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Applied Geography 152 (2023) 102899

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Nighttime light satellite images reveal uneven socioeconomic development

along China’s land border
Nan Wan a, b, Yunyan Du a, b, *, Fuyuan Liang c, Jiawei Yi a, b, Jiale Qian a, b, Wenna Tu a, b,
Sheng Huang a, b
State Key Lab of Resources and Environmental Information System, Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, CAS, Beijing, 100101, China
University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, College of Resource and Environment, Beijing, 100049, China
Department of Earth, Atmospheric, and Geographic Information Sciences, Western Illinois University, Macomb, IL, 61455, USA


Handling Editor: J Peng China shares its board with one developed and thirteen developing countries. A timely, precise, and efficient
socioeconomic study of border regions is vital for evaluating political problems and identifying potential eco­
Keywords: nomic prospects. Usually, conventional socioeconomic statistical data suffer from significant time lags and un­
Land border equal statistical scales. This study utilized the random forest model to establish a connection between satellite-
Nighttime light data
derived nighttime light data and the improved human development index (IHDI). The relationship was then
Socioeconomic development
applied to predict the IHDI, and differences in its strength, trend, and change pattern by bordering statistical
Change pattern
Driving factors units from 2000 to 2020 were evaluated. Our findings indicate that China’s administrative units (AUCs) are more
developed and have a greater development trend than their neighbors (AUNs). Except for the Tibet Autonomous
Region, all AUCs are spatially more developed than AUNs, with the discrepancy widening between 2000 and
2020. Socioeconomic changes in AUCs predominantly exhibit a forward-leaping development pattern, which
may be represented by a logarithmic (53%) or sigmoid (22.6%) function, whereas AUNs’ socioeconomic changes
exhibit either a late-leaping exponential (34.2%) or static development (18.6%) trend. The IHDI values in AUCs
exhibit greater disparity as measured by the Theil index, than the AUNs, primarily due to the natural environ­
ment, resource availability, and development policies. In less developed regions, harsh natural surroundings,
temperatures, and scarce natural resources hinder socioeconomic growth.

1. Introduction border is a critical zone and the strategic frontier of its territory (Bru­
net-Jailly, 2005; T. Song et al., 2017).
China has the longest land border in the world, measuring 22,116 km Household surveys are currently the most trustworthy source of so­
and bordering fourteen countries. Along China’s land border, the so­ cioeconomic status data (Elbers et al., 2003), while being costly and
cioeconomic growth of domestic and foreign regions varies significantly. time-consuming to collect (World Bank, 2015). Unfortunately, the most
In contrast to the rapid socioeconomic development of China’s border reliable socioeconomic disparity data is only accessible to wealthy na­
regions since the turn of the century, most foreign regions along the land tions. Many developing nations in Asia and Africa cannot afford
border have had slower growth (Cheng et al., 2022; Liu et al., 2018; household surveys due to their high cost (X. Chen & Nordhaus, 2011). In
Tsend, 2019). This unbalanced development pattern may greatly hinder addition, authorities normally collect household survey data every few
the synergistic socio-economic development of some border areas. years, and it takes time to interpret the raw survey counts, which makes
Therefore, understanding the distinction at fine spatial and temporal it almost impossible to update socioeconomic development status
scale is crucial for diplomatic relations, border security, commodity promptly. Most countries bordering China are developing countries and
trading, tourism activities, and other activities of the countries involved collect household survey data slowly and mainly for parts of their ter­
(Shukla & Parikh, 1992; Paasi & Prokkola, 2008), given that a nation’s ritory (Devarajan, 2013; Ravallion, 2003). Inadequate socioeconomic

* Corresponding author. State Key Lab of Resources and Environmental Information System, Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, CAS,
Beijing, 100101, China.
E-mail addresses: wangnan171@mails.ucas.edu.cn (N. Wan), duyy@lreis.ac.cn (Y. Du), F-Liang@wiu.edu (F. Liang), yijw@lreis.ac.cn (J. Yi), qianjl@lreis.ac.cn
(J. Qian), tuwn@lreis.ac.cn (W. Tu), huangs.20b@igsnrr.ac.cn (S. Huang).

Received 23 April 2022; Received in revised form 1 February 2023; Accepted 10 February 2023
Available online 15 February 2023
0143-6228/© 2023 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
N. Wan et al. Applied Geography 152 (2023) 102899

survey data in these regions makes evaluating the development high-dimensional data and explore multilevel interactions and nonlinear
inequality challenges. Comparatively, China has readily accessible associations. Consequently, experts in the field of socioeconomic
census numbers that are more comprehensive and of higher quality, and development predictions are paying increasing attention to the RF
numerous studies have been conducted in China’s border regions. For method(Hu et al., 2019; G. Li et al., 2019; J. Xu et al., 2021).
instance, scholars have analyzed and compared the urbanization status, The study of socioeconomic development on both sides of the border
trends, and factors using statistical data (Liu et al., 2018; T. Song et al., will provide insights into the socioeconomic dynamics and spatial pat­
2017; Hu et al., 2018 Z. Song & Zhu, 2020b). However, despite broad terns of China’s border areas and draw certain conclusions about the
interest in analyzing the disparities in development along China’s border development situation and outlook on both sides of the border. How­
at a fine scale, reliable approaches remain contentious. ever, due to data and methodological constraints, few studies quanti­
A variety of spatial data have also been used to explore the devel­ tatively examine the spatiotemporal pattern of socioeconomic
opment of underdeveloped areas (Bennett & Smith, 2017; Levin et al., development on both sides of China’s border and investigate the dis­
2020; Zhu et al., 2019). Among them, global nighttime light (NTL) parities in driving forces influencing their development. Therefore, new
satellite data have been widely used as a proxy of human activities methodologies and datasets are urgently required to address these dif­
(Croft, 1978; Elvidge et al., 1999; L.Imhoff et al., 1997; Small et al., ficulties. In this study, utilizing the NTL dataset, we developed a novel
2011), especially in underdeveloped regions lacking quality socioeco­ method for assessing IHDI intensity, trends, and variation patterns along
nomic statistics. Previous studies have shown variations in NTL intensity China’s land border from 2000 to 2020. This study aims to reveal the
well mimic the spatiotemporal changes of human activities (Levin & temporal and spatial changes of the imbalanced socioeconomic devel­
Duke, 2012; Ma et al., 2015) and exhibit a strong correlation with opment along the land border of China. We also analyzed the socio­
numerous key socioeconomic variables, such as GDP (Doll et al., 2006; economic development differences between China and its neighboring
G. Li & Fang, 2014; Wu et al., 2013), poverty (Jean et al., 2016; Pokh­ countries and the reasons that could explain these differences. Given the
riyal & Jacques, 2017; Wang et al., 2012), disaster impacts (Brock, 2019; rapid development of new data sources and technology, the study’s
Fusilli et al., 2014; Khan et al., 2020), population density (Amaral et al., findings will offer the government a solid platform for establishing sci­
2005; X. Li & Zhou, 2018), and international economic and trading entific and reasonable border region development strategies, as well as
activities (Henderson et al., 2016). NTL also provides global coverage innovative ideas for monitoring the progress of border regions.
with a relatively high spatial and temporal resolution; hence, it has been
extensively utilized to investigate socioeconomic development in re­ 2. Study area and datasets
gions or nations that lack relevant statistics(Mirza et al., 2021).
In addition to gathering datasets with high spatiotemporal precision, 2.1. Study area
it is vital to employ uniform measuring standards and characterization
indicators to depict disparities and imbalances in regional development. This study investigates the NTL of 296 county-level administrative
Many indices have been proposed and applied to measure the level of units of nine provinces in China (AUCs) and 602 administrative units of
socioeconomic development of different regions. Among these indices, 14 neighboring nations of China (AUNs). To undertake a regional
the Human Development Index (HDI) has been shown to outperform analysis of the study area, the Chinese region was separated according to
several more recent indices as a general national-level index and has the zoning plan (Southwest, Tibet, Xinjiang, Inner Mongolia, and
become a prominent technique for measuring human welfare due to its Northeast) of China’s border regions as described in prior Chinese
extended covering time (1990 to the present) and a large number of literature (Z. Song & Zhu, 2020b). The administrative units were then
nations included (191 countries)(Comim & Hirai, 2022; Sanusi, 2008). divided into five groupings based on their physical location regarding to
The HDI has been utilized by developing nations as a reference in China: Southwest, Tibet, West, North, and Northeast (Fig. 1,Table 1).
formulating their development policies for decades. However, as times
advance, the world has higher spatiotemporal-level requirements for 2.2. Datasets
socioeconomic development assessment, highlighting the limitations of
HDI’s existing application. Due to many developing countries’ lacking of 2.2.1. Nighttime light (NTL) satellite data
multidimensional socioeconomic statistics, the HDI system contains We used the global extended NPP-VIIRS-like nighttime light time-
only a relatively small number of indicators (GDP per capita, life ex­ series (2000–2020) dataset that was collected by the Suomi National
pectancy, adult literacy rate, and comprehensive school attendance Polar Orbit Partner Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (NPP-
rate), making it challenging to reflect the region’s socioeconomic VIIRS) and produced by Chen et al. (2021). At the pixel level, the
development levels comprehensively(Klugman et al., 2011). In addition, dataset’s R2 and RMSE are 0.87 and 2.96, respectively, while at the city
regional-scale socioeconomic statistics are scarce in most developing level, they are 0.95 and 3024.62. This dataset’s full description is
countries, particularly for continuous time series(X. Chen & Nordhaus, available at https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/YGIVCD(Z. Chen et al.,
2011; McCallum et al., 2022; Sala-i-Martin, 2006). Consequently, HDI 2021).
was rarely used to compare socioeconomic development levels at a
regional scale(Sanusi, 2008). Furthermore, statistical criteria may vary 2.2.2. Administrative unit boundaries
substantially from country to country. The issues above necessitate the We obtained the boundaries of the administrative units from the
development of more effective methodologies for comparing regional Resource and Environment Data Center of the Chinese Academy of
socioeconomic levels across nations. Sciences and the Global Administrative Areas Database (GADM), which
It is well known that remote sensing variables have a high correlation provides the national, municipal, and district administrative boundaries
or multi-collinearity. Although it has been demonstrated that NTL sta­ and locations worldwide (https://gadm.org/data.html). In this study,
tistics are highly connected with the regional socioeconomic develop­ we used county-level administrative boundary data.
ment index, a precise understanding of their relationships still needs to
be improved. Therefore, a method that is objective, reasonable, and 2.2.3. Other datasets
replicable is required to perceive socioeconomic development levels We also obtained the socioeconomic statistics data (ie.census statis­
based on NTL data. During the past decade, machine learning techniques tics, social security, economic development and other indicator statis­
based on statistics have achieved impressive results in data prediction tics) from China County Statistical Yearbook of 2000 and 2010 census.
and variable evaluation across various fields and have grown in popu­ We used these dataset to calculate the “Improved Human Development
larity. Among them, Random Forest (RF) is becoming increasingly Index” (IHDI) for the county-level administrative units in China. Other
popular in nonlinear regression studies(Breiman, 2001). It can manage spatial data we obtained for this study include elevation, temperature,

N. Wan et al. Applied Geography 152 (2023) 102899

Fig. 1. Overview map showing the AUCs and AUNs of the study area. Labels in different color fonts represent different regions (blue: SW; orange: SWT; purple: W;
green: N; red: NE).

Table 1 Table 2
Regional divisions of the AUCs and AUNs. Ancillary spatial data used in this study.
Region AUCs-Provinces AUNs-Countries Datasets Description Sources

Southwest Yunnan, Guangxi Vietnam (VNM), Myanmar (MMR), Laos Elevation The Shuttle Radar Topography http://srtm.csi.cgiar.
(SW) (LAO) Mission (SRTM) digital elevation org
Southwest- Tibet India (IND), Nepal (NPL), Bhutan (BTN) models (DEM) with 90 m
Tibet (SWT) resolution
West (W) Xinjiang Afghanistan (AFG), Pakistan (PAK), The Temperature and WorldClim version 2 dataset with http://www.worldcl
Republic of Tajikistan (TJK), Kyrgyz precipitation a spatial resolution of 2.5 min im.org
Republic (KRZ), The Republic of (Annual Mean Temperature,
Kazakhstan (KAZ) Annual Precipitation)
North (N) Inner Mongolia, Mongolia (MNG) Population Landscan ambient population http://landscan.ornl.
Gansu density at a grid resolution of 1 gov/
Northeast (NE) Heilongjiang, Jilin, Russia (RUS), Democratic People’s km × 1 km
Liaoning Republic of Korea (PRK) Average ratio of crop Climate Change Initiative Land http://maps.elie.ucl.
land to urban land Cover (CCI-LC) data of the ac.be/CCI/viewer/
European Space Agency (ESA) download.php
precipitation, population density, travel time to cities, travel time to Average travel time The global accessibility map https://www.map.ox.
healthcare facilities, the ratio of agricultural to urban land (Table 2). to cities enumerating travel time to the ac.uk/accessibility_t
closest city for all areas between o_cities/
60◦ south and 85◦ north latitude.
3. Methods Average travel time The global map of optimal travel https://doi.org/10.
to healthcare time to a hospital or clinic at 1 km 1038/s41591-020-10
The technique framework for achieving the aims of this paper’s facilities resolution. 59-1
research has four crucial components. First, we established the evalua­
tion system of IHDI, including the selected indicators and their weights 3.1. The improved human development index (IHDI)
(Section 3.1); Next, we determined the nonlinear fitting relationship
between nighttime lighting dataset characteristics and IHDI values The level of regional socioeconomic development reflects a multi­
based on Random Forest modeling, and applied it to calculate IHDI dimensional capacity for comprehensiveness, and the use of socioeco­
values for each administrative unit in the border area in the continuous nomic statistics to analyze socioeconomic growth has been widely
time series from 2000 to 2020 (Section 3.2); after that, we used DTW recognized by scholars and practitioners(Milenkovic et al., 2014;
time series clustering, Thiel index, and other methods to analyze the Pokhriyal & Jacques, 2017; Yu et al., 2015). This study proposes the
pattern of IHDI changes and its regional differences on both sides of the IHDI to reflect the socioeconomic development of county-level admin­
borderline (Section 3.3-3.4); finally, the geographically weighted istrative units of AUCs and AUNs to address the issue that HDI in
regression model was used to investigate the driving forces behind the traditional studies is not adapted to the measurement of the socioeco­
differences in IHDI spatial distribution (Section 3.5). nomic capacity of regional or smaller-scale administrative units (as
stated in the introduction section). Here, we used a multidimensional
socioeconomic development index based on statistical data to quantify

N. Wan et al. Applied Geography 152 (2023) 102899

socioeconomic development using IHDI in various regions. According to According to the entropy theory, the lower the degree of system disor­
previous research and the socioeconomic condition of the research area der, the smaller the entropy value. According to the amount of infor­
(Puttanapong et al., 2022; Shi et al., 2020; Yu et al., 2015), we selected mation, the entropy method can determine the weight of each index.
twelve socioeconomic variables (Table 3), which include the develop­ Finally, the multicollinearity test was performed using the variance
ment in urbanization, economy, and society dimensions, were deemed inflation factor (VIF) method(Song & Zhu, 2020b), and the test results
to be mature indicators of the level of development and used to construct showed that the VIF results of all indicators were <4 (Table 3), which
the IHDI. means the selected indicators were no multicollinearity problem. These
Compared with the original HDI calculation system, our socioeco­ indicators can be included in the system to assess units’ socioeconomic
nomic assessment method has been enhanced and augmented in three development levels.
ways to meet the research objectives: First, we have added the urbani­ The unit IHDI was calculated using the following Eq. (1):
zation development dimension, measured by the ratio of the regional ∑
urban population to the total population. Numerous studies have found IHDIi = Iij ∗ Wj (1)
that the positive correlation between urbanization and many important
dimensions of regions’ socioeconomic development has also become where IHDIi is the IHDI value of the unit i, Iij is the j-th indicator value for
increasingly clear, with populations living in urban areas tending to unit i, and Wj is the weight of the j-th indicator.
have higher levels of health and education security and easier access to Considering the difficulty of obtaining fine-scale statistics in China’s
essential services such as water or electricity(Giles-Corti et al., 2016; border developing countries., we selected the 2096 county-level units
Pandey et al., 2022; Zhou et al., 2022). Second, we have broadened the with a complete list of indicators across China in this study and calcu­
scope of the indicators used to evaluate the degree of regional socio­ lated their IHDI values using the 2000 and 2010 socioeconomic statistics
economic development. In addition to GDP per capita, we assessed the (Fig. A1). These selected units have different geographical and climatic
degree of economic development based on the level of regional indus­ environments. In addition, they possess different levels of socioeco­
trial development (added value of secondary production per capita and nomic development.
industrial production value per capita above the scale) and the level of
residents’ income (income per capita, disposable income per capita).
Thirdly, we enhanced the evaluation of the assessment dimension for 3.2. Prediction model
social development. The education dimension includes the levels of
educational resources (schools, teachers) per capita, which reflects The relationship between nighttime lighting characteristics and
residents’ access to educational resources; the medical health dimension regional socio-economic development levels is non-linear, complex and
includes the number of beds per capita and the number of healthcare difficult to describe accurately. In this study, we established the corre­
workers per capita, which reflects residents’ access to health care lation between the NTL dataset and IHDI by applying a random forest
resources. model using the statistical properties of the NTL data for each admin­
In addition to the optimization in indicator selection, we also istrative unit. Random Forest (RF) model, a popular integrated machine
adjusted the method of assigning indicator weights. Unlike the original learning method, was chosen to fit the relationship between the two
HDI assessment system, which assigned the same weight to each indi­ variables because it has been demonstrated to be a reliable and robust
cator, we assigned weights according to the data distribution and model with high prediction ability and computation efficiency as
importance of the indicators. We awarded each dimension the same compared to many other modern algorithms in a number of interna­
weight. We assigned the weights to the individual variation within each tional studies (Breiman, 2001). It can handle the complex relationships
dimension using the entropy weighting method(Cui et al., 2018). We between predictors and is robust to noise (Arpaci et al., 2014;
initially normalized each variable based on its value range. Then, the Delgado-Baquerizo et al., 2017; Song & Zhu, 2020b). Based on a com­
entropy of each variable is calculated according to its definition, and the bination of related research(G. Li et al., 2019; J. Xu et al., 2021), we
coefficients of variation are continuously calculated. In the end, we selected eight NTL statistical characteristics for each administrative unit
determined the weight of each indicator using a hybrid model. regarding nighttime lighting data as the training features for the training
process. Each unit’s training features and descriptions used by Random
Table 3 Forest model are listed in Table 4. The measured-IHDI samples are
The variables and their weights that were used to calculate the IHDI. separated into two parts, the training dataset (80%), and the testing
dataset (20%), by way of random sampling without replacement. We
Dimension Classes Indicators Weights VIF
employed the grid search approach to optimize the parameters n esti­
urban Urban Urbanization rate 0.333 1.54 mators, max features, depth, and min sample leaves to increase the
model’s accuracy during the training process. Model prediction perfor­
Economic Regional GDP per capita 0.124 2.82
development economy mance was evaluated by the coefficient of determination (R2) and root
Industrial Per capita added value 0.06 3.37 mean squared error (RMSE) through the testing dataset.
Development of secondary industry Lastly, the trained model was applied to predict (We use the term
and tertiary industry
Per capita industrial 0.035 2.41
production value above Table 4
designated size The feature sets that were used to train the Random Forest models.
Human quality Per capita net income 0.063 2.02
Training Feature Description
of life Per capita disposable 0.051 2.18
Social Education Adult literacy rate 0.133 1.25 FS1 The sum of NTL DN values in each unit
development Average years of 0.101 1.37 FS2 The mean of NTL DN values in each unit
education FS3 The proportion of areas where the NTL DN value is greater
per student education 0.099 2.06 than 0
institutions FS4 The range of NTL DN values in each unit
Medical health Per capital number of 0.082 1.57 FS5 Standard deviation of NTL DN values in each research unit
beds in medical and FS6 The Maximum value of NTL DN values in each research
health institutions unit
Per capital doctors 0.136 1.65 FS7 The medium value of NTL DN values in each unit
Life expectancy 0.115 1.87 FS8 The mean value of pixels with NTL DN value greater than 0

N. Wan et al. Applied Geography 152 (2023) 102899

“prediction” to refer to estimates of IHDI values that are not directly 3.3.2. Fitted IHDI clustering pattern
observed) the IHDI value of each county-level administrative unit in the In this study, we associated the clustered IHDI time series with either
study area between 2000 and 2020. “RandomForest” in python’s sklearn linear, logarithmic, exponential, or sigmoid development modes (Ju
package (version 0.24.1) is used to implement the RandomForest algo­ et al., 2017; Zhang et al., 2020). The linear mode is characterized by
rithm. In summary, Fig. 2 illustrates the flow chart for the acquisition of continuous growth related to the level of regional socioeconomic
IHDI values for consecutive years (2000–2020) in the study area. development. The exponential model is characterized by slow growth in
the early stage and accelerated growth in the later stage. The logarith­
3.3. Modeling IHDI development patterns mic function shows that a region experiences rapid growth before the
growth reaches a development plateau. The last development mode, the
3.3.1. IHDI pattern clustering sigmoid function, represents slow growth in the early and later stages
We measured the similarity of the IHDI series of different units and and fast growth in between. We used the “Curve Fitting” tool in Matlab
obtained the clustering pattern of the socio-economic development in to identify the development mode for the clustering results derived from
the study area through the clustering method. We first standardized the the 2000–2020 IHDI time series. In addition, the coefficients of deter­
IHDI time series of each administrative unit using the method of zero- mination (R2), a standard F-test (p-value), and the root mean square error
mean normalization. If there is an offset between the two-time series, (RMSE) were applied to identify the best-fitting function.
the traditional time series distance calculation method will cause a slight
time deviation, resulting in a huge difference in its feature difference 3.4. Theil’s index for IHDI regional inequality
space. Consequently, the dynamic time warping (DTW) algorithm
(Kassidas et al., 1998; Ramaker et al., 2003) was applied to quantify the Theil’s index provides a quantitative measure for the inequality of
similarities of the standardized IHDI time series based on the distance IHDI levels at different temporal scales, which is easy to decompose. A
between the two time series in this study. The DTW distance refers to the higher Theil’s index corresponds to greater inequality(Chen, Zhang,
length of the best alignment (i.e., warped path) between two given time et al., 2019; Xu, 2020). We used the Theil Index (Dong & Hao, 2018;
series. The larger the DTW distance, the more significant difference Miśkiewicz, 2008; Shorrocks, 1980) to quantify the socioeconomic
between the two time series. development imbalance expressed by IHDI values among different AUCs
We then used the Kmeans++ method (Hartigan & Wong, 2013) to and AUNs regions. This index is calculated as Eq. (2).
cluster the administrative units based on the similarity distance of their ( )
1∑ n
yi yi
IHDI time series. The clustering was implemented using the sklearn T= log (2)
n i=1 y y
package of python 3.7 and we clustered the administrative units into
seven groups according to the Silhouette coefficients(Rousseeuw, 1987).
where yi and y are the IHDI value of region i and the average IHDI value
in the study area, respectively. N is the total number of administrative
units in the study area.
We further decomposed the Theil Index to examine the regional and
internal contribution rates to the overall imbalance based on the
connotation of the Thiel index. Details of the decomposition process of
the Thiel index can be found in the Appendix.

3.5. Driving factors analysis: geographically weighted regression

Our study covers a wide area with complex influencing factors and
significant spatial heterogeneity. The traditional analysis of global linear
regression models is based on least squares (OLS) models, which assume
uniform relationships between IHDI and each explanatory variable. As a
result, local or regional variations in regression model coefficients and
goodness-of-fit are not explored. Geographically weighted regression
(GWR) is a technique that incorporates a spatial weighting function,
combines geographic and attribute information, and obtains location-
specific results (Fotheringham et al., 2002). Instead of predicting
global values for regression coefficients, GWR permits these coefficients
and model goodness-of-fit to be generated for each unit separately in the
study area, representing the spatial non-smoothness of distinct spatial
characteristics and enhancing the accuracy of the results. Consequently,
we conducted geographically weighted regression using the “GWmodel”
package in R version 4.0.3(Gollini et al., 2015) with eight explanatory
variables to evaluate the various natural and socioeconomic factors that
influence regional IHDI values, which incorporates the spatial charac­
teristics of the data into the regression model(J. Chen et al., 2018; Lu
et al., 2014). The technical details of GWR are described in Appendix A.

4. Results

4.1. Evaluation of the estimated IHDI

The random forest model trained with NTL features performed well,
with cross-validated forecasts explaining 72.5% of the overall variation
Fig. 2. A flow chart showing the IHDI modeling and predicting process. in these results. The random forest model was further evaluated using

N. Wan et al. Applied Geography 152 (2023) 102899

the testing dataset, yielding an R2 of 0.82 and an RMSE of 0.03. The AUNs in the North have Low-level IHDI values. The NE region of AUNs
Pearson correlation coefficient between the model-predicted and the has the highest IHDI ratio above the Moderate-level, reaching 19.8%.
obtained IHDI values is 0.85 (Fig. 3a), indicating the trained Random The significant disparity in IHDI values and levels reveals extraordinary
Forest model with the selected NTL features is solid in explaining the socioeconomic development levels in AUCs and AUNs, despite their
explains the IHDI’s variability. almost identical geographic locations and climates. This could be
We also used the Random Forest model to predict the IHDI of the attributed to natural resource availability and development policies.
county-level administrative units in 37 Asian countries (Table A1). The
average predicted IHDI values by country were compared against the 4.2.2. Analysis of the IHDI trend
2018 National Human Development Index (HDI, 2018) released by The The IHDI trends results reveal distinct growth patterns for AUCs and
United Nations Development Programme. The predicted IHDI values AUNs (Fig. 5). Overall, the average IHDI of AUCs increased at a rate of
correlate well with the 2018 national HDI dataset, and the Pearson +0.0069 per year from 0.41 in 2000 to 0.55 in 2020 (p-value <0.05),
correlation and Spearman coefficients are 0.82 and 0.81 (Fig. 3b), while the average IHDI of AUNs increases at a rate of +0.0041 from 0.35
respectively. Such findings show that the random forest model con­ in 2000 to 0.43 in 2020 (p-value<0.05). In the long run, the socioeco­
structed using the data from China could be applied to the countries in nomic development gap between AUCs and AUNs will expand over time
Asia. Fig. A2 shows the predicted IHDI for the corresponding adminis­ (Fig. 5b). The growth trends of different administrative units also show
trative units in most Asian countries in 2018. spatial variations across our study area. All AUCs except those in Tibet
Autonomous Region have shown a rapid growth trend, particularly in
Xinjiang province (+0.009) and Inner Mongolia (+0.009). By contrast,
4.2. Spatiotemporal variations in IHDI
only the AUNs along the central Asian-China border (+0.006) and the
Russia-China border (+0.05) exhibited substantial expansion. The AUNs
4.2.1. Analysis of the level of IHDI
along the Mongolia-China border show little change (+0.001) in the
The IHDI values of AUCs and AUNs exhibit significant spatial het­
average IHDI from 2000 to 2020 (Fig. 5a).
erogeneity (Fig. 4). From 2000 to 2020, the annual mean IHDI values
In addition to the magnitude of the change trend values, AUCs and
vary between 0.30 and 0.72, with significant differences across our
AUNs demonstrate significant differences in the temporal patterns of
study area. We categorized the IHDI values into four levels (Very Low,
IHDI growth. The AUCs show an overall forward-leaping development
Low, Moderate, and High) using the natural breaks method (Fig. 4a).
mode. In contrast, the AUNs show a lagging mode (Fig. 5c). More spe­
Overall, the IHDI values of the AUCs are substantially greater than those
cifically, the increase in average IHDI at AUC decreased from 0.1 from
of the AUNs (0.49 vs. 0.39, T-value: 36.27, p-value<0.05). The AUCs
2000 to 2010 to 0.05 after 2010. The difference in the increase over time
show higher IHDI values in the North and Northeast of China, but lower
proves significant for administrative units of AUCs by T-test (t-value:
in the Southwest-Tibet (Fig. 4b). Specifically, the IHDI identifies a few
22.5, p-value<0.05). By contrast, the average IHDI value of the AUNs
hotspots in Inner Mongolia and Northeastern China, as well as cold spots
increased from 0.03 in 2000 to 0.05 in 2020, which was similarly sta­
in Tibet. In other words, socioeconomic development is more advanced
tistically significant (t-value: − 18.9, p-value<0.05). The AUCs and AUNs
in the Northern and Eastern AUCs. The southern and western AUCs, in
in different regions show different development modes. The forward-
comparison, is less developed. Such an uneven socioeconomic devel­
leaping mode is mainly found in the AUCs in Northern and North­
opment pattern could be attributed to the constraints of climate and
eastern China. Those in the SW show a more balanced growth from 2000
topography in our study area. The rough topography and alpine condi­
to 2020. The AUNs in the N, SWT and SW regions show a lagging
tions of the southern and western AUCs challenge human living and
development mode, whereas those in the other regions exhibit a more
social development (Chen, Zhang, et al., 2019). In contrast, most AUNs
balanced development over time.
have lower IHDI values, except those bordering the SWT region. In the
SWT region, the annual average IHDI for AUNs is 0.41, more significant
than in China (0.35). The AUNs around the Russian border had the 4.3. Evaluation of the difference and imbalance
highest average IHDI at 0.47, which is still lower than the AUCs in
northeastern China (0.55). 4.3.1. Variations of the IHDI across our study area
We also show the distribution of units at different IHDI levels in We split the border of interest into 25 segments, with each about 150
AUCs and AUNs (Fig. 4c–d). Approximately 51.6% of AUCs in northern km long, and the IHDI values show a significant difference in the seg­
China have IHDI values greater than 0.55. In comparison, 93.8% of ments in the north, although there was no significant difference between

Fig. 3. The model predicted IHDI by administrative units against the survey IHDI (a); The model predicted average value of national county-level IHDI against the
countries’ HDI (b).

N. Wan et al. Applied Geography 152 (2023) 102899

Fig. 4. Spatial distribution of IHDI values in AUCs and AUNs and its regional statistical analysis; (a) A map showing the mean IHDI values; (b) Comparison of the
AUCs and AUNs IHDI values; Sub-regional IHDI levels statistics of AUCs(c) and AUNs(d).

N. Wan et al. Applied Geography 152 (2023) 102899

Fig. 5. The Mapping of the IHDI growth trends and its regional statistics in the AUCs and AUNs. (a) A map showing the IHDI’s trend; (b) The overall IHDI time series
of the AUCs and the AUNs; (c) The changes of the IHDI values in the AUCs and AUNs.

N. Wan et al. Applied Geography 152 (2023) 102899

the AUCs and AUNs in the southern segments (Fig. 6a, c). The segments and southwest Mongolia. The three segments (2nd-4th) along the border
were further categorized into six quadrants using their IHDI values and in Yunnan all fall into the V quadrant, suggesting that although the AUCs
the means. Approximately 80% of the 25 segments are located in the and AUNs here show a relatively low level of socioeconomic develop­
right quadrants (I, II, V, and VI), indicating that the average IHDI of ment, the AUCs have better levels than the AUNs.
AUCs in these segments is much greater than that of AUNs, and these We also calculated the average IHDI difference per segment and
segments are spatially concentrated around the northern and western Fig. 6c shows the annual changes in the IHDI difference values. The 14th
China’s border (Fig. 6a and b). The segments with the most apparent gap to 20th segments along the northern land border show the most signif­
in the VI quadrant between the AUCs and AUNs are mainly found along icant difference and the gap keeps growing from 2000 to 2020. For
the border of Xinjiang, Inner Mongolia, Jilin and Liaoning. In particular, example, the IHDI difference in the 5th segment has increased from 0.07
the 15th segment demonstrates a considerable discrepancy between the in 2000 to 0.27 in 2020. Along the 5th and 9th segments, the IHDI
mean IHDI values, indicating a drastic disparity in the development difference values are higher in the AUNs than those in the AUCs over the
levels of AUCs and AUNs along the border between northwestern China period and the gap becomes narrow. More specifically, the average

Fig. 6. The mapping and statistic annual change of the IHDI difference value for each segment. (a) A map showing the segments along the border; (b) The average
IHDI values of the AUCs and AUNs along the segments; (c) Temporal changes of the IHDI difference between the AUCs and AUNs along the segments.

N. Wan et al. Applied Geography 152 (2023) 102899

difference in the 5th segment increased from − 0.03 to +0.03, and that of development potential in the future. In contrast to other regions, 63.8%
the 9th segment increased from − 0.05 to − 0.01. By contrast, the IHDI of AUCs in the SWT show exponential growth. Even though the natural
values of the AUCs and AUNs along the 9th and 21st segments do not environment severely inhibits economic development in the SWT, the
differ significantly during the study period. government’s policy support and assistance are crucial to the rapid
development growth of AUCs in this region.
4.3.2. The imbalanced IHDI By contrast, 34.2% and 18.6% of AUNs exhibited exponential and
Fig. 7 shows the temporal changes of the Theil index of the AUCs and stagnant development patterns, respectively. The AUNs with stable and
AUNs IHDI values, as well as the Theil index contribution rates. From exponential development modes are evenly distributed across our study
0.60 in 2000 to 0.09 in 2020, the Theil Index of the AUCs continuously area. The stagnating socioeconomic growth of AUCs along the China-
decreased, showing a decline in regional imbalance. In comparison, the Mongolia and China-North Korea borders has widened the IHDI gap
AUNs’ Theil index gradually rose from 0.21 in 2000 to 0.29 in 2020. between AUCs and AUNs. It is worth noting that no dominant devel­
Before 2007, the Theil index of the AUCs was greater than that of the opment mode was identified for AUCs and AUNs in the SWT region,
AUNs, while the opposite is true after 2007. In the early 2000s, the AUCs which may be attributed to the different impacts of internal politics,
in our research area exhibited a profoundly uneven development, culture, topography, climate, and other factors in these administrative
mitigated by the strong growth in the SWT and W regions. In contrast to units.
the AUCs, the AUNs exhibit an increase in imbalance, and countries such
as Mongolia and North Korea have made no major social or economic 4.5. Exploration of the driving factors
growth, but other regions have exhibited more remarkable social and
economic development (Fig. 7a). Both natural environmental and socioeconomic factors may have a
Fig. 7b quantifies the contribution rates to the imbalanced devel­ significant regional impact on the distribution of IHDI, as determined by
opment in the AUCs from 2000 to 2020. The contribution rate to GWR. Fig. 9 illustrates the direction and strength of the relationships of
regional inequality increased to 59% in 2012, primarily due to rapid the factors to the IHDI, as well as their determination coefficients. Out of
development in northern and northeastern China in the early 2000s. The all the variables, population density is the factor that can best explain
increased inter-region imbalance before 2012 is the main reason for the the variations in the IHDI values. Approximately 70.23% of the units
IHDI inequality across the AUCs. Since 2012, fast development in other were significant, with only a few in the NE characterized by no signifi­
regions has narrowed the IHDI gap, and the imbalanced contribution cant relationship. In significant units, approximately 90.20% are posi­
rate between groups has dropped. The AUNs show no significant inter- tive relationships. The elevation is the most important among the
region imbalance (<10%) and temporal changes. natural environmental factors, and 68.45% of the units have significant
explanatory relationships. It is an inhibitor of development in most re­
4.4. IHDI clustering results analysis gions, particularly the SWT and W regions. Notably, the harsher envi­
ronment hinders these regions’ social and economic growth.
By clustering the patterns of IHDI values over time for each admin­
istrative unit in the study area, we can summarize the development 5. Discussion
patterns of socioeconomics in different regions. The AUCs and AUNs
show two exponential, two logarithm, one linear, one sigmoid, and one 5.1. Improvements compared to the previous study
stagnant development modes based on the clustering results (Fig. 8). In
general, 50.3% and 23.6% of the AUCs exhibit a logarithmic and sig­ It is necessary to implement effective metrics to assess socioeconomic
moid development mode, indicating socioeconomic growth expediates development disparities between regions or countries and monitor
from 2000 to 2010 and then enters a plateau after 2010. Regarding progress toward global sustainable development goals. Traditional
spatial distribution, the AUCs with the sigmoid and logarithmic devel­ methods for measuring regional socioeconomic developments currently
opment modes are mainly found in the N and NE of our study area. In rely on household surveys that are rarely conducted in many parts of the
contrast, the AUCs in the SW and W regions are predominantly char­ world, are typically updated slowly, and have limited coverage(Burke
acterized by a linear development mode and may show dramatic Marshall et al., 2021; Watmough et al., 2019). In the absence of

Fig. 7. The temporal changes of the Theil index (a) and the contribution change between regions(b).

N. Wan et al. Applied Geography 152 (2023) 102899

Fig. 8. Distribution and statistics of IHDI change patterns in different administrative units in the study area. A map showing the changing pattern of IHDI (a);
Statistics of change patterns in different regions (b).

fine-scale socioeconomic statistics in developing countries on a global Our findings and methodology advance the understanding of the
scale, our study evaluated the socioeconomic development of the development disparities along the China land border from multiple
fine-scale administrative units along China’s border from 2000 to 2020 vantage points. This study highlights critical concerns in locations where
using NTL data for the first time. It verified the results’ reliability by the distribution of the IHDI is extremely unequal (China-MNG bordering
comparing the Chinese IHDI with the national-level HDI. We success­ area and China-PRK bordering area). These findings will spark our
fully obtained the socioeconomic development differences along the attention and motivate further investigation. To reach a “win-win” sit­
border regarding IHDI level, pattern, and driving factors over the long uation in the context of global development, it is necessary to under­
term. More importantly, we discovered that these spatiotemporal stand the complementing advantages of different nations and to engage
characteristics are strongly associated with regional conditions and in substantial energy, resource, and good exchanges and collaboration.
national policies, which will significantly impact regional and national In addition to mapping the spatiotemporal IHDI distribution and its
research and policy. As a pioneering and exploratory study, the results trends at fine scales, we applied clustering techniques to identify the
can effectively reflect the development dynamics of the border region. patterns of IHDI change in various regions. AUC belongs to forward-
We hope the ideas inform future researchers and governmental decisions leaping development and is dominated by logarithmic or sigmoid
to promote balanced regional development. This new schema will cause change patterns; However, AUNs generally belongs to backward-leaning
lower costs in time and money for the government and policymakers in or stagnant development and is dominated by exponential and stagnant
comparing regional socioeconomic development gaps. change patterns. The discovery can assist us in determining the

N. Wan et al. Applied Geography 152 (2023) 102899

Fig. 9. The GWR-derived coefficients of the drivers on the IHDI distribution.

socioeconomic development trajectories of various regions and formu­ conditions for human survival. However, in recent years, the Chinese
lating targeted strategies. government has invested a substantial amount of money in supporting
the development of this region. The construction of hydropower sta­
5.2. Potential factors influencing IHDI spatiotemporal characteristics tions, the China-Nepal Highway, the Qinghai-Tibet Railway, and other
major national projects has bolstered Tibet’s socioeconomic develop­
The border areas are typically distant from the regional economic ment(Bao, 2021; S. Li et al., 2018; Murton, 2020). Since 2010, its IHDI
center and experience more significant disadvantages in transport, values have grown exponentially, reducing the IHDI gap between it and
infrastructure, and educational, social, and financial capital-related the neighboring Indian regions in the corresponding geographic loca­
opportunities. In addition, receiving the active radiation effect and tion. Besides China’s SWT region, the SW is a government-driven eco­
less public attention is difficult. Motivated by the sustainable develop­ nomic development region. Approximately 47.1% of the units in the SW
ment goals, we must comprehend the causes of these regions’ lagging region exhibit linear pattern development. Due to the implementation of
development and formulate policies tailored to local conditions to China’s western development strategy and the development of express
achieve comprehensive and balanced development. delivery of infrastructure construction in recent years, these areas are in
The surrounding environment significantly influences the quality of a relatively good development situation. Comparing the two sides re­
regional socioeconomic development. We found that the differences in veals that the N regions along the land border have similar regional
IHDI between China’s border regions and other regions are primarily environmental and climatic characteristics, but their development status
attributable to regional factors, particularly the unique natural envi­ is distinct. The development of China’s Inner Mongolia benefited from
ronmental conditions that have widened the gap between China’s SWT China’s continuous economic development. It engages in trade cooper­
region and other regions(D. Chen, Zhang, et al., 2019; Ge et al., 2019; Z. ation with other regions based on its abundant resources and rapid so­
Song & Zhu, 2020a). The SWT border region of China is separated from cioeconomic development. Regarding human resources, technology,
neighboring countries by the Himalayas, where the climate is cold, arid and resource extraction, Mongolia cannot adequately support its border
and prone to natural disasters, hence increasing the cost of regional regions. The development gap between the two will continue to widen
economic development(Ge et al., 2019). Consequently, its natural over time. A similar situation occurs along the border between China
environmental variables are the fundamental explanation for the prev­ and North Korea(Piao et al., 2015).
alence of low IHDI values. Geographically, borderlands are typically
socially marginalized regions with inadequate infrastructure and loca­ 5.3. Limitations and future research
tion conditions(T. Song et al., 2017; Xiao et al., 2021). However, so­
cioeconomic factors may affect the further development of IHDI(Z. Song Even though we have obtained reliable results in analyzing socio­
& Zhu, 2020a). The high value of IHDI in China’s border regions is economic development inequalities along China’s land borders, several
primarily distributed in the N and NE regions, which provide good things could still be improved. First, due to the quality limits of night­
development conditions, but the IHDI index exhibits sigmoid or loga­ time light data, it is often challenging to differentiate rural interiors or
rithmic function changes due to traffic and location conditions. After hilly regions using only nighttime light photos, which could affect the
2010, the development speed of IHDI has been slow or even stagnant. Its accuracy of our model results; Second, the scarcity and unreliability of
unfavorable location, population loss, and imbalanced economic and accurate statistical data across countries make it difficult to train and
industrial structure severely impede its development. validate satellite-based models; Third, we only conducted research
In addition to natural environmental and socioeconomic factors, along China’s border, so its contribution to the global understanding of
policy support is also a key driving force for regional development. From socioeconomic development variations may be limited.
the perspective of China’s border regions, Tibet’s socioeconomic Future research will rely heavily on our ability to overcome these
development has been hampered for a long time by unsuitable limitations. We listed three works that would be particularly useful in

N. Wan et al. Applied Geography 152 (2023) 102899

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