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Spine Concrete - Type A Works

(Employer’s Design)

Scope of Work


Rev. 07.00

November 2022
Document history

Revision code Description of changes Purpose of issue Date

NEOM Projects
03.00 NEOM Review 18-Sep-22

04.00 Lot A10 Added 18-Sep-22

05.00 Construction Team Review For Contracts Review 06-Nov-22

06.00 Contracts Review For EPM Review 09-Nov-22

07.00 EPM Review NEOM Projects 28-Nov-22


Document Approval (EPM)

Prepared by Reviewed by Reviewed by Approved by

Name Haroon Akhtar David Quigley Michael Smith Jerry Merritt

Job Title Design Project Construction Director Formation Senior Manager Deputy Commercial
Manager Director

Document Approval (NEOM)

Reviewed by Reviewed by Approved by

Name Alan Morris Paul Groves Julian Hill

Job Title Construction Director, SPINE Engineering Director, SPINE Executive Director, SPINE

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1.1. Purpose ........................................................................................................................................... 5

1.2. Overview of The Project .................................................................................................................. 5
1.3. Packaging Strategy ......................................................................................................................... 5

3.1. Overview.......................................................................................................................................... 8
3.2. Key Activities ................................................................................................................................... 9
3.3. Interfaces with Authorities ............................................................................................................. 11
3.4. Interfaces with Other Contractors ................................................................................................. 11
3.5. Interfaces with Third-Parties.......................................................................................................... 12
3.6. Exclusions ..................................................................................................................................... 12

4.1. Contractor’s Site ............................................................................................................................ 13

4.2. Contractor’s Equipment ................................................................................................................. 13
4.3. Condition Surveys ......................................................................................................................... 13
4.4. Dewatering Plan ............................................................................................................................ 14
4.5. Project Deliverables ...................................................................................................................... 14
4.6. Emergency Response Plan ........................................................................................................... 15
4.7. Site Security .................................................................................................................................. 16
4.8. Office Accommodation for Employer Personnel ........................................................................... 16
4.9. Stakeholder and Interface Management ....................................................................................... 17
4.10. Temporary Facilities ...................................................................................................................... 17
4.11. Wadi Management ........................................................................................................................ 17
4.12. Utilities and Roads ........................................................................................................................ 19
4.13. Site Access Roads ........................................................................................................................ 20
4.14. Dust Suppression .......................................................................................................................... 21
4.15. Raw Materials Supply .................................................................................................................... 21
4.16. Precast Concrete Supply............................................................................................................... 22
4.17. Handling of Precast Elements ....................................................................................................... 24
4.18. Receiving of Precast Elements from Precast Yard Contractors for Transportation ...................... 25
4.19. Repair / Replacement of Damaged Precast Elements ................................................................. 25
4.20. Logistics Support Areas ................................................................................................................ 25
4.21. Temporary Facilities Operational Readiness and Operations ...................................................... 30
4.22. Temporary Utilities ........................................................................................................................ 30
4.23. Temporary Tunnel Systems .......................................................................................................... 30
4.24. Taking Over and Demobilization ................................................................................................... 31

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6.1. Temporary Facilities Plan .............................................................................................................. 31
6.2. Logistics Plan ................................................................................................................................ 31
6.3. Supply Chain Management Plan ................................................................................................... 32
6.4. Waste logistics .............................................................................................................................. 32

7.1. Occupational Safety and Health - Construction Management Plan .............................................. 33

7.2. Environmental Protection and Compliance with Environmental Accord ....................................... 33
7.3. Environmental & Social Management Plan (ESMP) ..................................................................... 33
7.4. Sustainability and Regenerative Development ............................................................................. 33
7.5. Ecology and Heritage .................................................................................................................... 35

List of Figures
Figure 1: Spine Concrete – Type A works Overview showing indicative contract Lot boundaries. .................. 5

List of Tables
Table 1: Table of Abbreviations and Definitions................................................................................................ 6
Table 2: Spine Concrete – Type A Works Lots ................................................................................................. 8
Table 3: Dewatering Equipment Overview ...................................................................................................... 14
Table 3: Construction Office Requirements .................................................................................................... 16
Table 4: Wadi Locations .................................................................................................................................. 19
Table 5: Precast Concrete Supply Yards ........................................................................................................ 22

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1. Introduction

1.1. Purpose
This Scope of Works (SoW) document describes the scope of the Contractor’s obligations in carrying out the
Works for Spine structural concrete cut and cover tunnels, stations, lineside facilities, and associated works.

1.2. Overview of The Project

NEOM is a new destination being created in the northwest of Saudi Arabia. Based along the Red Sea and
Gulf of Aqaba, at the intersection of Asia, Europe, and Africa and along one of the world’s busiest economic
arteries, NEOM is strategically placed at the crossroads of the world with an area of 26,500 km2. NEOM is
just an 8-hour flight from 70% of the global population.
NEOM aims to be the future of livability as its foundation, unprecedented in scope and unconstrained by
history. The name "NEOM" is derived from two words. The first three letters form the Ancient Greek prefix
neo- meaning “new”. The fourth letter is from the abbreviation of Mostaqbal (Arabic: ‫)ﻣﺳﺗﻘﺑل‬, an Arabic word
meaning “future”. As the name suggests, it will be the land of the future where the best ideas, most promising
start-ups, established companies, future industries and the best talents are joined to create solutions for the
key challenges facing humanity.
NEOM will be built with principles of livability and innovation at its core. Industry will focus on NEOM’s 16
economic sectors, namely future of energy, future of water, future of mobility, future of biotech, future of food,
future of manufacturing, future of media, future of entertainment, culture and fashion, future of technology and
digital, future of tourism, future of sport, future of design and construction, future of services, future of health
and well-being, future of education and future of livability as the foundation of all the sectors.
The above is collectively defined as the NEOM Development Program or alternatively as the “NEOM project”.
THE LINE is a proposed city located in the north-west of Saudi Arabia. The Spine is a proposed rail system
which will serve THE LINE and connect to Oxagon comprising multiple tracks for passenger and freight
services. The Spine alignment runs below-ground in cut-and-cover tunnels and through mountain bored
tunnels. The Spine design includes group mass transit, freight and high-speed rail systems.

1.3. Packaging Strategy

The Works included in this contract do not include all the work needed to construct the Spine. The Spine
concrete works is divided by the Employer into Type A works designed by the Employer, and Type B works
with Contractor’s permanent works designs.
This Scope of Work is for Type A works. Type A works are divided geographically into 10 separate contract
Lots (shown in

Figure 1 and set out in Table 2 below).

Detailed drawings showing boundaries of the individual Lots are included in Schedule 3 Technical
This scope of work document applies to each Type A works Lot. In this document, specific information relating
to a particular Lot is identified as such. All other information and requirements apply to every Lot.
Figure 1: Spine Concrete – Type A works Overview showing indicative contract Lot boundaries.

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2. Abbreviations and Definitions
Table 1: Table of Abbreviations and Definitions
Acronym Expansion / Definition

BP Batching Plant

EMR Excavated Material Recycling facility

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EMS Employer’s Materials Storage facility

ERP Emergency Response Plan

ESIA Environmental & Social Impact Assessment

ESMP Environmental & Social Management Plan

GMT Group Mass Transit

GRP Glass Reinforced Plastic

HAVS Hand Arm Vibration Syndrome

HSR High Speed Rail

ICE Independent Checking Engineer

IFC Issued for Construction

IT Information & Technology

ITP Inspection & Test Plan

LTS Logistics Transfer Station (Freight)

LUP Land Use Permit

MEP Mechanical Electrical & Plumbing

MoT Ministry of Transportation

OSH-CMP Occupational Safety & Health Construction Management Plan

PAPI Plant and Pedestrian Interface

PCY Precast Concrete Yard

PEHP Precast Element Handling Plan

PEP Project Execution Plan

PMV Plant, Machinery & Vehicles

RDMS Regenerative Development Management System

SoE Support of Excavation

SCMP Supply Chain Management Plan

SWMP Site Waste Management Plan

TOR Top of Rail

TFP Temporary Facilities Plan

TMP Traffic Management Plan

Wadi Riverbed

Zippering Plan A matrix showing the key personnel and points of contact, from the Employer, Contractor and

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3. Scope of Work

3.1. Overview
This scope of works is for the installation of structural concrete for the Spine rail system, comprising cut and
cover rail tunnels and stations across up to three rail systems. In addition to the concrete works, the scope
includes earthworks, roadworks, utilities work, wadi diversions, de-watering systems, earthing and bonding,
waterproofing and other activities described herein. Initial Site preparation works will have been undertaken
by Other Contractors, prior to commencement.
The below table provides key information about each Lot, identified as Lot A1 through to Lot A10.

Table 2: Spine Concrete – Type A Works Lots

Station Station Design Types

Lot Chainage
Group Group Mass Transit Logistics Transfer High Speed Rail

Coastal Area

A3 1+500 to 5+040 S02 - 1(nr) FT06 1(nr) HT01

1(nr) FT08

A1 5+040 to 18+000 S03-S07 - 5(nr) FT01 -

A2 18+000 to 32+500 S08-S13 3(nr) GT01 6(nr) FT01 -

A10 44+000 to 58+500 S21-S26 6(nr) GT01 6(nr) FT01 -

Coastal Desert East Area

A4 70+000 to 87+100 S32-S38 - - -

A5 87+100 to 97+070 S39-S42 - - -

98+060 to 108+000 S44-S46 - - -

A6 97+070 to 98+060 S43 - 1(nr) FT08 1(nr) HT03

Upper Valley Area

A7 134+500 to 145+000 S57-S59 5(nr) GT01 5(nr) FT01 -

A8 145+000 to 150+050 S60 1(nr) FT01 1(nr) GT01 -

1(nr) FT05

151+035 to 156+000 S62 - 1(nr) GT06 -

A9 150+050 to 151+035 - 1(nr) GT01 1(nr) FT04 1(nr) HT04

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3.2. Key Activities
The Contractor shall undertake all activities required to carry out the Works, including the following:
• Surveys
• Adoption of the following items installed by Other Contractors as identified in Schedule 3:
o Support of Excavation (SoE) installations (including without limitation, shotcrete, shoring, slope
stabilization and monitoring instrumentation)
o Temporary utilities and services diversions
o Dewatering systems
o Temporary wadi diversions
o Flood protection measures
o Limited-service roads and access to adjacent highways
• Establishment of all laydown areas, welfare, workshops, and all other facilities required by the
Contractor for delivery of the works
• Bulk excavations from commencement level (1.5m below TOR) to formation level, as required for
tunnels, stations, lineside facilities and structures
• Other approved excavations required to accommodate the Contractor’s methodologies, temporary
works, working space and access
• Final grading and compaction to achieve formation level for tunnels, stations and associated
structures and lineside facilities as shown in Schedule 3
• Bulk excavations at the locations shown in Schedule 3 where interfaces with roads affect the Works
• Bulk excavations where the Works interface with wadis and utilities surveyed by the Contractor
• Bulk earthworks for reinstatement to grade of temporary ramps installed prior to commencement by
Other Contractors, unless notified otherwise by the Employer’s Representative, that the ramp is to
remain for use by following contractors
• Haulage and management of all materials within Site boundaries
• Design and provision of all Temporary Works and all Contractor’s Equipment and Plant required to
undertake the Works
• Design and provision of all temporary and permanent utilities and services diversions required to
perform the Works in accordance with the requirements of the relevant Authorities and third-party
asset owners
• Provision of all Plant and Materials required for the Works (excluding precast elements supplied
by the Employer – See Section 3.4)
• Provision of all access requirements for access/egress to the excavation, and for performance of the
• Supply and installation of all cast in-situ structural concrete including all associated works (including
foundations, tunnels, stations, associated structures and lineside facilities)
• Supply and installation of earthing and bonding suitable for all structural and MEP requirements
• Supply and installation of drainage systems
• Supply and install all grout, mortar, water-stop, membranes, sealants, and protection etc. required to
joint, seal and waterproof all concrete installations
• Supply and install all concrete reinforcement for in-situ concrete, including reinforcement for in-situ
stitches and all ancillaries and connections, utilizing prefabricated reinforcement cages where

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• Design and provision of system for transportation of precast concrete elements provided by the
Employer’s Precast Concrete Other Contractor (along with the associated connection and erection
hardware and accessories), from the Employer’s precast concrete facilities to Site
• Provision of supports and tie-downs for transportation of precast concrete
• Installation of precast concrete segments and elements (including associated connection hardware
and accessories) provided by the Employer’s Precast Concrete contractor
• Prepare concrete mix designs for acceptance by the Employer’s Representative for the Permanent
• Produce concrete to the accepted mix designs including trial mixes and mock-ups for acceptance by
the Employer’s Representative
• If shown in Schedule 3, after use, carefully remove any temporary precast concrete element
connection hardware supplied by the precast Other Contractor and return it to the Precast Yard
• Provide all temporary supports needed for the transport and installation of precast elements, including
specialized rigging; Contractor’s designs for temporary supports are to be accepted by the Employer’s
Representative prior to their use
• Supply and install all embedded concrete items required for enablement of work by Other Contractors,
shown in the Schedule 3 including those for track forms, derailment walls, architectural, fit-out and the
• Haulage of engineered backfill materials from an Employer’s stockpile
• Backfilling to progress the Works and, prior to applying for a Taking Over Certificate, backfilling around
tunnels and stations to a minimum depth of 2m above the top of structures or, as shown in Schedule
• Undertake management and maintenance of adopted dewatering systems throughout the Works, and
design install, manage and maintain additional dewatering systems to ensure all excavations are kept
safe and dry as required to undertake the Works
• Maintain all SoE monitoring regimes and equipment and undertake any remedial works or upgrades
required to always maintain a safe and operable Site
• Remove and properly dispose of all SoE measures and temporary drainage prior to completion unless
otherwise agreed with the Employer
• Undertake condition surveys of any SoE measures agreed with Employer to remain on Site after
• Establish and maintain safe vehicular and pedestrian access at the Site throughout the Works,
including all temporary haul roads needed for transportation of materials
• Establish and maintain office accommodation facilities for the Employer’s staff as stated below
• Collect and transport fine and coarse aggregates from the Employer’s Excavated Materials Recycling
facilities and stockpiles shown in Schedule 3, to Site as required to carry out the Works
• Supply and install batch plants and materials management facilities as required to perform the Works
in the designated locations only
• Install interim fire protection systems within the tunnels, stations, vent, and escape shafts. The
Contractor shall leave these systems in place in a safe and operational condition for the Employer’s
• Design, supply and install temporary construction power, lighting, water, and ventilation systems for
use within the tunnels, stations, and ventilation and escape shafts. The Contractor shall leave these
systems in place in a safe and operational condition for the Employer’s use, unless otherwise agreed

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• Design, supply and install temporary drainage systems including underground works. The Contractor
shall leave these systems in place in a safe and operational condition for the Employer’s use
• Design, supply and install, routinely inspect and maintain interim flood protection measures as
required to protect the Works
• Implement World Best Practice construction solutions in all elements of the site works and design out
safety risks in all activities and all Temporary Works to ensure World Best Practice construction
management safety standards are established and maintained throughout the Works, including:
o use of GRP walkways on reinforcement mats
o use of ‘Alimak’ lifts (or similar proprietary systems) for Materials and personnel transfer into
deep locations)
o minimize working at height – design out risk and plan ahead
o careful planning for safe access and egress
o elimination of ladder use, wherever possible
o use of modern equipment to eliminate works which will create HAVS exposure, and wherever
this risk remains, employ modern equipment to reduce HAVS
• Implement modern QA/QC systems which allow for all records to be digitized and easily access from
the field and office. The Employer shall be granted access to the system.
• At Taking Over, ensure all open excavations or changes in level are protected in accordance with the
accepted Demobilization Plan
• Without exception, ensure that all Contractor’s personnel are always contactable whilst on the Site

3.3. Interfaces with Authorities

The Contractor shall:
• Coordinate with all relevant Authorities and other stakeholders as required to obtain the necessary
Permits for the Works and Temporary Works including liaising with third-party asset owners and
Authorities for design approvals as required.
• Maintain safe temporary access and haul roads within the Site.
• Coordinate activities and provide safe access and egress for Other Contractors installing
adjacent/interfacing scopes of work at the Site, including contractors for concrete works, track and rail
systems, mechanical and electrical, building services and architectural fit-out, including attending
meetings and providing information, as requested by the Employer’s Representative, and particularly:
o Provide one temporary opening at each station for use by Other Contractors installing track,
rail systems and stations fit out works in structural concrete, adjacent to each station box,
o Prior to Taking Over, close the temporary openings in structural concrete ensuring structural
integrity, waterproofing continuity, and compliance with the Technical Requirements
All Permits of any kind, required to perform the Works, are Contractor’s Permits unless expressly identified as
Employer’s Permits. See also Section 5.

3.4. Interfaces with Other Contractors

Coordination requirements for use of the logistics support areas shared with Other Contractors are prescribed
in Section 4.20.
Where the Contractor’s Works interface with the works of an Other Contractor on the Project (defined as
‘Interfacing Works’), the Contractor shall commence coordination in advance of such activities with the

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interfacing Other Contractor in sufficient time to support the Current Programme and conduct regular meetings
as required to ensure design and construction disruption is avoided.
At the Site boundary, where the Contractor’s Works interface with the works of an Other Contractor
undertaking structural concrete for Cut and Cover Tunnels, the Contractor shall produce detailed and
sequenced shop drawings and method statements for the Interfacing Works which accommodate the activities
of the Other Contractor, and shall agree a sequence of work with the Other Contractor which mitigates, and
where possible, avoids any disruption to either contractor, applying the following principles:
• If the Contractor will complete its Interfacing Works prior to the interfacing Other Contractor’s
interfacing activities, the Contractor shall provide detailed shop drawings to the interfacing Other
Contractor for design and construction coordination purposes, and shall then proceed with the
Interfacing Works, promptly providing as-built drawings to the interfacing Other Contractor for its use
in coordinating its designs and works.
• If the interfacing Other Contractor will complete their interfacing works prior to the Contractor’s
Interfacing Works activities, the Contractor shall match its Interfacing Works to the Other Contractor’s
detailed shop drawings, and as-built works, and shall achieve structural and waterproofing continuity
meeting the Technical Requirements across the construction joint and provide the backfill.
• The Contractor shall coordinate and control all activities on Site including the activities of Other
Contractors requiring access to the Site throughout the Works.
• The Contractor shall coordinate its activities with the activities of Other Contractors requiring access
to the Site throughout the Works, including:
o Providing sufficient temporary access to tunnels and stations at the locations agreed with Other
Contractors and the Employer’s Representative
o Supplying and installing cast-in accessories and fixings
o Coordinating back-propping arrangements to lower station levels

3.5. Interfaces with Third-Parties

This statement applies to Lot A10 and Lot A4 only. The Contractor shall comply with the environmental
restrictions on construction activities detailed within the Employer’s Environmental Accord (further mentioned
in Section 7.2) in the vicinity of NEOM Community Villages. For Lot A10 the affected chainage is 49+000 to
50+500, and for Lot A4 the affected chainage is 70+500 to 72+000.

3.6. Exclusions
The following activities are excluded from the Contractor’s scope of work:
• Construction of access roads from the nearest existing arterial route to the Site boundary, shown as
existing in Schedule 3
• Permanent MEP installations, permanent fire protection systems, permanent ventilation systems, rail
systems and architectural fit out for tunnels and stations
• Design and fabrication of precast elements supplied by the Employer
• Repair of damage to precast elements caused by Other Contractors
• Replacement of precast elements required due to damage by Other Contractors
• Landscaping, installation of irrigation systems and installation of architectural hardscapes.

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4. Associated Activities

4.1. Contractor’s Site

The Site shall be the area within the boundary defined in Schedule 3 for the Contractor’s Lot, along with the
portion of the Logistics Support Areas allocated for use by the Contractor. The LUP documents are provided
within Schedule 3.
The locations for the Logistics Support Areas (batch plants, precast yards, excavated material recycling and
excavated material storage) are further defined in Section 4.20 and included in Schedule 3.
The Contractor shall have non-exclusive access to the Site and Logistics Support Areas.

4.2. Contractor’s Equipment

The Contractor shall present all Contractor’s Equipment to the Employer’s Representative for inspection and
acceptance prior to its entry to the Site in accordance with Occupational Safety, Health and Fire Safety
Requirements for Contractors 00-000000-000000-NEO-EHS-EMR-000001 in Schedule 4 Employer’s
All Contractor’s Equipment shall comply with Environmental and Social Protection Procedures for Construction
NEOM-NEV-PRC-712 per Schedule 4 Employer’s Requirements. If the Contractor’s Equipment is found not
to meet the Employer’s Requirements, the Contractor shall replace it with compliant equipment.
The Contractor shall ensure that vehicle drivers and operators are reimbursed for the amount of time that they
work and are NOT engaged on a “Pay per Load” basis.
The Contractor shall also ensure that articulated tipper trucks are only utilized on hard standings and paved
roads, unless they are specifically designed with the capability to operate safely on rough terrain.
The Contractor shall utilize World Best Practice Equipment and methods of construction for all activities which
represent a safety risk, and shall design out safety risk in every activity, including:
• Use of advanced craneage solutions (such as the Marr Transit System (MTS), or equivalent)
• Use of modern formwork solutions from ‘best-in-class’ manufacturers (such as Doka, Peri and RMD)
and which include proprietary access systems with leading edge protection built-in, and use of
travelling formwork systems
• Use of Equipment with GPS tracking systems such as CoRe VOS, or similar, and
• Inclusion of Proximity Warning Alarm Systems (PWAS) for safer operations.

4.3. Condition Surveys

The Contractor shall undertake the following surveys at the Site, provide the results in report format to the
Employer’s Representative and gain acceptance by the Employer’s Representative of the reports prior to
commencing works activities at the Site. (The Contractor’s attention is drawn to Schedule 6 for indicative
locations of wadis and utilities.)
• Topographical Survey establishing the levels and locations of all areas required for the Works, wadis,
unexcavated areas, existing temporary access and haul roads, and all other relevant features
(including without limitation flood control levees, dams, culverts, construction roads). The Contractor
shall establish the primary control points based on KSA Government Master Control Points.
• Utilities and Roads Survey establishing the location, type, relevant Authority, and condition of all
temporary and permanent utilities and roads at the Site at commencement.
• Site Condition Survey establishing the condition of all temporary and permanent works installed by
Other Contractors, including wadi management installations, flood protection measures, dewatering

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installations, construction access roads and Support of Excavation installations and identifying all
remedial actions to be taken.
• Environmental Survey as detailed in NEOM-NEV-PRC-711-01.00-Environmental and Social
Protection Procedures (Compilation) and NEOM-NEV-PRC-712-01.00-Environmental and Social
Protection Procedures (Compilation) under Schedule 5 Employer’s Procedures. See also Section 7.3.

4.4. Dewatering Plan

The Contractor shall submit to the Employer’s Representative a written assessment of the dewatering
equipment at the Site and state the Contractor’s plan for dewatering throughout all phases of the Works. This
plan shall identify the dewatering equipment required to be installed upon Contractor’s mobilization, the
equipment to be adopted, and the equipment to be installed at later dates. The plan shall detail the
maintenance and management plan, including risk assessments, response times and equipment back-ups.
This plan is to be submitted in report format and accepted by the Employer’s Representative, prior to
The dewatering equipment to be installed by Others and adopted by the Contractor is as follows:
Table 3: Dewatering Equipment Overview

Lot Chainage Date for Commencement

Adoption of repairs by
Contractor for

A1 6+000 to 18+000 31-Dec-23 31-Dec-24

A2 18+000 to 27+000 31-Dec-23 31-Dec-24

A10 44+000 to 49+000 31-Dec-23 31-Dec-24

4.5. Project Deliverables

Prior to commencement of the Works on Site, the Contractor shall submit for the Employer’s Representative’s
acceptance its project deliverables including but not limited to:
• Project Execution Plan detailing as a minimum the following information:
o Mobilization plan
o Organisation Chart contact details and a zippering plan
o A detailed list of all construction Method Statements, outlining execution details to address
specific safety risks and hazards for each site activity
o Field Change Control Management Plan
o Document Control Drawing and Data (DCC) Requirements Plan
o Survey Methodology
o As-Built Production Plan
o Quality Management Plan
o Retention of Records Plan
o Reporting Plan
o Workplace Housekeeping Plan
o Temporary Services and Utilities Plan
o Demobilization Plan

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• Traffic Management Plan (TMP)
• Emergency Response Plan (ERP)
• Occupational Safety & Health Construction Management Plan (OSH-CMP)
• Plant and Personnel Interface (PAPI) Plan
• Precast Elements Handling Plan (PEHP)
• Wadi Management and Flood Protection Plan (WMFPP)
• Shop Drawings
• Stakeholder Management Plan
• Procurement Management Plan
• Temporary Facilities Plan (TFP)
• Supply Chain Management Plan (SCMP)
• Logistics Management Plan (LMP)
• Concreting Operations Plan
• Installation, Testing and Commissioning, Spare Parts, and Maintenance Program for the Contractor’s
Equipment, including a Lock Out Tag Out (LOTO) program for isolating parts of the equipment for
• Operation and Maintenance Plan
• Regenerative Development Management Plan (RDMP)
• Contractor’s Environmental & Social Management Plan
• Quality Assurance / Quality Control (QA/QC) Program for all construction activities detailing all
necessary Inspection and Test Plans
• Project Baseline Schedule (Primavera Level 4) including but not limited to:
o Plan to mobilize labour and equipment to the Site and set up temporary infrastructure
o Plant, equipment and material delivery dates.
o Schedules of all construction activities.
o Labour, plant and equipment histograms, by craft, including supervision
o Phasing layout plans and cross-sections that demonstrate the construction sequence over time
for all interfaces, e.g., roads, utilities.

4.6. Emergency Response Plan

The Contractor shall submit for Employer’s Representative acceptance an Emergency Response Plan (ERP)
in accordance with 00-000000-000000-NEOM-EHS-EMR-000001 Employer Requirements Health and Safety
per Schedule 4 Employer’s Requirements.
As some of the works shall be carried out in remote locations and areas prone to flooding during periods of
significant rainfall, the Contractor shall allow for mitigation measures to deal with heavy rainfall, wind or other
weather events. The Contractor shall demonstrate how such incidents are managed within the ERP.
The Contractor shall demonstrate that the rain and floods are managed for safety of personnel, asset
protection and continuity of the Works and progress at site.

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4.7. Site Security
The Contractor shall make necessary provision to protect the Site, materials, and equipment in accordance
with NEOM Security Requirements for Contractors and 00-000000-0000000000-NEO-CON-EMR-000004
Access Control & Site Security in Schedule 4 Employer’s Requirements.
The Contractor shall ensure their work does not affect the public or other adjacent Contractors.

4.8. Office Accommodation for Employer Personnel

The Contractor shall provide office accommodation and associated support facilities for 30 members of the
Employer’s staff at the Site in accordance with Schedule 4 Employer’s Requirements and Schedule 5
Employer’s Procedures, suitable for male and female staff for the exclusive use by the Employer. The offices
for the Employer and associated support facilities shall be independent from the Contractor’s offices.
The Contractor shall provide all office consumables and all IT support to include repair, replacements,
relocations, changes, configuration, user training, helpdesk and granting access to systems.
The Contractor shall maintain and service the offices providing continuous janitorial cleaning services, trash
emptying, access and replenishment of consumables as required.
The Employer’s Representative staff shall have dedicated gender compliant toilet and kitchen facilities.
Table 4: Construction Office Requirements

No. Requirement Description

1 External Internet Connection DIAS Internet Link of Minimum 100 Mbps

2 IT dedicated Server Room for 1 x 42 U Network cabinet of 800 x 1000 mm in the Server room with 2 air
EPM and NEOM conditions machines 2 ton, with light on the front and back
Network Cabinet 2 x PDU of UK Type 12-way outlet to connect UPS and direct power. 1 x
PDU should connect to UPS and 1 x PDU should connect to direct power
Contractor to supply UPS of capacity 20 KVA utilization with minimum 1-
hour backup and connect to main power.
Single phase 16 Amp power and appropriate panels for electrical and
UPS in comm room
Fire detection and suppression systems

3 Wireless Internet Connection Enough to cover all Office, Wireless heat map, with dBm value set as -70
dBm for data and snr should be 20 dBm or more

4 Printing, Scanning, Copying 2 × Multifunction Printer, print, scan, copy functions.

A3 & A4 colour. Secure Print facility, Multifunction

5 Plotter 1× A0 Plotter

6 Work Meeting Offices 4×80 inch 1080 p on moveable stand, Miracast enabled.
(3 of 6 m x 8 m) USB Speaker and Microphone for use with laptops. One shall be
(1 of 8 m x 8 m) executive office.

7 Conference Room 1×80 inch 1080 p on moveable stand, Miracast enabled.

(15 m x 10 m) USB Speaker and Microphone for use with laptops

8 Conference Room 1×80 inch 1080 p on moveable stand, Miracast enabled.

(8 m x 8 m) USB Speaker and Microphone for use with laptops

9 Office IT hardware per 2 data and 2 power sockets per every workstation
workstation CAT6A shielded twisted pair cabling with termination of patch panels inside
Network Racks

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All patch panels, data ports, devices and cables shall be labelled based on
the labelling schema agreed with NEOM-IT
Use only CommScope systimax UTP Cat6A STP (Shielded twisted pair
cables). Any face plate materials used should be anti-dust and anti humid
for protection from heat. All face plates and patch panels

4.9. Stakeholder and Interface Management

The Contractor is required to coordinate and interface with all stakeholders, including Authorities and the
Employer’s NEOM Sectors as directed by the Employer’s Representative.
The Contractor shall comply with Employer’s Procedures within Schedule 5 for the management of interfaces
as detailed below:
• 10-000000-0000100854-BEC-INM-PLN-000001-NEOM Interface Management Plan;
• 10-000000-0000100854-BEC-INM-PLN-000002-Interface & Integration Management Procedure; and
• 10-000000-0000100854-BEC-INM-PRO-000001-Infrastructure Interface Management Procedure.
The Contractor is responsible for the management of Contractor’s interfaces and shall be responsible for
demonstrating identification, resolution agreement and close-out.
The Contractor shall conduct interface management activities with Other Contractors in accordance with
Schedule 4 Employer’s Requirements reference 00-000000-0000000000-NEO-CON-EMR-000029
Contractor's Works Coordination.

4.10. Temporary Facilities

The Contractor shall coordinate with the Other Contractors requiring access to the Site to carry out their works
regarding site layouts and maintaining access for others in accordance with Schedule 4 Employer’s
Requirements reference 00-000000-0000000000-NEO-CON-EMR-000029 Contractor's Works Coordination.

4.11. Wadi Management

The Contractor ensures uncontrolled wadi flows do not adversely affect the Works. The Contractor shall
adopt, maintain and alter wadi continuation and flow protection measures shown in Schedule 3 at the Site
throughout the Works as required to undertake the Works. The Contractor shall construct any additional
measures required, in accordance with the relevant Authorities’ requirements.
The Contractor submits a Wadi and Flood Management Plan to the Employer’s Representative to demonstrate
how the Works are proposed to be carried-out whilst maintaining wadi flows. The Contractor shall gain
acceptance by the Employer’s Representative of the Wadi and Flood Management Plan prior to mobilisation
including providing information to the Employer’s Representative as required to gain acceptance by the
relevant Authority.
The Contractor shall create an Execution Plan for sequencing of the works through the Wadi locations
detailed in

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Table 5, this will include details of the following:
• Plan for works execution up until the existing wadi management scheme
• Details of mass backfill operation to allow new wadi management scheme to be installed
• Methods of maintaining wadi flow
• Bulk excavations

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Table 5: Wadi Locations

Lot Chainage at Wadi Centre Wadi Width (m)

A1 5+500 183

A1 9+500 106

A1 13+500 258

A1 16+500 136

A2 19+500 190

A2 27+500 127

A2 28+500 108

A2 29+500 90

A10 45+500 100

A4 72+500 913

A4 82+500 903

A5 88+000 1,554

A5 90+500 978

A5 92+500 523

A5 96+500 433

A5 102+000 1,503

4.12. Utilities and Roads

The Contractor shall adopt and maintain all temporary or permanent utilities and road support, or diversion
works (including slope protection, asset protection or other safety measures) at the Site, as identified by the
Contractor’s accepted survey reports. The Contractor shall make temporary diversions of the existing utilities
and roads as required and carry out all excavation to allow completion of the Work.
Management of utilities shall be in accordance with Schedule 4 Employer’s Requirements reference 00-
000000-0000000000-NEO-CON-EMR-000017, Protection of Existing Underground Utilities.
The Contractor shall ensure that all relevant Permits are obtained from the relevant Authorities before
proceeding with any relevant excavation, diversion, or channelling wadi flood water to protect the Works.
The Contractor shall identify, document, and protect all existing utilities, provide support and if necessary,
isolate or divert all third-party owned assets in accordance with the relevant Authority’s requirements.
The Contractor shall execute all temporary measures required to support or protect the asset(s) as per the
associated Authority’s or third-party asset owner’s requirements.
The following points and paragraph only apply to the specified Lots. The Contractor is informed of the following
road interfaces:
• Lot A1 has an existing Construction Road 15 crossing at chainage 5+500
• Lot A10 has an existing Highway 55 crossing at chainage 44+500
• Lot A4 has an existing Highway 8784 crossing at chainage 71+750
• Lot A5 has an existing Construction Road 11 crossing at chainage 104+750
• Lot A7 has an existing Highway 80 crossing at chainage 135+000

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The Contractor is required to retain, maintain and protect these roads until the Contractor diverts and relocates
them as required. These diversions shall be sequenced to facilitate uninterrupted access of the same capacity
throughout the duration of the Works. These diversions shall also include all necessary provisions for lighting,
road markings, traffic calming, traffic barriers, signage, and the like, as required to comply with relevant MoT
and NEOM standards. The Contractor is required to secure all requisite Permits for the diversions which are
to remain in place at Taking Over.
The Contractor’s attention is drawn to the following utilities interfaces in each Lot, with approximate chainages:
• Lot A3 has an overhead power line crossing at chainage 4+750
• Lot A1 has overhead power line crossings at chainage 5+675, 7+450, 9+425 and 12+500
• Lot A10 has overhead power line crossings at chainage 45+300, 45+700 and 57+000
• Lot A10 has an existing temporary water pipe crossing at 44+500, adjacent to the Highway 55 crossing
• Lot A10 has an existing Aramco pipeline that crosses at chainage 45+800
• Lot A4 has overhead power line crossings at chainage 81+200, 82+100, 82+470 and 82+650
• Lot A4 has an existing temporary water pipe crossing at 87+000
• Lot A5 has an existing temporary water pipe crossing at 104+750
The Contractor shall survey the existing conditions of the above (as stated in Section 4.3 4.3) prior to
commencing the Works. The Contractor’s attention is drawn to Schedule 6 (Existing Utility Interface Drawings).
The Contractor shall divert the utilities as required to carry out the Works, maintaining operational capacity at
the same level as existing, subject to agreement with the relevant Authority or third-party asset owner. The
Permits required for the above Works are Contractor’s Permits.

4.13. Site Access Roads

The Employer has provided an access road from the nearest arterial road to the Site boundary. The Contractor
shall provide access roads within the Site as required for the Works.
The Contractor shall fully implement Plant and Pedestrian Interface (PAPI) control measures in accordance
with the accepted PAPI Plan, with interlocking concrete jersey barriers as a minimum on all pedestrian routes.
Pedestrian routes shall be a minimum 1.2 m wide and have smooth walking surface.
All walking routes and vehicle turning areas are to have safety illumination during hours of darkness.
The Contractor shall design and construct defined Contractor’s Equipment manoeuvring and stabling areas
at all entrances and exits.
The Contractor shall maintain all Temporary Works and pedestrian routes throughout the Works.
Prior to mobilisation to Site the Contractor shall submit its Traffic Management Plan (TMP) prepared in
accordance with 00-000000-0000000000-NEO-CON-EMR-000002 Traffic Control and NEOM-NPR-PRO-501
– NEOM Projects Temporary Traffic Control Requirements per Schedule 4 Employer’s Requirements to the
Employer’s Representative and gain acceptance from the Employer’s Representative of the same. The
Contractor shall be responsible for all necessary temporary arrangements required for the implementation of
its TMP throughout the Works.
The Contractor shall ensure that its sequence of work does not adversely impact the flow of traffic from
Employer’s Other Contractors and the public along the public roads and ensure that safe access to properties
is always enabled.
The Contractor shall coordinate with Other Contractors, Authorities and third-party stakeholders to avoid any
disruption to traffic flows.

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4.14. Dust Suppression
The Contractor is responsible for providing effective dust suppression at the Site, at all times. The Contractor
shall deploy dust suppression measures including but not limited to water dampening, bowsers / trucks,
environmentally friendly polymers, water cannons, demisters / foggers.
Additional dust suppression equipment shall be used to reduce dust pollution wherever it may affect users of
Employer accommodation or public roads as identified in the ESIA.
The Contractor shall provide truck mounted road sweepers as required to maintain clean paved access roads
at and adjacent to the site throughout the Works.

4.15. Raw Materials Supply

Unless otherwise agreed in writing, the Contractors for Lots A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6 and A10 shall procure
coarse aggregates, fine aggregates, and engineered fill from the Employer’s Materials Storage (EMS)
stockpiles and the Employer’s Excavated Material Recycling facilities (EMR) shown in Schedule 3.
The Contractors for Lots A7, A8 and A9 shall obtain the Employer’s approval of their proposed sources of
aggregates for use in the Works. Fine aggregates and structural backfill materials shall be made available
from the Employer's local processing areas. Coarse aggregate may be sourced from the Employer's Quarry
23 ( 28°15'55.3"N 35°40'11.7"E -
With reference to Quarry 23, the Contractor shall excavate and process material from this location after
achieving acceptance by the Employer of the Contractor’s Quarry Management Plan. The Contractor will need
to obtain Permits from the Ministry of Minerals and liaise with NEOM Logistics to be able to undertake
quarrying activities.
Aggregates provided to the Contractor by the Employer shall have a purchase cost to the Contractor as
identified in the Schedule 1, Preamble to the Bill of Quantities.
The process for obtaining aggregates from the Employer (for Lots A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6 and A10) is as
1. The Contractor shall notify the Employer’s EMR Facility contractor and the Employer of the type and
quantity of aggregates required using the online Aggregates Booking System provided by the
Employer’s EMR contractor.
2. The Contractor shall obtain a ticket from the Aggregates Booking System stating which EMR Facility
to attend and the aggregates to be collected. The Contractor shall collect the aggregates from the
EMR facility identified on the online booking system and stated on the physical ticket. At the EMR
o The Contractor’s vehicle drivers shall present the ticket to the EMR Facility contractor upon
arrival at the EMR facility.
o The EMR contractor shall weigh the Contractor’s vehicle prior to any loading of aggregates.
o The EMR contractor shall load the aggregates booked by the Contractor onto the Contractor’s
o The EMR contractor shall weigh the Contractor’s loaded vehicle, log the weight of aggregates
loaded in the online booking system, print-out a ticket stating what has been loaded and
provide this to the Contractor’s vehicle driver.
3. The Contractor shall use the aggregates collected for the Works only.
4. The Contractor shall state the quantities of aggregates collected from the Employer’s EMR facilities
in the monthly applications for payment and provide copies of the respective receipt tickets on request.
A corresponding deduction for the price of the materials received shall be shown on each applicable
payment application.

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Notwithstanding that the Contractor collects aggregates from the Employer, the Contractor remains fully
responsible for meeting the Technical Requirements in accordance with the Contract and shall undertake any
testing required to verify the quality of aggregates prior to their use.
• Water for construction shall be available to purchase from the tanker fill collection facility at Sharma,
except for Lots A7, A8 and A9 where the Contractor is to source the supply. Groundwater wells within
NEOM shall not be used.
The Employer reserves the right to supply rebar, cement, and substitute cement materials during the contract
The Contractor shall:
• Verify raw materials made available by the Employer and used in the Works meet the Specification
• Transport materials from the point of supply to Contractor’s batching plants or to the Site
• Grade, mix and further adjust materials to meet concrete mix design requirements

4.16. Precast Concrete Supply

The Employer shall make the precast concrete elements stated in the Bill of Quantities available to the
Contractor at the Precast Concrete Yard locations operated by Other Contractors (‘Precast Yard contractors’)
shown in Schedule 3. The Contractor shall collect and transport the precast elements from the Precast Yard
locations allocated to the specific Type A Works Lot. The precast yard to be used for the Works is as shown
below and further detailed in Section 4.20:
Table 6: Precast Concrete Supply Yards

Type-A Works Lot Precast Yard

A1 C-PCY-1


A3 C-PCY-1







A10 CD-PCY-4

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The Contractor shall collect the precast elements from the allocated Precast Yard. The below Figures show
precast yard locations relative to the adjacent lots.

Figure 2: Lot A1, A2 and A3 Precast Yard Locations

Figure 3: Lot A10, A4, A5 and A6 Precast Yard Locations

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Figure 4: Lot A7, A8 and A9 Precast Yard Locations

4.17. Handling of Precast Elements

The Contractor shall submit for the Employer’s Representative’s acceptance a detailed Precast Element
Handling Plan (PEHP) plan detailing the Contractor’s proposed methodology for precast element
transportation, handling and erection.
The PEHP shall identify the key activities of the process including, but not limited to:
• Quality Control
• Collection from Precast Yard Contractor’s storage area
• Securing of the load for transportation
• Transportation of the precast elements
• Measures required enroute to reduce traffic congestion on the roads
• Precast element inspections on the Site prior to placement
• Offloading and placement lifting operations
• Placement of precast elements including temporary support
• Final setting and stitching of precast elements
• Use of precast element traceability and marking as inputs to as-built records
• Schematics and details of equipment to be used for transportation of precast elements
The Contractor shall coordinate with the Employer’s Precast Other Contractor and use compatible rigging and
lifting equipment.

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4.18. Receiving of Precast Elements from Precast Yard Contractors for Transportation
The Contractor shall use the precast element loading facility provided within the Precast Yard to receive the
load for transportation. The Contractor shall comply with the safety instructions and loading requirements of
the Precast Yard Contractor.
The Contractor’s responsibility for transportation of precast elements starts at the point that the precast
element is disconnected from the Precast Yard Contractor’s crane rigging and is properly loaded on to the
Contractor’s transport system in accordance with the accepted PEHP.
The transportation system Equipment design is to be agreed with the Employer.
The Contractor is responsible for securing the load and for safe transportation to the Site.
The Contractor is responsible to provide all necessary supports between the precast element and
transportation truck and trailer.
The Contractor shall obtain prior agreement of the Employer’s Representative for any exceptional loads, trucks
or convoys proposed to be transported on public roads and the Employer’s Construction Access Road.

4.19. Repair / Replacement of Damaged Precast Elements

If any precast element is damaged during transit, installation, before Taking Over or otherwise by the
Contractor, the Contractor shall be liable for the cost of rectification and/or its replacement. The Contractor
shall return the damaged precast element, at the Contractor’s cost, to the Precast Yard Contractor for repair
or disposal, at the Yard from which it was collected.
If a precast element is returned, the Contractor’s responsibility for the safe handling of the precast element
ends when the load is securely connected to lifting equipment of the Precast Yard Contractor from where the
precast element was collected by the Contractor.

4.20. Logistics Support Areas

The Contractor shall make any requests to the Employer for use of the Logistics Support Areas which are
required to effectively perform the Works. The Contractor’s footprint is to be optimised by the Contractor, and
accepted by the Employer’s Representative, such that a minimal footprint is achieved for safe and efficient
operations. The Contractor shall arrange his operations on these Logistics Support Areas into the smallest
viable footprint and shall cooperate and co-ordinate with Employer’s Other Contractors for the use of these
land plots.
The Contractor shall submit its site layouts to the Employer for acceptance prior to mobilising to any Logistics
Support Area.
The Employer will make aggregates and engineered fill available to the Contractor at the EMS and EMR
locations indicated in the below Figures (details available in Schedule 3).
The Employer will also provide designated locations for batch plant erection as shown at the BP locations on
the below Figures. The BP locations will be handed over with asphalted access roads from the existing
construction roads, secure perimeter fencing, and with site clearance, grubbing and levelling performed - final
preparations, compaction and testing are the responsibility of the Contractor.

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Figure 5: Lot A1, A2 and A3 Nearest Employer Facilities (Lot boundary is indicative only)

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Figure 6: Lot A10 Nearest Employer Facilities (Lot boundary is indicative only)

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Figure 7: Lot A4 and A5 Nearest Employer Facilities (Lot boundary is indicative only)

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Figure 8: Lot A7, A8 and A9 Nearest Employer Facilities (Lot boundary is indicative only)

All other available Logistics Support Areas are shown within Schedule 3 and shall be available to the
Contractor in accordance with the above guidance.

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4.21. Temporary Facilities Operational Readiness and Operations
The Contractor shall prepare a plan for the operation of temporary facilities for the Employer’s
Representative’s acceptance prior to operational readiness. This plan shall include proposals for operation of
all temporary facilities required on Site including:
• Raw material supply and storage
• Concrete reinforcement bar fabrication
• Raw materials testing laboratories
• Precast element traceability and as-constructed record keeping
• Concrete production
• Waste management
• Salvage

4.22. Temporary Utilities

The Contractor shall provide all temporary utilities including:
• Construction water
• Power (Note the Envision requirements per section 7.4 below.)
• Sewage collection
• Waste disposal (Note the requirements of Section 9.4.)
• Fuel
• Data

4.23. Temporary Tunnel Systems

The Contractor shall provide design, supply, installation, and maintenance of temporary Tunnel Systems in
accordance with the Employer’s Technical Data provided under Schedule 3, the Employer’s Requirement’s
provided under Schedule 4 of this Contract and British Standard BS6164.
The Contractor shall prepare and submit temporary Tunnel System design packages for the Employer’s
Representative review and acceptance prior to commencing related procurement activities, including
drawings, reports, calculations, and operational/ maintenance requirements. In addition, design packages
shall clearly demonstrate compliance with legal and specifications requirements.
The temporary Tunnel System shall comprise the following elements:
• Lighting (to include emergency backup)
• Ventilation
• Air quality monitoring (to include dust and Radon gas)
• Electrical supply
• Water supply
• Compressed air supply
• Fire detection, prevention and firefighting measures
• Dewatering and drainage collection of seepage and run off
• Water treatment and discharge (tunnel effluent)
• Safety signage
• Communication system

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4.24. Taking Over and Demobilization
Prior to applying for a Taking Over Certificate the Contractor shall:
• Obtain written acceptance from the Employer’s Representative of all documentation required to be
provided by the Contractor to the Employer under the Contract.
• Provide training to the Employer’s Representative and Other Contractors for the operation and
maintenance of all Temporary Works, Contractor’s Equipment and Tunnel Systems to be left by the
Contractor for use by the Employer or Other Contractors.
Prior to demobilizing from the Site, in accordance with the Contract, the Site shall be cleared of all Materials
and Temporary Works not required to be left in place at the Time for Completion, and all contamination cleaned
or removed from Site as agreed by the Employer’s Representative.
The Contractor shall update and obtain acceptance of the Demobilization Plan from the Employer’s
Representative prior to commencing demobilization.

5. Permits
The Contractor shall obtain all Permits required for the Works not provided by the Employer, from the
applicable stakeholders, organisations, third parties, and Authorities necessary to execute the Works.
The Contractor shall be aware that the requirements and timescales for obtaining Permits are determined by
the relevant awarding body and may vary. The Contractor shall determine the requirements and time scales
necessary for obtaining each Permit and include these durations in the Baseline Programme.
The Contractor shall plan the Works, considering the required timeframe, and shall develop and implement
necessary contingency plans to mitigate any associated delays that could impact the Contractor’s ability to
perform the Works in accordance with the Baseline Programme, or Current Programme as applicable.
If any Authority, or other applicable stakeholder require any aspect of the submission undertaken by the
Contractor to be verified by an independent party, acceptable to them for issuing the required Permit, such
services shall be obtained by the Contractor, as part of the Works.
As stated above all Permits are Contractor’s Permits unless otherwise expressly stated.

6. Logistics
6.1. Temporary Facilities Plan
The Contractor shall submit for Employer’s Representative acceptance a Temporary Facility Plan (TFP)
complying with 00-000000-0000000000-NEO-CON-EMR-000006_00 Temporary Facilities & Controls in
Schedule 4 Employer’s Requirements. The TFP shall detail all temporary offices and welfare facilities and
utilities to be installed by the Contractor.
The Contractor shall establish its facilities within the areas defined within the Site. If additional working room
is required, the Contractor shall apply in writing to the Employer’s Representative for additional areas. The
Employer is under no obligation to grant such additional space.

6.2. Logistics Plan

The Contractor shall submit for Employer’s Representative’s acceptance a Logistics Management Plan (LMP)
in accordance with Site Logistics Planning 00-000000-000000-NEO-CON-EMR-000005 in Schedule 4
Employer’s Requirements.
The Contractor shall ensure their works do not affect Other Contractors and public traffic flows along any
public and main Construction Access Roads. The Contractor shall coordinate with Other Contractors and
stakeholders as defined in the ESIA and the Environmental Accord.

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Within the LMP, the Contractor shall provide the delivery strategies for the site setup, material, equipment,
and consumables. The LMP shall specifically include the deliveries of cement, cement replacement materials,
aggregates, potable water, fuel, steel reinforcement bar, spare parts, mobile equipment and fixed plant and
waste collection. The LMP shall include details of transportation arrangements for the Contractor’s workforce.
The Contractor shall specify and provide details for all the deliveries associated with materials and plant. The
Contractor shall be responsible for all required traffic and logistics activities, including but not limited to:
• Shipping, including land transportation, sea freight, air freight, courier, and all associated activities, as
required to support the programme
• Customs clearance, including the provision of all required documentation
• Submission of all shipping lists for the material
• Any abnormal shipment or transportation (oversize), requiring special transportation
• Traffic management, including all required supervision, materials and equipment required to complete
the works
• Deliveries inspections and checks before unloading
• Material inspection and protection to prevent damage during shipping, unloading, storage and

6.3. Supply Chain Management Plan

The Contractor shall submit for the Employer’s Representative’s acceptance a Supply Chain Management
Plan (SCMP) for all concrete raw materials and reinforcing steel.
The SCMP shall detail principles of control for the following activities as a minimum:
• Primary and backup logistics routes
• Truck operations for raw materials, including monthly projections of road movements
• Processing and transformation of any raw materials on site, such as cutting and bending of reinforcing
• Plan for demonstrating raw material traceability and certifications.

6.4. Waste logistics

The Contractor shall plan for the management of waste including waste generated by the Contractor from
offsite facilities and from the Site.
The Contractor shall dispose of liquid waste effluent and solid waste by nominating designated locations for
the relevant waste streams for Employer approval; all waste must be legally disposed of. One existing option
for liquid waste effluent is at the Al Bada treatment works,
The Contractor shall submit for the Employer’s Representative’s acceptance a Site Waste Management Plan
(SWMP) in accordance with Environmental and Social Protection Procedures for Construction NEOM-NEV-

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7. Environmental, Health and Safety
7.1. Occupational Safety and Health - Construction Management Plan
Prior to starting work on site, the Contractor shall submit for the Employer’s Representative’s acceptance their
Occupational Safety and Health-Construction Management Plan (OSH-CMP) in accordance with
Occupational Safety, Health and Fire Safety Requirements for Contractors 00-000000-000000-NEO-EHS-
EMR-000001 in Schedule 4 Employer’s Requirements.
The Contractor’s OSH-CMP shall include full details of its Emergency Response Plan (ERP) for any incidents
or emergencies in relation to the works.
The Contractor shall ensure that the OSH-CMP is briefed to all its staff prior to them starting work on site to
ensure compliance.
The Contractor shall provide Medical and First Aid facilities, together with trained and competent personnel,
in sufficient numbers to match the requirements of the workforce numbers in accordance with Occupational
Safety, Health and Fire Safety Requirements for Contractors 00-000000-000000-NEO-EHS-EMR-000001 in
Schedule 4 Employer’s Requirements.
The Contractor must ensure full compliance, at all times, with the Employer’s PPE requirements detailed in
Schedule 6. Activities which do not comply with safety requirements will not be allowed to proceed.

7.2. Environmental Protection and Compliance with Environmental Accord

The Contractor is responsible for protecting the environment from all damage including but not limited to
erosion, dust, noise, fire, surface water, ground water protection, protection of flora and fauna and heritage
and archaeology sites.
The Contractor shall comply with the Environmental Accord and Environmental & Social Impact Assessment.
Such compliance shall be incorporated into the Contractor’s work planning and execution for all activities.

7.3. Environmental & Social Management Plan (ESMP)

The Contractor is responsible for managing the works as required by the Environmental Accord and
Environmental & Social Impact Assessment (ESIA). The requirements shall be incorporated in the Contractor’s
Environmental & Social Management Plan (ESMP), the Contractor’s schedule and shall not adversely impact
the progress of the work and cognisance given to the mitigating measures identified in the above-mentioned
Prior to commencing work on Site, the Contractor shall submit for the Employer’s Representative’s acceptance
its response to the ESMP which addresses all aspects of environmental protection. The Contractor shall brief
the ESMP to all its staff prior to them starting work on site to ensure compliance. The Contractor’s ESMP shall
comply with Environmental and Social Protection Procedures for Construction NEOM-NEV-PRC-712 per
Schedule 4 Employer’s Requirements.
Prior to commencing activities on Site, the Contractor shall engage a qualified competent ecologist to carry
out comprehensive flora and fauna walkover survey of each site. The Contractor shall agree with the
Employer’s Representative any necessary actions or procedures arising from this environmental survey to
mitigate any negative environmental impact. These actions or procedures are to be completed or put in place
prior commencing to any site works at that location.

7.4. Sustainability and Regenerative Development

NEOM has developed the Regenerative Development Management System (RDMS) to guide NEOM
Proponents to plan, design, assess, construct, and operate developments in NEOM to achieve economic
growth and improve NEOM’s environmental and social capital.

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All NEOM developments will be required to operate under a set of regenerative development strategies that
achieve the following objectives:
• Reversing Climate change
• Extracting Resources Wisely
• Preventing Environmental Pollution
• Reversing Biodiversity Loss
• Improving Nature Services
• Supporting Social Cohesion
• Enlivening Sense of Place
• Building for Sustainability
• Demonstrating Circular Economy
The Contractor shall refer to and comply with the requirements of the nine Regenerative Development
Objectives, as applicable to the project and in line with relevant provisions in NEOM-NEV-PRC-501.
Contractor shall follow below procedures:
• NEOM-NEV-PRC-501 Interim Sustainability Requirements for the Built Environment
• NEOM-NEN-PRC-016 Environmental Procedures for Regenerative development
• NEOM-NEV-EMR-401 Employer’s Requirements - Design, Construction, Operation
• NEOM-NEN-PRC-005 Stage Deliverables Procedure
The Contractor shall prepare and submit the Sustainability Construction Submittals (NEOM-NEV-PRC-
501_FRM04) to the NEOM Environment Department for approval.
Contractor shall comply with Sustainability requirements as included as Technical Notes in Schedule 3
(Technical Requirements).
The Contractor shall ensure that the following requirements are included as minimum in the life cycle of their
temporary operations facilities and supporting facilities under this scope:
• LED lights shall be used. External lights shall be provided with automation to turn off during daylight
hours, be powered by Solar and comply with the Dark Sky Protocols (IDA IESNA, 2011).
• Motion lighting or photoelectric lighting control must be used to limit lighting energy use.
• Rooftop or ground mounted on-site renewable energy generation shall be used for construction and
operation purposes
• Where possible, adopt construction vehicles that utilize alternative fuel sources such as electricity,
fuel cells, biodiesel, or hybrid technology
• Water and Energy consumption during operation metered through smart metering and reporting
• A means to recycle the liquid waste generated from office, accommodation, or other facilities to be
used for dust suppression or landscape irrigation within the Site
• Submit Environmental Product Declarations (EPD) for the product types that are manufactured under
this contract. An EPD is an independently verified and registered document that communicates
transparent and comparable information about the life-cycle environmental impact of products in a
credible way.
The Contractor shall develop sustainability strategies and submit the below plans in the ESMP -
• Materials sourcing details including EPDs – Local / Outside Region / Imported
• Optimizing material quantities
• Use of renewable energy sources

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• Construction equipment and vehicle optimization to reduce emissions
• Incorporation of any other sustainability strategy
• Bill of Material (BOM) suggesting use of minimum natural resources and low carbon materials
• Reducing pollution – Air, Water, Soil
• Ensuring Safety and conduct hazard and risk analysis of the facility
• Demonstrating the facility design and operation/maintenance safe and resilient to local weather and
climate conditions
• Waste Management (Includes type and quantity of waste generated, recycled, reused and/or
• Avoiding on site release of hazardous chemical and materials
• Preliminary estimates of utility consumption during construction, operation and maintenance of
facility: Water type and quantity, Energy (Electrical / Fuels) type and quantity, any other utility
• Strategies to reduce utility consumptions during operation and maintenance

7.5. Ecology and Heritage
The Contractor shall manage the works in compliance with Environmental and Social Protection Procedures
for Construction NEOM-NEV-PRC-712 per Schedule 4 Employer’s Requirements.
The Contractor shall not disturb any known heritage site, wildlife, and environmentally sensitive areas, within
the boundaries of the work zone as defined in the ESIA and the ESMP.
Due cognizance shall be given to local heritage by identifying areas and providing temporary local protection.
The Contractor shall account for existing heritage sites in the vicinity of the Works and establish protection of
the heritage assets by fencing off the area identified within the Contractor’s Environmental and Social
Management Plan (ESMP) in accordance with Schedule 4 Employer’s Requirements and Schedule 5
Employer’s Procedures.

8. Contractor’s Camp Accommodation for Workers During Construction

During construction the Contractor shall comply with 00-000000-000000-NEO-CON-EMR-000001 ER
Contractor Accommodation Requirements in Schedule 4 Employer’s Requirements.
The Contractor shall utilize the Employer sponsored accommodation in the NEOM Logistics Park. The
Contractor is responsible for making its own arrangements with the Employer’s accommodation providers and
enter into an Occupancy Agreement. In the event NEOM Logistics Park accommodation is occupied or
otherwise not suitable, then the Contractor shall request an exemption in accordance with 00-000000-000000-
NEO-CON-EMR-000001 ER Contractor Accommodation Requirements.
The Employer’s Representative may at any time perform audits and inspections of the Contractor’s
accommodation to ensure compliance with requirements of the Contract. The Contractor shall correct any
deficiencies within five calendar days of being notified by the Employer’s Representative.


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