The Ship Conference

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The Ship Conference

matthew 8:23

american naval history there is called a battleships.

in many wars this great naval force will go out and begin to meet it's enemy on the
lines of open seas.
there are a lot of boats and each boat serves it's purpose.

they will call for assitance and then the battleship will go to assist.
when you are a ship and you are getting attacked, all hope is lost and then the
battleship arrives.
the ships were greatly made of wood, a ire would likely sink a ship.

a battleship weigh 44000 tons.

we are the believers living thru hte covid, living the fire, battles and finincial
what ship are you going into the storm.
it is easy to think in a storm inside a canoe with with holes then the storm of
life, we forgot if we can make it, we are consumed by everything that's going
around us.

poeple in the navy, the battleships are calm, because they are prepared, they knew
that thye had the size the power, they will move the power with such force.

you got to know what boat you are on!

pearl harbor, the primary target was to sink the battleship of the americans, it
was naval dominance
the enemy know they cannot fight them face to face so they fire torpedos to sink
the battleship because of it's size and power.

there is an enemy out there, and if the storms don't sink your ship, winds don't
sink your ship he will try torpedos to sink your life.

we must become a mighty battleship, our ship is unsinkable, unbreakable,

unbelievable, untouchable, it is not the enemy will try to bring up the lightning
to scare us with a thunder, a wind that rises up the waves, we see it with COVID,
we see it with hardship, in everypoint in outlives, one thing is certain, we are
called to be different, we are to show up in the scene in the middle of the war to
help those who are crying for help.

we need to be the ship that stays in the battle station!

we are the ship to move in action because people are relying on us.
we bring the fire in the enemy camp.

Jesus he finished the work on the cross, the finish work of his death and
resurrection is the very fuel we put in the ship.
his work draws the power of the Holy Spirit. with the power of the Holy SPirit, we
are made to a time like this, and our ship were made to go thru big struggles, God
is giving us hope, he says he is going to be with us, that is our power. it does
not matter what is happening to us, it does not matter how big the hurricanes the
storm, we are not going to be afriad because of the power of Jesus, it does not
matter what we face. One day all the storms will be washed away.

praise for every storm, typhoon, every struggle because we are going tgo have more
faith, thank God that we have this kind of season.

2 Sasmuel 10:12
take the ship and continue to sail those water, whoever we come against we tell
that storm with the power and authority vested in us "Be calm."

He wants to us to look in the mirror, we are a mighty battleship, be strong be


we have victory, we have every mighty opower of the Holy Spirit, it's time to stop
it's time for us to keep moving forward on the enemy camp
we waited long for this, doing nothing for Christ for way too long, we have to now
stand up to board that ship.

we need to understand that we are a mighty ship that nobody can reckon with.

to increase our faith.

you think one battle ship scares the enemy, how about five?

all the fear the worries.


there are time that we think God forsaken us but no, God never left us.

we need to understand that we are called, God called us.

We are chosen, we've been through the fire. We may have problems, but God brought
us through it all.
but we've been called faithful because we are still doing the will of God.

we are the tmple of the Holy Ghost, never forget that with the help of the Holy
Spirit we will go through.
stay in the ship.

1 King 2:8

1. make place for the anointing

the anointing of the Holy SPirit will sustain us to go through, make room for the
Holy Spirit to guide us.
if yoou make palce with the Holy Spirit, He will make place for you.

nothing shall be impossible for God, to those that believe.

in the middle of God's will things happen for us that we don't anticipate happen to
us but always remember God is in control

I am a person of faith
we live in the faith.

all of us lost hope, we don't know what to think.

it shall be well!
no matter what the circumstances in your life it shall be well.


if you get down your family will get down, all those around you will get down, you
can imagine how many people look to you for strength we need to stay strong!
sometimes we need to speak things that as if they not were
there may be circumstances that is hard.

speak things.

it is well for God's promises are yes and Amen

take courage, begin to say it is well! what ever your cirscumstances are, whatever
you are going through, it is well!!

God is Able!

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