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The country of Uganda is a British colonization that began in 1860.

Originally, Britain and Germany shared the country but a treaty was
signed giving Britain the right to control all of Uganda. In 1962,
Uganda received independence and an internal legislative
government. When their independence was received A. Milton
Obote declared himself the prime minister of the country. During
the first years of independence, Ugandans struggled with forming a
central government. A. Milton Obote introduced a new constitution.
The constitution ended Buganda's freedom and independence.
Naturally, as a result the Bugandan people protested. A. Milton
Obote later created a constitution giving the central government
majority of the power. He also divided Buganda into four districts
and abolished "kingships" or monarchies. Along side Obote was
Major General Idi Amin. Idi Amin reestablished the relationship
with Buganda and caused conflict with the United States and Israel.
Both countries provided U

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