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REG. NO.: L1S23MCE0003

JUNE 14, 2023


 Admixtures are materials that are added to soil to improve its properties.
 They can be used to increase the strength, stiffness, or permeability of soil.
 Admixtures can also be used to reduce the cost of soil improvement projects.
 Admixtures are materials that are added to soil to improve its properties. Admixtures
can be organic or inorganic materials. They are typically added to soil in small
quantities, but they can have a significant impact on the properties of the soil.
 Admixtures can be used to increase the strength, stiffness, or permeability of soil.
Strength is the ability of a material to resist deformation. Stiffness is the ability of a
material to resist changes in shape. Permeability is the ability of a material to allow
water to flow through it.
 Admixtures can also be used to reduce the cost of soil improvement projects.
Admixtures can be used to reduce the amount of fill material that is needed. They can
also be used to improve the workability of soil, which can make it easier to compact
and place.
Types of Admixtures

 Cement
 Lime
 Bentonite
 Polymers
Types of Admixtures
 Cement is a common admixture that is used to increase the strength and stiffness of
soil. It is also used to improve the durability of soil. Cement is a fine powder that is
made by heating limestone and clay. When cement is mixed with water, it forms a
paste that hardens over time.
 Lime is another common admixture that is used to increase the strength and stiffness
of soil. It is also used to improve the workability of soil. Lime is a white powder that is
made by burning limestone. When lime is mixed with water, it forms a paste that reacts
with the soil to form calcium carbonate. Calcium carbonate is a strong material that
can help to improve the strength and stiffness of soil.
Types of Admixtures
 Bentonite is a clay that is used to improve the water retention capacity of soil. It is
also used to improve the stability of soil. Bentonite is a natural clay that is made up of
montmorillonite. Montmorillonite is a type of clay that has a high water absorption
capacity. When bentonite is mixed with water, it forms a gel that can help to hold water
in the soil. This can help to improve the workability of soil and make it less likely to
 Polymers are long chain molecules that are used to increase the strength and
stiffness of soil. They are also used to improve the durability of soil. Polymers are
made up of many smaller molecules that are linked together. When polymers are
mixed with water, they form a network of long chains. This network can help to
improve the strength and stiffness of soil.
Benefits of Using Admixtures

 Increased strength
 Increased stiffness
 Improved permeability
 Reduced cost
Benefits of Using Admixtures

 Increased strength: Admixtures can be used to increase the strength of soil by filling
in the voids between soil particles. This can make the soil more resistant to
deformation and erosion.
 Increased stiffness: Admixtures can be used to increase the stiffness of soil by
binding the soil particles together. This can make the soil more resistant to changes in
shape and settlement.
 Improved permeability: Admixtures can be used to improve the permeability of soil by
making the soil less cohesive. This can help to drain water from the soil and prevent it
from becoming saturated.
 Reduced cost: Admixtures can be used to reduce the cost of soil improvement
projects by reducing the amount of fill material that is needed. They can also be used
to improve the workability of soil, which can make it easier to compact and place.
Benefits of Using Admixtures

 Cementitious stabilizers typically increase compressive strength, shear strength,

tensile strength, and modulus of elasticity (soil stiffness), and those reactions can
continue for months, continuing to improve those properties.
 Freeze-thaw and moisture resistance are also significantly enhanced by cementitious
 Control of swell in potentially expansive soils is often a primary goal and objective of
treatment with calcium-based admixtures.
Clay and Lime Mineralogy

 Soil improvement and ground modification methods particles carry a net negative
charge on their surfaces as a result of isomorphous substitution and a break in
continuity of the mineral structure at the edges. The magnitude of the charge is
greater for those clays with higher specific surfaces. The net negative charge then
attracts positively charged ions and the positively charged ends of dipolar molecules.
 Figure 1.1 shows an idealized schematic diagram of a clay particle.
 Water molecules are dipolar, meaning that they have a preferential orientation with
positive and negative charges at each end (Figure 1.2).
 In the presence of water, the net negative charge of a clay particle attracts the positive
end of dipolar water molecules. As more water molecules attach themselves to a clay
particle by attractive electrical charge, they form a layer surrounding the clay particle.
Figure 1.1: Clay particle schematic sowing attraction of positively charged ions and dipoles to
negatively charged surface.

Figure 1.2: Schematic of a dipole water molecule.

Clay and Lime Mineralogy

 When the positively charged ends of the water molecules are aligned with the negative
charges of the clay surface, the outer edge of the water layer then provides a net
negative charge that in turn attracts more positive charges, often in the form of
another water layer. This configuration of water electrically attracted to the clay is
termed the “double water layer,” or “diffuse double layer” (Figure 1.3). This bounded
water acts to effectively buffer between the clay particles, which affects several
distinctive engineering properties of the material. The individual particles are kept
from intimate edge-to-edge contact, known as a dispersed structure (Figure 1.4a).
When the double water layer is significantly reduced, primarily due to a change in
available net negative electric charge, the clay particles are allowed to have more
contact with each other, forming a flocculated structure (Figure 1.4b).
Figure 1.3: Representation of the diffuse double (water) layer..

Figure 1.4: Clay particle structure (a) flocculated, (b) dispersed.

Clay and Lime Mineralogy

 Once mixed with the soil, the lime can then initiate cation exchange, replacing lower
charge cations adsorbed on the surface of clay particles with high positive charge
calcium cations (Ca++). This will reduce the net negative charge, which in turn causes
dissipation of the diffuse double layer and a lesser attraction of water.
 Long-term reactions include pozzolanic reactions or cementation (Figures 1.5 and 1.6).
This is where soils that contain a suitable amount of silica or alumina clay minerals (or
added pozzolanic material such as fly ash), or the fine material already contained in
Portland cement, react with the calcium and water to produce insoluble calcium silica
hydrates, CSH (and/ or calcium alumina hydrates, CAH, CASH). In addition, additional
lime can react with moisture and carbon dioxide to form(or reform) calcium carbonate.
Figure 1.5: Schematic of complex soil-lime cementation resulting from pozzolanic reactions.
Figure 1.6: Micrograph of a reacted soil-lime mixture.
Concerns of Using Lime and Cement Stabilization

 A serious concern has been recognized for instances where a calcium-based stabilizer
has been applied to a soil containing significant sulfates. While lime has been proven
to minimize swell in many expansive clays, a number of notable cases have shown
that long-term reactions with sulfate-rich soils can lead to the generation of secondary
minerals such as ettringite and thaumasite. Crystallization of these minerals may
cause expansion of the treated soils and damaging heave to overlying pavements over
longer periods of time (e.g., several months or years). A number of studies have been
conducted to identify the role of soil mineralogy and varying sulfate content on
ettringite generation and have proposed a tolerable threshold level of sulfate, usually
measured as “soluble sulfate” .
Selection of Admixtures

 The type of soil

 The desired properties
 The cost
Selection of Admixtures

 The type of soil: The type of soil will determine the type of admixture that is needed.
For example, clay soils may need an admixture that improves the permeability of the
soil, while sandy soils may need an admixture that increases the strength of the soil.
 The desired properties: The desired properties of the soil will also determine the type
of admixture that is needed. For example, if the desired property is increased strength,
then an admixture that reacts with the soil to form a cementitious matrix may be used.
If the desired property is improved workability, then an admixture that reduces the
water content of the soil may be used.
 The cost: The cost of admixtures can vary widely. It is important to consider the cost
of the admixture when selecting the right admixture for the project.
Selection of Admixtures

 In addition to these factors, it is also important to consider the following:

 The availability of the admixture: Some admixtures may not be available in all areas.
 The technical expertise required to use the admixture: Some admixtures can be
difficult to use properly.
 The environmental impact of the admixture: Some admixtures can have negative
environmental impacts.
Cement Stabilization

 Cement is the most common admixture used to improve soil.

 It is used to increase the strength and stiffness of soil.
 Cement-stabilized soil is often used for road construction
and foundation work.
Lime Stabilization

 Lime is another common admixture used to improve soil.

 It is used to increase the strength and stiffness of soil.
 Lime-stabilized soil is often used for agricultural purposes
and for the construction of earthworks.
Bentonite Stabilization

 Bentonite is a clay that is used to improve the water

retention capacity of soil.
 Bentonite-stabilized soil is often used for foundation work
and for the construction of dams and levees.
Polymer Stabilization

 Polymers are long chain molecules that are used to improve

the strength and stiffness of soil.
 Polymer-stabilized soil is often used for road construction
and foundation work.
Admixtures for Specific Applications

 There are many admixtures that are designed for specific

 For example, there are admixtures that are designed to
improve the workability of soil, admixtures that are designed
to reduce the drying shrinkage of soil, and admixtures that
are designed to improve the resistance of soil to chemical
Admixtures for Sustainable Development

 Admixtures can be used to improve the sustainability of soil

improvement projects.
 For example, admixtures can be used to reduce the amount
of fill material that is needed, admixtures can be used to
improve the water retention capacity of soil, and admixtures
can be used to improve the resistance of soil to erosion.
Mixing and Placing Admixtures

 Thoroughly mix the soil.

 Add the admixture and mix thoroughly.
 Place the soil in the desired location.
 Compact the soil properly.
Limitations of Using Admixtures

 Cost
 Availability
 Technical expertise
Limitations of Using Admixtures

 Cost: Admixtures can be expensive, especially when

compared to other methods of soil improvement, such as
compaction or drainage.
 Availability: Admixtures may not be available in all areas.
This is especially true for newer admixtures that are still
being developed.
 Technical expertise: Admixtures can be difficult to use
properly. This is especially true for newer admixtures that
have not been widely used.
Limitations of Using Admixtures

Here are some additional limitations of using admixtures:

 Admixtures can have negative environmental impacts. For
example, some admixtures can contaminate groundwater or
contribute to air pollution.
 Admixtures can react with other materials in the soil. This can
sometimes lead to unexpected results, such as changes in the
strength or stiffness of the soil.
 Admixtures can degrade over time. This can reduce their
effectiveness and lead to problems with the soil.

 Admixtures can be a very effective way to improve soil

 However, it is important to select the right admixtures, mix
and place them properly, and monitor the results of soil
improvement projects.
 Admixtures are a versatile tool that can be used to improve
the properties of soil.
 They can be used to increase the strength, stiffness,
permeability, and sustainability of soil.
 Admixtures can be a valuable asset for engineers and
contractors who are involved in soil improvement projects.
Name: Daniyal Ejaz
Reg. No: L1S23MSCE0001
Discipline: MS (Civil Engineering)
Faculty: Faculty of Engineering
Soil Improvement
Thermal Treatments

Thermal treatment refers to the modification and stabilization of soils by two

1. Heat Treatment (for improving properties of Clayey Soils)
2. Ground Freezing (for temporary treatments and stabilizations of soil)
Heat Treatments
Heat Treatment of Soils:
• Heat treatment for soil stabilization includes burning petroleum products
directly in soil borings and surface heating from close proximity burners of
travelling heaters.
• Heat treatment is an effective method of soil for fine-grained (clayey) soils.
• Heat can affect clay chemistry and has the ability to alter clay mineralogy
allowing for improved engineering properties of these materials.
• Granular soils are generally unaffected by the application of heat at
temperatures less than 1000℃, with the exception of drying, which has little
effect on engineering properties of these soil types.
Different Affects of Temperatures in Heat Treatment of Soil:

• Temp. 100℃ cause drying and significant increase in the strength of clays,
along with decrease in their compressibility.
• At 400℃ temperature, improves the engineering properties of clay like
decreased compressibility, reduced plasticity, reduced swelling potential,
lower optimum moisture content and increased strength.
• At 500℃ temperature cause permanent changes in the structure of clays
resulting in decrease of plasticity and moisture adsorption capacity.
• At 1000℃ cause fusion of the clay particles into a solid substance much like
Improvements and Applications of Ground Heating:

• It is reported that heat has changed expansive clay into an non-expansive

• Burning of liquid or gas fuels in boreholes or injection of hot air into 0.15m
to 0.2m diameter boreholes can produce 1.3m to 2.5m diameter stabilized
zones after continuous treatment for about 10 days.
• Studies and researches showed that soil strength increases up to 10-20 times.
Disadvantages of Ground Heating of Soil:

• In situ improvement at depth has been successful only where there is a source
of relatively low-cost fuels. As a result, this approach has all but disappeared,
given the rise in fuel costs and other environmental considerations.
Ground Freezing
Ground Freezing:
• The principle of ground freezing is that when the moisture (pore water) in the soil
freezes, the soil particles are bound together, creating a rigid structure with
considerable strength and stiffness.
• Unlike heat treatment, artificial freezing may be applicable to a wide range of soil
types, grain sizes and ground conditions. Fundamentally, the only requirement is that
the ground has soil moisture (pore water).
• Ground freezing is always only a temporary stabilization technique. An important
attribute is that frozen soil nearly becomes impermeable material.
• The technique is currently used for the temporal increase of strength and temporal
shut off of water seepage around open cuts, shaft excavations, and tunnelling.
• Frozen ground can have increased shear strengths of up to 20 times that of unfrozen
soil (or nearly twice that of concrete) by combining the inherent soil shear strength
with that of ice.
Ground Freezing Techniques
Ground Freezing Techniques:
Freezing is typically induced by insertion of equally spaced pipes circulating
super cooled brine (often < -25℃ to 30℃) or, more expensive but much
quicker, by injection of liquid nitrogen (LN2), which boils at -196 ℃.
In the case of using brine,
the solution is circulated
down a central tube and
back up through the
annulus to extract heat
from the surrounding soil
as shown in the Fig.

Schematic example of freezing by circulating super cooled brine

A strong saline (usually Calcium Chloride) solution has a much lower freezing
point that that of typical pore water and will therefore remain fluid even at
temperatures as low as -35℃.
The pipes are usually
placed in a row or “line”
to provide a continuous
wall or temporary
“structural” element to
support higher loads and/or
provide a hydraulic
barrier for groundwater
Example of how the frozen zone surrounding freeze pipes eventually joins
to form a continuous strong, impermeable “wall.”

• Using liquid nitrogen for ground freezing is more costly due to the expense of
the nitrogen (which is expended and, therefore, must be regularly replenished
to maintain freezing), but due to the extremely low temperatures generated
(-196 ℃ or -320 °F), freezing will be very rapid.
• In addition, the necessary cooling equipment is substantially less involved
and, therefore, less costly than a brine cooling unit, and may not require a
locally available power supply.
• Liquid nitrogen is also non-flammable and nontoxic, and it can be easily
transported in tanks. These attributes make freezing with liquid nitrogen
advantageous for emergency stabilization at remote sites.
The liquid gas is pumped directly into copper freeze pipes installed in (or in
emergencies, driven into) the ground, which immediately freezes adjacent
surrounding ground as the liquid nitrogen vaporizes as shown in Figures.
• The vaporized cold nitrogen
(i.e., exhaust gas) further
extracts heat as it flows back
out of the ground.
• This process may be
practical for small, short-
term projects and/or for
emergency stabilization.
Application of freezing by injecting liquid nitrogen. Schematic example of freezing by injecting liquid nitrogen
Applications of Ground
Applications of Ground Freezing:

• Because successful ground freezing

fundamentally relies only on there being enough
moisture in the ground, it is applicable to
virtually all earth materials, making this method
more versatile for temporary water cut-off than
many others.
• Fig. demonstrates the range of applicability of
freezing compared to other common cut-off
Freezing applicability compared to other improvement methods for
ground support
Ground freezing has been successfully used for:
• Temporary construction elements (e.g.,
excavations shown in figure, cofferdams,
underpinning of existing structures, stabilization
for tunnelling, etc.).
• Incipient or active slope failure stabilization.
• Containment (or exclusion) of contaminated
• Hazardous wastes and toxic “spills”
undisturbed sampling of cohesion less soils,
and so forth.

Frozen ground for excavation shoring

• At the same time, frozen ground provides a
hydraulic barrier for temporary seepage
control of construction dewatering applications.
• As such, freezing eliminates the need for costly
construction of both structural shoring systems
and dewatering (hydraulic barrier) systems.
• In addition, freezing can provide a hard, durable
working surface even in soft and/or wet soils.
• Figure shows a freezing project for excavation
of a deep shaft. Freezing around the periphery of a deep-shaft construction.
An example of using freezing for tunnelling in a “sensitive” environment involved the
temporary excavation support and groundwater cut-off for the construction of a dual transit
tunnel beneath historic buildings supported on timber piles. The tunnel was constructed through
hundreds of the existing piles without any disturbance to the fully occupied buildings above.

Northern Boulevard Crossing, New York

City (Queens), NY In this case, a 40m
(130ft) section of tunnel was to be
constructed beneath heavily travelled
Northern Boulevard, an active subway
The solution was to use ground freezing with
horizontal freeze pipes to support the
excavation. Due to the sensitivity of the Schematic design and photograph of horizontal freeze pipe array for
support of tunnel section in a congested urban setting.
surrounding infrastructure, special care had
to be taken to accurately monitor
temperatures and deformations
Video Link of Previous Slide:
Presented By: Ahmad Hassan (L1F22MSCE0001)
Course Name: Soil Improvement Techniques
Course Teacher: Dr. M. Awais Shafique
• Introduction.
• How does Electro-Osmosis Work?
• Electrical Vertical Drains (EVD).
• Applications & Benefits of Electro-Osmosis.
• Factors affecting Electro-Osmosis.
• Limitations of Electro-Osmosis.
• Conclusion
• Electro-osmosis is a soil improvement technique that uses an electric current
to move water through soil. This can be used to dewater soils, consolidate
clay soils, remove contaminants and improve the strength of soils.
• Electro-osmosis technology has been used since 1930s for removing water
from clay and silty soils.
How Does Electro-Osmosis Work?
• Electroosmosis works by applying a direct current (DC) to two electrodes placed in
the soil. The negatively charged electrode (cathode) attracts positively charged ions
in the soil, while the positively charged electrode (anode) attracts negatively charged
ions. This creates an electric field that causes the water molecules in the soil to move
towards the cathode.
• The water will flow out due to the ions with positive charge that are created by
applying a direct current. The water content of the soil is decreased since the water
can not enter in the anode (positively charged electrode) of the system. This results
to the consolidation of the soil.
How Does Electro-Osmosis Work?
• The rate of water movement through the soil is controlled by the strength of
the electric field, the type of soil, and the amount of water in the soil.
• Electroosmosis is most effective in soils with high clay content and low
Electrical Vertical Drains (EVD)
The electrodes that are used in conventional electro-osmosis treatment are made of steel,
aluminum and copper. These metallic electrodes corrode rapidly during the treatment, which
reduces the treatment efficiency. Recently many researchers have tried to change the
conventional electro-osmosis technique so that the corrosion is reduced and the advantages of
PVD added to it. Chew (2004) proposed the Electrical Vertical Drains (EVD) as the electrode
for electro-osmosis technique by assuming that the electric current is passed through
conducting polymer. EVD are in the form of a sheet usually made of copper foil in the middle
surrounded by conductive polymer.
Applications & Benefits
of Electro-Osmosis
• Drainage:
Electroosmosis can be used to improve drainage in soils that are poorly drained. This can
help to prevent waterlogging and improve crop yields. Electro-osmotic technique has the
potential to overcome limitations of very slow and in some cases effectively zero hydraulic flow
in fine grained, low permeability materials such as silts and clays.
Hydraulic permeability is related to grain size but the electro-osmotic permeability is
independent of grain size. This means that electro-osmosis can result in flow rates 100 to 1000
times greater than hydraulic flow in fine grained materials because the value of electro-osmosis
permeability (Ke) is greater than that of the hydraulic permeability (Kh). Therefore, electro-
osmosis can be considered for projects that require a rapid improvement in the properties of
soft clayey soil.
Applications & Benefits
of Electro-Osmosis
• Contaminant removal:
Electroosmosis can be used to remove contaminants from soil. This is done by
applying an electric field to the soil that causes the contaminants to move towards the
cathode. The contaminants can then be collected at the cathode and disposed of properly.
• Consolidation:
Electroosmosis can be used to consolidate soils that are loose and unstable. This can
help to improve the bearing capacity of the soil and reduce the risk of settlement.
Factors affecting Electro-Osmosis
• Strength of the electric field:
The strength of the electric field is the most important factor affecting the rate of water
• Type of soil:
The type of soil affects the rate of water movement. Clay soils (with low permeability) are
more effective than sandy soils.
Factors affecting Electro-Osmosis
• Amount of water in the soil:
The amount of water in the soil affects the rate of water movement. Soils with more water
are more effective than soils with less water.
Limitations of Electro-Osmosis
• Time-consuming:
Electroosmosis can be time-consuming for installing the electrodes and to operate the
• Difficult to control:
The rate of water movement can be difficult to control.
• Expensive:
The cost of installing the electrodes and operating the equipment can be expensive.
• There have been limited studies on the electrochemical effects in treatment of soils
by electro-osmosis (except the works of Chew (2004) & Rittirong (2008) that
studied the electrochemical effects generated by the application of D.C. current in
soil) and the majority of them are focused only on the process of electro-osmosis
• To Summarize, Electroosmosis is a safe and effective method of soil improvement
that can be used to improve drainage, consolidate soils, and remove contaminants. It
is a cost-effective alternative to traditional methods, but it can be time-consuming to
install the electrodes and difficult to control the rate of water movement.
Thank You
for your attention.
Submitted for : Dr. M. Awais Shafique
Prepare by : Muneeb Shehzad Butt
What are geosynthetics?

• Geosynthetics are man-made materials that are used in a variety of civil engineering
• They are made from synthetic polymers, such as polyethylene or polypropylene.
• Geosynthetics are designed to improve the performance of soil, rock, or other
geotechnical materials.
Why use geosynthetics?

• Geosynthetics can be used for a variety of purposes, including:

• Reinforcement
• Separation
• Drainage
• Containment
• Geosynthetics are a versatile and cost-effective way to improve the performance of
civil engineering projects.
Reinforcement: Geosynthetics can be used to reinforce soil or rock
to improve its strength and stability. This can be used in applications
such as retaining walls, embankments, and foundations. Mainly
provide Tensile strength to cater Tensile Stress
Separation: Geosynthetics can be used to separate different
types of materials, such as soil and gravel, to prevent mixing. This
can be used in applications such as road construction and
drainage systems.
Drainage: Geosynthetics can be used to drain water away from
soil or rock to prevent erosion and improve stability. This can be
used in applications such as road construction, landfills, and
agricultural fields.

(a) Earth dam


(b) Trench drain


(c) Bank revetment with rip-rap armour stones


(d) Bank revetment with concrete block revetment.

•Containment: Geosynthetics can be used to contain liquids or
gases, such as in landfills or hazardous waste disposal sites.
Types of geosynthetics

• There are many different types of geosynthetics, each with its own
unique properties and applications.
• Some of the most common types of geosynthetics include:
• Geotextiles
• Geogrids
• Geomembranes
• Geocomposites
Applications of geosynthetics
• : Geosynthetics can be used in a wide variety of civil engineering
applications, including:
• Road construction
• Dam construction
• Drainage
• Landfill construction
• Erosion control
• Foundation reinforcement
Benefits of using geosynthetics
Geosynthetics offer a number of benefits over traditional construction
methods, including:
• Increased strength and durability
• Reduced costs
• Shorter construction times
• Improved environmental performance

• Geotextiles are the most common type of geosynthetic.

• They are made from woven or non-woven fabrics.
• Geotextiles are used for a variety of purposes, including:
• Reinforcement
• Separation
• Drainage
• Filtration

Geogrids are made from high-strength fibers.

• Geogrids are used to reinforce soil or rock.
• Geogrids are often used in combination with geotextiles to provide a
more effective reinforcement system.

Geomembranes are made from a continuous sheet of synthetic material.

• Geomembranes are used to contain liquids or gases.
• Geomembranes are often used in landfills and hazardous waste disposal
Geocomposites are made from a combination of two or more geosynthetic
• Geocomposites are often used for specific applications, such as drainage
or reinforcement.
Road construction
• Geotextiles are often used in road construction to separate the subgrade
from the overlying layers of material.
• This helps to prevent the subgrade from becoming compacted and to
improve the drainage of the road.
Dam construction
• Geogrids are often used in dam construction to reinforce the soil or rock
that is used to construct the dam.
• This helps to prevent the dam from failing due to erosion or overtopping.
Dam construction

Laying of reinforcement materials for the reinforced dam: (a) geogrid; (b) geotextile.
Landfill construction

• Geomembranes are often used in landfill construction to contain the

waste that is placed in the landfill.
• This helps to prevent the waste from leaching into the groundwater or
from being released into the environment.
Landfill construction
Erosion control

Geotextiles are often used in erosion control applications to stabilize soil

and to prevent erosion.
• This can be done by placing the geotextile over the soil and then planting
vegetation on top of the geotextile.
Erosion control
Sediment Control
Foundation reinforcement
Geogrids are often used to reinforce foundations to improve their strength
and durability.
• This can be done by placing the geogrids below the foundation or by
wrapping the geogrids around the foundation.
Foundation reinforcement
Foundation reinforcement

The geogrids help to distribute the load of the foundation over a larger area, which helps to
prevent the soil from compacting and the foundation from sinking.
Micro Siphon
MicroSiphon is a type of geotextile that is used to improve the drainage of soil. It
is made of a thin, porous material that allows water to flow through it, but
prevents soil particles from passing through. This helps to prevent water logging
and erosion, and can improve the growth of plants.
MicroSiphon is typically installed in a layer over the soil. It can be used in a variety
of applications, including:
•Landscaping: MicroSiphon can be used to improve the drainage of gardens,
lawns, and other landscaping areas.
•Construction: MicroSiphon can be used to improve the drainage of foundations,
roads, and other construction sites.
•Erosion control: MicroSiphon can be used to prevent erosion on slopes and other
areas that are prone to erosion.
Micro Siphon
Micro Siphon
Future of geosynthetics
The use of geosynthetics is growing rapidly.
• Geosynthetics offer a number of benefits over traditional construction
methods, including:
• Increased strength and durability
• Reduced costs
• Shorter construction times
• Improved environmental performance

Compaction is the compression of Consolidation is the compression of soil by
1 soil by the expulsion of air from the the expulsion of water from the voids of the
voids of the soil. soil

Dynamic loads by rapid mechanical Static and sustained loading is applied for a
2 methods like vibration, damping, long interval in soil consolidation
and rolling are applied for a small
interval in soil compaction.

3 Compaction of soil is mainly used for The consolidation of soil is mainly used for
sandy soil. clayey soil.
4 Compaction is an artificial process Consolidation is a natural process
5 Compaction is the primary process Consolidation starts after compaction.


When a project is constructed and applies a net load on a

compressible soil, the soil will compress and settle under the
application of that load.
The approach taken here is to preload the site prior to construction
of the actual project components, so that the compression (i.e.,
consolidation settlement) takes place before construction.

Earth fill
Temporary water tank
Other load that can be left in place long enough to cause the soil to

In some cases, where the bearing capacity of the foundation soil is
too low, the surcharge may have to applied in stages.
Adequate drainage is provided for discharge of the expelled water.
Once the soil has achieved the degree of consolidation prescribed
by design, the preload can then be removed and the project
construction loads applied with a greatly reduced settlement.
Surcharge load is equal to final design load of the project,

Reducing the future settlement

Increasing the strength
Improved foundation performance
Allows more economical solution to construction project
Reduce settlement cracks

Sand Drains
Prefabricated Vertical Drains (PVD)

Geosynthetic composite
Referred as wick drains in US
The water is actually pushed into the drains by differential pressure
Act as a filter and separator to keep surrounding soil from entering the
drain core
The prefabricated drains are installed by specialized equipment called
stitchers mounted on cranes fitted with a mandrel to dive the drain from
the surface to desired depth
Installation of PVD can be done by vibratory hammer and hydraulically

Drains are actually laid out in triangular or square pattern.

Once vertical drains have been installed at a site horizontal
drainage layer must be provided to discharge the drain.
PVD are used in bridge, dams, buildings , airport runways and even
underwater applications.
Clogging due to filtering of fine grained soil.


Is a method of preloading compressible fine grained soil by applying

vacuum pumps to the vertical and horizontal drainage system
beneath an airtight membrane.
Applies a differential near atmospheric pressure throughout the full
depth of the drainage system, resulting in isotropic consolidation.
Resulting faster drainage at greater depth.
 use in power plant, sewage treatment, highway embankments and
airport runway.

Surcharge may sometimes be omitted due to pressure differential of

80 KPA which is equivalent to 4 m of a surcharge load.
Greater stability added to the soil stratum being treated because the
vacuum induces negative pore pressure.


Embedded at the original ground surface or
at the top of the surcharge load. It can measure from static reference point
not affected by the deformation occurring as a result of the forced

They can measure lateral deformation , which in turn
could indicate possible bearing capacity issues and also measured vertical

Located at various depth beneath the load to calculate
the pore water pressures are changing within the subsurface profile
as a function of time. It can be monitored to evaluate the percentage
of consolidation completed at various depth horizon.

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