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Global Unification The Gambia, Work plan summary Matrix 2011

Gaps / Issues





Est. Cost


1.0). Lack of synergy affects organisational progress. Actors hardly share information and good practices; hence causing duplications of efforts

Courtesy calls, preparing Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) and forging partnership Commercial Dance

To build new partnership and strengthen established ones, targeting both local and international organisations

Partnership built , Information sharing on good practices enhanced


Jan-Dec 2011

1.1). Lack of funding is a major challenge to Global Unification in implementing its program, settle utilities bills and increase its cope of intervention.

To raise fund to support our program of actions and settle other financial obligation.

Revenue realised and utilized for the upkeep of the organisation.

GU, , City Limit Radio and west coast radio, vibes fm.

D74, 000

May 2011

1.2). Youth engagement in community service is lacking. Leadership qualities needed to manage vibrant youth organisation is also lacking in most young people. Added to this, during summer holidays, many young people do remain idle, thereby attracting risk

Youth Summer School 2011

To enhance youth participate in environmental protection, community service and skills learning To create friendship and

Young people learnt new skills in various fields. Friendship built among young people and dialogue

GU, schools, NEA, AATG MoBSE Unicef UNDP

D95, 200

Aug 2011,, 002209807770, 002209856691, Suite 106 Plaza Offices Centre, 151 Mosque Road, Serrekunda

Global Unification The Gambia, Work plan summary Matrix 2011

of their involvement in social malpractices and vices. opportunity for dialogue among young people To provide study classes in various subjects for students To improve school childrens knowledge on climate change and environmental issues. To create platform for exchange of ideas on environmental issues among young people enhanced. Youth participation in community services enhanced

1.3). The level of understanding on climate change issues among young people is low. Climate change education is limited to non-formal level as it is rarely taught in schools

Inter-school quiz competition on environment (School Challenge 2011)

Improved understanding of climate change and environmental issues in the country by young people Popular participation of youth on climate change fight enhanced

GU, schools, NEA, AAGG, MoBSE Unicef

D61, 400

May. 2011

1.4) The participation of children and youth on environmental sustainability and climate change issues is low. As such their initiatives and innovation is under utilised.

National essay and drawing competition on the environment

To motivate young people to participate in environmental protection and climate change issues in the country To tap young peoples knowledge and creativity on environmental protection

Young peoples skills, initiatives and innovations adequately utilised for the benefit of the society Young people become well informed about climate change and

GU, AATG, D82,250 MoBSE, schools, NEA, MOFEN, UNICEF

Sept-Nov 2011,, 002209807770, 002209856691, Suite 106 Plaza Offices Centre, 151 Mosque Road, Serrekunda

Global Unification The Gambia, Work plan summary Matrix 2011

To promote the sharing and exchange of ideas and good practices among young people on environment and climate change issues environmental issues. Good essays and drawing compiled into booklet and used as environmental and climate change education kits in schools Culture of love for environment developed among young people Young people participated green actions ( tree planting, plastic collection) Improved understanding on climate change issues and environment among students At least 5 new functional eco clubs established. GU, school, unicef, MOFEM, NEA D34,200 Jan-Dec 2011

1.5). There are still many schools in the Gambia not having Eco Clubs. Where they are present, they are usually not functional. This is because members do not have clear sense of direction and teacher coordinators are not well equipped with skills of running eco-clubs at the school level as well as the knowledge required to combat climate change

Establishing Eco clubs in schools and also strengthening established ones

To promote the participation of students in tree planting To enhance climate change and environmental education in schools To improve the skills of teacher coordinators in running school Eco clubs.,, 002209807770, 002209856691, Suite 106 Plaza Offices Centre, 151 Mosque Road, Serrekunda

Global Unification The Gambia, Work plan summary Matrix 2011

School campuses become more environmentally friendly.

1.6). The participation of young people on climate change issues is low or in most cases lacking. This is because they hardly have access to relevant information on climate change issues. Despite being one of the most of vulnerable group to climate disaster, young people have little or no knowledge on the impact of climate change in their life or how

National Youth Climate Conference ( NYCCC 2011)

To engage young people in the search for climate change solution. To improve awareness among young people on climate change issues. To raise the voices of young people in international climate

Young people adequately engaged in climate change action Improved awareness about climate change among young people Young peoples ideas and concerns incorporated into our


D740, 800

Dec. 2011,, 002209807770, 002209856691, Suite 106 Plaza Offices Centre, 151 Mosque Road, Serrekunda

Global Unification The Gambia, Work plan summary Matrix 2011

participate effectively climate change solution. debate To make sure that concerns of young people are incorporated into national climate resilience development planning. To equip journalists with climate change facts, thereby legitimising the information disseminated To build the capacity of media practitioners in the proper covering of climate change stories national climate resilience efforts

2.0). The scientific and technical knowledge of climate change among local media personnel is generally low. This has negative effect on their ability to give balanced reporting on climate change issues.

Training workshop for media practitioners on climate change reporting, information sharing and awareness creation

At least 40 journalists trained on climate change reporting Improved understanding of climate change facts by media practitioners

GU, AATG, D112, 000 UNDP, media houses, UNFCCC

Jun. 2011,, 002209807770, 002209856691, Suite 106 Plaza Offices Centre, 151 Mosque Road, Serrekunda

Global Unification The Gambia, Work plan summary Matrix 2011

2.1). Climate change stakeholders hardly involved local communities in addressing climate change issues. Also in preparing for climate adaptive measures, the ideas and knowledge of local people is not put into account. Climate change actors rarely visit villages. This make them tend to ignore or oversight some of the barriers to adaptation effecting local people on daily basis National stakeholders Workshop on Community Based adaptation to climate change To bring together various climate stakeholders to discuss and map out strategies for effective community driven climate action program in the Gambia To incorporate indigenous and local people knowledge into national climate resilience efforts To identify some of the barriers to climate adaptation at local level and put in place sustainable measures to address them. At least 45 participants trained on community based adaptation to climate change. Local people adequately involved in climate change adaptation Barriers to adaptation identified and sustainable solutions proposed. GU, AATG, NAWFA, NARI, USPC, MOFEN, NEA,FAO D57,200 Feb. 2011,, 002209807770, 002209856691, Suite 106 Plaza Offices Centre, 151 Mosque Road, Serrekunda

Global Unification The Gambia, Work plan summary Matrix 2011

2.2). Local peoples knowledge on climate change adaptation is not considered in our national adaptation program of action. Despite their low level of knowledge in the science of climate change, local communities have had coping mechanisms. However, access to information and direct community engagement on climate solutions is lacking. National Community - Outreach programs on climate change adaptation To incorporate indigenous peoples knowledge of climate adaptation into national climate change program To share good practices and raise awareness on climate change issues among local communities To learn about indigenous communities coping mechanisms and their struggle to live with the challenges to survival posed by climate change At least 20 villages covering all regions of the country visited and sensitised Improved understanding among local people on climate change issues Local peoples adaptive measures identified and strengthened Indigenous knowledge on adaptation considered in national climate change planning GU, AATG, MOFEN, NDMA, UNDP, FAO, WWF, NAWFA D320, 750 April-May 2011,, 002209807770, 002209856691, Suite 106 Plaza Offices Centre, 151 Mosque Road, Serrekunda

Global Unification The Gambia, Work plan summary Matrix 2011

2.3). In the Gambia the public do not access to relevant information on climate change issues. They lack knowledge required in climate change solution. And hence, they do not participate in climate change discussion. Climate Talk radio show ( Rethinking the future) To provide climate change education to public To promote public participation and access to information on climate change issues in the country To enhance popular participation of climate discussion in the country To raise awareness on climate change, its impact and strategies for adaptation in the country To promote article 6 of the UNFCCC convention in the Gambia Public participation in climate change discussion enhanced Improved awareness about climate change at the grassroots level Relevant information and climate change facts accessible to local people GU, AATG, UNDP D92,700 August 2010August 2011,, 002209807770, 002209856691, Suite 106 Plaza Offices Centre, 151 Mosque Road, Serrekunda

Global Unification The Gambia, Work plan summary Matrix 2011

2.4). Many rural communities in The Gambia depend on the forest for their livelihood. They derive firewood, wood for roofing and fencing and even income by selling forest products. This unsustainable use of the forest has overarching impact on the forest as trees are continuously fallen down. This puts the country to the risk of desertification and deforestation in particular. Enhancing sustainable livelihood through Gardening for forestdependent local communities in The Gambia. To reduce the overarching impacts on the forest caused by overdependence and unsustainable use of the forest and forest products by local communities In support of REDD+ initiative in The Gambia To provide alternative source of income for local communities, making them depend less on the forest. To engage local people in tree planting alongside gardening At least two villages provided a fully fenced garden with wells Local communities participated in reforestation by planting trees in the garden along side the vegetable. Increased income level of local communities, moving them out of extreme poverty and depending less on the forest GU, Concern Universal, AATG, NAWFA, UNDP, Unicef, FAO, VDF, womens groups D720, 800 Sep-Oct 2011,, 002209807770, 002209856691, Suite 106 Plaza Offices Centre, 151 Mosque Road, Serrekunda

Global Unification The Gambia, Work plan summary Matrix 2011

3.0). In the country there is no day set aside to engage communities in tree planting. Most tree planting activities are done by NGOs, youth groups and schools. These actions do not involve local people of the entire country. National Tree Planting Day (NTPD) To engage local communities in tree planting. To engaged policy makers, mayors among others in tree planting activities in the country. To provide dialogue between policy makers and local communities on climate change adaptation in the country. At least one million trees planted and cared for by local communities Communities learn more about climate change and local strategies to adaptation. Elected officials and local communities work together for effective climate resilience in the country . At least 1000 students and lectures in high institutions in the country involved in climate change discussion Improved understanding of climate change, its impact and strategies for adaptation among GU, AATG, VDF, UTG, GTTI D78, 100 Jun. 2011 GU, AATG, MOFEN, UNDP, VDF, YA, areas councils, D275, 000 Jul. 2011

3.1). Climate education issues are rarely taught in higher institutions in the country. As a result students lack right information about climate change, its consequences and the need to adapt.

Africa climate teachin Day

To teach climate education at university and other higher institutions in the country To engage lecturers and students in higher institutions in the country on climate change issues. Stimulate the University to conduct more research on,, 002209807770, 002209856691, Suite 106 Plaza Offices Centre, 151 Mosque Road, Serrekunda

Global Unification The Gambia, Work plan summary Matrix 2011

climate change vulnerability of the country and proposed sustainable measures. students and lecturers.

3.2). Young people in the Gambia rarely participate in community service. So many young people do not sense the importance of volunteering and giving back to the community.

International Youth Day

To engage young people in climate change actions in the country Promote the culture of volunteerism and community services among young people. To reduce the impact of climate change among locales

At least 600 young people engaged in community services such as tree planting, cleansing exercises etc Enhanced popular participation of local people in climate action. Students motivated to take up tree planting within campus (Green campus initiative).

GU, AATG, MOFEN, US Peace Corps, etc

D44, 000

Aug. 2011,, 002209807770, 002209856691, Suite 106 Plaza Offices Centre, 151 Mosque Road, Serrekunda

Global Unification The Gambia, Work plan summary Matrix 2011

3.3). Climate change discussion is still seen by many as scientific term and only experts in the field that can bring about solutions. These have made development organisations oversight or ignore the potentials of youth in climate change action.. Earth Day To engage young people in climate change actions in the country. To attract the attention of policy makers to the impact of climate change in the country and the need to take urgent and decisive action to stop the climate crises. In support of billion out of green initiative of Earth Day Network. At least 400 young people participated climate action in the country such as tree planting Plastic litters from streets collected and properly disposed. The program published in media GU, EDN, YA, CFCO, USPC, MOFEM, UNDP, D72, 000 April 2011,, 002209807770, 002209856691, Suite 106 Plaza Offices Centre, 151 Mosque Road, Serrekunda

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