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INTERVIEWER: Can you describe the roles and responsibilities of the Child Protection

Committee in the school's effort to prevent and address violence against children?

RESPONDENT: As the senior woman teacher, we call girls and the other one also deals with
boys, and if it needs combining them we do and look at which activities can we talk about when
they are combined. So when we carry it out here we mostly talk about child abuse. Child abuse
occurs not only at home but even here at school for example giving corporal punishments you
can not punish a child exceeding two strokes, and a child can speak vernacular when it is time
for lunch instead of giving a simple punishment, the child will be told to go fetch water at the
borehole or you will not eat food and the child starts crying all that is child abuse here at school

INTERVIEWER: How does the Child Protection Committee collaborate with the School staff,
Teachers, and Administrators to ensure the safety and well-being of children?

RESPONDENT: We carry out assemblies and then talk to these children about how they can
manage their things when they are in the dormitory, in class for example the lower section like
you tell him or her to keep their pencil safe at the end of the day you will have to see it. we also
tell them that we have class monitors whenever they finish work, you make sure they hand it in.
So we train the child to be responsible

INTERVIEWER: In what ways does the Child Protection Committee engage with Students,
Parents, and the wider community to promote violence prevention initiatives?

RESPONDENT: You find that here at school you know that am a parent here at school and when
the child goes back home the parent is also there, so if we see there is something not going on
well we get their contacts so if you find a challenge you call the Parent together with the child
then I establish the issue to the Parent and after we put our minds together

INTERVIEWER: Are there any specific programs or events you organize so that you can engage
with these other people like the Parents and the other community?

RESPONDENT: Yes we carry out visitation days and on that day, some Parents we tell them
that here we have a culture where we always tell them to come to check on us after. So for that
issue, they do not manage it they do not come to check on the children's performance, tell them
the challenges we are facing so that they know that on visitation days they have to come and we
utilize that time to exchange ideas and they come

INTERVIEWER: What mechanisms or strategies does the Child Protection Committee use to
monitor and identify potential cases of violence against children within the school?

RESPONDENT: Here we have spy networks at school. We have the Prefectural body, Class
monitors, and Mama dorms they help us to find out such and after finding out they come to us
and we call those children and counsel

INTERVIEWER: Are there any specific reporting or monitoring systems in place?

RESPONDENT: Yes we have the Mama dorms, teachers, matrons

INTERVIEWER: Can you provide at least some examples of specific actions or interventions
undertaken by the Child Protection Committee to prevent violence and support affected children?

RESPONDENT: We have not yet gotten such

INTERVIEWER: How does the Child Protection Committee ensure that the incidents of
violence are reported, documented, and properly addressed?

RESPONDENT: That can be carried out administratively

INTERVIEWER: Are there established protocols or guidelines for reporting and documenting

RESPONDENT: Yes it is there here at school in case it happens we can not just leave not solved

INTERVIEWER: Do you have a way you can follow up on reported cases?


INTERVIEWER: What communication channels or protocols are in place to facilitate

information sharing between the Child Protection Committee and the relevant stakeholders
regarding violence and monitoring?

RESPONDENT: If it happens, the first step is to report to the office and the office knows the
next step because it is a school it has it's policy

INTERVIEWER: How does the committee ensure effective communication and coordination of
the different members for example Parents, the school teachers?

RESPONDENT: They are given out the number of the Director so in case of anything disturbing,
they call on that number

INTERVIEWER: Are there meetings you carry out and engage these people to get to know?

RESPONDENT: If we have challenges over an issue course they carry out meetings

INTERVIEWER: How often does the Child Protection Committee conduct reviews or
assessments to evaluate the effectiveness of their activities and interventions?

RESPONDENT: This is carried out three times in a term

INTERVIEWER: What are those specific methods you use?

RESPONDENT: We have a school program and we follow it so as the senior woman teacher I
go there we collaborate when they are making the program they indicate it

INTERVIEWER: Are the findings used to inform future prevention efforts?


INTERVIEWER: What challenges or barriers does the Child Protection Committee face in their
efforts to monitor and prevent violence against children?

RESPONDENT: When we are addressing them we teach them about domestic violence and then
they ask questions and they tell us how they are treated at home and how mistreated at school

INTERVIEWER: Have you gotten an example from a child telling you how they are mistreated
at home

RESPONDENT: Yes they tell us

INTERVIEWER: Are there notable success stories or achievements of the committee in violence

RESPONDENT: If we do not get challenges here then it means we are successful in whatever we
teach. So if you talk to the children and you do not get challenges it means your objectives were

INTERVIEWER: Thank you so much Madam for your time

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