Faiz 2020 IOP Conf. Ser. Earth Environ. Sci. 592 012002

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The 5th PlanoCosmo International Conference IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 592 (2020) 012002 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/592/1/012002

The assessment of tourism carrying capacity in Lombok


S A Faiz1, R I Komalasari1
AECOM Indonesia, Cilandak, Kota Jakarta Selatan, 12430, DKI Jakarta, Indonesia


Abstract. Lombok Island has been established as a super-priority destination and it will be
directed as a driver for other tourism destinations in Indonesia. Based on that condition, the
number of tourists in Lombok Island is projected to increase significantly. As the destinations
that provide natural-based experiences, Lombok Island is designed to create ecotourism and
sustainable tourism development. It needs to balance between increasing the number of
tourists’ arrival with the environmental capability of each destination as well as to develop
tourism control and management. The tourism carrying capacity is one of the popular methods
which was developed by Cifuentes in 1992. This method was used to assess the maximum
capacity of 40 priority destinations in Lombok Island with 4 main calculations such as tourism
carrying capacity assumption, Basic Carrying Capacity (BCC), Potential Carrying Capacity
(PCC), and Real Carrying Capacity (RCC). The result of the overall tourism carrying capacity
in Lombok Island is 50,523 tourists/day or 18,440,945 tourists/year. Selong Belanak Beach has
the highest tourism carrying capacity of 1,452,374 tourists/year and Jeruk Manis waterfall has
the lowest tourism carrying capacity of 28,705 tourists/year. It can be concluded that tourism
development in Lombok Island must pay attention to the destination with limited carrying
capacity which most of them are in the protected area. All the results of tourism carrying
capacity can be used as input for tourism development policies for the government. Besides,
the stakeholders also must consider tourism carrying capacity to create and to realize
sustainable ecotourism in Lombok Island.

1. Introduction
Indonesia currently focuses on changing its economic conditions by switching to use non-commodity
resources such as tourism to lead the Indonesian economy. This statement is stipulated/specified in
Indonesia Vision 2045 [1], which then the 2019-2024 National Medium-term Development Plan [2] of
Indonesia set 10 priority destinations to establish competitive tourism while offering a variety of
tourism experiences. Lombok Island has been designated as one of the super-priority destinations in
Indonesia. Based on those plans, Lombok Island is expected to be a driver for other priority
destinations because it is considered to have better readiness and competitiveness than other
Geophysical and biophysical factors in a natural tourism area influence the strong vulnerability of
an ecosystem to the carrying capacity of natural tourism [3]. In addition, tourism activities can create
various negative impacts on the surrounding environment because increased human interference in
ecological areas can cause an irreversible change in the existing ecological processes which can be
Content from this work may be used under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 licence. Any further distribution
of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the title of the work, journal citation and DOI.
Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd 1
The 5th PlanoCosmo International Conference IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 592 (2020) 012002 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/592/1/012002

reflected in degraded natural resources, vegetation structure and the size of habitat patch, increased
deforestation, and decreased upstream water flows [4].
As a sector that has a domino effect, tourism must have a control mechanism especially as Lombok
Island tourism places more emphasis on natural and ecology-based destinations. Ecotourism is a form
of tourism that is managed with a conservation approach that prioritizes the preservation and balance
of nature [5]. Lombok Island is also designated in almost all development plans as one of the tourism
destinations that prioritizes nature conservation and sustainability. Ecotourism is a type of
environment-oriented tourism that is related to the interests of the protection of natural environmental
resources and the tourism industry [6]. Furthermore, there is a correlation between tourism and the
The principles of ecotourism, including carrying capacity or number of tourists, have not been
properly considered, so that environmental and biodiversity conservation may be disturbed [7].
According to the Law No 26/2007 on Spatial Arrangement [8], all spatial plans shall consider the
environmental carrying capacity mentioned in the Article 19. With all of Lombok Island tourism
potentials, tourism activities must be carried out with the principles of the environmental carrying
capacity method.
The concept of carrying capacity is to exemplify the need to maintain development and activities at
a level that is both ecologically and socially sustainable and activities beyond which environmental
degradation occurs [9]. The tourism carrying capacity will assess the visiting capacity of each
On the other hand, there are four basic components of tourism such as Accessibility, Amenity,
Attraction, and Networking [11]. The place for tourism activity called is destination. Destinations are
places of interest to the tourists [12]. Destinations can be described as an area with different natural
attributes, features, or attractions that appeal to the non-local tourist [11]. Tourism in this research will
focus only on destination aspects especially attraction is the place where tourists do any tourism
activity and can be considered as an area for tourism activity.
The number of tourists to Lombok Island in 2018 were 2,490,517 tourists [13]. The number of
tourists will certainly increase because of the stakeholders have accelerated tourism development, as
well as Lombok Island, which is starting to be recognized globally. The carrying capacity of the
tourism environment as the number of tourists using an area for travel that can be supported by the
area marked without any change in the quality of tourists [14]. A threshold must be established so that
the development of tourism does not exceed its carrying capacity. The tourism carrying capacity can
be defined as the maximum number of people that use tourism sites without an unacceptable effect on
environmental resources while meeting the demand of tourists [15]. With the determination of the
threshold value following the tourism carrying capacity, over-tourism and environmental degradation
will be avoided. Tourism can also exert negative impacts in the long-term on the environment, such as
pollution, destination degradation, damages on biodiversity [16].
Numerical representation is used to describe the quantitative ability of the environment in carrying
out tourism activities and accommodating the number of tourists. From all these explanations, it can be
concluded that the main issue in this study is: what is the tourism carrying capacity on Lombok Island?
Furthermore, this research is divided into several sections, including introduction, methodology,
discussion and results, and conclusion. The Introduction explains the background, issues, and purposes
of this research. After that, all these hypotheses are developed with a specific methodology with an
explanation of the literature, a brief explanation of Lombok Island, existing areas in each tourism
destination, tourism carrying capacity concepts, and the calculation equations. Then, in the discussion
and result section, this research calculates all existing data and interpret the results. Finally, it is
concluded that the overall results are expected to be the basis for tourism development in Lombok
The main purpose of the preparation of tourism carrying capacity for the Lombok Island is that
tourism development can be controlled so that it does not only have a good impact on economic
activities, but also the preservation of nature can be maintained. Another result is that carrying

The 5th PlanoCosmo International Conference IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 592 (2020) 012002 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/592/1/012002

capacity assessment can be used for the basis of tourism management as well as input for tourism
regulation. Sustainable tourism is tourism that takes full account of its current and future economic,
social and environmental impacts, addressing the needs of visitors, the industry, the environment, and
host communities [17]. From the carrying capacity assessment, it shows there was an impact on
environmental preservation activities and better tourism management.

2. Methodology and Research Context

2.1. Literature Review

The concept of carrying capacity was developed in the 1940s. It is to develop mathematical
calculations regarding the maximum load of a cargo ship [18]. This mathematical calculation
continues to develop, including the calculation of environmental and tourism carrying capacity.
Cifuentes in his research “Determination of Tourism Carrying Capacity in Protected Areas” suggests a
carrying capacity methodology that can be applied in tourism activities. This research uses the same
methodology as the scope of research for priority tourism areas on Lombok Island.
Besides Cifuentes’ carrying capacity method, this research also considers methods in other
researches, including the use of theory basis, method, carrying capacity equations, and carrying
capacity assessment in Lombok Island. One of those researches calculates the tourism carrying
capacity estimation using Boullon’s Carrying Capacity Mathematical Model (BCCMM) [19].
Most of the researches and development plans use carrying capacity as the main method for
calculating the maximum capacity of an area or an activity, including in Lombok Island. Mainly, there
are five researches and development plans that had been used. The calculation of carrying capacity has
a purpose to create sustainable development on Lombok Island. Those researches and development
plans are:
• The Research of Environmental Carrying Capacity and Environmental Capability published by
Environmental Agency of NTB Province, 2018 [20].
• Strategic Environmental Assessment (KLHS) for Regional Spatial Plan (RTRW) was published
by the Regional Development Planning Agency (BAPPEDA) NTB Province, 2019 [21].
• The Carrying Capacity to Conserve Biodiversity in Ecotourism in Indonesia’s Gunung Rinjani
National Park published by Biodiversity Journal, 2017 [22].
• The Environment Carrying Capacity Analysis in Three Gilis published by the Tourism Agency
of North Lombok Regency, 2018 [23].
• The Carrying Capacity of Coastal Area for Recreation, Snorkeling, and Mangrove Activities in
East Lombok Regency published by Gajah Mada University, 2018 [24].
This research considers all the results of the carrying capacity assessment above. It needs to
integrate all the research to create a better result which can be input for government, tourism private
sectors, tourism enthusiasts, community, and other tourism stakeholders.

2.2. Lombok Island Context

Lombok Island is an island in the middle of Indonesia and is located in the West Nusa Tenggara
Province. This island, which has an area of 4,739 km2 [25], is directly adjacent to the Bali Island which
also has the same tourism potentials. Tourism development in Lombok started in the mid-1980s when
Lombok attracted attention as an “unspoiled” alternative to Bali. Lombok Island does not only have
marine-based tourism but also has other tourism potentials such as Rinjani Mountain, the second-
highest volcano in Indonesia, halal tourism, unique cultural and heritage sites, and other activity-based
tourism destinations.
In 2017, Lombok Island Population was recorded at 3,474,247 people spreading across 5 (five)
cities/regencies with a growth of 1.4%. From those cities/regencies, Mataram City was the highest
density area because Mataram City has functions for the economic and government activity center of
West Nusa Tenggara Province [25].

The 5th PlanoCosmo International Conference IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 592 (2020) 012002 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/592/1/012002

The Agricultural sector is still the leading sector in Lombok with a contribution of 20% of the total
GRDP of Lombok Island. Moreover, Accommodation and F&B sector, which is one of the direct
contribution sectors of tourism, has only contributed 3% to Lombok’s GRDP and ranks 11th out of 17
sectors [25].
Since 2010, the visitation growth in Lombok Island has continued to increase, reaching growth of
25.3% in 2017. However, based on the West Nusa Tenggara Tourism Agency data record, there were
earthquakes in 2018 and a pandemic outbreak occurred in 2020 which has caused a drastic decrease in
visitation. In 2017, the number of visitations were 2,862,641 visits, where 59.2% were domestic
visitors and 40.8% were foreign visitors.

Figure 1. Lombok Island Position among Surrounding Provinces.

2.3. Tourism Destination Location

The location for this research is based on the collection of all potential destinations in Lombok Island.
All destinations data were obtained from the Tourism Agency of NTB Province, Tourism Agency in
the regencies, tourism documents, and direct observation that had been held in the period 2018-2019.
This selection of destination is based on various documents such as regional spatial plans (RTRW),
regional development plans (RPJM of NTB Province and RPJM in each regency), regional tourism
master plans (RIPPARDA of NTB Province and RIPPARDA in each regency), local government
consultations, and primary surveys. From all considerations above, it can be concluded that 40 main
destinations adjusted to the types of activities and offered experiences.

The 5th PlanoCosmo International Conference IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 592 (2020) 012002 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/592/1/012002

Figure 2. The Research Locations in the Potential Destinations of Lombok Island.

2.4. GIS-based Analysis

There are 40 selected destinations including representative locations to illustrate the tourism carrying
capacity in Lombok. The area is one of the critical variables for carrying capacity. Certain destination
areas have certain abilities to accommodate tourists [14]. Furthermore, it is important to categorize the
destinations based on the tourism type and calculate each area.
Tourism area calculation is based on the type of tourism in each destination and it is adjusted to the
existing conditions in which area is used for specific tourism activities. The measurement of area for
each tourism activity uses GIS-based analysis by measuring in detail the area used for specific tourism
activities. One tourism destination can have more than one specific tourism activities and all of them
are calculated separately. The primary observation was conducted to determine the exact location of
tourism destinations. The measured area is an area that is for specific tourism activities only, with the
intention that other activities such as housing, commercial, open space, etc. are not included in the

Table 1. The Type and Area of Destinations in Lombok Island.

No Destinations Type Area (sqm) No Destinations Type Area (sqm)
1 Medana Bay Beach 32,100 43 Are Guling Beach Beach 48,168
2 Medana Bay Swimming 37,985 44 Are Guling Beach Surfing 90,953
3 Gili Trawangan Beach 52,313 45 Tanjung Aan Beach Swimming 52,402
4 Gili Trawangan Swimming 135,192 46 Tanjung Aan Beach Beach 14,117
5 Gili Trawangan Snorkeling 183,978 47 Gerupuk Beach Swimming 13,526
6 Gili Trawangan Surfing 141,340 48 Gerupuk Beach Beach 40,933
7 Gili Meno Beach 40,169 49 Gerupuk Beach Surfing 375,013
8 Gili Meno Swimming 80,689 50 Ende Culture 8,156
9 Gili Meno Snorkeling 116,266 51 Sade Culture 9,182

The 5th PlanoCosmo International Conference IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 592 (2020) 012002 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/592/1/012002

No Destinations Type Area (sqm) No Destinations Type Area (sqm)

10 Gili Air Beach 41,195 52 Sentra Perikanan Awang Beach 11,749
11 Gili Air Swimming 81,453 53 Sentra Perikanan Awang Surfing 11,749
12 Gili Air Snorkeling 127,286 54 Surga Beach Beach 5,204
13 Senggigi Beach Swimming 33,483 55 Surga Beach Swimming 2,435
14 Senggigi Beach Beach 45,613 56 Surga Beach Surfing 5,757
15 Senggigi Beach Snorkeling 23,083 57 Telone Pink Beach Swimming 1,375
16 Pusuk Hill Trekking/Hiking 30,524 58 Telone Pink Beach Snorkeling 6,544
17 Malimbu Hill Swimming 65,021 59 Telone Pink Beach Beach 4,564
18 Malimbu Hill Beach 42,130 60 Tangsi Pink Beach Swimming 8,934
19 Gili Nanggu Swimming 33,901 61 Tangsi Pink Beach Snorkeling 4,775
20 Gili Nanggu Snorkeling 45,463 62 Tangsi Pink Beach Beach 17,127
21 Gili Nanggu Beach 25,560 63 Sembalun Valley Trekking/Hiking 62,532
22 Gili Gede Swimming 58,003 64 Rinjani Mountain Trekking/Hiking 143,020
23 Gili Gede Snorkeling 91,473 65 Rinjani Mountain Cave 3,714
24 Gili Gede Beach 32,328 66 Senaru Village Trekking/Hiking 12,355
25 Bangko-bangko Beach Beach 17,449 67 Senaru Village Waterfall 112,349
26 Bangko-bangko Beach Surfing 75,324 68 Gili Sulat Beach 13,645
27 Mekaki Bay Swimming 69,126 69 Gili Sulat Snorkeling 13,645
28 Mekaki Bay Beach 62,353 70 Gili Kondo Beach 13,564
29 Belongas Beach Swimming 25,550 71 Gili Kondo Snorkeling 13,564
30 Belongas Beach Snorkeling 92,542 72 Ampenan Old Town Culture 19,433
31 Belongas Beach Beach 21,151 73 Islamic Center Culture 41,654
32 Belongas Beach Surfing 51,798 74 Mayura Park Culture 8,960
33 Selong Belanak Beach Swimming 118,651 75 Suranadi Temple Culture 4,027
34 Selong Belanak Beach Beach 107,056 76 Narmada Park Culture 18,890
Benang Kelambu &
35 Selong Belanak Beach Surfing 107,056 77 Setokel Waterfall 6,595
Benang Kelambu &
36 Mawi Beach Swimming 20,163 78 Setokel Trekking/Hiking 28,119
37 Mawi Beach Beach 21,617 79 Praya Great Mosque Culture 8,459
38 Mawi Beach Surfing 338,848 80 Taman Muhajirin Culture 20,197
39 Mawun Beach Swimming 64,062 81 Batujai Dam Culture 4,365
40 Mawun Beach Snorkeling 64,062 82 Otak Kokok & Tetebatu Culture 5,106
41 Mawun Beach Beach 30,805 83 Jeruk Manis Waterfall Waterfall 3,544
42 Are Guling Beach Swimming 123,904

2.5. Tourism Carrying Capacity

The tourism carrying capacity assessment is based on the method proposed by Cifuentes in 1992
where the tourism carrying capacity is based on the area of activity as well as the period of tourism
activities in each destination.
In general, there are four steps to calculate the tourism carrying capacity. To apply this method, it is
important to consider the tourist flows, the size of the area, the optimum space available for each
tourist to move freely, and the visiting time [26]. It starts with defining the assumption, calculates the
tourism carrying capacity, and calculates the overall tourism carrying capacity for Lombok Island.
The type of data used is ratio data based on area for specific tourism activities (hectares) where the
data is adjusted to the assumptions and limiting factors. Those data are then calculated using the
tourism carrying capacity equations. The method for this research is briefly described in the
framework below:

The 5th PlanoCosmo International Conference IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 592 (2020) 012002 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/592/1/012002

Figure 3. Tourism Carrying Capacity Method Framework.

• Standard area requirement for the activity

The standard area requirement for the specific tourism activity is the basic assumption of the
standard area (sqm). The standard area is based on the environmental area need for specific
activities including tourism activity. The calculation of the standard area uses the specific
equation for every tourism activity [5] [27].

Table 2. Standard Area.

Standard Area
Type of Tourism Requirement for
Activity (sqm)
Swimming 100
Snorkeling 500
Beach 50
Surfing 1,000
Trekking/Hiking 30
Waterfall 50
Cave 20
Culture 25

• Area per activity

Area per activity is the actual area (sqm) to do tourism activities in each destination. This data
is included in the method section. Furthermore, the data comes from direct observation to all
destinations and supported by GIS-based analysis to define the activity area (sqm).
• Average available time for activity
The average available time for an activity is the average available time (hour) to do activity in
each destination per day. This data which is based on the existing conditions of how long each
tourism activity is opened.
• Average visit time
Average visit time is the average time (hour) to do an activity in each destination. This is also
based on the direct observation of how long tourists do specific activity in each destination.

The 5th PlanoCosmo International Conference IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 592 (2020) 012002 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/592/1/012002

• Rotation Coefficient (RC)

RC is the coefficient that compares the average tourist time to doing tourism activity with
available time to do tourism activity per day.
!"#$%#&%' )$*' +,- #.)$"$)/
𝑅𝐶 = !"'-#0' "$1$) )$*'

• Limiting Factor 1/Coefficient of Opening Activity per year (Lf1)

The coefficient that considers the period time of bad weather per year.
234456(&#8 9'#):'- 8#/1÷<=>)×344AB
𝐿𝑓1 =

• Limiting Factor 1/Coefficient of Opening Activity per year (Lf1)

The coefficient that considers the period time of bad weather per year.
234456(&#8 9'#):'- 8#/1÷<=>)×344AB
𝐿𝑓1 = 344

• Limiting Factor 2/Coefficient of Opening Activity per day (Lf2)

The coefficient that considers the opening time of a destination per day.
234456(,C'D$D0 :,E-1÷FG)×344AB
𝐿𝑓2 = 344

• Basic Carrying Capacity (BCC)

BCC is the comparison of the area per activity specified by tourists with standard area
requirements. The comparison of the area per activity specified by tourists with standard area
!-'# H'- !.)$"$)/
𝐵𝐶𝐶 = I)#D8#-8 !-'#

• Potential Carrying Capacity (PCC)

PCC is the value of potential carrying capacity in a specific area without considering the
activity time. The calculation of PCC considers the RC coefficient and BCC result.
• Real Carrying Capacity (RCC)
RCC is the exact value of tourist estimation. RCC is the PCC value that considers activity time
such as opening hours and bad weather assumptions. RCC value reflects the maximum
number of tourists allowed from an area of destination for doing the activity. RCC value can
be calculated for a day or a year.
𝑅𝐶𝐶 = 𝑃𝐶𝐶 × 𝐿𝑓1 × 𝐿𝑓2

3. Discussion and Result

3.1. Tourism Carrying Capacity Assumption

In general, the calculation of tourism carrying capacity uses the quantitative method which is adopted
the equation of previous studies. All the data in this research are based on the quantitative assessment.
In calculating the tourism carrying capacity for each destination, there are several assumptions and
standards used as a basis for calculation such as rotation coefficient (RC) and limiting factors that
consist of opening activity per year (Lf1) and opening activity per day (Lf2).
• Calculation of Rotation Coefficient (RC)

The 5th PlanoCosmo International Conference IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 592 (2020) 012002 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/592/1/012002

Rotation Coefficient (RC) is the coefficient of daily visits allowed to one location which is
calculated based on the average available time for activity per day divided by the average
tourist’s time to do specific activities.

Table 3. The Calculation of Rotation Coefficient (RC).

Available time Average tourist
Type of Rotation
for activity per time
Tourism Coefficient (RC)
day (hours)
Swimming 7 3 2.33
Snorkeling 7 3 2.33
Beach 8 3 2.67
Surfing 6 3 2.00
Trekking/Hiking 11 11 1.00
Waterfall 7 3 2.33
Cave 6 3 2.00
Culture 6 2 3.00

Based on the RC calculation, the higher coefficient value indicates that the tourist time is
smaller than the available time. The higher value of the RC coefficient means that the greater
number of visits allowed for doing tourism activity.
• Limiting Factor (Lf1 & Lf2)
The limiting factor is the coefficient that considers the bad weather per year and opening hours
in each tourism activity. Limiting factor 1 (Lf1) considers the number of bad weather days in a
year. Limiting factor 2 (Lf2) consider the opening hours in a day. All the assumptions are
based on the existing conditions and general tourism data.

Table 4. The Calculation of Limiting Factor (Lf1 & Lf2).

Lf1 Lf2
Type of Tourism Unit Bad Weather Opening
Days/year Hours/day
Number of Days/Hours 120 7
Swimming Remarks 4 months 8 am - 3 pm
Coefficient 0.671 0.708
Number of Days/Hours 120 7
Snorkeling Remarks 4 months 8 am - 3 pm
Coefficient 0.671 0.708
Number of Days/Hours 120 8
Beach Remarks 4 months 7 am - 6 pm
Coefficient 0.671 0.667
Number of Days/Hours 120 6
Surfing Remarks 4 months 9 am - 3 pm
Coefficient 0.671 0.750
Number of Days/Hours 120 11
Trekking/Hiking Remarks 4 months 7 am - 6 pm
Coefficient 0.671 0.542
Number of Days/Hours 120 7
Waterfall Remarks 4 months 8 am - 3 pm
Coefficient 0.671 0.708
Number of Days/Hours 120 6
Cave Remarks 4 months 9 am - 3 pm
Coefficient 0.671 0.750
Number of Days/Hours 30 6
Culture Remarks 1 month 9 am – 3 pm
Coefficient 0.918 0.750

The 5th PlanoCosmo International Conference IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 592 (2020) 012002 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/592/1/012002

Based on the limiting factor calculation, it can be used as the main consideration for
calculating the real carrying capacity (RCC).

3.2. Tourism Carrying Capacity Calculation

The calculation of tourism carrying capacity for overall Lombok Island is started from the calculation
of tourism carrying capacity in each activity in all destinations. Afterwards, the tourism carrying
capacity in each destination can be calculated.
• Calculation of Basic Carrying Capacity (BCC)
BCC calculation was done by dividing the total area per activity in each destination with the
standard area per activity. BCC value result is the coefficient that shows an average area for
tourists to do tourism activity.
The BCC is a value that interprets the capacity of the tourism area that can be
accommodated for tourism activity. This relates to the discretion to do the activity in each of
tourism activity.
• Calculation of Potential Carrying Capacity (PCC)
The next step was calculating the Potential Carrying Capacity (PCC) by multiplying the result
of BCC with the result of RC. In this research, PCC is the maximum number of tourists that
can be accommodated in one day in the specific tourism area.
From the PCC equations, BCC is the average area for the tourist to do tourism activity. It
multiplies with the rotation coefficient which is the average time of a tourist to doing tourism
PCC is the value of the maximum capacity of an area for one tourism activity. The PCC
value also accommodates the rotation coefficient or the turnover of tourists in. In general, PCC
can be interpreted as a maximum capacity area to accommodate people for one activity for one
day regardless of other factors.
• Calculation of Real Carrying Capacity (RCC)
The last calculation of tourism carrying capacity was the calculation of Real Carrying
Capacity (RCC). The RCC is the potential carrying capacity that considers limiting factor. The
RCC is the maximum number of tourists who can be visit destinations. To do this calculation,
besides considering the PCC result, it also includes the limiting factor such as opening activity
per year (Lf1) and opening activity per day (Lf2) by multiplying them with PCC results.
In general, the RCC interprets the maximum capacity value that can be accommodated by
providing comfort in the space and following the ability of the environment. RCC were
calculated for all activities in each destination where the main carrying capacity of tourism
was calculated in one day. In the calculation of capacity in one year, RCC per day was
multiplied by 365 days.
The calculation of the RCC is based on the area for specific tourism activities (hectares) as
shown in Table 1. Table 5 summarizes all calculations using the equations described above.
The result of the calculation is RCC calculation, which is a number that reflects the maximum
number of tourists (people) who can visit each area for specific tourism activities. After that,
the capacity of Lombok Island as a composite tourism destination was calculated in
accommodating visitors.
This RCC is an actual illustration that interprets the overall tourism carrying capacity
where the environment can sustain and support tourism activities on it without giving a bad
influence. RCC is a number allocated to all visitors who enter a specific tourism activity area.
So that this number also includes residents, traders, tourism-related people, as well as all
people included in those areas.

The 5th PlanoCosmo International Conference IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 592 (2020) 012002 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/592/1/012002

Table 5. Tourism carrying capacity calculation.

Standard Basic Potential Real Real
Area Rotation Limiting Limiting Carrying Carrying Carrying Carrying
No Destinations Type RequirementCoefficient Factor 1 Factor 2 Capacity Capacity Capacity Capacity
for Activity (RC) (Lf1) (Lf2) (BCC) (PCC) (RCC) (RCC)
(sqm) /day /day /day /year
1 Medana Bay Beach 32,100 50 2.67 0.67 0.67 642.00 1,712 766 279,627
2 Medana Bay Swimming 37,985 100 2.33 0.67 0.71 379.85 886 421 153,813
3 Gili Trawangan Beach 52,313 50 2.67 0.67 0.67 2,790 1,249 455,704
4 Gili Trawangan Swimming 135,192 100 2.33 0.67 0.71 3,154 1,500 547,434
5 Gili Trawangan Snorkeling 183,978 500 2.33 0.67 0.71 367.96 859 408 148,997
6 Gili Trawangan Surfing 141,340 1,000 2.00 0.67 0.75 141.34 283 142 51,942
7 Gili Meno Beach 40,169 50 2.67 0.67 0.67 803.38 2,142 959 349,917
8 Gili Meno Swimming 80,689 100 2.33 0.67 0.71 806.89 1,883 895 326,734
9 Gili Meno Snorkeling 116,266 500 2.33 0.67 0.71 232.53 543 258 94,159
10 Gili Air Beach 41,195 50 2.67 0.67 0.67 823.90 2,197 983 358,854
11 Gili Air Swimming 81,453 100 2.33 0.67 0.71 814.53 1,901 904 329,828
12 Gili Air Snorkeling 127,286 500 2.33 0.67 0.71 254.57 594 282 103,084
13 Senggigi Beach Swimming 33,483 100 2.33 0.67 0.71 334.83 781 371 135,584
14 Senggigi Beach Beach 45,613 50 2.67 0.67 0.67 912.27 2,433 1,089 397,344
15 Senggigi Beach Snorkeling 23,083 500 2.33 0.67 0.71 46.17 108 51 18,694
16 Pusuk Hill 30,524 30 1.00 0.67 0.54 1,017 370 135,026
Hiking 1,017.47
17 Malimbu Hill Swimming 65,021 100 2.33 0.67 0.71 650.21 1,517 721 263,290
18 Malimbu Hill Beach 42,130 50 2.67 0.67 0.67 842.60 2,247 1,005 366,999
19 Gili Nanggu Swimming 33,901 100 2.33 0.67 0.71 339.01 791 376 137,276
20 Gili Nanggu Snorkeling 45,463 500 2.33 0.67 0.71 90.93 212 101 36,819
21 Gili Nanggu Beach 25,560 50 2.67 0.67 0.67 511.20 1,363 610 202,655
22 Gili Gede Swimming 58,003 100 2.33 0.67 0.71 580.03 1,353 643 234,872
23 Gili Gede Snorkeling 91,473 500 2.33 0.67 0.71 182.95 427 203 74,080
24 Gili Gede Beach 32,328 50 2.67 0.67 0.67 646.56 1,724 772 281,613
25 Beach 17,449 50 2.67 0.67 0.67 348.98 931 416 152,000
26 Surfing 75,324 1,000 2.00 0.67 0.75 75.32 151 76 27,681
27 Mekaki Bay Swimming 69,126 100 2.33 0.67 0.71 691.26 1,613 767 279,911
28 Mekaki Bay Beach 62,353 50 2.67 0.67 0.67 3,325 1,488 543,164
29 Belongas Beach Swimming 25,550 100 2.33 0.67 0.71 255.50 596 283 103,460
30 Belongas Beach Snorkeling 92,542 500 2.33 0.67 0.71 185.08 432 205 74,946
31 Belongas Beach Beach 21,151 50 2.67 0.67 0.67 423.02 1,128 505 184,249
32 Belongas Beach Surfing 51,798 1,000 2.00 0.67 0.75 51.80 104 52 19,036
Selong Belanak
33 Swimming 118,651 100 2.33 0.67 0.71 2,769 1,316 480,455
Beach 1,186.51
Selong Belanak
34 Beach 107,056 50 2.67 0.67 0.67 5,710 2,555 932,576
Beach 2,141.12
Selong Belanak
35 Surfing 107,056 1,000 2.00 0.67 0.75 107.06 214 108 39,343
36 Mawi Beach Swimming 20,163 100 2.33 0.67 0.71 201.63 470 224 81,646
37 Mawi Beach Beach 21,617 50 2.67 0.67 0.67 432.34 1,153 516 188,308
38 Mawi Beach Surfing 338,848 1,000 2.00 0.67 0.75 338.85 678 341 124,527
39 Mawun Beach Swimming 64,062 100 2.33 0.67 0.71 640.62 1,495 711 259,408
40 Mawun Beach Snorkeling 64,062 500 2.33 0.67 0.71 128.12 299 142 51,882
41 Mawun Beach Beach 30,805 50 2.67 0.67 0.67 616.10 1,643 735 268,346
42 Are Guling Beach Swimming 123,904 100 2.33 0.67 0.71 2,891 1,375 501,725
43 Are Guling Beach Beach 48,168 50 2.67 0.67 0.67 963.36 2,569 1,150 419,597
44 Are Guling Beach Surfing 90,953 1,000 2.00 0.67 0.75 90.95 182 92 33,425
45 Tanjung Aan Swimming 52,402 100 2.33 0.67 0.71 524.02 1,223 581 212,192

The 5th PlanoCosmo International Conference IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 592 (2020) 012002 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/592/1/012002

Standard Basic Potential Real Real

Area Rotation Limiting Limiting Carrying Carrying Carrying Carrying
No Destinations Type RequirementCoefficient Factor 1 Factor 2 Capacity Capacity Capacity Capacity
for Activity (RC) (Lf1) (Lf2) (BCC) (PCC) (RCC) (RCC)
(sqm) /day /day /day /year
Tanjung Aan
46 Beach 14,117 50 2.67 0.67 0.67 282.35 753 337 122,977
47 Gerupuk Beach Swimming 13,526 100 2.33 0.67 0.71 135.26 316 150 54,771
48 Gerupuk Beach Beach 40,933 50 2.67 0.67 0.67 818.66 2,183 977 356,572
49 Gerupuk Beach Surfing 375,013 1,000 2.00 0.67 0.75 375.01 750 378 137,817
50 Ende Village Culture 8,156 25 3.00 0.92 0.75 326.24 979 674 245,903
51 Sade Village Culture 9,182 25 3.00 0.92 0.75 367.28 1,102 758 276,837
Awang Fishery
52 Beach 11,749 50 2.67 0.67 0.67 234.98 627 280 102,347
Awang Fishery
53 Surfing 11,749 1,000 2.00 0.67 0.75 11.75 23 12 4,318
54 Surga Beach Beach 5,204 50 2.67 0.67 0.67 104.08 278 124 45,335
55 Surga Beach Swimming 2,435 100 2.33 0.67 0.71 24.35 57 27 9,860
56 Surga Beach Surfing 5,757 1,000 2.00 0.67 0.75 5.76 12 6 2,116
57 Telone Pink Beach Swimming 1,375 100 2.33 0.67 0.71 13.75 32 15 5,569
58 Telone Pink Beach Snorkeling 6,544 500 2.33 0.67 0.71 13.09 31 15 5,299
59 Telone Pink Beach Beach 4,564 50 2.67 0.67 0.67 91.29 243 109 39,761
60 Tangsi Pink Beach Swimming 8,934 100 2.33 0.67 0.71 89.34 208 99 36,178
61 Tangsi Pink Beach Snorkeling 4,775 500 2.33 0.67 0.71 9.55 22 11 3,867
62 Tangsi Pink Beach Beach 17,127 50 2.67 0.67 0.67 342.54 913 409 149,195
63 Sembalun Valley 19,433 25 3.00 0.92 0.75 777.32 2,332 1,605 585,906
64 Rinjani Mountain 41,654 25 3.00 0.92 0.75 4,998 3,441 1,255,855
Hiking 1,666.14
65 Rinjani Mountain Cave 8,960 25 3.00 0.92 0.75 358.41 1,075 740 270,148
66 Senaru Village 4,027 25 3.00 0.92 0.75 161.08 483 333 121,416
67 Senaru Village Waterfall 18,890 25 3.00 0.92 0.75 755.61 2,267 1,560 569,545
68 Gili Sulat Beach 6,595 50 2.33 0.67 0.71 131.90 308 146 53,411
69 Gili Sulat Snorkeling 28,119 30 1.00 0.67 0.54 937.31 937 341 124,389
70 Gili Kondo Beach 62,532 30 1.00 0.67 0.54 2,084 758 276,616
71 Gili Kondo Snorkeling 143,020 30 1.00 0.67 0.54 4,767 1,733 632,665
Ampenan Old
72 Culture 3,714 20 2.00 0.67 0.75 185.70 371 187 68,245
73 Islamic Center Culture 12,355 30 1.00 0.67 0.54 411.85 412 150 54,656
74 Mayura Park Culture 112,349 50 2.33 0.67 0.71 5,243 2,493 909,871
75 Suranadi Temple Culture 13,645 50 2.67 0.67 0.67 272.90 728 326 118,864
76 Narmada Park Culture 13,645 500 2.33 0.67 0.71 27.29 64 30 11,051
Benang Kelambu
77 Waterfall 13,564 50 2.67 0.67 0.67 271.27 723 324 118,154
& Setokel
Benang Kelambu Trekking/
78 13,564 500 2.33 0.67 0.71 27.13 63 30 10,985
& Setokel Hiking
Praya Great
79 Culture 8,459 25 3.00 0.92 0.75 338.35 1,015 699 255,032
80 Praya Park Center Culture 20,197 25 3.00 0.92 0.75 807.89 2,424 1,668 608,946
81 Batujai Dam Culture 4,365 25 3.00 0.92 0.75 174.59 524 361 131,597
Otak Kokok &
82 Culture 5,106 25 3.00 0.92 0.75 204.24 613 422 153,946
Jeruk Manis
83 Waterfall 3,544 50 2.33 0.67 0.71 70.89 165 79 28,705

3.3. Define the Overall Tourism Carrying Capacity of Lombok Island

The 5th PlanoCosmo International Conference IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 592 (2020) 012002 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/592/1/012002

The result from tourism carrying capacity calculations in Table 5 defines a Real Carrying Capacity
(RCC). To complete all the calculations from real carrying capacity, it is important to assess the
number of tourism carrying capacity in each destination as well as in overall Lombok Island.
• Tourism carrying capacity in each destination of Lombok Island
Based on Table 5, it can be also determined the maximum capacity in each destination, since it
also reflects the total number of overall Lombok Island tourism carrying capacity.
Table 6 below shows the tourism carrying capacity result for each destination. The table
also shows the total tourism carrying capacity which means the recommendation of the
maximum number of tourists who can visit each destination.

Table 6. Tourism carrying capacity in each destination of Lombok Island.

Tourism Carrying Tourism Carrying
No Destinations
Capacity/day Capacity/year
1 Medana Bay 1,188 433,440
2 Gili Trawangan 3,922 1,204077
3 Gili Meno 2,112 770,810
4 Gili Air 2,169 791,766
5 Senggigi Beach 1,511 551,621
6 Pusuk Hill 370 135,026
7 Malimbu Hill 1,727 630,289
8 Gili Nanggu 1,087 396,750
9 Gili Gede 1,618 590,565
10 Bangko-bangko Beach 492 179,682
11 Mekaki Bay 2,255 823,076
12 Belongas Beach 1,046 381,691
13 Selong Belanak Beach 3,979 1,452,374
14 Mawi Beach 1,081 394,481
15 Mawun Beach 1,588 579,635
16 Are Guling Beach 2,616 954,747
17 Tanjung Aan Beach 918 335,169
18 Gerupuk Beach 1,505 549,160
19 Ende Village 674 245,903
20 Sade Village 758 276,837
21 Awang Fishery Center 292 106,665
22 Surga Beach 157 57,310
23 Telone Pink Beach 139 50,630
24 Tangsi Pink Beach 518 189,240
25 Sembalun Valley 758 276,616
26 Rinjani Mountain 1,920 700,910
27 Senaru Village 2,643 964,526
28 Gili Sulat 356 129,914
29 Gili Kondo 354 129,139
30 Ampenan Old Town 1,605 585,906
31 Islamic Center 3,441 1,255,855
32 Mayura Park 740 270,148
33 Suranadi Temple 333 121,416
34 Narmada Park 1,560 569,545
35 Benang Kelambu & Setokel 487 177,800
36 Praya Great Mosque 699 255,032
37 Praya Park Center 1,668 608,946
38 Batujai Dam 361 131,597
39 Otak Koko and Tetebatu 422 153,946
40 Jeruk Manis Waterfall 79 28,705

Based on the results above, the highest number of tourism carrying capacity is from
Selong Belanak Beach, which can accommodate 3,909 tourists/day or 1,452,374 tourists/year.
This highest number due to there are many destinations available such as swimming, beach,

The 5th PlanoCosmo International Conference IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 592 (2020) 012002 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/592/1/012002

and surfing, with a wider area than other destinations. Moreover, almost all Selong Belanak
Beach areas are widely open to tourism activities.
Several destinations have low carrying capacity numbers such as in Gili Sulat, Benang
Kelambu, and pink beach. It can be interpreted that the ability of these destinations to
accommodate tourists is low. Most destinations that have a low carrying capacity are located
in the conservation areas, coastal protected areas, and the Rinjani National Park.
• Tourism Carrying Capacity for overall Lombok Island
According to Table 6 above, it can be obtained the number of tourists per year. In general, the
number determined through tourism carrying capacity assessment is the maximum number of
tourists that Lombok can accommodate. It means tourism development and projection in
Lombok Island including for the specific destination must consider the result of Lombok
Island tourism carrying capacity. The result of the overall Lombok Island is shown in Table 7

Table 7. Overall Lombok Island Tourism Carrying Capacity.

Tourism Carrying Tourism Carrying
Capacity/day Capacity/year
Overall Lombok Island 50,523 18,440,945

From the table above, the tourism carrying capacity assessment for the overall Lombok
Island reaches 50,523 tourists per day or 18,440,945 tourists per year. These figures are
following the destinations used as the main base of the area of tourism activities that are listed
in Table 1 and Table 5.
This number will be achieved if the island of Lombok optimizes all existing tourist
destinations maximally and uses the entire area for specific tourism activities as a whole
tourism destination. Based on the potential of all existing tourism destinations on Lombok
Island, the result of 18,440,945 is the maximum number that Lombok Island can accommodate
for visitors in all tourist destinations, including the people who are in the tourism areas.

4. Conclusion
The assessment of tourism carrying capacity can be a powerful basis for tourism management and
control in Lombok Island. The overall tourism carrying capacity in Lombok Island is 18,440,945
tourists/year and the existing tourists on Lombok island are 2,862,641 tourists. It means that existing
tourists only reach 15.5% of the overall tourism carrying capacity in Lombok Island. Therefore,
Lombok Island is planned as a super-priority tourism destination in Indonesia, and the number of
tourists can be optimized as one of the indicators of tourism development.
The recommendation for tourism development in Lombok Island is the development of ecotourism
as the main potentials where the number of tourists must be measurable primarily in the destination
that has a low tourism carrying capacity. Overall, the tourist that visits Lombok Island at least not
reaching the maximum number of tourism carrying capacity in Lombok Island. Furthermore, the
number of tourists in Lombok Island can be increased up to 5 times from the existing condition.
Lombok Island tourism development must pay attention to the tourist destinations that have a
limited number of tourism carrying capacity which most of them are included in the protected area
such as Pusuk, Jeruk Manis, Awang Beach, Telone Pink Beach, Surga Beach, Gili Kondo, and Gili
Sulat. The development of those destinations should not focus on the number of tourists but focus on
the other indicators such as preservation function or economic benefits.
All the results of tourism carrying capacity can be an input for tourism development policies. In
general, it can create balanced regional development, not only from tourism benefits but also
environmental outcomes. The stakeholders also must consider tourism carrying capacity to create and
to realize a sustainable ecotourism in Lombok Island.

The 5th PlanoCosmo International Conference IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 592 (2020) 012002 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/592/1/012002

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