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Air University - Aerospace and Aviation Campus,

Department of Electrical Engineering
Assignment # 02
Course: Digital Logic Design (EE-223) Semester: Fall 2023
Date: 16th October. 2023 Total Marks: 45

[CLO 2, PLO 2, Taxonomy Level C3]


Attempt all questions.

Q 1. Identify each of these logic gates by name, and complete their respective truth tables


Q 2. Change the following logic gate circuit into a Boolean expression. Write Boolean
subexpression next to each gate.

Q.3.Use DeMorgan’s Theorems to simplify the following expressions

' ' ' '
F=(B¿¿ ' D)( A +C D)+(B C + D A)¿

Q.4 Obtain the truth table of the following functions, and express each function in sum - of
minterms and product of maxterms form:
' ' ' ' '
F=bd +ac d + a b c + a c

Q.5 Change the following to the other canonical form:

F=∈(2 ,3 ,5 , 6)
F=π ¿)

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