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Journal of Environmental Management 106 (2012) 75e84

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Toxic effects of cadmium (Cd2þ) on anaerobic biomass: Kinetic

and metabolic implications
G. Mockaitis a, J.A.D. Rodrigues b, E. Foresti a, M. Zaiat a, *
Hydraulics and Sanitation Department, São Carlos Engineering School, Universidade de São Paulo (SHS/EESC/USP), Av. Trabalhador São-Carlense 400,
CEP 13.566-590, São Carlos, SP, Brazil
Mauá Engineering School, Mauá Institute of Technology (EEM/IMT), Praça Mauá 1, CEP 09.580-900, São Caetano do Sul, SP, Brazil

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Cadmium ion (Cd2þ) toxicity on anaerobic systems, used for organic matter removal, was assessed by
Received 28 September 2011 studying its effect on kinetic parameters and metabolic changes. This fundamental study was performed
Received in revised form in a continuous fixed bed anaerobic bioreactor that treated synthetic wastewater simulating domestic
7 March 2012
sewage. The biomass was immobilized on a fixed bed made of polyurethane foam. Under influent
Accepted 29 March 2012
Available online 9 May 2012
cadmium concentrations of 0.0, 0.4, 4.4 and 6.2 mg Cd2þ L1 the organic matter removal efficiencies
were 84%, 82%, 72% and 52%, respectively. At influent concentration of 6.2 mg Cd2þ L1 the reactor had
reached its limit for cadmium toxicity. In the removal of dissolved organic matter, the first-order
apparent kinetic coefficients (k1 ) were 0.84, 0.67 and 0.10 h1 for the operations with 0.0, 0.4 and
Anaerobic processes
Methanogenesis 4.4 mg Cd2þ L1, respectively. The apparent inhibition coefficient for cadmium (kapp
) was 1.69 mg L1.
Toxicity Despite the toxic effects of cadmium on anaerobic organic matter removal at large Cd2þ concentrations,
Cadmium the results demonstrated that the anaerobic process was suitable for cadmium concentrations below
Anaerobic fixed bed bioreactor 29.8 mg Cd2þ L1, considering the bioavailable fraction of adsorbed cadmium in the support when the
cadmium influent concentration was 6.2 mg Cd2þ L1.
Ó 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction ulceration, liver necrosis, and prostate and bronchial cancer have also
been reported to relate to cadmium contamination (Nomiyama,
There are several industrial processes which can generate wastes 1980).
containing cadmium. The most common examples are the industries Cadmium contamination also causes metabolism problems in
of electronic components, electroplating, metal mechanic processing microorganisms. In a study conducted to determine the toxic role of
and mining. This metal finds its application in batteries, corrosion cadmium in Saccharomyces cerevisiae (Heo et al., 2010), the authors
barriers, TV screens and energy cells. Due their toxic characteristics, found that cadmium may inhibit the expression of genes related to
wastes from industrial processing of cadmium products should be copper metabolism which also affect the homeostasis of both
displaced properly in order to avoid the environment contamination. copper and iron. The oxygen and proton flux showed to be affected
Considering that anaerobic processes are a widespread technology of by the presence of cadmium in Nitrosomonas europaea and Pseu-
wastewater treatment, the evaluation of cadmium toxicity in domonas aeruginosa growing in biofilms (Mclamore et al., 2010),
anaerobic biomass is an important subject to study. causing pronounced oxidative stress when the concentration of
Cadmium is a known inhibitor in biological processes. This ion has CdCl2 was 50 mM. It was also observed that this oxidative stress
probably no biological function (Nursita et al., 2009), but its presence could inhibit both aerobic respiration and facultative respiration.
in water and soil, even at low concentrations, is a serious environ- Considering anaerobic system a suitable bioprocess for waste-
mental problem and may cause severe health problems like decalci- water treatment, the presence of metals in these processes may be
fication, arterial hypertension and anemia (Ikeda et al., 1999 and toxic to anaerobic biomass (Speece, 1996). It should be mentioned
Shiwen et al., 1990). Other health problems such as intestine that the majority of works concerning the role of cadmium in
anaerobic processes reports on results of anaerobic sulfidogenic
processes for its removal; thus, fundamental studies about the
effect of heavy metals on kinetics and metabolism of anaerobic
systems in which methanogenesis is the main final metabolic
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (M. Zaiat). degradation pathway are incipient.

0301-4797/$ e see front matter Ó 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
76 G. Mockaitis et al. / Journal of Environmental Management 106 (2012) 75e84

There are few papers addressing the effect of cadmium on longer cellular retention times can be achieved in such systems.
methanogenic processes, but these works are performance based However, cadmium ions may be trapped in the immobilization
and do not describe the behavior of metabolic changes. Altas (2009) matrices because the solids are able to chelate Cd2þ, increasing the
investigated the inhibitory effects of zinc, chromium, nickel, and concentration of cadmium in the biofilm. Moreover, there is
cadmium on methanogenic activity in an upflow anaerobic sludge a potential increase in total solids in the bed because of precipitation
blanket (UASB) granular sludge with metal concentrations ranging effects and because biopolymer excretion tends to clog the bioreactor
from 0 to 128 mg L1, and concluded that cadmium had the highest bed. In this sense, a structured bed configuration appears to mitigate
half maximal inhibitory concentration (IC50) of the investigated the problem of clogging because of the free space surrounding the
metals, i.e., it was the least toxic to methanogenesis. On the other biomass immobilization matrix (Picanço et al., 2001).
hand, Bhattacharya et al. (1995) studied the toxic effects of cadmium This paper aims to assess the toxic effects of cadmium on
on methanogenic systems (batch and continuous) and assessed anaerobic biomass, using a continuous fixed bed anaerobic biore-
acetate consumption under cadmium concentrations ranging from actor, which was operated at constant temperature and hydraulic
0 to 80 mg L1. Instead of total cadmium, free ionic cadmium was retention time (HRT) and was subjected to increasing cadmium
used to more suitably evaluate the response of the system to concentrations.
toxicity. The limiting concentrations for methanogenesis showed to
be 0.1 mg L1 free cadmium and approximately 7.5 mg L1 total 2. Materials and methods
cadmium. In addition, the inhibitory effects of cadmium tended to
be lower in systems with higher total solids concentration. 2.1. Bioreactor configuration
Heavy metals removal using anaerobic processes has been
addressed by some authors and is the most studied bioprocess. A continuous anaerobic bioreactor with a fixed-structured bed
According to Neculita et al. (2007) one source of wastewater that was constructed of poly-methyl methacrylate (PMMA) with a total
has been treated in this manner is acid mine drainage (AMD); volume of 4.77 L, as shown in Fig. 1. Flexible polyvinyl chloride
biological sulfate reduction resulted in the generation of sulfide, (PVC) (TygonÒ) tubing with an internal diameter of 3 mm (an
which caused precipitation of the soluble metal content. Interac- external diameter of 5 mm) was used for tubing and connections.
tions of extracellular polymers that are formed by marine sulfate- The reactor was fed at a flowrate of 0.397 L h1 (6.63 mL min1) by
reducing bacteria (SRB) and other selected cultures that reduce a GilsonÒ model Minipuls Evolution peristaltic pump, which cor-
metallic ions such as chromium, nickel and molybdenum were responded to a HRT of approximately 12 h. The reactor was placed
assessed in a previous work (Beech and Cheung, 1995). A study in a controlled temperature chamber and operated at 30  C.
carried out by Alvarez et al. (2007) proposes an anaerobic biore-
actor fed with fatty acids and sulfate to generate hydrogen sulfide 2.2. Synthetic medium
and precipitate zinc, copper and lead in a separate vessel.
Most of these studies did not show the toxic effects of cadmium on The bioreactor was fed with synthetic medium with a similarity
immobilized biomass bioreactors and biofilms. Biofilms are protected with an organic complex wastewater (prepared accordingly the
from cadmium exposure compared to suspended cells because the works of Ratusznei et al., 2003; Friedl et al., 2009 and Mockaitis
mass transfer resistance protects the cells inside the biofilm and et al., 2010), aiming a mean concentration of 500 mg O2 L1, in

Fig. 1. Schematic of the continuous anaerobic bioreactor with a fixed-structure bed and cross-cut view of the bioreactor showing the immobilization matrix distribution.
G. Mockaitis et al. / Journal of Environmental Management 106 (2012) 75e84 77

terms of chemical oxygen demand (COD) (Table 1); the cadmium Chromatographic determinations of the fatty acids were
source was CdCl2$2H2O. performed by HPLC with a modular ShimadzuÒ chromatograph
In the first condition (Condition I), the bioreactor was fed with using a pump system (LC-10AD), oven (CTO-20A), controller
synthetic wastewater without cadmium. In subsequent experi- (SCL-10A) and a photo diode array (PDA) detector adjusted to
mental conditions (conditions II through IV), the concentration of read wavelengths ranging from 190 to 370 nm (UV spectra)
Cd2þ was systematically increased. Thus, each condition corre- with a 1 nm step. A chromatogram showed readings recorded at
sponds to a different mean cadmium concentration (Condition a wavelength of 205 nm. A Bio-Rad AminexÒ HPX-87H
II ¼ 0.4 mg Cd2þ L1, Condition III ¼ 4.4 mg Cd2þ L1 and Condition 3000  7.8 mm column was operated at a constant tempera-
IV ¼ 6.2 mg Cd2þ L1). ture of 55  C. The eluent was a 0.005 mol L1 H2SO4 solution at
a flowrate of 0.8 ml min1, and the volume of the injected
sample was 100 mL. The solutions were analyzed for citric, malic,
2.3. Immobilization matrix and inoculum
lactic, formic, succinic, acetic, propionic, butyric, isobutyric,
valeric, isovaleric and caproic fatty acids. The concentrations
Granulated sludge was obtained from a UASB bioreactor treating
were expressed in terms of COD (mg O2 L1) and normalized by
poultry slaughterhouse wastewater with total volatile solids of
the concentration of dissolved organic matter, assuming that
35.8 g TVS L1. Biomass quantification, which was performed at the
these acids alone comprised all of the effluent organic matter, to
end of all assays, demonstrated that the bioreactor operated with
ensure that the acid concentrations were comparable to the
58.1 g TVS (12.2 g TVS L1, assuming a total bioreactor volume of
organic matter concentrations.
4.77 L).
The immobilization matrix for the biomass was comprised of 17
fixed polyurethane foam strips (with a superficial area of
43.8 m3 g1) with a length of 700 mm, constituting 32 g of biomass 2.5. Experimental procedure
support in the bioreactor. Fig. 1 shows the cross-section of the
reactor, illustrating the position of the bed. The inoculation proce- The experiment was divided into four conditions, depending on
dure was performed by immersing the immobilization matrix in the cadmium concentration in the synthetic wastewater: Condition
grinded sludge for 2 h at room temperature. I e no cadmium (control condition), Condition II e 0.4 mg Cd2þ L1,
Condition III e 4.4 mg Cd2þ L1, and Condition IV e 6.2 mg Cd2þ L1.
The reactor was inoculated only at the start of Condition I and was
2.4. Physicochemical analysis not re-inoculated during the other experiments. In each of the
conditions, the temperature was maintained at 30  1  C. Table 2
Organic matter concentration, amount of organic volatile acids shows the experimental HRT values for each condition associated
and total alkalinity were analyzed to determine system efficiency with its respective influent flow.
and stability. Total and free cadmium concentrations were deter- For each condition, the bioreactor was monitored to verify the
mined for the reactor affluent and effluent, which allowed per- stability and efficiency of the process. After achieving stable
forming a mass balance of cadmium retention in the system. The operating conditions, spatial profiles of both dissolved and total
total and bioavailable cadmium concentrations in the immobiliza- organic matter concentrations were used to determine the
tion matrix were analyzed to determine the actual concentration of intrinsic kinetic parameter (kapp
1 ). The organic acid concentration
cadmium affecting the biomass. profiles along the length of the bioreactor were used to verify the
The chemical oxygen demand (COD) and solids were analyzed metabolic pathway. These profiles were obtained by taking
by Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and 10 mL samples at each sampling point described in Fig. 1, totaling
Wastewater (2005), COD-5220 and Solids-2540, respectively. 80 mL from each profile (1.7% of the working volume of the
A titration analysis to determine total alkalinity (TA) and total bioreactor).
volatile acids (TVA) was also performed (Dillalo and Albertson, 1961
modified by Ripley et al., 1986). COD was determined for both non-
filtered (total) and filtered (dissolved) samples (considering colloidal
2.6. Biomass and immobilization matrix analysis
particles smaller than 1.2 mm), and the pH was determined using
potentiometric measurements (standard glass electrode, Digimed
At the end of the last experimental condition, the biomass
Inc., Brazil). TA and TVA analysis gives a fast response about process
content in the immobilization matrix and the amount of cadmium
stability and allows for comparisons with other systems in which
adsorbed by the biofilm were assessed through a TVS assay and by
a more accurate fatty acids analysis are not available (e.g.: full scale
treating the remaining ashes with concentrated aqua regia under
boiling heat; the analysis also considered the bioavailable cadmium
Cadmium analyses were made using atomic absorption spec-
content. Three samples were taken from the immobilization
troscopy, as described in the Standard Methods using a VarianÓ
matrix, corresponding to the top, middle and bottom sections of the
AA240FS spectrophotometer. The light source was a cadmium
reactor. For each of these samples, the following variables were
lamp with hollow cathode at a current of 4 mA (Varian coded
determined: total solids (Eq. (1)), TVS (Eq. (2)), total cadmium
lamp 5610100800). The amounts of total, free and bioavailable
content in TVS (Eq. (3)), bioavailable cadmium content in total
cadmium were measured. The free cadmium concentration was
volatile solids (Eq. (4)) and critical cadmium concentration in the
obtained by filtering a raw sample through a hydrophilic 0.22 mm
bioreactor (Eq. (5)):
cellulose acetate membrane. The amount of bioavailable
cadmium was determined for the immobilized biomass and was
extracted from the immobilization matrix using an Sr(NO3)2   m105 $mT
solution (0.1 mol L1) (Nursita et al., 2009 and Ahnstrom and TS mg mg support1 ¼ S (1)
mS $mm
Parker, 1999). Both total (non-filtered), free (filtered) and
bioavailable (extracted with Sr(NO3)2 solution) samples were  105 
  mS  m550 $mT
treated with concentrated aqua regia (HCl/HNO3 2:1 v/v) under 1 S
TVS mg mg support ¼ (2)
boiling heat. mS $mm
78 G. Mockaitis et al. / Journal of Environmental Management 106 (2012) 75e84

  mCd Table 2
S $mT
TVSTCd mg Cd2þ mg TVS1 ¼ (3) Actual HRT and influent flow in the bioreactor for all conditions: I e without
mS $mm $TVS cadmium contamination (control), II e 0.4 mg Cd2þ L1, III e 4.4 mg Cd2þ L1, and IV
e 6.2 mg Cd2þ L1.

  mCd Bio $m Variable Experimental conditions

mg TVS1 ¼
2þ T
Cd mg Cd
mS $mm $TVS
HRT (h) 16  3 (9) 14  1 (14) 12  3 (14) 12  0 (15)
Flow rate (L h1) 0.3  0.1 (9) 0.4  0.0 (14) 0.5  0.2 (14) 0.4  0.0 (15)

Cd $TVS$mm
CCritical mg Cd2þ L1 ¼ (5)
VBioreactor palindromic sequences on the RNA operon is conserved and related
to a unique phylogenetic pattern (Massol-Deyá et al., 1999).

2.9. Determination of kapp

1 and competitive inhibition
2.7. Mass balances for the determination of cadmium content coefficient (kapp

To determine the concentration of bioavailable cadmium to A modified first-order model was fitted to the experimental
which the biomass was subjected during the determination of the organic matter concentration results, assuming the existence of
kinetic profiles, cadmium content balances were performed as a concentration of residual organic matter at which the reaction
described in Eq. (6). rate was zero, as shown in Eq. (8). This model is derived from the
CCd mg Cd2þ L1 ¼ CCd
Bio P Monod microbiological kinetic model by assuming that the
h  i substrate concentration has much smaller value than kS, so that the
toperation $Q $ T
CCd (kS þ C) term in Eq. (9) can be considered to be a single constant k*S .
þ influent
$aBio (6) app
Eq. (9) shows the definition of k1 in terms of the Monod kinetic
model constants.
The relationship between the bioavailable cadmium concen-   app
tration and the total cadmium concentration can be expressed by C mg L1 ¼ Cresidual þ ðCinitial  Cresidual Þ$ek1 $HRTS (8)
an empirical factor, aBio, as defined in Eq. (7).
  CX $mmax
k1 ¼ (9)
TVSTCd Yx=s $ðkS þ CÞ
aBio ¼ (7)
Cd To evaluate the toxic potential of cadmium in the process, an
enzyme-based competitive inhibition model was used to assess the
variation of the kapp
1 values under increasing bioavailable cadmium
2.8. Microbiological examinations concentrations. The parameter ki is an overall inhibition coeffi-
cient that is directly proportional to the toxic effects of a contami-
Microbiological examinations of the biomass were performed to app
nant in the bioreactor. Eq. (10) shows the model in terms of k1 .
verify changes in the microbiological equilibrium and identify
possible metabolic pathway detours.   k
app 1 app
An amplified rDNA restriction analysis (ARDRA) technique k1 h ¼ k1 j ci¼0 $ 1þ i (10)
(Massol-Deyá et al., 1999 and Griffiths et al., 2000) was applied to
compare the microbiological diversity along the bioreactor. The
All data fitting was performed by summing the squared errors
rDNA extracted from the samples was amplified by polymerase
and applying the LevenbergeMaquardt optimization algorithm
chain reaction (PCR) using Bacteria- (EUB 21F e 1100R) and Archaea-
using the Linux version of the QtiPlotÓ software version
(1Af e 1100 Ar) specific primers, and the restriction enzymes used in
both the Bacteria- and Archaea-amplified rDNA samples were Hha I
(sequence GCG/C cleavage) and Hae III (sequence GGCC/C cleavage). 3. Results and discussion
ARDRA technique involves cleavage of palindromic regions of rDNA,
increasing the accuracy of comparisons, providing a fingerprinting of 3.1. Operation
bacterial genomes. The principle of ARDRA method is that the
Table 3 summarizes the mean values of the main influent
characteristics for all of the assayed conditions, and Table 4
Table 1
Synthetic wastewater composition.
Table 3
Composition Concentration Approximated Influent characteristics for all experimental conditions: I e without cadmium
(mg L1) COD Contend contamination (control), II e 0.4 mg Cd2þ L1, III e 4.4 mg Cd2þ L1, and IV e 6.2 mg
(mg O2 L1) Cd2þ L1.
Sucrose 35 38 Variable Experimental conditions
Starch 114 103e115
Cellulose 34 34e38 I II III IV
Meat Extract 208 122e138 CT (mg O2 L1) 540  123 (9) 485  95 (10) 517  71 (12) 513  107
Soybean Oil 51 153 (11)
Linear Alkylbenzene Sulfonate (LAS) 15 34 T (mg Cd2þ L1)
CCd e 0.4  0.2 (8) 4.4  0.5 (8) 6.2  0.9 (7)
Sodium Chloride (NaCl) 250 e F (mg Cd2þ L1)
CCd e 0.2  0.1 (8) 3.0  0.4 (8) 4.3  1.0 (7)
Magnesium Chloride (MgCl2$6H2O) 7 e TVA (mg HAc L1) 27  7 (5) 27  4 (3) 22  5 (4) 22  3 (2)
Calcium Chloride (CaCl2$2H2O) 5 e TA (mg CaCO3 L1) 71  4 (4) 108  23 (3) 71  2 (4) 75  3 (2)
Sodium Bicarbonate (NaHCO3) 200 e pH 7.6  0.3 (4) 7.7  0.2 (3) 7.6  0.2 (4) 7.7  0.4 (2)
G. Mockaitis et al. / Journal of Environmental Management 106 (2012) 75e84 79

Table 4 Table 6
Effluent results for all experimental conditions: I e without cadmium contamination Volatile organic acids and ethanol mean concentrations (in terms of COD) in the
(control), II e 0.4 mg Cd2þ L1, III e 4.4 mg Cd2þ L1, and IV e 6.2 mg Cd2þ L1. bioreactor effluent under cadmium-contaminated conditions: II e 0.4 mg Cd2þ L1,
III e 4.4 mg Cd2þ L1, and IV e 6.2 mg Cd2þ L1.
Variable Experimental conditions
Acid (mg O2 L1) Experimental conditions
CT (mg O2 L1) 85  49 (10) 90  40 (14) 115  33 (16) 245  57 (15) II III IV
YT 0.8  0.0 0.8  0.1 0.8  0.1 0.5  0.1 Citric e 2.4  0.1 (6) 2.7  0.1 (11)
CD (mg O2 L1) 47  37 (10) 69  21 (12) 84  23 (16) 202  55 (15) Malic e 1.0  0.1 (5) 1.3  0.6 (8)
YD 0.9  0.1 0.9  0.1 0.8  0.0 0.6  0.1 Formic 1.0  0.1 (14) 0.5  0.1 (13) 0.6  0.1 (11)
T (mg Cd2þ L1)
CCd e 0.2  0.1 (11) 1.0  0.5 (10) 2.6  0.7 (9) Succinic 6  3 (13) 5  1 (13) 7  1 (12)
YCd e 0.5  0.3 0.8  0.1 0.6  0.1 Lactic 5  1 (5) 5.2  0.2 (13) 6.3  0.4 (12)
F (mg Cd2þ L1)
CCd e 0.1  0.1 (11) 0.5  0.2 (10) 1.7  0.5 (9) Acetic 5  2 (12) 3.7  0.7 (13) 19  5 (12)
YCd e 0.5  0.4 0.8  0.0 0.6  0.1 Propionic 6  1 (11) 5.3  0.5 (13) 17  4 (12)
TVA (mg Hac L1) 24  15 (7) 27  5 (8) 33  9 (6) 64  18 (7) Isobutyric e 7  1 (13) 7  1 (11)
TA (mg CaCO3 L1) 91  37 (7) 115  34 (8) 104  2 (6) 84  10 (7) Butyric 9  3 (14) 8  2 (12) 8  2 (12)
pH 7.2  0.3 (7) 7.4  0.2 (8) 6.9  0.2 (6) 6.9  0.2 (7) Isovaleric 13  4 (10) 16  6 (13) 28  10 (12)
Valeric 16  7 (12) 17  5 (13) 29  7 (12)
Caproic e 13  5 (8) 76  23 (12)
Ethanol 8.0  0.7 (9) e e

compares the obtained effluent results. The observed difference

between the total (CCdT ) and free (C F ) cadmium concentrations in
the influent indicates that the medium may form colloids that can differences in concentration from Condition II to Condition III. In
trap the metal in the form of a chelate. The occurrence of this Condition IV, high values of caproic, valeric, isovaleric and pro-
phenomenon is also indicated by the cadmium concentrations in pionic acids were observed, indicating that the bioreactor was
the effluent which presented CCd F values lower than CCd T , as unstable under this condition. It is probable that the acidogenic and
depicted in Table 4, showing that part of the metal may be caught acetogenic microbiological communities were affected and that the
in a dissolved micelle and avoid treatment. The differences effect on these microorganisms that was observed in Conditions II
between the cadmium concentrations in the influent and the and III was amplified in this condition. It is possible that in
effluent show that cadmium accumulation occurred in the reactor Condition IV, the activity of acetoclastic methanogens was also
throughout the experiments. Because it was impossible to sample inhibited, as indicated by the high concentration of acetic acid.
the biomass during the assays, the cadmium concentration to Under the experimental conditions reported here, the maximal
which the biomass was subjected and the cadmium mass balance toxic effect (when the process became unviable) occurred in
were evaluated, as described by Eq. (6), at the end of each Condition IV, when the bioreactor was unstable. Fig. 2 shows the
experimental condition by considering the total cadmium unstable behavior of the organic matter concentration (in terms of
concentrations (CCdT ). Due the system immobilization matrix and COD) for non-filtered and filtered samples and the respective effi-
inoculum were the same in all operations, the initial cadmium ciencies. The bioreactor operating under Conditions II and III was
concentration in the bioreactor was the same as the final affected by the toxic effect of cadmium, showing a decrease in the
concentration from the previous operation (*CCd T ). For example, organic matter removal efficiency values and an increase in the acid
Condition II (in which the bioreactor was fed with 0.4 mg concentrations. However, the bioreactor remained stable under
Cd2þ L1) began with no cadmium contamination. The mass these conditions, which allowed for the determination of spatial
balance results are presented in Table 5, which shows the total and profiles that were used to obtain the kinetic parameters.
bioavailable cadmium concentrations to which the biomass was
subjected and compares these concentrations to the influent 3.2. Evaluation of k1 and kapp
cadmium concentration.
The increasing toxic effects of cadmium can be established by All of the spatial profiles were collected at the end of the each
the decrease in the organic matter removal efficiency (Table 4: YT experimental condition under a steady-state regime. Fig. 3 depicts
for total and YD for dissolved forms) with the increase in the
influent cadmium concentration. The effluent by-product compo-
sition was also affected, as shown by the increased values of TVA
and by the accumulation of some specific fatty acids, as shown in
Table 6. In Condition III, citric, malic, isobutyric and caproic acids
were produced, but these acids remained in low and stable
concentrations, indicating that there was a change in the formation
of metabolites from acidogenic and acetogenic processes compared

to Condition II. All of the other acids showed no considerable

Table 5
Cadmium mass balance at end of each condition: II e 0.4 mg Cd2þ L1, III e 4.4 mg
Cd2þ L1, and IV e 6.2 mg Cd2þ L1.

Experimental Total operating time (d) Cadmium concentration (mg L1)

Influent Bioreactor Bulk

Total Bioavailable
II 50 0.4 18.5 1.37
III 26 4.4 221 16.4
Fig. 2. Organic matter concentration (--YD and A-YT) and organic matter efficiencies
IV 26 6.2 401 29.7
(:-CD and ;-CT) in the bioreactor operating under Condition IV.
80 G. Mockaitis et al. / Journal of Environmental Management 106 (2012) 75e84



Fig. 3. Organic matter concentration profile (,-CD and --CT) for the determination of the first-order kinetic coefficient (kapp
1 ) for A e Condition I, B e Condition II and
C e Condition III.

the experimental data normalized by the mean value of the initial 1.69  0.23 mg L1 (R2 ¼ 0.99) for the dissolved organic matter
concentration. The first-order kinetic decay was fitted to the kinetic concentration profiles (CD) and 3.32  0.99 mg L1 (R2 ¼ 0.97) for
model of organic matter concentration across the bioreactor for the total organic matter concentration profiles (CT). Attempts to fit
total (CT) and dissolved (CD) samples for Conditions I, II and III. The uncompetitive and non-competitive inhibition models were per-
kinetic parameters of the best fit, which are k1 , Cinitial, Cresidual and formed, but they showed no convergence and are therefore not
the correlation coefficient R , are presented in Table 7. considered in this discussion.
The apparent kinetic coefficient decreased exponentially with As expected, increasing cadmium concentrations directly
increasing cadmium concentration (Fig. 4). In Condition IV, in inhibited organic matter removal, as quantified by the kinetic
which the kinetic profile showed a bioavailable cadmium concen- constant of the competitive inhibition model. In this case, the
tration of 29.7 mg Cd2þ L1, the bioreactor became unstable, and inhibition model had no direct mechanistic meaning. However,
the kapp
1 could not be determined. Because long-term exposure of
the biomass to this critical cadmium concentration would halt
operation of the reactor, it is reasonable to state that the kapp 1 in
Condition IV was zero. Therefore, the kapp i
for cadmium was

Table 7
First-order apparent kinetic coefficient (k1 ), initial and residual organic matter

concentrations (Cinitial and Cresidual, respectively) obtained from the fitting of dis-
solved (CD) and total (CT) organic matter concentration profiles.

Variable/ Experimental conditions


Bioavailable 0 (Control 1.37 16.4
cadmium condition)
(mg L1)
Cinitial 374  15 374  15 384  23 426  34 341  11 385  20
(mg O2 L1)
90  6 129  8 87  11 103  17 0a 0a
(mg O2 L1)
kapp (h1) 1.2  0.2 0.8  0.2 0.7  0.1 0.7  0.2 0.08  0.10  app
1 Fig. 4. First-order kinetic coefficient (k1 ) decay considering both 6-CD and :-CT
0.01 0.02
2 with increasing in situ bioavailable cadmium concentration (Ci) to determine the
R 0.93 0.88 0.91 0.84 0.93 0.84
competitive inhibition coefficient (kapp
). The model was fitted for both CD and CT
These values had to be forced to make the model converge. (dashed and bold lines, respectively).
G. Mockaitis et al. / Journal of Environmental Management 106 (2012) 75e84 81






Fig. 5. Volatile organic acid profiles of the all stable conditions (--Condition I, :-Condition II and A-Condition III). A e formic, B e succinic, C e lactic, D e acetic, E  propionic,
F e isobutyric, G e butyric, H e isovaleric, I e valeric and J e caproic acid.

there are many studies reporting that cadmium is a competitive 3.3. Volatile organic acid profiles
inhibitor of some enzymes (Norris and Kelly, 1977; Stohs and
Bagchi, 1995; Congiu et al., 2000), and considering that some Classic anaerobic digestion comprehends four main stages:
enzymes are inhibited by the presence of cadmium during intra- hydrolysis (which transform complex organic matter into smaller
cellular metabolism, the inhibition mechanism may be reproduced molecules), acidogenesis (which convert the products of hydrolysis
at the cellular level. Consequently, the kinetic profile of the step in organic fatty acids), acetogenesis (acetate production) and
metabolites may reflect this type of inhibition in the enzymes methanogenesis (consumption of acetate and CO2/H2 with methane
present in the microorganisms of this bioreactor. Nevertheless, the production). Acidogenesis regulation is a very important step to
value is suitable to compare and measure the toxic effect of maintain the overall process stability (Mosey, 1983). Thus, the eval-
cadmium on the anaerobic system. uation of toxic effects over the dynamic of volatile organic acids in
82 G. Mockaitis et al. / Journal of Environmental Management 106 (2012) 75e84

Table 8 polymer in Condition IV. Based on these results, it is possible to

Analysis of the immobilization matrix and the extracellular polymer after Condition infer that the bottom section had the highest cadmium concen-
tration. In this section, the high TVS value indicates that extracel-
Analysis Position in bioreactor Extracellular lular polymer was formed, a phenomenon that can be attributed to
polymer the high cadmium concentration at the bottom of the bioreactor.
Top Middle Bottom
Mean relative position (m) 0.83 0.50 0.17 e Therefore, aBio and CCritical were determined only for the bottom
TS (mg TS mg support1) 4.1 4.5 5.3 0.02 section of the bioreactor because this section was affected most
TVS (mg TVS mg support1) 3.7 4.0 4.7 0.01 greatly by the toxic effects of cadmium. The overall aBio value was
TVSTCd (mg Cd mg TVS1) 24 29 31 54
0.0741, and the CCritical was 29.82 mg Cd2þ L1.
TVSBio 1 2.0a 2.1a 2.2 e
Cd (mg Cd mg TVS ) The extracellular polymer produced during the operation of
Values calculated using the aBio value determined at the bottom of bioreactor. bioreactor was a viscous material with a strong yellowish color,
which is typical of cadmium compounds. The total amount of this
material was approximately 200 mL, corresponding to 4.2% of the
bioreactor volume. As shown in Fig. 6, this material showed some
the reactor gives an overview of how cadmium affects organic
morphologies representative of diverse microorganisms, and
matter metabolism.
epifluorescent microscopy showed evidence of the presence of
Fig. 5 illustrates the production and consumption of the volatile
Archaea in this polymer. Therefore, solids quantification (Table 8)
acids in the bioreactor under steady-state conditions. In Condition I,
and microbiologic examinations were performed on this polymer.
all of the analyzed organic acids were quickly produced and subse-
The method for determining bioavailable cadmium, described by
quently consumed across the reactor, readily reaching low residual
Ahnstrom and Parker (1999) and adapted by Nursita et al. (2009),
concentrations. In Condition II, in spite of some toxic effects, the
is not applicable to liquid samples such as this polymeric
same behavior was observed, but the initial concentrations of formic,
lactic, acetic, propionic, isobutyric, butyric, isovaleric and valeric acid
The small deviation (0.5%) between the experimental value of
were higher than in Condition I and had higher residual concen-
CCritical and the value obtained from the mass balance in Eq. (6) and
trations, indicating that the acidogenic and acetogenic communities
demonstrated in Table 5 corroborates the accuracy of the mass
were inhibited. Caproic acid was not detected in this condition, and
balance, which was performed to estimate the actual bioavailable
the higher initial value for the formation of acids indicates that the
cadmium concentrations to which the biomass was subjected.
hydrolysis step was also affected, indicating a possible metabolic
The ARDRA technique was applied to samples taken from the
pathway detour towards hydrolysis and the formation of longer
top and bottom sections of the bioreactor and from the extra-
chain acidogenic products. In Condition III, the initial concentrations
cellular polymer. These samples, when compared to the initial
were lower than those in Condition II, and an inhibitory effect on
inoculum, showed that both the Bacteria and Archaea microbio-
hydrolytic bacteria was observed. The caproic acid profile showed
logical communities underwent some modifications, indicating
a formation curve followed by a constant high concentration,
that some communities present in the initial inoculum were not
corroborating that the hydrolysis step was affected by cadmium
found after the experiment, and also that some microorganisms
toxicity. A peak in the formation of acetic, propionic, and isobutyric
that did not appear in the initial inoculum were found in the
acids with an HRT ranging from 0.5 to 2.0 h also indicates the
bioreactor after the experiment. These results may be related to
possible inhibition of acidogenic and acetogenic bacteria and ace-
the greater presence of longer-chain volatile acids in the reactor
toclastic methanogens.
effluent, which demonstrates that the toxicity of cadmium may
primarily affect the acidogenic and acetoclastic methanogenic
3.4. Analysis of biomass and the immobilization matrix at the communities.
critical cadmium concentration No changes were observed between the bottom and top sections
of the reactor, indicating a lack of biomass stratification. However,
At the conclusion of Condition IV, when the bioreactor showed some differences were detected for the Bacteria domain between
a lack of stability, a cadmium content analysis was performed on the extracellular polymer and the immobilization matrix. There-
the immobilization matrix to determine the critical cadmium fore, it can be inferred that the microorganisms present in both
concentration. Table 8 shows the values of TS, TVS, TVSTCd and media were from different communities. If the extracellular poly-
TVSBio mer were produced because of the toxic effect of cadmium, the
Cd found in the immobilization matrix and the extracellular

Fig. 6. Microphotography of the morphology of the extracellular polymer found in the bioreactor at the end of Condition IV. The photographs were obtained using A e epifluorescent
microscopy and B e phase-contrast microscopy.
G. Mockaitis et al. / Journal of Environmental Management 106 (2012) 75e84 83

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84 G. Mockaitis et al. / Journal of Environmental Management 106 (2012) 75e84

mT: immobilization matrix and biomass total mass (mg) VBioreactor: bioreactor volume (L)
Q: bioreactor inlet/outlet mean flow (L h1) F : free cadmium removal efficiency
toperation: total time of condition (h) T : total cadmium removal efficiency
TA: total alkalinity (mg CaCO3 L1)
TS: total solids concentration (mg TS mg support1) YD: dissolved organic matter removal efficiency
TVA: total volatile acids (mg Hac L1) YT: total organic matter removal efficiency
TVS: total volatile solids concentration (mg TVS mg support1) Yx/S: substrate to biomass yielding factor
TVSTCd : total cadmium concentration in biomass (mg Cd2þ mg TVS1) aBio: bioavailable cadmium mass fraction on biomass
Cd : bioavailable cadmium concentration in biomass (mg Cd

mg TVS1) mmax: maximum specific growth rate (h1)

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