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1. Personal Detail
Name: - Feyissa Neggesa

Sex: - Male

Age: - 28

Place of Birth: - Abichu Gnea Werada

Nationality: - Ethiopian

Marital Status: - Marriage

2. Educational Background
1-8 Gnea School

9-12 Muke Turi S.S School

3. Academic Achievement
Qualification Graduated From Rift Valley University By " BA" Degree by
Accounting &Finance.

4. Language Ability
Good by Amharic፡- speakin; writing Listening.

Good by English; - Speakin; writing; Listining.

Good By Oromo:-Speakin; writing; Listining.

I am oriented with field practical

Work given in the company& university

5. by department of finance administrative section by the position experience.

Basic computer application:-Ms-Word’s-Excel & Peachtree Accounting.
Date .../.../..

Application Letter

Job Position: -...................................


Mobile: - 0920050763/83754998


I am graduated from Rift Valley University by "BA"degree by Accounting on July 17/2019


I am highly interested to apply at you institution to full serve & accomplish

All duties required by your institution with my knowledge & practical skill that i have

This Position Particularly caught my eyes. I have a soft ware back ground, Ms.Officer,
Ms.Ecell&Project management.

I have been looking for a job in a success full organization & am job seen to be exactly
what i am looking for it the same skill & knowledge of & I know could fit & contribute it.

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