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MltJD MAP �eARtJltJ6 MADe 51MP�e

� co
• �

1. Trere is no tangent to a circle

passing through a point lying
inside the circle.
2. Trere is one and only one
,--.\ tangent to a circle passing
through a point lying on t re

\ circle.
3. Trere are exactly two tangents
to a circle through a p:iint lying
outside the circle. The locus of a pointequidis tant from
a fixed p:iint. Fixed Point is a cenh-e
radiu / ·
t•.. ✓
:.:$. & separation of points in the radius
of circle.

ff line
e(J(ceu I'

o\e'({'� No common point :�r
«..,'--"'e; � "='--� between line PQ
Tangent and and circle. n
tangent point 1
� ff>
State1nent Figure
Q p
1. The tangent at any \

Two common "'·


point of a circle is Only one common points between

r 0

perpendicular to .,
p:iint between circle line PQand 0

tre radius
' through ,: '-,..,I..--::':, �ii an::l PQline. circle.

tu po1nt o contact LoPQ 90, Bj
:: I' Q
. tQ .,

"· t
2. The lengths of
tangents drawn '' ,' r .,

from an external I r< I \I 0
''➔ n

point to a circle a1-e /I Q .,ill

equal I


► Tangent to a circle at poiut of contact.
1. (Prave) 11ze tangent at any point of a circle is perpendicular to the radius through tlze poiut of contact.
2. (Prave) 11ze lengtlzs of tangents drm1111fro111 an external point to a circle are equal

Quick Review
► A tangent to a circle is a line that intersects the circle atone pointonly.
► The common pointof the circle and the tangent is called the pointofcontact.
► The length ofthe segment ofthe tangentfrom the external pointP and the pointofcontactwith the circle is called
the length ofthe tangent.
► Pythagoras theorem: In a right triangle, square ofthe hypotenuse is equal to the sum ofthe squares of the other
two sides.
► A tangent to a circle is a special case of the secant when the two end points of the corresponding c hord are
coincide .
► There is no tangentto a circle passing throug h a pointlying inside the circle .
► There are exactly two tangents to a circle through a point outside the circle .
► Atany point on the circle there can be one and only one tangent.
► The tangent at any pointof a circle is perpendicular to the radius throug h the pointofcontact.
Tangent Line

Poi nt of Contact

► The lengths ofthe tangents drawn from an external pointto a circle are equal.

In the figure, PA = PB.

Know the Facts

► The word 'tangent' comes from the Latin word ' ta ngere' , which means to touch and was intro duced by the Thnish
ma thematician Thomas Fineke in 1583.
► The line containing the radius through the point of contact is also called the 'normal' to the circle at that point.
► In two concentric circles, the c hord of the larger circle, which touches the smaller circle, is bisected at the point of

How- vf- w � o-.-v

Q. In nght tnangle OPR.
OR2 • OP2 • PR2
OR2 • 52 • 122
0 R OR2 25 • 144

OR2 • 169
or, OR a ✓169 a )3
Step II : S1m1larly in nght tnangle OQR
In the given figure 1f PR • 12 cm. OP • 5 cm. OQ • OR2•0Q2•QR2
4 cm. find RQ . QR2 • OR2 OQ2
Sol. Step I : OP .l RP las radius 1s .l t o tangent QR2 • 132 42
a t point of contactl or, IQRl2 • 169 16
QR2 • 153
or, QR • J I 53 cm. • 3.Jf7 c�
_ _

Very Short Answer Type Questions (I mark each)

[i] Q.1. I n the given figure, AOB is a diameter of the [BJ Q.3. What is the maximum number of parallel
circle with centre O and AC is a tangent to the tangents a circle can have on a diameter?
circle at A. If LBOC = 130°, then find LACO. (Board Term-2, 2012 Set (34))
SoL Since, Tangent touches
A circle ona distinct point.
On the diameter of a circle only two parallel
tangenll; can be drawn.
(CBSE Marking Scheme, 2012) 1
IA] Q.4. In fig. PA and PB are tangents to the circle
[Foreign Set L IL Ill, 2016)
with centre Osuch that LAPB = 50 ° .Write the
Sol. LOAC = 90° (as radius .l tangent)
measure of LOAB.
(Exterior angle property) (Delhi CBSE Board, 2015, Set L IL Ill)
or, 130 = 90° + LACO
or, LACO = 130 ° -90° = 40° 1
IQ] Q.2. From an external point P, tangents PA and PB
are drawn to a circle with centre O. If LPAB =
50°, then find LAOB. (Delhi Set I, ll, llL 2016) p 0

SoL Here, LAPB = 50 °

1800 -so•
LOAB = 90° -50 ° LPAB =LPBA = =6 5 °
= 40 ° (-: PA .l OA) 2
LOAB = LOBA = 40° 1
(-: OA and OB a re rad ii) LOAB =90 ° -LPAB
· LAOB + 40° + 40° = 180° =90 ° -6 5 ° = 25 °
LAOB = 1so 0 -so•= 100 ° (CBSE Marking Scheme, 2015) 1
Hence LAOB = 100° 1
190 l Oswaal CBSE Queston
i Bank, MATHEMATICS, Class -10

[A]Q.5. In the given figure, PQ and P R are tangents to ()0

= 5 =
the circle with centre O such that L.QPR = so•, 25•
then find L.OQR. (Board Term -2, 2012 Set (31))
(Delhi CBSE Term ll, 2015 Set I, ll, Ill) (CBSE Marking Scheme, 2015)
Q IQ] Q.6. If PQ and PR are two tangents to a circle with
centre O. If L.QPR = 46•, find L.QOR.
(Delhi, CBSE, Turm-2, 2014)
p Q

SoL L.QPR= L.SO• (Given)

L.QOR + L.QPR= 1so·
(Supplementary angles)
LQOR = 1so• - so•= 130• 1/2 Sol. L.QOR + L.QPR = 1so·
Fromt.OQR (Supplementary angles)
= = 180° -130° or, LQOR + 46• = 1so•
or, L. OQR L. ORQ
2 or, LQOR = 1so• - 46• = 134•_ 1

Q. 7. If the angle between two tangents drawn from an external point P to a circle o f radius a and centre 0, is 60•,
then find the length of OP. (Outside Delhi Set IL 2017)
--========--- - ---=====

[!>Pyer Answe� 2017)

IBJ Q. 8. If a circle can be inscribed in a parallelogram

how will the parallelogram change? AC= JAo2 -oc2

(Board Turm IL 2014) 2
Sol.Itchanges into a rectangle or a square. 1 = (5) -(3/
IQ] Q.9. 'lwo concentric circles are of radii 5 cm and 3 = ✓ 25-9 = ,/16 =4cm
cm. Find the length of the chord of larger circle Length ofchord, AB=Scm. 1
(in cm) which touches the smaller circle. (CBSE Marking Scheme, 2012)
[Foreign Set I, ll, llL 2014)
IA! Q.10. In the figure, QR is a common tangent to given
SoL Here, AO= 5cm, OC= 3 cm circle which meet at T. 'Tangent at T meets QR at
P. If QP = 3.8 cm, then find length of QR.
(Delhi, Set 2014) (Board, Turm-2, 2012 Set (44))
p R


SoL QP = 3.8 Ii] Q.13.If O is centre of a circle, PQ is a chord and the

QP=PT tangent PR at P makes an angle of so• with PQ,
(Lengthoftangents fro m find LPOQ. (Board Term-2, 2012 Set (26))
external i:oints are e qual) p
or, PT= 3.8 cm .---,._..--==:---�R
PR = PT = 3.8 cm
or, QR= QP+ P R
= 3·8 + 3· 8 = 7.6 cm. 1
(CBSE Marking Scheme, 2012)
Ii] Q.11.I n the figure, PA and PB are tangents to a circle
with centre O. If LAOB= 120•, then find LOPA.
(Delhi, Set2014)
(Board Turm-2, 2012 Set (44)) SoL ·: LRPQ = so•
LOPQ = 90• - so·= 40•
Since, OP=OQ (radi i of circle )
LOPQ = LOQR = 40•
LPOQ = 180• - (40• + 40•)
= 100•. 1
(CBSE Marking Scheme, 2012)
Ii] Q.14.l n fig.,PA and PB are two tangents drawn from
SoLinMOP an external pointP to a circle with centre C and
LAOP = 2
= 600 radius 4 cm. If PA l.PB, then find the length of
each tangent (Board Turm-2, 2013)
LAPB = 90• ( given)
AP = BP (Tungents)
LOAP = LOBP = 90•
.. LACB = 90• So, • p
:. LAPO + LOIP + LAOP = 180- C
or, LAPO + 90• + 60• = 180•
or, LAPO = 180• - 1so• = 30•. 1
(CBSE Marking Scheme, 2012)
Sol.CAPB will be a square
IAJ Q.12.From a pointP, which is at a distance of 13 cm
from the centre O of a circle of radius 5 cm, the CA=AP= PB=BC=4 cm
pair of tangents PQ and PR are drawn to the :. Lengthoftangent=4cm. 1
circle, then find the area of the quadrilateral
Ii] Q.15.What is the length of the tangent drawn from
PQOR (in cm2). (Board Term-2, 2012 Set (31))
a point 8 cm away from the centre of a circle of
SoL radius 6 cm? (Board Term-2, 2012 Set (22))
SoLLength of thetangent= )d2 _ ,.2
= ,J(sf-(6)2
= ✓64-36
Lengthoftangent,PQ= JoP2 -0R2 = ✓28 = 2 ✓7 cm. 1

= ✓(13 ) -(5)
2 2
(CBSE Marking Scheme, 2012)
Ii] Q.16. If the angle between t w o radii of a circle is 130•,
= ✓169-25 then what is the angle between the tangents
at the end points of radii at their point of
= ✓144 = 12cm intersection? (Board Term ll, 2012 Set (22))
Areaof quadrilateral PQOR SoL Since, sum of the angle s b e t w e e n radii and
= 2 x l>POQ between intersection i:ointoftangent is 180•.
= base x height Angle at the i:ointof intersectionoftangents
= 12 x S = 60 cm2 '/2 = 180• - 130• = so•. 1
(CBSE Marking Scheme, 2012) (CBSE Marking Scheme, 2012)
192 l Oswaal CBSE Queston
i Bank, MATHEMATICS, Class -10

IBJ Q.17. To draw a pair of tangents to a circle which

are inclined to each other at a n angle of 30•, it
is required to draw tangents at end points of
two radii of the circle, what will be the angle
between them? (Board Term ll, 2012 Set (31))
SoLAngle between the radii= lS0•-30•= lSO• E
(Since the sum of opposite angles= lSO•). 1
(CBSE Marking Scheme, 2012)
[i] Q. 18.Thro tangents making an angle of 60• between
them are drawn to a circle of radius .J3 cm, then D
find the length of each tangent.
SoL AF=AE=7cm
(Board, Turm-2, 2013) (Tangents ofthe circle)
B BF= AB-AF= 13-7=6 cm
BD= BF=6cm
(Tangents ofthe circle)
CD = BC- BD= 14-6 = 8 cm
CE= CD=Scm
= 7 + 8 = 15 cm. 1
Altitude (CBSE Marking Scheme, 2012)
Sol.Since, tan 8 =
Base [i] Q.22.In given figure, if AT is a tangent to the circle
with centre 0, such that OT = 4 cm and LOTA
OA = 30•, then find the length of AT (in cm).
So. tan30• =
AP (Board Term-2, 2012 Set (13))

1 .J3
✓3 AP
or, AP= .J3 x .J3 =3cm. 1

[BJ Q.19.If a line intersects a circle in two distinct points,

what is it called? (Board Term-2, 2012 Set (17))
SoLT he line which intersects a circle in two distinet
points is called secant. 1
(CBSE Marking Scheme, 2012) Base
SoL case=- - - - -
[i] Q.20.I n the given figure, find LQSR. Hypotenuse
(Board Turm-2, 2012 Set (5)) AT
- =cos30•
AT= OTcos30•
AT= 4x-
p 2
= 2✓3 cm. 1
(CBSE Marking Scheme, 2012)
[i] Q.23.In the given figure, AB is a chord of the circle
SoL LROQ= 1so• - 60•= 120• and AOC is its diameter such that LACB = so•.
1 1 If AT is the tangent to the circle at the point A,
LQSR= - LROQ= - x 120• find LBAT. (Board Term-2, 2012 Set (32))
2 2

(Angle subtended on the centre ofa circle)

= 60•. 1
(CBSE Marking Scheme, 2012) 0 B

[i] Q.21.A triangle ABC is drawn to circumscribe a circle.

IfAB = 13 cm, BC= 14 cm and AE = 7 cm, then
find AC. (Board Term-2, 2012 Set (26)) A T
SoL ·: LACB = 50° R
LCBA = 90° (Angle insemi-circle)
LOAB = 90°- 50°
= 40•
LBAT = 90°- LOAB _.,_.e;__ _ _ _ _.......:::,,_p
= 90°- 40°
= so•. 1 (Exterior angle) 1/2
(CBSE Marking Scheme, 2012) LOPQ = LPOR - LOQP
IQ] the fig. there are two con centric circles with = 120° -90
centre O. PRT and PQS are tangents to the inner = 30°
circle from a pointP lying on the outer circle. If IQ] Q.26. In fig. 1, 0 is the centre of the circle, PQ is a
PR= 5 cm find the length of PS. chord and PT is tangent to the circle atP.
(Delhi Compt. Set L IL Ill 2017)

SoL PQ =PR=5cm 1/2 (Outside Delhi Set L IL Ill 2017)
and PQ =QS 1/2
= 2 x 5 = 10cm = 180 - 70 = 550 1/2
(CBSE Marking Scheme, 2012) TPQ = 90° - 55°
IQ] Q.25.PQ is a tangent drawn from an external point P
to a circle with centre 0, QOR is the diameter of
= 35°
the circle. If LPOR = 120°, What is the meause (CBSE Marking Scheme, 2017)
of LOPQ? [Foreign Set I, ll, llL 2017)

Short Answer Type Questions-I (2 marks each)

IQ] Q.1. In the given figure, from a pointP, two tangents
PT and PS are drawn to a circle with centre 0
or, LOPS = = 60°
such thatLSPT = 120°, Prove that OP= 2PS.
(as OP bisects LSPI) '/2
Also, LPTO =90°
(as ra dius .l tangent) 1/2
· In right triangle POS.

cosLOPS= -
1 =-
2 OP
[Foreign Set L IL Ill, 2016)
Sol.Given that LSPT = 120° or, OP= 2PS. 1
Hence proved.
194 ] i Bank, MATHEMATICS, Class -10
Oswaal CBSE Queston

IA] Q. 2. Prove that the lengths of two tangents drawn from an external point to a circle are equal.
(Outside Delhi Set, ll, 2017]

[!>Pyer Answe� 2016)

[QI Q.3. In the given figure, a circle is inscribed in a p
MBC, such that it touches the sides AB, BC
and CA at points D, E and F respectively. If the
lengths of sides AB, BC and CA are 12 cm, 8 cm
and 10 cm respectively, find the lengths of AD,
BE and CF.

(Delhi Set L IL Ill, 2016]
Sol. PA =PB '/2
or, LPAB = LPBA = 60•
(Delhi Set L IL Ill, 2016] :. LIPAB is an equilateral triangle.
Sol. Let AD = AF = x Hence AB=PA=5 cm.
or, DB = BE = 12-x (CBSE Marking Scheme, 2016)
and CF= CE = 10-x IA] Q.5. Prove that in two concentric circles, the chord
of the larger circle, which touches the smaller
circle is bisected at the point of contact.
or, 8 = 12-X + 10- X (Board Term-2, 2012 Set (17, 40))
or, x =7 1
SoL OP is radius and APB is tangent.
:.AD=7cm,BE=5cm,CF=3cm 1 or, OP .LAB 1
[QI Q.4. In Fig., AP and BP are tangents to a circle with Now for bigger circle, 0 is centre and AB is '/2
centre 0, such that AP=5 cm and LAPB = 60•. chord such that O P .LAB '/2
Find the length of chord AB. or, OP bisects AB.
[i] Q.8. In given figure, AB is the diameter of a circle
with center O and AT is a tangent. If LAOQ =
55•, find LATQ.[Board Turm-2, 2015 Set I, IL lll)

(CBSE Marking Scheme, 2012)

[i] Q. 6. In the given figure PQ is chord of length 6 cm of
the circle of radius 6 cm. 1P and TQare tangents SoL LAOQ = ss• (Given)
to the circle at points P and Q respectively. Find 1
(Angle on the circumference
of the circle by the same a re)
0 =-xss•
= 29• 1
Q LBAT = 90• (-: OA .LAI)
(CBSE S.A.2 2016 Set HODM40L) LATQ = 90• - 29•
Sol. PQ = 6 cm, OP = OQ = 6 cm
= 61• 1
LP OQ=&O• [CBSE Marking Scheme, 2015)
(angle of equilateral ti.) '/2 IAI Q. 9. In figure, a triangleABC is drawn to circumscribe
LP=LQ=90• a circle of radius 3 cm, such that the segments
(radius .1 tangent) BD and DC are respectively of lengths 6 cm and
:. L T + 90• + 90• + 60•=360•
9 cm. If the area ofMBC is 54 cm2, then find the
(angle sum property) '/2
lengths of sides AB and AC.
LT=l�• 1
IAJ Q. 7. ABC is an isosceles triangle in which AB = AC
which is circumscribed about a circle as shown
in the figure. Show that BC is bisected at the
point of contact.


6cm----'IIM--- -
9cm- --.li0

(Outside Delhi CBSE, 2015, Set I, ll, Ill)

(Board Turm-2, 2012 Set (22)) SoL LetAF =AE=x
SoL AX=AY ➔ (1) AB= 6 + x,AC= 9 + x, BC= 15 '/2
➔ (2) A
BX= Bl
CZ = C Y ➔ (3)
(Tangents froman external
JX>int to a circle are equal)¼
AB = AC, (Given)
or, AX+ XB=AY + YC '/2
or, XB = YC
or, Bl = CZ '/2 3cm
.·. Z is the mid-JX>int of B C and Z is the JX>int of
Hence, BC is bisected at the JX>int ofcontact. '/2
(CBSE Marking Scheme, 2012)
196 l Oswaal CBSE Queston
i Bank, MATHEMATICS, Class -10

1 [i] Q.11.PA and PB are tangents from point P to the

[15 + 6 + X + 9 + x].3 = 54 circle with centre O a s shown in figure. At point
2 M, a tangent is drawn cutting PA atK andPB at
N. Prove thatKN =AK+ BN.
45 +3x = 54 1 A
or, X =3

AB=9cm,AC = 12cm O• p

and BC= 15cm.

(CBSE Marking Scheme, 2015]
(Board Turm-2, 2012 Set (28)]
IAJ Q.10.Infigure, twotangentsRQandRP are drawnfrom
an external point R to the circle with centre O. If
SoL PA = PB, KA = KM, NB = Nivf,
L. PRQ = 120•, then prove that OR = PR + RQ. (Length of tangents from an external point are
KA + NB = Kivf + NM 1
or AK+ BN = KN. 1

(CBSE Marking Scheme, 2012]

[i] Q.12.ln figure, 0 i s the centre of a circle.PT and PQ

are tangents to the circle from an external point
P. If L.1PQ = 70•, find L.1RQ.

(Outside Delhi CBSE Board, 2015, Set I, ll, Ill] R o. p

SoL Construetion Join Oto P .

L.POR = 90• - 60• =30• 1

sine = [Foreign Set I, ll, llL 2015]
SoL L.TOQ = 1so• -70• = 110• 1
PR 1 (angle of supplementary)
= sin30• =
OR 2

or, OR = 2PR

R 0-i_ 70 ' p

or, L.TRQ = -1 L.TOQ


(angle at the circumference of the circle by same are)

PR =QR 1
= x 110• = 55•_ 1
OR=PR+ QR 1 2

(CBSE Marking Scheme, 2015] [CBSE Marking Scheme, 2015]

IA] Q.13. Prove that tangents drawn at the ends of achord [i] Q.14. 'lwo tangents PA and PB are drawn from an
of acircle make equal angles with the chord. external pointP to a circle inclined to each other
at anangleof70•, thenwhat is the valueofLPAB?
(Board Term-2, 2012 Set (26, 34))


= -x70 ° =35• 1/2

LOAP =90•

(Delhi T e r m -2, 2015)

LAOP = 1so· - (90· + 35•) = 55• 1/2
LOAB = 35•
SoL LPAB = 90• - 35•

p .o

·: Pi\!f =PN (length of tangents are equal)
Ll =L2 (an8le& opp. t6 equal &ide& are equal)1
180 - Ll = lSO• - L2
·: (linear pair)
L3 = L4 1 (CBSE Marking Scheme, 2012)
(CBSE Marking Scheme, 2015)

IA] Q.15. In Fig. a quadrilateralABCD is drawn to circumscribe acircle, with centre 0, insuch a way that the sides AB,
BC, CD and DA touch the circle at the pointsP, Q, Rand S respectively. Prove that.AB + CD= BC+ DA.

A B (Outside Delhi Set, ll, 2016)


(Topper Answe� 2016)

198 l Oswaal CBSE Queston
i Bank, MATHEMATICS, Class -10

IA] Q.16. I n Figure, common tangents AB and CD to the SoL BC=4.5cm

two circles with centres 01 and 02 intersect atE. BC=CP
Prove thatAB =CD. (CBSE O.D. 2014) Oength of tangents from external p:,int are equal) 1
or, CP=4.5cm
A AC=CP = 4.5cm
or, AB=AC+CB
=4·5+4· 5= 9 cm . '/2+'/2
(CBSE Marking Scheme, 2012)
IA] Q.19.ln the given figure, if AB= AC, prove that BE=
B EC. (Outside Delhi Set I, ll, Ill 2017)

Sol.EA and EC are tangents from p:,int E to the circle

with centre 01
EA=EC ...(i)
EB and ED are tangents from point E to circle with
centre 02
EB=ED ...(ii) BL-- --" "'- E""""- -�c
Eq.(i) +(ii) Sol. Given, AB=AC .. . (i)
or, EA + EB = EC +ED AD=AF
or, AB=CD (Hence proved.) (Tangents from external p:,int) 1/2
On subtracting (ii) from (i)
IQ] Q.17. I nthe given figure,BOAisadiameterofacircle and AB-AD=AC-AF
the tangent at a pointP meets B A when produced BD=CF
=} '/2
at T. If LPBO = 30•, what is the measure of Now BD = BE (tangents) 1/2
BE=EC '/2
IA] Q.20. Prove that the tangents drawn at the end points
of a chord of a circle make equal angles with the
chord. (Outside Delhi Set I, ll, Ill 2017)
_.----::s.. A

• p

(Board Turm-2, 2012 Set (21))

SoL BOA is a diameter. Case I: Indf!BP '/2
or, LBPA = 90• (angle insemicircle) Since PA=PB (Tunge nts) 1/2
and LOPT = 90• '/2 LPAB = LPBA
Tungents from right angle a tend p:,int of radius. (Opp:,site angles of equal sides)
Case ll: If the tangents ofA and Bare parallel, each
or, LBPO = 30• (-: OB= OP) 1/2
angle between chord and tangent=90• 1/2
or, LOPA = 60• and APT=30• '/2 IQ] Q.21. In fig. the radius of incircle of MBC of area
or, LPTA = 60• - 30• 84 cm2 and the lengths of the segments AP and
= 30• (exterior angle). 1/2 BP into which side AB is divided by the point
of contact are 6 cm and 8 cm. Find the lengths of
(CBSE Marking Scheme, 2012) the sides AC and BC.
IQ] Q.18.I n the given figure, if BC = 4.5 cm, find the A
length of AB. (Board Term -2, 2012 Set (59))

4 cm,I 0,, R
', 0,. .,.,..
... ...
... . ...0
, ,..., '
,,,. ., I .._'
p 4cm,

(Outside Delhi Compt. Set I, ll, Ill 2017)


SoL Given, BP= BQ= 8cm L

AP =AR=6cm
Tangents from external i:oints A, B, C
0 p
Let CQ=CRbexcm
PerimeterofMBC= 2 X 8+2 X 6+2x
= (28+x 2 ) cm
AreaofMBC= !. (28+2x)x4
=28+2x = 4 2 '/2 (Outside Delhi Comp!. Set I, ll, Ill 2017]
2x = 42- 28
SoL OK = OL (radii)
x=7 '/2 LOKL =LOLK =30•
AC = 6+7 =13 cm
(Opi:osite angles of equal sides)1
BC=8+7 =15 cm '/2 Since LOKP =90• (Tangent)
(CBSE Marking Scheme, 2017]
LPKL = 90•- 30• = 60•
[!] Q. 22. l n Fig. 2, 0 is the centre of the circle and LN is a
(CBSE Marking Scheme, 2017]
diameter. lfPQ is a tangent to the circle atK and
L.KLN = 30•, find L.PKL.

Short Answer Type Questions-II ------- (3 marks each)

IA] Q.1. ABC is a triangle. A circle touches sides AB

and AC produced and side BC at X, Y and Z
respectively. Show that AX = .!_ perimeter of
MBC. (Board Term -2, 2016, Set-HODM40L]
Sol.Perimeter of MBC= AB+AC +BC
=(AX-BX)+(AY -CY)
+Bl+ ZQ.1
(Board Term-2, 2014)
Sol. Construction: Join A to B
The tangents of a circle, from an external i:oint are we have,
OP = diameter

=} OQ+QP = diameter
Radius +QP = diameter 1

y OQ=PQ =radius
Thus OP is the hyi:otenuse of right angled Ll.AOP.

So, In MOP, sin 0 = �� =-

or,From i:oint B ➔ BX=Bl FromA ➔AX=A Y
0 = 30• 1
From i:oint C ➔ CZ = CY
P=AX+AY=2AX 1 Hence, LAPB =60•
or AX= !. Perimeter of MBC. 1
2 AP =AB
(CBSE Marking Scheme, 2016)
So, LPAB =LPBA = 60•
IA] Q. 2. In the given figure, OP is equal to the diameter
of a circle with centre O and PA and PB are :. MPB is an equilateral triangle. 1
tangents. Prove that ABP is an equilateral
triangle. (CBSE Marking Scheme, 2014)
200 l Oswaal CBSE Queston
i Bank, MATHEMATICS, Class -10

[i] Q.3. In the figure, PQ is a tangent to a circle with IA] Q.5. lnMBC,AB =AC.If the interior circle ofMBC
centre O.If LOAB = 30•, find LABP and LAOB. touches the sides AB, BC and Ol at D, E and F
respectively. Prove thatE bisects BC.
(Board Turm-2,2014 Delhi Set, 2012 Set (40))
0 SoL A

(Board Term-2, 2014)
SoL Since the tangent is perpendicular to the end point
of radius,
(tangents from external points) 11/2
LOBA = 30• 1
LAOB = 1so· - (30· + 30•)
LAOB = 120• 1
or, BD = FC (-: AD=AF)
= 90• - 30• = 60· 1
BE = EC(-: BD = BE, CE = CF)
(CBSE Marking Scheme, 2014) .·. E bisects BC. 1
(CBSE Marking Scheme, 2012)
IA] Q.4. Prove that the tangents drawn at the ends of a
IA] Q.6. A circle is inscribed in a MBC, with sides AC,
diameter of a circle are parallel. AB andBCas8 cm, 10 cmand12 cm respectively.
Find the length of AD, BE and CF.
[Foreign set I, ll,Ill, Delhi CBSE, Term-2, 2014)
(Board Term -2, 2012 Set (12))
(Delhi Set L IL Ill 2017)

0 (Board Term -2, 2012 Set (21); Delhi 2013)
SoL AC = Scm
AB= 10cm
E B F and BC = 12cm
Let CF=x
Let AB be a diameter of a given circle and let CD
and EF be the tangents drawn to the circle at A and CF = EC=x
B respectively. AF =8-x=AD
AB.L CDandAB.1 EF 1 BE= 12-x = BD '/2
LCAB = 90• and LABF = 90• '/2 or, 8-x+12-x = 10

LCAB = LABF '/2 20-2x = 10

and LABE = LBAD '/2 - 2x = - 10or, x = 5 1

LCAB and LABF also LABE and LBAD are AD = 3cm

alternate interior angles. 1 BE=7cm
CD II EF and CF = 5cm. 1
(CBSE Marking Scheme, 2012) (CBSE Marking Scheme, 2012)

[i] Q. 7. Thro tangents TP and TQ are drawn to a circle [i] Q.8. In the given figure, PA and PB are tangents to a
with centre O from an external point T. Prove circle from an external point P such that PA =
that 4 cm and LBAC = 135•. Find the length of chord
(Delhi Set I, ll, Ill 2017;
Delhi Compt Set L IL Ill 2017)
SoL p

(Outside Delhi Set L IL Ill, 2017)

Let LOPQbe8 SoL PA=PB =4cm
LTPQ = (90• -8) (Tungenls from external JX>int) 1/2
Since TP=TQ (Tungents) LPAB = 1so· -135• = 45•
LTQP = (90•-e) (Supplementary angles)
(OpJX>site angels of equal sides) 1 LABP = LPAB =45•
Now, LTPQ + LTQP + LPTQ (OpJX>site angles of equal sides) 1/2
= 1so• LAPB = 1so•-45•_45•
=} 90• - 8 + 90• -8 + LPTQ = 90•
= 1so• S::, MBP i s a isosceles right angled triangle
LPTQ = 1so•-1so• + 20 11/2 =} AB2 = 2AP2 1
LPTQ =28 11/2 =} AB2 = 32 1
Hence LPTQ = 2LOPQ '/2 Hence AB= ./32. =4.ff. cm
(CBSE Marking Scheme, 2017) (CBSE Marking Scheme, 2017)

Q. 9. Prove that the tangents drawn at the end points of a chord of a circle make equal angles with the chord.

(Outside Delhi Set, ll, 2017)


(Topper Answe� 2017)

202 ] Oswaal CBSE Queston
i Bank, MATHEMATICS, Class -10

Long Answer Type Questions --�- -

� (4 marks each)

IA! Q.1. a, band care the sides of a right triangle, where

c is the hypotenuse. A circle, of radius r, touches Sol. PT= ✓ 169-25 = 12cm
a+b-c and TE = OT - OE = 13- 5
the sides of the triangle. Prove that r =
2. =Bern '/2+'/2
(CBSE S.A.2 2016 Set HODM40L) Let PA=AE=x (Tangents)
TA2 = TE2 + EA 2 1
Sol. or, (12- x)2 = 64 + ,?·
24x = 80
or, x 3.3cm.
= 1
Thus AB = 2 xx = 2 x 3·3
= 6.6 c m . 1
(CBSE Marking Scheme, 2016)
IAJ Q.3. In the given figure, 0 is the centre of the circle.
a B Determine LAPC, if DA and DC are tangents
and LADC = so•.
Let circle touches CBatM, CAatN andABatP A
Now OM.1 CB and ON .LAC (radius .1 tangent)
OM= ON (radii)
CM=CN (Tangents) D
:. OMCN is a square
Let Olvf = r= CM= CN 1
(Board T e r m -2, 2015)
(tangent from external i:oint)
b-r=c-BM D
b-r=c-a +r
C 1
Given DA and DC are tangents from i:oint D to a
r=- - - 1 circle with centre 0 .
Ll = L2 = 90•
Hence Proved. (radius .1 tangent)
(CBSE Marking Scheme, 2016) Ll + L2 + L3 + L4 = 360• 1
Ii] Q. 2. In Fig. 0 is the centre of a circle of radius 5 or, 90• + 90• + so•+ L4 = 360•
cm. Tis a point such that OT= 13 cm and OT or, L4 = 130•
intersects circle at E. If AB is a tangent to the Reflex L4 = 360• - 130• = 230• 1
circle at E, find the length of AB, where 1P and 1
TQ are two tangents to the circle. LAPC = - reflex L4
(an gle subtended at centre ...)
LAPC = .!.x23<J0 = 11s• 1
0+-- -
+:-- - - - """'-
- -T
- - - =-- (CBSE Marking Scheme, 2015)
IAJ Q.4. Prove that opposite sides of a quadrilateral
circumscribing a circle subtend supplementary
angles at the centre of the circle.
[Delhi Set L IL Ill, 2016) [Foreigh Set I, ll, Ill 2017J[CBSE O.D. 2014)
Sol. Given : A circle with centre O is inscribed in a OA= OA (commonside)
quadrilateral ABCD MEO= llAFO(SAS congruency)
in llA EO and llAFO L7= LS ... (i) (CPCI)
OE = OF (radii of circle) Similarly,
LOEA = LOFA= 90• Ll =L2 ...(ii)
(radius is .1 r to tangent)
L3 =L4 ...(iii)
A r:::--- -=,_.;E
r-='= ---:;,j
LS=L6 ...(iv)
(angle around a p:,int is 360•)
2Ll +2L8+ 2L4+2LS=3EO•
Ll +LS+L4+LS= 1so·
(Ll +LS)+ (L4+LS)= 1so· 4
LAOB +LCOD = 1so·
The p:,intofcontactis perpendicular to the tangent.
Hence Proved.

Q. 5. Prove that tangent drawn at any point of a circle is perpendicular to the radius through the point of contact.
(Outside Delhi Set ll, 2016)


(Topper Answe� 2016)

IA! Q. 6. In figure, PQ is a chord of length 16 cm, of a TP lvfP
or, =- -
circle of radius 10 cm. The tangents atP and Q PO 1'vfO
intersect at a point T. Find the length of 1P.
(Delhi CBSE, Turm-2, 2014) =-
Sol. Given, 01\1 .1 PQ, bisects PQ. 10 6
P1W = 8 cm (as PQ = 16cm.) 1
In rt. tlOMP, 01\1 = J10 2 -82
= ✓100-64
= -/3(,
=6cm 1
LTP1\1+LMPO = 90•
Also, LTPM+LPT1\1 = 90•
LTMP =L01WP= 90• 80
or, TP= -
tJMP - t,PMO (AA) 1
204 l Oswaal CBSE Queston
i Bank, MATHEMATICS, Class -10

or, TP = 4(J

Hence LengthofTP = �J cm. 1


IAJ Q. 7. 'lwo tangents PA and PB are drawn from an

external pointP to a circle with centre 0, such
that LAPB = LY and LAOB = !f· Prove than
opposite angles are supplementary. (Outside Delhi Compt. Set I, ll, Ill 2017)
(Board T e r m2,
- 2011 (Bl) SoL PT= QT (Tungents)
.. LTPQ is an isosecles and TO is is the angle
SoL Since,AO BP is a quadrilateral
bisector of LPTQ.
:. OT .l PQ, So, OT also bisects P Q .
r .. PR= PQ = 4cm 1/2
Since t.OPR is right angled isosecles triangle
p y 0 2 2
.. OR= JoP -PR
= ✓52 -42 =J25-16
B =3cm
So, LA+ LB+ x + y =360· Now,LetTP =xand TR= y then,
9Q• + 9Q + X + !f = 36Q• 1 x2 =j + 16 ...(i) 1
180 + X + !f = 36Q• Also int.OPT, ,.J. + (5)2 = 0J+ 3)2 ...(ii) 1
x +!I=180• 1 Solving (i) and (ii) we get
!I = -
or, Opp. angle are supplementary 1 16 20
" andx= -" 1
(CBSE Marking Scheme, 2011) .) .)

IAI Q.8. I n fig. PQ is a chord of length 8 cm of a circle Hence, TP = 20

of radius 5 cm. The tangents drawn at P and Q .)

intersect at T. Find the length of TP. (CBSE Marking Scheme, 2017)

High Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) Questions

Q. 1. In figure, PQ is a chord of a circle centre O and PT Q. 2. In fig., a circle with centre O is inscribed in a
is a tangent. I f LQPT = 60•, find LPRQ. quadrilateral ABCD such that, it touches the
(Outside Delhi CBSE Board, 2015 Set L ll, Ill) sides BC, AB, AD and CD at points P, Q, R and S
respectively. If AB = 29 cm, AD= 23 cm, LB = 90•
and DS = 5 cm, then find the radius of the circle (in
Q cm.). (Board T e r m2,
- 2013) 2
r - ··
s 0 ,-- · ···

p T
C p
SoL Given, LQPT =60• Sol. ·: DS= 5 cm
LOPQ =LOQP =90• -60• =30•
DR= DS = 5cm
LPOQ = 180•- c,,o•+ 30 •> 1
(length of tangents are equal)
= 180•- 60• =120•
AR = 23 - 5 = 18 cm
LPRQ =� Reflex LPOQ 1 AQ = 1 8 cm
2 QB = 29-18 = 11 cm = PB
[·: LPOQ = 360•-120•= 240•] LOQB = LOPB = 90•
= � x :?AO•=120• OP = OQ = PB = BQ
2 So, POQB is a square
(CBSE Marking Scheme, 2015) 1 Hence, r=OP=PB=11 cm. 1
Q. 3.PB is a tangent to the circle with centre O to B. AB LTPR=LTQR
is a chord of length 24 cm at a distance of 5 cm from (opfX)site angle of equal sides)
the centre. If the tangent is of length 20 cm, find !PTR = t:.QTR 1
the length of PO. (SAS Congruency)
But LPRT+ LQRT= 180°
0 (as PQ is line segment)
A Therefore TR or OT is the right bisector of line
segment P Q . Hence proved.1
[CBSE Marking Scheme, 2015]
Q.5.AB is a chord of circle with centre O. AtB, a tangent
PB is drawn such that its length is 24 cm. The
(Delhi Board Term -2, 2015] 2 distance ofP from the centre is 26 cm. If the chord
SoL Construe tion Meet O to T, TO intersect PQ at R. AB is 16 cm, find its distance from the centre.
p p

·•..'•,. 20
··•. 0

(Board Turm-2 , 2012 Set (40), 2014] 3

In rt. t:.Oi\!fB, Sol Given, AB is a chord of circle with centre O and
OB2= 52 + 122= 132 tangent PB=24 cm, OP=26 cm,
OB= 13 1 Construction:JoinO to B and draw OC .LAB
Since OB .lPB (radius .1 tangent) By Pythago ras theorem,
.·. In rt. t:.OBP,
OP2=OB2 + BP2 OB= ✓�2-6)- --( -
= 132 + 202
= 569 ✓ 676 -576 = ✓100
or, OP = J569 = 23.85 cm, 1 = 10cm 1
(CBSE Marking Scheme, 2015] p

Q. 4. From a point Toutside a circle of centre 0, tangents

1P and TQare drawn to the circle. Prove that OT is
the right bisector of line segment PQ.
(Delhi CBSE T e r m 2- , 2015 Set I, ll, Ill] 2 0
SoL Given:A circle with centre 0 , Tangents TP and TQ C
are drawn from a fX)int Toutside a circle.

1 16
Now in t:.OBC, BC= -AB=-=S cm
2 2
(Perpendicular drawn from the centre to a chard
bisecIs it.)
OB= 10cm
To Prove: OT is the right bisector of line segment oe2 = 0B2 - BC2
PQ. = 102 -82
Proof:Int:, PTR andt:, QTR oe2 = 36
TP =TQ OC =6cm 1
(Tangents of the circle) :. Distance of the chord from the centre=6cm,
TR=TR (Common) (CBSE Marking Scheme, 2014]
206 l Oswaal CBSE Queston
i Bank, MATHEMATICS, Class -10

Q. 6. Prove that the intercept of a tangent between a A

pair of parallel tangents to a circle subtend a right
angle at the centre of the circle.
(Delhi CBSE, Term-2, 2014)
(Board Term-2, 2012 Set (22, 5)) 3
SoL ------:::,,,-,-P-=:::--��rA� Q

_ ..:::,._,_'"""-�-
_ _ _ -
R B 1/2 B 6cm C
PQand RS are two parallel tangents to a circle with ar (.MB() =ar (60B() + ar (60CA) +
centre 0 . ar (60AB) =
12r 1
AB is tangent to a circle a t C, intersecting PQ and
RS at A and B respectively. 12r = 24
Since PA II RSand ABistransversal or, r =2 c m .
Ll + L2 + L3 + L4 =1so· (CBSE Marking Scheme, 2012)
[Ll = L2,L3 = L4(by
congruency)] Q. 9. In given figure, PA and PB are tangents from a
2L1 + 2L3 = 1so• 1 + 1/2 point P to the circle with centre O. At the point
L l + L3 =90• 1/2 M, another tangent to the circle is drawn cutting
InMOB,byangle sum property of a triangle, PA and PB atK andN. Prove that the perimeter of
6PNK = 2PB. (Board T e r m2,
- 2012 Set (1, 25))
LAOB = 1so· -(Ll + L3)
= 1so• -9o•
LAOB = 90•. '/2
(CBSE Marking Scheme, 2012) p
Q. 7. Prove that the parallelogram circumscribing a
circle is a rhombus. (Delhi CBSE, Turm-2, 2014)
(Board Turm-2, 2012 Set (1 ); Delhi 2013) 3
SoL Let ABCD be the II gm. Sol. KN = KM + MN
AB =CD, AD=BC .. .(i) 1/2 But KM= KA and i\.fN = BN, (-: tangenls drawn
AP + PB + DR + C R =AS + BQ + DS + CQ 1 froman external point to a circle are equal) 1
or, AB+CD=AD+BC '/2
From (i), 2AB = '.?ADor AB=AD KN =KA+BN
A P B Perimeter of 6Pl\TK = PN + KN + PK
= PN + BN + KA + PK
= PB + PA = 2PB,
s Q (-: PA = PB) 2
Q. 10. In the fig., the MBC is drawn to circumscribe a
circle of radius 4 cm, such that the segments BD
and DC are of lengths 8 cm and 6 cm respectively.
1 FindAB and AC.
or,ABCDis a rhombus.
(CBSE Marking Scheme, 11, 2012) (Board Turm-2, 2012 (34); Delhi CBSB Turm II, 2014)
Q. 8.ABC is a right triangle in which LB= 90•. A circle
is inscribed in the triangle. If AB = 8 cm and
BC= 6 cm, find the radius r of the circle. 3
(Board Term ll, 2012 Set (44))
SoL Construction: Join AO, BO and CO
AreaofMBC = �x8x6 = 24cm2 1 8cm 6cm
2 4cm

AC= Js2 +62 =10cm '/2 B 8cm


SoL Construction:JoinAO, BO and Co IntJ.SQR

A LSQR + LQSR + LQRS = 1so·
LSQR + 70• + 75• = 1so·
LSQR = 1so• -1s1•
LSQR = 30•
Q. 12. In the given figure, AD is a diameter of a circle
with centre O and AB is a tangent at A. C is a point
on the circle such that DC produced intersects the
8cm tangent atB andLABC = so•. Find LAOC.
(Board T e r m2,
- 2015)
8cm D Gem C
AC= (x + 6)cm,AB=(x + S)cm
S=semi-perimeter =x + 14
A rea of MBC= Js(s-a)(s-/J)(s-c)

= J4B.,·2+ 672x ...(i) 1

B 3
ar(l!.IBC) = -x14x4 SoL Given:Tangent AB
LA= 90•
=28cm2 ...(ii)
(Radius is .1 to the tangent) 1
1 LD + LA+ LB= l S O • (Angle sum prop)
ar(l!.BIA) = -x(x+8 ) x 4cm2 ...(iii) 1
2 or, LD + 90• + so• =1so•

ar(l!.AIC) = !x(x+6) x 4cm2 ...(iv) or, LD = 40 • 1

2 LAOC =2LADC =2 x 40•=so·
ar (l!.ABC) = ar (l!.IBQ + ar (l!.BIA) + ar(l!.AIC) (Angle subtended at the cent re) 1
J4B.,·2 +672x =16(x + 14)2 (CBSE Marking Scheme, 2015)

or, x =7 Q.13. ln fig.PQ is a tangent from an external pointP to

a circle with centre O and OP cuts the circle at T
and LQOR is a diameter.If LPOR = 130• andS is a
and AB =15 cm. 1 point on the circle, find L'.1 + L'.2.
(CBSE Marking Scheme, 2012) (Delhi Comp!. Set I, ll, Ill 2017)
Q.11. ln the figure, tangentsPQ and PR are drawn from
an external pointP to a circle with centre 0, such 1
that LRPQ = 30•. A chord RS is drawn parallel to
SoL L2 = -LROT
the tangentPQ.Find LRQS.
(Angle subtended at the centre bys ame arc)
1 3 °
L2 = -x1 0 = 65 °
LROT = Ll + LPQO '/2
30 °
Ll =130• -90•=40• '/2
Q p 3 L2 + LI = 6 5• + 40• = lOS• 1
(Delhi CBSE T e r m2,
- 2015 (Set I, ll, Ill))
(CBSE Marking Scheme, 2017)
Sol. Since PR = PQ (tangenls) 1/2
l 8<)0- 300 Q.14. ln the fig.AB and CD are common tangents to two
LPRQ = LPQR = circles of unequal radii.Prove that AB = CD.
= 1500 = 75• B
SR II QP 1 0'
LSRQ = LRQP = 75•
(A lterna le angle) 1/2 D
(Delhi Comp!. Set Ill 2017)
= 75• 1
208 l Oswaal CBSE Queston
i Bank, MATHEMATICS, Class -10

SoL Construction: Produce AB and CD to meet at P . PC=PD=9 cm

A PC + PD = 9 + 9 = 18 cm 1
B (CBSE Marking Scheme, 2017]

Q. 1 6 . In a right angle MBC, BC = 12 cnt and AB =
0 0' -- 5 cn1. Find the radius of the circle inscribed in this
triangle. [Delhi CBSE Term-2, 2014]
D Sol.Here, AB=5 cm, BC= 12cm and LB=90•
C Let the radius of circle be x c m .
Now, PA=PC
Tu ngents to a circle from external i:oint
(CBSE Marking Scheme, 2017]
Q. 15. In the given figure, PA and PB are tangents to
the circle from an external point P. CD is another
tangent touching the circle at 8. IfPA = 12 cm, (5c
= DQ = 3 cm, then find PC +PD.
A s�=x..=+>�o�====�(Nt 2��
� - ;===�c
C 12 cm 1
AC = ✓(12) +(5)
2 2

Q p
= ✓144+25
D = ✓169 = 13cm
(Delhi Comp!. Set I, ll, I l l 2017] AC=(5-x) + (12-x)
SoL AC=CQ 13 = 5 - X + 12 - X
(Tangents from external i:oint to a circle) 2x = 17-13 = 4
PA = PC + CA = PC+ CQ
(-: CA= CQ) x = -4 = 2 cm 1
PC = 12-3= 9 cm 1 Hence, radius of the circle = 2 cm.

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