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October 2023

Nguyễn Thị Khánh Linh – 22062087

Exercise 1: Vocabulary

Fill in the blank, using words from the following box

offer acceptance assent enforceable offeror

offeree meeting
implied enforceability express terms agreement
contract breach remedy

The general requirement that must be met to form an ….1 enforceable ……. contract is the
notion of mutual …..2 assent …... Mutual assent means that for a … contract.3…. to be
valid, the parties must reach an agreement using a combination of offer and …4 acceptance
……. In most cases, the offeror must make a valid offer to the … offeree..5….., who in turn
must accept the … offer.6….. in order for the parties to be bound by the agreement’s …
terms.7….. This true … meeting.8…. of the minds with the intent to be bound by their
agreement, called the subjective standard, will result in an express contract. A meeting of the
minds may also be inferred from the conduct of the parties, resulting in an … implied.9…..
contract or quasi-contract. This objective standard requires only that each party’s acts or
words lead the other party to reasonably believe that an …10 agreement …… has been

Exercise 2: Choose the correct word from those suggested below to complete the
following phrases:

breach clause contract court enforce termination damages

1. To enforce a contractual _ clause ______

2. To breach a _ contract ______
3. To remedy a _ breach ______
4. To claim for _ damages ______
5. To bring a dispute before a _ court ______
6. To _ enforce ______ a right
7. _ damages ______ is a contractual remedy for breach of contract

Exercise 3: Translate into English:

1. Hợp đồng là sự thỏa thuận giữa các bên về việc xác lập, thay đổi, hoặc chấm dứt
quyền và nghĩa vụ dân sự.

 A contract is an agreement between parties on the establishment, change, or

termination of civil rights and obligations.

2. Bên đề nghị giao kết hợp đồng có thể thay đổi hoặc rút lại đề nghị giao kết hợp đồng.

 The party offering to enter into a contract may change or withdraw its offer to enter
into a contract.

3. Chấp nhận đề nghị giao kết hợp đồng là sự trả lời của bên được đề nghị về việc chấp
nhận toàn bộ nội dung của đề nghị.

 Acceptance of the offer to enter into a contract is the offeree’s response to accept the
entire content of the offer

4. Sự im lặng của bên được đề nghị không được coi là chấp nhận đề nghị, trừ trường hợp
có thỏa thuận khác.

 The offeree’s silence is not considered acceptance of the offer unless otherwise

Exercise 4

To: Max Horowitz,

From: Mary Wong, Esq.
Date: June 5
Subject: Peterson Contract

Dear Max,

Mr. Peterson called today to ask about the …terms.1….. of a new contract. He wants to
assent to the other party’s …2 offer…... He’d like to meet with you before giving ….3 …
acceptance…, though. He also wants to know if his company will be giving the right …..4
…consideration……… in return for the other company’s consideration services.

The object of the contract is an ….5…exchange……of goods and ….6…services…..

between two companies. Mr. Peterson would like you to look at the contract to make sure
that it is …valued.7 ….. Above all, the terms should be …..8 binding….. He wants it to be
…enforceable.9 …….. in case there is ever a …..10 …dispute…. and they need to …..11

I have attached a copy of the contract here for you to ….12…review…. Please let me know
if you want to set an appointment with Mr. Peterson.



Exercise 5: Find the word matching each of the following definitions:

1. a specific proposal to enter into an agreement with another

 offer
2. assent to the terms of an offer so that a binding contract is formed
 acceptance
3. a benefit which must be bargained for between the parties, and is the essential reason
for a party entering into a contract
 consideration
4. a person that makes an offer to another
 offeror
5. a person to whom an offer to enter into a contract is made
 offeree
6. agreement by both parties to a contract
 mutual assent

7. a power or right to contract and freely determine the terms of contracts without
unreasonable legal restrictions
 freedom of contract
8. an agreement created by actions of the parties involved, but it is not written or spoken.
 Implied contract
9. a contract arising where one party makes an offer to pay another party in return for the
performance of an act, and the offeree gives assent by performing such act
 unilateral contract agreement or contract between persons in which either of the parties can legally
compel the performance of the other
 enforceable contract offer to make an offer, which shows willingness to enter into negotiations
 invitation to treat offer made in response to a previous offer by the other party during negotiations for
a final contract
 counter-offer
13.contracts that require agreement and performance from both parties to the contract
 valid contract agreement between a buyer and seller covering the sale and delivery of good
 bilateral contract
15.a contract between a borrower and a lender
 sale contract

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