Caregiver Burden in Mild Cognitive Impairment

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Caregiver burden in mild cognitive impairment

a a a a a
Matt Paradise , Donna McCade , Ian B. Hickie , Keri Diamond , Simon J.G. Lewis &
Sharon L. Naismith
Brain & Mind Research Institute, University of Sydney, Camperdown, Australia
Published online: 28 May 2014.

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To cite this article: Matt Paradise, Donna McCade, Ian B. Hickie, Keri Diamond, Simon J.G. Lewis & Sharon
L. Naismith (2015) Caregiver burden in mild cognitive impairment, Aging & Mental Health, 19:1, 72-78, DOI:

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Aging & Mental Health, 2015
Vol. 19, No. 1, 7278,

Caregiver burden in mild cognitive impairment

Matt Paradise*, Donna McCade, Ian B. Hickie, Keri Diamond, Simon J.G. Lewis and Sharon L. Naismith
Brain & Mind Research Institute, University of Sydney, Camperdown, Australia
(Received 26 November 2013; accepted 13 April 2014)

Objectives: We aimed to compare the rates of burden amongst caregivers of participants with mild cognitive impairment
(MCI), compared to a control group. We also aimed to identify factors in both the caregiver and patient that are associated
with significant levels of burden.
Method: This was a cross-sectional study. Sixty-four participants with MCI, 36 control-participants and their respective
caregivers/informants were recruited to a university research clinic. The proportion of those who showed clinically
significant levels of burden was determined by a Zarit Burden Interview score of >21. The associations of burden in MCI-
caregivers were calculated in the following categories; participant characteristics (including depressive symptoms,
cognition and informant ratings of cognitive and behavioural change); caregiver characteristics; and the caregiving
context. Multivariate analyses were performed to examine the relative contribution of individual variables to burden
Downloaded by [New York University] at 02:50 22 June 2015

amongst MCI-caregivers.
Results: We found that 36% of MCI-caregivers reported clinically significant levels of burden, twice that of the control
informant group. Participant behavioural problems contribute most to burden, with participant depression and possibly
cognition also having a significant association.
Conclusion: Caregiver burden is a considerable problem in MCI and shares some of the same characteristics as caregiver
burden in dementia, namely a strong association with challenging behaviours in the patient. This has implications for
further research and intervention studies.
Keywords: mild cognitive impairment; caregivers; depression; burden

Introduction those with worse health are more likely to experience bur-
Extensive research has been undertaken regarding care- den. Finally, research suggests that the caregiving experi-
giver burden in dementia (Richardson, Lee, Berg-Weger, ence is most difficult for spousal caregivers and that
& Grossberg, 2013). Caregiver burden is not only associ- increased social support is important in mitigating care-
ated with an adverse emotional state and psychiatric mor- giver burden (Joling et al., 2010).
bidity in the caregiver but has additional physical Comparatively however, the issue of caregiver burden
sequelae, financial and social consequences. Compared to in milder forms of cognitive impairment has been under-
non-caregivers, for example, caregivers are more likely to researched. Mild cognitive impairment (MCI) is a pro-
report worse health, utilize medical care more frequently posed interim stage between normal ageing and dementia,
and take psychotropic medication (Burns & Rabins, 2000; characterized by the presence of cognitive impairment in
Etters, Goodall, & Harrison, 2008; Schulz & Martire, the context of essentially intact activities of daily living
2004). Caregiver burden also has deleterious consequen- (Petersen et al., 1999). Since these original criteria were
ces for the patient and is strongly associated with the need published however, studies have reported subtle impair-
for institutionalization (Luppa, Luck, Brahler, Konig, & ments in functioning for up to two years before a diagno-
Riedel-Heller, 2008). Caregiver burden is common, with sis of dementia is made, as well as the presence of
studies reporting that around 22% of caregivers experi- behavioural symptoms including irritability or depression
ence clinical depression (Cuijpers, 2005), and some stud- (Gauthier et al., 2006). The prevalence of MCI is reported
ies suggesting that up to 75% of caregivers experience to be approximately 3%19% based on population-based
significant depressive (Teri, 1994) and anxiety (Cooper, epidemiological studies with approximately 10% of MCI
Balamurali, & Livingston, 2007) symptoms. cases converting to dementia each year (Gauthier et al.,
Caregiver burden in dementia is associated with factors 2006). With an ageing population in the developed world,
in three domains; patient characteristics, caregiver charac- it is projected that the prevalence of MCI will rise.
teristics and the caregiving context (Burns & Rabins, 2000; Seeher, Low, Reppermund, and Brodaty (2013)
Clyburn, Stones, Hadjistavropoulos, & Tuokko, 2000). recently reviewed the published literature and reported
With regard to patient characteristics, the frequency of data from 10 articles, representing nine distinct caregiving
behavioural problems in dementia has been identified as MCI cohorts. The studies were heterogeneous in nature
the strongest predictor of caregiver burden, more than the and utilized several primary outcome measures, including
functional or cognitive impairments of the patient. depression, burden, stress and anxiety. There were several
Amongst caregiver characteristics, female caregivers and limitations to these papers, including lack of

*Corresponding author. Email:

Ó 2014 Taylor & Francis

Aging & Mental Health 73

representativeness by reliance on only spousal caregivers, accordance with the Petersen et al. (1999) criteria, indi-
the lack of appropriate variables being entered into multi- viduals were classified as having MCI if upon neuropsy-
variate analyses and the lack of a control group in all but chological testing, they scored at least 1.5 standard
two studies (Muangpaisan, Intalapaporn, & Assantachai, deviations (SD) below their predicted level of intellectual
2008; Ready, Ott, & Grace, 2004). functioning in at least one cognitive domain, while daily
This paper therefore intends to expand the limited functioning remained largely intact. Daily functioning
research in this field. The primary aim is to report the was assessed by a psychiatrist and neuropsychologist,
prevalence of significant levels of burden amongst care- with reference to additional caregiver-based interviews
givers of people with MCI, compared to informants of where warranted. All participants were rated on the
control-participants. Second, to identify which factors are Global Assessment of Functioning Scale (American Psy-
associated with significant levels of burden based on find- chiatric Association, 1994) and obtained scores greater
ings from dementia research in three categories; patient than 60, suggesting no greater than mild functional
characteristics, caregiver characteristics and the caregiv- decline.
ing context. MCI-participants were further classified as either
amnestic or non-amnestic depending on whether their
impairments affected the memory domain (Petersen &
Methods Morris, 2005). Note that the amnestic subtype was
Sixty-four participants with MCI and their caregivers required to exhibit a memory deficit of the ‘hippocampal-
were recruited from the Healthy Brain Ageing Clinic at type’ (i.e., memory storage impairment), as demonstrated
Downloaded by [New York University] at 02:50 22 June 2015

the Brain and Mind Research Institute, University of Syd- by evidence of dysfunction on tests of delayed memory
ney. All participants were help-seeking to a specialist recall (i.e., not merely encoding deficits).
research clinic targeting healthy brain ageing and were
reporting mood and/or cognitive symptoms. Participants
were required to be aged 50 or above and to have adequate Participant measures
English proficiency for neuropsychological assessment. Demographic information including age, gender, and edu-
Exclusion criteria included: history of stroke, head injury cation was obtained. Severity of depressive symptoms
with loss of consciousness for more than 30 minutes, neu- was rated on the 17-item Hamilton Depression Rating
rological disorder, medical condition known to affect cog- Scale (HAM-D (Hamilton, 1960)). Physical health was
nition (e.g., cancer), psychiatric disorder other than an recorded using the total score severity index of the Cumu-
affective disorder, mini-mental state examination lative Illness Rating Scale, Geriatric Version (CIRS-G
(MMSE) score below 24 and/or diagnosis of dementia. (Miller, 1991)).
Since the presence of a current full-threshold mood disor- As described previously (Mowszowski et al., 2012), a
der is associated with cognitive decline (Naismith et al., neuropsychologist administered a battery of standardized
2003), individuals fulfilling the Diagnostic and Statistical tests to participants to assess cognition. For descriptive
Manual of Mental Disorders, fourth edition (DSM-IV) purposes, premorbid intelligence was estimated using the
(American Psychiatric Association, 1994) criteria for Wechsler Test of Adult Reading (Wechsler, 2001) and
major depressive disorder were also excluded. The choice global cognitive functioning was measured using the
of caregiver was determined by the participant, with the MMSE (Folstein, Folstein, & McHugh, 1975).
recommendation that the caregiver knew the participant A measure of participant behaviour and function were
well and was able and willing to fill in a questionnaire obtained using the Cambridge Behavioural Inventory
about the participant. These included spouses, family Revised (CBI-R (Wear, 2008)). The CBI-R is a 45-item
members and friends. questionnaire that was completed by the caregiver/infor-
Thirty-six control-participants and their significant mant and assesses changes in functional and behavioural
others, to be called ‘informants’, were also recruited. domains including memory and orientation (eight items),
These participants were cognitively intact individuals everyday skills (five items), self-care (four items), abnor-
responding to adverts looking for controls as well as help- mal behaviour (six items), mood (four items), beliefs
seeking individuals who were found on extensive testing (three items), eating habits (four items), sleep (two items),
not to fulfil diagnosis for MCI. Informants were chosen stereotypic and motor behaviours (four items) and motiva-
by control-participants in the same manner as caregivers tion (five items). A total score was obtained by summing
were chosen by MCI-participants as above. Control-par- all domain scores. The frequency of symptoms present
ticipants had the same assessment and battery of tests as over the past month is rated on a scale from 0 to 4. Score
MCI-participants and were also excluded if they had cur- 0 indicates no impairment; 1, a few times per month; 2, a
rent DSM-IV diagnosed depression or any of the other few times per week; 3, a daily occurrence; and 4, constant
exclusion criteria listed above. occurrence.
This study was approved by the University of Sydney
Human Research Ethics Committee, and written informed
consent was obtained from all participants and their care- Caregiver/informant measures
givers/informants. For the purposes of clarity and consistency, family mem-
MCI ratings were conducted by consensus of an old bers and friends who supported someone living with MCI
age psychiatrist and two clinical neuropsychologists. In were referred to as ‘caregivers’, although they may not
74 M. Paradise et al.

have regarded themselves as such, or indeed fulfilled a For continuous data, the participant’s age, clinician-rated
caregiving role. This is consistent with the literature in participant depression (HAM-D), CBI data, and the
MCI (Seeher et al., 2013) and dementia (Dean & Wilcock, informant’s age, both Pearson and Spearman correlation
2012). The significant others of control-participants were coefficients were used depending on the distribution of
referred to as ‘informants’. data. Assumptions of normality were based on visual
Caregivers and informants completed a questionnaire inspection using histograms as well as KolmogorovSmir-
which included demographic information of age, gender, nov tests, with a p < 0.05 significance level chosen.
and education. If necessary, this was augmented by a Multivariate analyses were then performed to examine
phone call to obtain missing demographic details about the relative contribution of individual variables to burden
the informant. Information about the nature of the rela- amongst MCI-informants. Significant variables at the
tionship between the participant and caregiver/informant p < 0.05 were entered simultaneously into a linear regres-
(i.e., spouse, relative, friend, or other) was obtained as sion model.
well as information on whether the dyad lived together. A sensitivity analysis was conducted with caregivers
The Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS dichotomized into those who suffered significant infor-
(Zigmond & Snaith, 1983)) was used to assess the care- mant stress (ZBI > 21) versus those who did not. The
giver/informant’s depressive and anxiety symptom sever- analyses described above were then repeated using care-
ity. This 14-item Likert scale has seven items measuring giver/informant stress as a dichotomous rather than con-
anxiety and seven measuring depression. Each item is tinuous outcome measure.
rated from 0 to 3, generating a total score between 0 and Finally, HADS depressive and anxiety symptoms in
Downloaded by [New York University] at 02:50 22 June 2015

21 for both anxiety and depression. Based on existing lit- the caregivers/informants were reported as both a mean
erature, a cut-off of 8 was used to identify borderline or score as well as a proportion of those who achieved bor-
significant cases of anxiety and/or depression (Bjelland, derline or significant caseness. The mean anxiety and
Dahl, Haug, & Neckelmann, 2002). depression scale scores were then correlated with burden.
The Zarit Burden Interview (ZBI (Zarit, Reever, &
Bach-Peterson, 1980)) was the primary outcome measure
of burden. This self-report questionnaire contains 22 ques- Results
tions with a Likert multiple choice response of the fre- There was only minimal missing data. Two MCI-partici-
quency of feelings, ranging from ‘Never’ (0), to ‘Nearly pants and one control-participant did not have an MMSE
Always’ (4). A total score between 0 and 88 is generated. recorded. Age and education data was not provided by 13
A score of 21 or greater was chosen to be clinically signif- MCI-informants and eight control-informants. One con-
icant based on guidelines (Zarit & Zarit, 1987) and other trol-informant did not provide gender data and another
papers in MCI (Bruce, McQuiggan, Williams, Westervelt, control-informant did not provide CBI sleep and stereo-
& Tremont, 2008). typic subscales and thus CBI-Total.
Characteristics of both the 64 MCI-participants and 36
control-participants and their respective caregiver/inform-
Statistical analyses ants are reported in Table 1. There was a higher propor-
All statistical analyses utilized the Statistical Package for tion of women in the control-participant group compared
the Social Sciences (IBM SPSS 20.0.0 for Windows, Chi- to the MCI-participant group (x2 ¼ 5.27, df ¼ 1, p ¼
cago, IL, USA). Baseline characteristics for MCI-partici- 0.03) and as we would expect, a significantly reduced
pants, control-participants, and their respective caregiver/ MMSE in the MCI-participant group compared to the con-
informants were obtained. Independent sample t-tests and trol-participant group (t(88) ¼ 3.76; p < 0.001). There
chi-square tests were then performed to check for differ- was no significant difference in the physical health (total
ences in characteristics between the MCI-participants and CIRS-G score) between the MCI-participants and control-
control-participants as well as between the two groups of participants (t(97) ¼ 1.86; p ¼ 0.07). No other demo-
caregiver/informants. Independent sample t-tests were graphic information was significantly different between
used to compare the mean ZBI score for MCI-caregivers the two sets of groups.
and control-informants. The proportion of individuals The primary outcome measure was mean ZBI score.
with clinically significant burden in each group was also The mean ZBI score for MCI-caregivers was 17.3 (SD
reported, with chi-square testing the between-group 11.2; range 049) compared to the control-informants
differences. mean score of 11.6 (SD 1.1; range 045). This was a sig-
For the caregivers of MCI-participants, test of univari- nificant difference (t(98) ¼ 2.43, p ¼ 0.02). Twenty-
ate association between mean ZBI score and participant three of 64 MCI-caregivers (35.9%) reported clinically
characteristics, caregiver characteristics and caregiving significant burden (ZBI > 21) compared with only 6 out
context were then performed. For the dichotomous varia- of 36 control-informants (16.7%). This is a statistically
bles of participant gender, amnestic vs. non-amnestic MCI, significant difference (x2 ¼ 4.16, df ¼ 1, p ¼ 0.04).
caregiver/informant gender and whether the dyad co-hab- The univariate associations of participant and care-
ited, independent sample t-tests were used. For the categor- giver characteristics with burden in the 64 MCI-caregivers
ical variables of participant educational level, caregiver/ are reported in Table 2. The participants’ depression score
informant educational level, and the relationship to the par- (HAM-D) and their behavioural disturbance (CBI), either
ticipant, analysis of variance (ANOVA) tests were used. as a total score or 8 out of 10 subscales were associated
Aging & Mental Health 75

Table 1. Characteristics of MCI and control-participants, and their caregivers/informants.

Characteristic MCI-participant Control-participant MCI-caregiver Control-informant

N 64 36 64 36
Age in years, mean  64.9  9.7 64.6  9.7 55.6  14.1 56.2  14.3
Female gender 35 (54.7%) 28 (77.8%) 39 (61.9%) 20 (55.6%)
Education  Did not complete high school 17 (26.6%) 13 (36.1%) 11 (21.6%) 3 (10.7%)
 Completed high school 17 (26.6%) 10 (27.8%) 7 (13.7%) 5 (17.9%)
 Completed higher study 30 (46.9%) 13 (36.1%) 33 (64.7%) 20 (71.4%)
MMSE, mean  SD 27.9  2.6 29.3  1.0  
Relationship to  Partner/spouse   35 (54.7%) 22 (61.1%)
 Relative   6 (9.4%) 2 (5.6%)
 Friend   20 (31.3%) 12 (33.3%)
 Other   3 (4.7%) 0
Living with participant   45 (70.3%) 23 (63.9%)

Notes: SD ¼ Standard deviation, MMSE ¼ Mini-mental state examination.

Downloaded by [New York University] at 02:50 22 June 2015

with greater burden in the informants of those looking In MCI-caregivers, burden was significantly corre-
after someone with MCI. Global cognition of the partici- lated with both the HADSanxiety scores (r ¼ 0.34; p ¼
pant, as measured by the MMSE, just failed to achieve a 0.01) and HADSdepression scores (r ¼ 0.37; p ¼ 0.01).
significant association with burden (p ¼ 0.05). None of
the other variables examined were associated with care-
giver burden. Discussion
These univariate results were then entered into a mul- This study shows that burden is common in the caregivers
tivariate regression model (Table 3). The model included of MCI-participants, with 36% reporting clinically signifi-
the depression score, total functional/behavioural distur- cant levels of burden. This result was approximately dou-
bance and the MMSE as it trended towards significance ble of that reported by the control group’s informants.
with p ¼ 0.05. We found that total functional/behavioural When factors responsible for this burden were explored,
disturbance score, measured by the CBI-R was the only depression reported by the MCI-participant, functional/
factor independently associated with informant burden in behavioural problems and possibly cognition were signifi-
MCI-informants. cant. On multivariate analysis, it was found that partici-
A further analysis was then performed with care- pant functional/behavioural problems as a whole
givers dichotomized into those who suffered significant contributed most to caregiver burden. We did not find that
informant stress (ZBI > 21) versus those who did not. any of the caregiver characteristics measured (age, gen-
Accordingly, the univariate results were very similar for der, education, and relationship to participant) or the care-
these analyses, with depression and total functional/ giving context (whether the caregiver lived with the
behavioural disturbance, as reported in the CBI-R, being participant or not) were associated with the reported level
associated with the presence of informant burden. This of burden.
was also the case for the MMSE. When the individual Certain participant behaviours, namely problems with
CBI-R subscales were examined, 7 of the 10 items were self-care and abnormal beliefs were not associated with
significant, with only memory problems, self-care, and informant stress. This is most likely because these behav-
abnormal beliefs not being associated with the presence iours were extremely rare in MCI, with the vast majority
of informant stress. of caregivers in our study indicating that these problems
Finally, depression and anxiety scores on the HADS had never occurred. The association of participant cogni-
were compared between the MCI-caregivers and control- tion and caregiver burden is less clear. Caregivers’ rating
informant groups. There was no significant difference in of the participant’s memory and orientation, as measured
the level of depressive symptoms reported by MCI-care- by the CBI-R, was associated with burden on univariate
givers (M ¼ 4.27  4.34, n ¼ 55) and control-informants analysis, whereas clinician-scored cognition (i.e., MMSE)
(M ¼ 3.48  3.25, n ¼ 33; t(86) ¼ 0.90, p ¼ 0.37). In was not associated with burden. This may be due to the
contrast MCI-caregivers reported significantly greater ceiling effect of the MMSE and its insensitivity for detect-
anxiety (M ¼ 6.61  4.00, n ¼ 55) than control-inform- ing the subtle cognitive changes of MCI (Nasreddine
ants (M ¼ 4.91  3.18, n ¼ 33; t(86) ¼ 2.09, p ¼ 0.04). et al., 2005), compared to the sensitivity of the caregiver
Using a cut-off of eight to indicate caseness, 22/55 (40%) noticing even subtle cognitive changes (Tsang, Diamond,
of MCI-caregivers experienced significant levels of anxi- Mowszowski, Lewis, & Naismith, 2012).
ety and 10/55 (18%) of MCI-caregivers reported signifi- Our findings are consistent with the published litera-
cant depression symptoms. ture. Garand, Dew, Eazor, DeKosky, and Reynolds (2005)
76 M. Paradise et al.

Table 2. Univariate associations of participant, caregiver, and caregiving context characteristics with MCI-caregiver burden (mean ZBI
score), n ¼ 64.

Characteristic Mean ZBI  SD Statistical test

Participant Age  r ¼ 0.08

Gender  Male 17.9  11.2 t(62) ¼ 0.39
 Female 16.8  11.3
MMSE rs ¼ 0.25
Education  Did not complete high school 17.2  12.0 F(2,61) ¼ 0.65
 Completed high school 19.8  11.2 
 Completed higher study 15.9  10.8 
Depression (HAM-D)  r ¼ 0.30
MCI subtype  Amnestic 17.3  10.7 t(62) ¼ 0.01
 Non-amnestic 17.3  11.6
Functional/behavioral  CBI-R (total)  rs ¼ 0.52
 Memory and orientation  rs ¼ 0.26
 Everyday skills  rs ¼ 0.40
 Self care  rs ¼ 0.18
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 Abnormal behavior  rs ¼ 0.55

 Mood  rs ¼ 0.53
 Beliefs  rs ¼ 0.22
 Eating habits  rs ¼ 0.44
 Sleep  rs ¼ 0.33
 Stereotypic and motor behaviors  rs ¼ 0.60
 Motivation  rs ¼ 0.44
Caregiver Age in years  r ¼ -0.05
Gender  Male 15.0  8.8 t(61) ¼ 1.33
 Female 18.9  12.4 N/A
Education  Did not complete high school 16.6 F(2,48) ¼ 0.93
 Completed high school 22.0 
 Completed higher study 16.0 
Relationship to  Spouse 16.2 F(3,60) ¼ 1.25
 Relative 19.2 
 Friend 20.0 
 Other 8.0 
Caregiving context Living with participant  Yes 17.1  10.6 t(62) ¼ 0.22
 No 17.7  12.6 

Notes:  p < 0.05,  p < 0.01,  p < 0.001

SD ¼ Standard deviation, r ¼ Pearson’s correlation coefficient, t ¼ independent sample t test statistic, rs ¼ Spearman’s correlation coefficient, F ¼ F sta-
tistic ANOVA analysis.
MMSE ¼ Mini-mental state examination, ZBI ¼ Zarit Burden Interview, HAM-D ¼ Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression and CBI-R ¼ Cambridge
Behavioural Inventory Revised.

Table 3. Multivariate linear regression analysis; associations with burden in MCI-caregivers, n ¼ 61.

Unstandardized coefficients Standardized coefficients

Predictor variable B Std. error Beta

MMSE score 0.15 0.55 0.04

Depression (HAM-D) 0.65 0.33 0.23
Functional/behavioural problems (CBI-R total) 0.29 0.06 0.55

Notes:  p < 0.05,  p < 0.01,  p < 0.001.

MMSE ¼ Mini-mental state examination, HAM-D ¼ Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression and CBI-R ¼ Cambridge Behavioural Inventory Revised.
Aging & Mental Health 77

interviewed the spouses of 27 participants recently diag- and behavioural domains, we did not have a measure of
nosed with MCI and reported that even at an early stage the degree of caregiving responsibility, which would be
of cognitive impairment, spouses did have to take on addi- useful to know as a possible contributor to burden.
tional caring responsibilities. Bruce et al. (2008) assessed Finally, our cohort may not be a representative sample as
51 MCI patientcaregiver dyads and using the ZBI all participants were seen in a university research clinic.
reported a similar figure of more than 30% (16 of 51 par- The educational achievement in our cohort may be a
ticipants) of caregivers having clinically significant bur- reflection of this as well as a self-selection bias in those
den. They also reported similar factors were associated participants volunteering to take part in research studies.
with burden included caregiver reports of more behaviou- There is increasing recognition that there may be positive
ral, memory and depressive symptoms, and the patient’s aspects of caregiving in MCI and this is something that
report of depression and cognitive difficulties. Burden would be valuable to explore in future studies (Werner,
was not associated with any of the neuropsychological 2012).
measures tested. The study did not include measures of Our results suggest that burden is a considerable prob-
caregiver psychological distress or have a control group lem in MCI. Although it does not appear to be as prevalent
but did find the duration of cognitive symptoms to be a as in dementia, caregiver burden in MCI shares some of
significant factor. the same characteristics, such as a strong association with
The relationship between caregiver burden and challenging behaviours. Given that over half of participants
depression is complex and to some extent multidirectional with MCI will develop dementia within five years (Gauth-
(Pearlin, Mullan, Semple, & Skaff, 1990). Clyburn et al. ier et al., 2006), the identification of burden early may
Downloaded by [New York University] at 02:50 22 June 2015

(2000) examined the nature of the association using struc- allow timely intervention studies. These can hopefully pre-
tural equation modelling of four proposed mechanisms vent or reduce burden, with all it deleterious consequences
and found that in their study of Alzheimer’s disease and for both patient and caregiver. To the best of our knowl-
caregiver stress, a model where burden mediated depres- edge, only one such intervention study has been conducted,
sion produced the best fit. Accordingly, we found that a cognitive behavioural therapy-based approach for both
caregiver burden was highly associated with both depres- the patient with MCI and his/her caregiver. This interven-
sive and anxiety sub-scores on the HAD Scale. tion did not improve caregiver burden in their study, which
There has also been qualitative work into the MCI- may have been a reflection of the study size (Joosten-
caregiver experience (Adams, 2006; Blieszner & Roberto, Weyn Banningh, 2012). Future research should therefore
2010; Blieszner, Roberto, Wilcox, Barham, & Winston, involve further intervention studies as well as large pro-
2007; Lu & Haase, 2009). A range of negative emotions spective studies to allow detailed investigation of the etiol-
are common including frustration, guilt and anger. The ogy of caregiver burden and its relationship with anxiety
changing nature of the relationship between the dyad and and depression.
the greater emphasis on caregiving, with a reduced level
of intimacy and communication was frequently discussed.
The experience of caring for someone with MCI may Acknowledgements
present different challenges and sources of burden when The authors would like to thank the participants and informants
compared to caring for someone with diagnosed dementia. who participated in this study. We also gratefully acknowledge
the contributions of Loren Mowzowski, Dr Zoe Terpening and
There is a much greater degree of prognostic uncertainty Dr Louisa Norrie for their assistance with data collection.
and generally, the caregivers will be at an early stage in
their caregiving position and may have had less time to
adjust to the role (Dean & Wilcock, 2012).
There are several limitations to this study. Although References
this is one of the largest quantitative studies of caregiver Adams, K.B. (2006). The transition to caregiving: The experi-
burden in MCI to date, it is still relatively small, with just ence of family members embarking on the dementia caregiv-
64 MCI-caregivers. It is therefore liable to potential type ing career. Journal of Gerontological Social Work, 47(34),
II errors due to a lack of power. With greater numbers, 329. doi:10.1300/J083v47n03_02
certain factors, such as participant cognition may have American Psychiatric Association. (1994). Diagnostic and sta-
tistical manual of mental disorders, DSM-IV (4th ed.).
achieved a statistically significant association with care- Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Press.
giver burden. Greater numbers would have also allowed Bjelland, I., Dahl, A.A., Haug, T.T., & Neckelmann, D. (2002).
for examination of the individual types of functional/ The validity of the hospital anxiety and depression scale. An
behavioural problems, to determine their relative contri- updated literature review. Journal of Psychosomatic
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