

1 Urban area** 0.606 0.577 Over the past 20 years, DMSP-OLS and NPP-VIIRS NTL images have
2 Rural area** 0.086 0.035 proven to be useful proxy measures for analyzing socioeconomic factors
3 Cropland** 0.079 0.028
(Chen et al., 2015; Forbes, 2013; Ma et al., 2012; Shi et al., 2016). The
4 Water body** 0.049 0.025
5 Transportation* 0.032 0.024 coarse spatial resolution of these NTL images often meant that socio-
6 Enterprise* 0.027 0.089 economic estimation could only be done at larger scales, such as na-
7 Hotel* 0.02 0.013 tional or global scales. Recently, finer resolution NTL images, such as
8 Government agency* 0.02 0.019 JL1-3B (Zheng et al., 2018) and EROS-B (Levin et al., 2014), have been
9 Residential community* 0.017 0.021
10 Entertainment* 0.013 0.015
used to detect details of lighting objects and nightscape patterns.
11 Auto service* 0.011 0.015 However, JL1-3B and EROS-B images are not freely accessible (Levin
12 Bank* 0.008 0.032 et al., 2014; Zheng et al., 2018) and lack continuous time series data for
13 Retail* 0.008 0.025 monitoring changes in the spatial pattern of artificial nighttime light.
14 Media* 0.008 0.019
Luojia 1-01 fills the gap of mesoscale NTL satellites and provides finer
15 Restaurant* 0.007 0.017
16 Commercial building * 0.006 0.036 resolution images at ∼130 m.
17 Factory* 0.005 0.011 We linked parcel-level artificial surface features to Luojia 1-01 NTL
imagery to reveal the human activities that can explain the NTL var-
iations at a finer scale using NPP-VIIRS data as a comparison. Our re-
models, respectively, where all the contribution and variable values sults show that there are notable differences in the average NTL ra-
were normalized to ensure that the feature contributions of NPP-VIIRS diance of each land-use type when comparing Luojia 1-01 and NPP-
and Luojia 1-01 were comparable. Different feature contributions of the VIIRS data. The Luojia 1-01 NTL satellite can capture a higher dynamic
NPP-VIIRS and Luojia 1-01 RF regression models revealed variations in range, and the luminosity differences across different land-use types are
the parcel-level NTL contribution from LULC and POI variables. The more significant than that of NPP-VIIRS data. Ma (2018) concluded that
contribution of other selected POI features (e.g., retail, restaurant, and urban land has a conspicuously higher NPP-VIIRS NTL than that of
bank) are shown in Fig. S1. other land-use types. Moreover, the notable differences in the NPP-
Feature contributions of the four variables related to LULC are VIIRS NTL between urban land and other types of land surface can
shown in Fig. 6. Urban area was generally an essential variable, with spatially identify most urban pixels with relatively high radiance va-
the highest contribution to the parcel-level NTL density. The feature lues. In this study, the average radiance value of urban area using
contribution of urban area ranged from 0 to 0.3 in the NPP-VIIRS RF Luojia 1-01 data was three times higher than that of other land-use
regression model, whereas it was much higher in the Luojia 1-01 RF types, indicating the higher potential of using Luojia 1-01 NTL imagery
regression model (0–0.4) (Fig. 6(a)). Increases in the feature contribu- to distinguish urban area than NPP-VIIRS data.
tion of urban area were linked to the increasing contribution of NTL The comparison between the artificial surface feature contributions
density at the parcel level, but the contribution degree differed between in the RF regression models of NPP-VIIRS and Luojia 1-01 revealed that
NPP-VIIRS and Luojia 1-01. There was a noticeable difference in urban urban area was the strongest feature influencing NTL intensity. There
area and its contribution to the NTL density between the NPP-VIIRS and was a large difference in the contribution of urban area to NTL intensity
Luojia 1-01 RF regression models. The contribution was 0.4 and 0.3 in when it was 0.3, and the demarcation was not so significant in the NPP-
the Luojia 1-01 and NPP-VIIRS RF regression models, respectively, VIIRS RF regression model, implying that Luojia 1-01 could detect more
when the urban area exceeded 0.3, whereas it was lower than 0.2 when details of the urban area contribution to artificial NTL intensity. Our
the urban area was below 0.3. findings are in agreement with those of Jiang et al. (2018), who con-
The feature contribution of rural land ranged from 0 to 0.06 in the cluded that Luojia 1-01 detected a higher dynamic range and captured
NPP-VIIRS RF regression model, whereas it was lower in the Luojia 1-01 the finer spatial details of artificial light in different land-use types.
RF regression model (Fig. 6(b)). In the NPP-VIIRS RF regression model, Furthermore, Luojia 1-01 images had fewer “blooming” phenomena
water body made a positive contribution across the study area compared with NPP-VIIRS data, especially in cropland, water body, and
(Fig. 6(c)), implying that this higher contribution was linked to higher rural area. Previous studies showed that NPP-VIIRS data improved
NTL density, except for several parcels with a weak negative con- spatial resolution and reduced blooming compared with DMSP-OLS
tribution. However, in the Luojia 1-01 RF regression model, the con- composites (Bennett and Smith, 2017). Similarly, we found that Luojia
tribution of water body did not significantly increase when the area of 1-01 not only had a higher spatial resolution but also fewer “blooming”
water body increased (Fig. 6(c)). The feature contribution of cropland phenomena than NPP-VIIRS composites. Comparing the contributions
ranged from -0.01 to 0.025 in the NPP-VIIRS RF regression model and of rural area in the NPP-VIIRS and Luojia 1-01 RF regression models, we
from -0.01 to 0.03 in the Luojia 1-01 RF regression model (Fig. 6(d)). found that the majority of rural areas contributed 0–0.04 and 0–0.02 to

C. Wang, et al. Int J Appl Earth Obs Geoinformation 85 (2020) 101989

Fig. 6. Feature contributions of land-use/land-cover types for the random forest regression models using NPP-VIIRS and Luojia 1-01 data.

the parcel-level NPP-VIIRS and Luojia 1-01 NTL intensity, respectively Transportation, residential community, and bank POIs had the same
(Fig. 6(b)). The results further showed that rural area contributed less trend in their feature contribution to NTL intensity in the two RF re-
NPP-VIIRS NTL intensity than Luojia 1-01 NTL intensity did in some gression models.
parcels, implying that the “blooming” phenomenon is especially sig- Nevertheless, some issues remain when Luojia 1-01 data are used.
nificant for NPP-VIIRS. Similar trends were seen in the contributions of First, these data contain slight geo-referencing errors, which cause
water body and cropland. Fig. 8 shows three typical regions with few mismatches with other remote sensing data and consequently affect
human activities and low NTL intensity, namely rural area (Fig. 8(a)), future research that requires a high level of geometric integrity. Second,
water body (Fig. 8(b)), and cropland (Fig. 8(c)), to compare the ra- some Luojia 1-01 images are affected by clouds and moonlight, and the
diance values of NPP-VIIRS and Luojia 1-01, which corroborated the unavailable data can thus not be used directly. Third, current Luojia 1-
findings of the RF regression models. For instance, the radiance values 01 imagery comprises single images, which is an obstacle to applica-
of NPP-VIIRS (Fig. 8(b–i)) in the Huangpu River all exceeded 0, tions over large areas. Synthetic Luojia 1-01 NTL data in China have
whereas those of Luojia 1-01 (Fig. 8(b–ii)) in some river areas were 0, been published by Wuhan University (
especially in the center of the Huangpu River. Our findings confirm that 1/2019-01-21/447.html, accessed June 2019), enabling socioeconomic
Luojia 1-01 had fewer “blooming” phenomena than NPP-VIIRS, which applications at large and fine scales. However, the data comprise single
provides useful in future studies. images and cannot be analyzed in long time series.
The contribution of enterprise to the NTL intensity differs between
the Luojia 1-01 and NPP-VIIRS RF regression models (Fig. 7(a)). En-
terprise in most parcels contributed more NTL intensity in the Luojia 1- 5.2. Future applications
01 than in the NPP-VIIRS RF regression model, which was especially
pronounced when the enterprise was larger than 0.05. This difference Based on the above analysis, Luojia 1-01 data are superior to other
may be due to the different overpass times between the two satellites. NTL data in the following aspects. First, it can better distinguish lu-
The satellite overpass time of Luojia 1-01 in Shanghai was 10:01 PM, minosity variations between urban area and other land-use types
three hours earlier than that of NPP-VIIRS. Zhang et al. (2019) used compared with NPP-VIIRS NTL imagery. Shi et al. (2014a) found that
smartcard data generated by automatic fare collection systems to in- NPP-VIIRS data have high spatial accuracies for built-up urban area
vestigate the temporal pattern of activities in urban areas and found a extraction due to its high spatial resolution and wide radiometric de-
substantial amount of overtime working activities in Shanghai. These tection range. Compared with NPP-VIIRS data, our findings show that
activities started between 9:00 AM and 9:30 AM and ended at ap- the average radiance of Luojia 1-01 data was much higher in urban
proximately 10:00 PM, when workers had to leave to be on time for the areas than that in any other land-use types, and this difference was
metro. Therefore, enterprise contributed more NTL to Luojia 1-01 significantly higher than that in NPP-VIIRS data. Moreover, since Luojia
images, because human activities are frequent during its overpass time. 1-01 data not only had a higher spatial resolution but also fewer
“blooming” phenomena than NPP-VIIRS composites in cropland, water

C. Wang, et al. Int J Appl Earth Obs Geoinformation 85 (2020) 101989

Fig. 7. Feature contributions of four typical POIs (enterprise, transportation, residential community and bank) for the random forest regression models using NPP-
VIIRS and Luojia 1-01 data.

body, and rural area, it has a superior capacity in detecting urban ex- less luminosity could be more influenced by these physical factors due
tent. Ou et al. (2019) also found that Luojia 1-01 data could produce a to the low contribution of human activities. Hence, more attention
more precise map of the spatial extent of impervious surfaces, which is should be paid to these cities when analyzing the relationship between
in agreement with our findings. Further research should take full ad- Luojia 1-01 NTL and physical factors.
vantage of Luojia 1-01 NTL data as a powerful tool for urban built-up Finally, compared with NPP-VIIRS data, the limitations of Luojia 1-
area extraction at national or regional scales. 01 data could be improved in future applications. The geometric cor-
Second, Luojia 1-01 NTL imagery enables the investigation of de- rection method for Luojia 1-01 is essential to reducing geo-referencing
mographic and socioeconomic dynamics at a finer scale, such as po- errors (Jiang et al., 2018). An efficient image mosaic method for gen-
pulation estimation (Stevens et al., 2015) and gross domestic product erating a regional or global map of fine-scale NTL intensity data com-
density (Levin and Zhang, 2017) according to the feature contribution bining Luojia 1-01 images is needed, which can promote the generation
of POIs to Luojia 1-01 and NPP-VIIRS. In particular, Luojia 1-01 de- of fine-scale socioeconomic maps. Furthermore, the spatial coverage of
tected detailed artificial surface features. Fig. 7 shows that the con- DMSP-OLS or NPP-VIIRS is global from 75 °N to 65 °S, but Luojia 1-01
tribution of typical POIs to Luojia 1-01 NTL density was more sensitive NTL data currently only cover parts of the globe. The absence of global
and accurate than that in the NPP-VIIRS RF regression model. With an Luojia 1-01 data makes global scale analyses difficult. It is necessary to
increased POI density, the contribution of each POI (enterprise, trans- generate global Luojia 1-01 images in the future. Also, analyzing NTL
portation, residential community, and bank) changed significantly in variation and the contribution of artificial surface features is important
the Luojia 1-01 RF regression model compared to that in the NPP-VIIRS for real-time dynamic monitoring. However, the humid subtropical
RF regression model. For example, the enterprise POI density has a climate and seasonality of human activity and vegetation in Shanghai
stronger impact on Luojia 1-01 NTL intensity than other POIs, and a could lead to errors in the analysis of NPP-VIIRS NTL dynamics (Chen
deeper insight into this relationship could aid in the analysis of gross et al., 2019). Therefore, in the future, seasonal changes in Luojia 1-01
domestic product variation. NTL intensity should be considered and studied when analyzing its
Although this study mainly focused on the relationship between dynamics and the phenology causing the fluctuations in Luojia 1-01
NTL intensity and artificial surface features, other physical factors NTL intensity.
could also affect NTL intensity, such as snow cover and vegetation.
Levin and Zhang (2017) found that vegetation and snow cover were 6. Conclusions
correlated with cities' brightness at the global level since vegetation
cover can absorb and block nighttime lights, and snow cover can en- Luojia 1-01 is a new generation NTL satellite with finer spatial re-
hance surface reflectance. These factors were not considered in this solution and freely accessible data, and its NTL imagery shows a great
study, because human activities may have a greater impact on Shang- potential for studying urban issues. Our study represents the first efforts
hai's urban development than these physical factors. As such, cities with to use Luojia 1-01 imagery to investigate the relationship between NTL

C. Wang, et al. Int J Appl Earth Obs Geoinformation 85 (2020) 101989

Fig. 8. Comparison of (i) NPP-VIIRS data and (ii) Luojia 1-01 data in three typical samples: (a) rural land, (b) water body, and (c) cropland.

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gery to reduce geo-referencing errors. Radiometric calibration was 01 and NPP-VIIRS NTL data were explored to compare their

C. Wang, et al. Int J Appl Earth Obs Geoinformation 85 (2020) 101989

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