Waiting A Play in M Uychoco Ed 21st Cent 202311192122 29186

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About the author:!

Ron Darvin is an instructor and researcher at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada, whose
research focuses on the literacies and educational performance of recently migrated Filipino students. Before
moving to Canada, he was a teacher of literature, cultural studies, and academic writing at the Ateneo de Manila
University in the Philippines. !
This play is based on the real stories that Filipino youth and their parents have shared with Darvin. In Canada, 92%
of those in the Live-in Caregiver Program are Filipino, and because they come through temporary migrant worker
arrangements, mothers are separated from their children an average of six years. This separation affects the lives
of these Filipino families in many ways, including the educational performance of the children. Darvin originally
wrote this play for an audience of teachers and administrators in Canada, so that they could understand the
particular challenges that some Filipino students go through.
To cite this text: !
Darvin, R. (2016). Waiting. In M. Uychoco (ed.), 21st century literature from the
Philippines and the world (pp. 41- 47). Manila: Rex. !

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