Aspen RMSV14 Release Notes

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Aspen RMS™

V14 Release Notes

Version: V14
Copyright (c) 2022 by Aspen Technology, Inc. All rights reserved.

Aspen RMS™, Aspen Mette™, Aspen Tempest™, and the aspen leaf are trademarks or registered trademarks of
Aspen Technology, Inc., Bedford, MA or affiliated companies.

Big Loop™, METTE™, Model Driven Interpretation™, RMS™, Snap-to-Seismic™, and Tempest™ are registered
trademarks of Roxar Software Solutions AS.

All other brand and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.

This document is intended as a guide to using AspenTech's software. This documentation contains AspenTech
proprietary and confidential information and may not be disclosed, used, or copied without the prior consent of
AspenTech or as set forth in the applicable license agreement. Users are solely responsible for the proper use of
the software and the application of the results obtained.

Although AspenTech has tested the software and reviewed the documentation, the sole warranty for the software
may be found in the applicable license agreement between AspenTech and the user. ASPENTECH MAKES NO

Aspen Technology, Inc.

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Bedford, MA 01730
Phone: (1) (781) 221-6400
Toll Free: (888) 996-7100

1 What’s New in RMS?
Key Benefits
2 Wells and Logs
QA Wells
RMS-53780 Snap Targets
RMS-66771 Correlation View Toolbar
Fixes and improvements
RMS-58483 Well Intersections
RMS-63440 Wells in Data Tree
RMS-64358 Well Depth Filter
RMS-61169 Import Trajectory
3 3D Grids and Property Modeling
New features
Petrophysical Modeling
RMS-65406 Volumetrics Report File
RMS-64965 Create QC Charts
Fixes and improvements
RMS-66037 Channels NGOM Extra facies
RMS-63743 Channels NGOM Facies probabilities
RMS-66309 Volumetrics
RMS-66288 Facies Composite
RMS-66429 Petrophysical Modeling
RMS-61854 Blocked Well Names
RMS-66287 Workflow Input Objects
RMS-66567 Geometric modeling
RMS-66589 Blocked Wells Discrete Labels
RMS-60755, RMS-66576 Blocked Wells Statistics
RMS-66777 Copy Grid with Active Filter
RMS-66794 Grid Visual Settings
RMS-66899 Parameter Utilities jobs
RMS-66427 Petrophysical modeling
RMS-67523 Facies Indicators
RMS-68088 Blocked wells
RMS-66940 Volumetrics
RMS-68128 Volumetrics

4 Flow Modeling
Perforations in Local Grids
RMS-67736 Create Flow Model Events
5 Roxar API
Structural Models API
Uncertainty Tables
2D Seismic
Point Attributes
Time-Depth Tables
Extending the old Jobs API
Petrophysical modeling
Horizon modeling
Fixes and improvements
RMS-60031 RMS-60032 RMS-65430 rms.onProjectChanged in Plugin
RMS-65625 Blocked Wells
RMS-66713 Discrete Log Curves
RMS-66466 Hello Progress Bar Plugin
RMS-67804 Uncertainty Report Tabl
6 Import/Export Features
RMS-RESQML/Geolog connector version 1.7
RMS-65664 Export Grid Model Data
Fixes and Improvements
RMS-62906 Import Production Data
RMS-64381 Import Events
RMS-65885 Import Production Data
RMS-65968 RESCUE Import
RMS-66380 Create Events from Production Data
RMS-66446 Import Grid Model Data
RMS-66465 Import Grid Model Data
RMS-66793 Export Grid Model Data
RMS-66738 Export Grid Model Data
7 Regions

Modify Table
8 Mapping and Structural Modeling
RMS-65769 Horizon Modeling
RMS-65449 Fault Statistics
RMS-64537 Extract Residuals
RMS-66000 Adjust to Points
RMS-61426 Polygon Operations
RMS-66324 Polygon Operations
RMS-62498, RMS-63448 Filter in the Point Table
RMS-54013 Point Table
Fixes and improvements
RMS-65800 Horizon Uncertainty Modeling
RMS-65584 Horizon Uncertainty Modeling
RMS-66736 Horizon Uncertainty Modeling
RMS-66737 Horizon Loading
RMS-54423 Model Box
RMS-55487 Data Filtering
RMS-63452 Remove Data Types
RMS-66467 Local B-Spline Algorithm
RMS-66529 Global B-Spline Algorithm
RMS-66530 Converging Average Algorithm
RMS-67107 Horizon Uncertainty Modeling
RMS-67103 2D Volumetrics
9 Other
Fixes and improvements
RMS-66234 Information
RMS-62873 Information
RMS-66884 IPL
RMS-65944 Workflow Log
RMS-62636 RMS Licensing
RMS-66485 RMS License Availability
RMS-67528 IPL Script
RMS-67143 RMS Database Connection:
10 Software and Support
Known Issues
Resizing and moving TkInter windows
Unicode in username or installation path

FirePro graphics cards on Linux

Opening views or dialog boxes on Windows
Seismic inversion
Changing font settings on Linux
Roxar API RegularGrid2D set values in masked array
Contact information
Aspentech SSE Software Portal

1 What’s New in RMS?

The Release Notes document provides a summary of the new features, software fixes
and improvements to Aspen RMS® V14. We continue to put innovation at the heart of
our software to unleash the opportunities of work efficiency, and better and faster
For more information about the RMS functionality, refer to the Help pages for RMS
and the Roxar API. You can access the Help from the RMS application by pressing the
F1 key.
Release Notes, RMS Help, and Roxar API documentation pages accessible from within
the RMS application, describe all the options available in RMS. The options that are
available, depend on your module licenses.

Key Benefits
In Petrophysical Modeling:
Avoid introducing a bias from horizontal well data when defining trends by
choosing which wells to use as input to the transformation sequence.
Added flexibility when defining the transformation sequence by allowing
the Normal Score and Mean transformation to be automated per
Quickly calculate an estimate of the output distribution based on the trans-
formation sequence for the properties being modeled, without having to
run the entire model.
When defining the structural model, skip time-consuming visual computations
for faster model iterations and QC.
Up to 50% reduction in run time for the Horizon Uncertainty Modeling job by im-
proved handling of well data.
Take advantage of the Region Attribute Table features in uncertainty and Big
Loop workflows.
Specify perforations in local grids for enhanced accuracy around wells.
Improved interoperability with SKUA™: Import repeat section grid/K-expanded
flow simulation grids from SKUA™ using RESQML.
Extended Roxar API support, for access to RMS project data and jobs using the
Python language. Roxar API can also be used to create customized plug-ins. RMS
V14 comes with updated Job API to support changes in the UI, multiple collection
as input to jobs, support for Time/Depth Tables, read access to 2D Seismic, and
Uncertainty Volume Tables.

RMS V14 includes the latest version of the RMS-RESQML/Geolog™ Connector,

offering import and export of RESQML files independent of application or plat-
form, and direct access to Geolog projects. New to this release are support for
time dependent grid parameters (termed as composite parameters in RMS), and
improved interoperability with SKUA where imported 2D data is correctly
mapped to the RMS Data Tree.

2 Wells and Logs

This chapter provides an overview of the RMS V14 enhancements to the existing func-
tionality for the Wells domain.

QA Wells
The following improvements have been added to the QA
Wells job dialog:
A Filter on Wells option has been added in the QA
Wells dialog box to be able to run the job on a selec-
tion, or collection, of wells.
Two additional Tests have been added, Wells without
any trajectories and Trajectory without a default log
The Output collections will only be created for the se-
lected Tests.

The enhancement requests RMS-60080, RMS-66378 and

RMS-66785 are met by the improvements.

RMS-53780 Snap Targets

All the surfaces in the project, including the surfaces in the
subfolders under Clipboard, are now available to be se-
lected by using the Data Explorer selector. This is applica-
ble to the Relative to a horizon option in the Snap Targets

The enhancement request RMS-56438 is met by the


RMS-66771 Correlation View Toolbar

A new button is added to the Toolbar in Correlation View
for the user to easily access the dialogs of Well
Properties, Trajectory Properties and Logs of the se-
lected well by clicking on it.

Fixes and improvements


RMS-58483 Well Intersections

An option has been provided to select a different horizon
data type other than the depth data type in the Well
Intersections dialog box as seen in the figure. Well
Intersections is accessible by selecting a well trajectory in
the Data tree.

The enhancement requests RMS-52207, RMS-52938 and

RMS-53326 are met by the improvement.

RMS-63440 Wells in Data Tree

Well objects were expanded in Data tree when running
with some operation jobs.

RMS-64358 Well Depth Filter

RMS got stuck in some specific projects with plenty of
wells, when applying the Well Depth Filter with the wells
displayed in a view.

RMS-61169 Import Trajectory

When importing a well trajectory with the Petrel Well for-
mat, the Azimuth_GN (Grid north) will now be used as de-
fault instead of Azimuth_TN (true north). This fix is also con-
sidered to solve RMS-53406.

3 3D Grids and Property Modeling

This chapter provides an overview of new features, enhancements, and issues that
have been addressed pertaining to Grids and Property Modeling in RMS V14.

New features

Petrophysical Modeling
A series of improvements and additions have been made
in the Distributions tab of the Petrophysical Modeling job
increasing its usability:
A new option Set Blocked well filter has been added to
the tab. Clicking the button opens a Well selection panel.
You can use this panel to filter and select a subset of wells
from the Blocked wells object. This selection will be used
while setting up the transformation sequence and esti-
mating residuals.

The Re-estimate all when adding option is turned off by de-

fault, that helps to retain the mean value set while ap-
pending the next transformations to the sequence.
For transformations Mean and Skewness reduction Normal
Score, a new Automated option is added to the Univariate
Transformation dialog box. This will enable to set these two
transformations automatically, while giving the flexibility
to modify the rest of the transformations in the sequence.
In the Distributions residual section the histogram Show
option will be on by default. Three new viewing options
are added to this section enabling easy comparison be-
tween original data, transformed data, and resulting esti-
mated output. Original: Displays the histogram showing
the distribution residuals prior to the transformations.
Transformed: Displays the histogram showing the distri-
bution of transformed data. This option is selected as de-
fault. Estimated: Displays the expected distribution of the
output after selecting the Estimate button.

RMS-65406 Volumetrics Report File

The checkbox Add headers to file is added to the Report
File tab of the Volumetrics job. The new option makes it
possible to add headers to the output report file that is
generated using the comma-separated values file (.csv)
format. The same is added as a new attribute AddHeader
to Jobs API for Volumetrics.

RMS-64965 Create QC Charts

Charts created from Create QC Charts job will now display
a common series name in the Views pane, chart legend,
and the Source data and filter dialog.

Fixes and improvements

RMS-66037 Channels NGOM Extra facies
When extra facies were added in the Channels NGOM job,
when no discrete logs were present in the Blocked wells
used, the facies selected for a zone were not remembered
while switching zones.

RMS-63743 Channels NGOM Facies probabilities

Channels NGOM job failed when the Facies probabilities
parameter used in the job had unacceptable values in
zones that were not being modeled.

RMS-66309 Volumetrics
Report file exported from the Volumetrics job displayed in-
correct zone names if the first character in the zone name
was a number.

RMS-66288 Facies Composite

Blocked wells used in a new Facies Composite job were not
displayed as a workflow input object when the job was
added to a workflow.

RMS-66429 Petrophysical Modeling

Petrophysical modeling job failed in certain cases when
Constant modeling mode was used. A workflow containing
the job did not halt even when the Petrophysical modeling
job in it failed. This feature is considered to solve the fol-
lowing issue: RMS-52308.
In the Distributions tab of the Petrophysical Modeling job,
the Show option enabling the Distribution residual his-
togram will be toggled on by default. This feature is con-
sidered to solve the following issue: RMS-54101.

RMS-61854 Blocked Well Names

The blocked well name position did not update when the
Blocked Wells job was re-run after the position of the well
trajectory was changed.

RMS-66287 Workflow Input Objects

Certain facies modeling and petrophysical modeling jobs
displayed incorrect objects in the Workflow input objects

RMS-66567 Geometric modeling

When Geometric Modeling job set for a single zone was run
in a workflow with uncertainties, the uncertainty values
defined were incorrectly assigned to un-modelled zones.
This caused the job to use a single value for the input vari-
able, resulting in same output for all realizations.

RMS-66589 Blocked Wells Discrete Labels

Changing discrete labels in visual settings dialog of well log
editor did not update the discrete labels for a Blocked
wells object after re-blocking the wells.

RMS-60755, RMS-66576 Blocked Wells Statistics

Blocked wells statistics panel displayed incorrect original
log values.

RMS-66777 Copy Grid with Active Filter

When using the Copy Grid Model/Grid Region job to copy a
grid with an active filter, an additional zone was created in
the output grid.

RMS-66794 Grid Visual Settings

Some grid display visual settings were not retained when
turning the display on/off in a 3D view.

RMS-66899 Parameter Utilities jobs

RMS crashed when new zones added to a grid were used
in certain pre-existing parameter utilities jobs.

RMS-66427 Petrophysical modeling

Petrophysical modeling local update did not honor the
constant modeling mode set for certain facies. This re-
sulted in the incorrect assignment of values inside and
outside the updated area.

RMS-67523 Facies Indicators

When a 3D parameter was used as an input for variogram
ranges, change in values of an unmodelled zone also al-
tered the results within the modelled zone.

RMS-68088 Blocked wells

In cases when multiple well trajectories entered the same
Blocked well cells and the zonelog in one of the well trajec-
tories contained undefined values, the blocked cells could
be assigned undefined values.

RMS-66940 Volumetrics
Uncertainty volume table was not updated properly when
running Volumetrics job in batch.

RMS-68128 Volumetrics
When attempting to run a workflow where the Grid object
was empty, the Volumetrics job would trigger an uneces-
sary error message halting the workflow.

4 Flow Modeling
This chapter provides information about the enhancements with respect to Flow
Modeling in RMS V14.

Perforations in Local Grids
The event model has been updated to support perfora-
tions in local grids for both non-segmented and seg-
mented wells. There is no visible change to the Create Flow
Model Events job. By default, if local grid refinements are
present in the grid they will be used when creating flow
model events.
Several events have been updated with new attributes.
CPERF and WSEGCELL has a new attribute providing the
name of the local grid the cell belongs to. CPERFCNTRL
and WSEGMOD now has an attribute with the option on
whether to use the local grid cells when creating flow
model events.
On export of events, there is support for the ECLIPSE sim-
ulation model format. If events for local grids are present,
then the relevant ECLIPSE keywords for local grids will be
exported. This includes WELSPECL, COMPDATL,
Visual display of local cell events in RMS is not supported.


RMS-67736 Create Flow Model Events

Perforated cells are now sorted by depth when assigned
to ICD segments. This results in correct ordering for
WELSEGS and COMPSEGS when exporting using the
ECLIPSE format.

5 Roxar API
This chapter provides an overview of Roxar API version 1.7.1, that is delivered with
the RMS V14 release.
For more information about the new methods and attributes, refer to the Roxar API
User Guide.

Structural Models API
StructuralGeometry that was classified as an
Experimental class is now Commercial for this release.

Uncertainty Tables
Access to the Uncertainty Tables is now possible. Users
can read and modify the Volumetrics sub-table associated
with Uncertainty Table.
This feature is considered to solve the following issue:

2D Seismic
RoxarAPI has extended the ability to access seismic data
by providing read access to two-dimensional seismic lines.
It is now possible to get the seismic trace positions, the
line attributes, and the sample values.

With Roxar API 1.7, it is now possible to use multiple col-
lections as input to jobs. To support this and to distinguish
collection from other objects, additional keywords provid-
ing extra information are required in the path to identify a

Point Attributes
Deleting a Point Attribute is now possible through Roxar

Time-Depth Tables
The Roxar API has added access to the Time-Depth Tables.
It is now possible to create, read, write, clear, and modify
properties of the Time-Depth tables.
This feature is considered to solve the following issues:
RMS-53560, RMS-55589, RMS-55402, and RMS-56385.

Extending the old Jobs API


A new parameter AddHeader has been added to to Jobs

API for Volumetrics. It allows to add headers to the output
report file generated using the comma separated file (.csv)

Petrophysical modeling

The following new parameters have been added to the

JobsAPI for Petrophysical modeling job:
DistributionsWellFilterWellsSelection, UseDistributionsAllWells,
UseDistributionsWellFilter, Automated for Mean and Normal
Score transformations. They correspond to the enhance-
ments made to the Petrophysical modeling job
Distributions tab for RMS V14.

Horizon modeling

A new parameter CreatePolygonModel has been added to

the JobsAPI for Horizon modeling. It allows user to create
zones for visualizing.

Fixes and improvements


RMS-60031 RMS-60032 RMS-65430 rms.onProjectChanged in Plugin

The rms.onProjectChanged event was not triggered on
deleting zones or adding horizons, and on creating a new
collection using a plugin. This resulted in incomplete infor-
mation in the project change message.

RMS-65625 Blocked Wells

Incorrect discrete labels appeared in the Visual settings for
some Blocked wells discrete logs created using RoxarAPI.

RMS-66713 Discrete Log Curves

Wrong codes names were extracted using the
get_code_names method when discrete logs had empty
code name labels.

RMS-66466 Hello Progress Bar Plugin

Non-essential meta name tags were present in the
info.xml file of the Hello Progress Bar example plugin.
They have been removed from the file in RMS V14.

RMS-67804 Uncertainty Report Tabl

The error in get_uncertainty method when the project is
imported through open_import method is fixed.

6 Import/Export Features
This chapter provides an overview of enhancements to the existing Import and Export

RMS-RESQML/Geolog connector version 1.7

This release, RMS-RESQML/Geolog connector version 1.7 comes preinstalled with RMS
Version 1.7 supports connectivity with ETP 1.2 servers. This server-client protocol con-
nects to compatible servers that users have hosted and are running on their environ-
ment either locally, remotely or in cloud.
ETP 1.2 further allows RMS to connect to the Open Subsurface Data Universe (OSDU).
This release also includes better grid compatibility with SKUA by adding support for k-
expanded grids.

RMS-65664 Export Grid Model Data
Exporting grid parameters has been made more flexible
for exporting keyword information using CMG corner
point format. It is now possible for you to add array quali-
fiers to the exported keyword. Also, a parameter can be
exported without keyword information by leaving the ex-
ported keyword blank in the export jobs. This improve-
ment affects both Export Grid Model Data and Export
Parameter jobs.

Fixes and Improvements


RMS-62906 Import Production Data

It is now possible to import production data from the
OilField Manager on an hours/minutes/seconds basis.

RMS-64381 Import Events

When defining a new file format for import of events, it is
now possible to use the windows-1251 text encoding.

RMS-65885 Import Production Data

Erroneous values for pressure were observed when creat-
ing events from the production data that was imported us-
ing a customized format. This issue has now been fixed.

RMS-65968 RESCUE Import

Using the Parameter Calculator on a grid or a parameter
imported using RESCUE import would, cause RMS to
crash. This issue has now been fixed.

RMS-66380 Create Events from Production Data

Erroneous values for rates were observed when creating
events from production data using net rates. This issue
has now been fixed.

RMS-66446 Import Grid Model Data

Loading grid model data containing a large number of
wells and perforations using VIP database would take an
excessively long time.

RMS-66465 Import Grid Model Data

Incorrect dates were observed for composite parameters
imported using VIP database format.

RMS-66793 Export Grid Model Data

Exporting tansmissibility multipliers using the Export Grid
Model Data job would include values of 1 when using the
option to only export data for fault connections.

RMS-66738 Export Grid Model Data

Exporting tansmissibility multipliers using the Export Grid
Model Data job and the option to only export data for fault
connections, would result in incorrect values for horizontal
part of stair-stepped faults.

7 Regions
This chapter provides information about enhancements and issues that are ad-
dressed pertaining to Regions in RMS V14.

Modify Table
It is now possible to include the Region Attribute Table in
Uncertainty and Big Loop Variables workflows using the
Modify Table job.Existing attributes in the modified table
will be updated when running the job. It is recommended
to make a copy of the original table to avoid losing previ-
ous work. To include it in a workflow: 1. Add the Modify
Table job into a workflow. 2. Set up the value uncertainties
in the Uncertainty/Sensitivity Setup job of the workflow, or
3. Select the workflow in the Big Loop Variables job panel
and define the attribute value replacement. The Modify
Table dialog box is shown as below:

The enhancement requests RMS-63398, RMS-65651 and

RMS-63823 are met by the improvement.

8 Mapping and Structural Modeling

This chapter provides an overview of enhancements and issues addressed pertaining
to Mapping and Structural Modeling in RMS V14.

RMS-65769 Horizon Modeling
The performance of the Horizon Modeling job can now be
improved by clearing the Create polygon model for zone vi-
sualization checkbox. This enhances the job performance
when working with a huge project.
The created horizon model works the same as the normal
horizon models, except that, it cannot be used for running
the Create Region Partition job, and other Regions related
tasks. Also, the zones of the created horizon model can be
visualized only in the Intersection views. The output struc-
ture model of the Horizon Uncertainty Modeling job will in-
herit this zone visual mechanism if taking such horizon
model as the input.

RMS-65449 Fault Statistics

A Filter on Faults option is provided in the Fault Statistics
job to enable the selection of the desired fault collection(s)
using the Data Explorer selector.

RMS-64537 Extract Residuals

It is now possible to export the output excel file in .xlsx

RMS-66000 Adjust to Points

The task ‘Adjust to Point’ could not be run in a workflow
since it was an i-task instead of a job.

RMS-61426 Polygon Operations

You can split all the sub-polygons that are genrated from
one polygon into separate polygons by the Polygon
Operations job. You can save them to the defined folder
under General 2D data or Clipboard folders in the Data
tree. The request of RMS-52233 was met by the

RMS-66324 Polygon Operations

The Polygon Operations task has been converted to a job
and can now be included in a workflow.

RMS-62498, RMS-63448 Filter in the Point Table

The Data Explorer selector is available in the point table. It
is now possible to filter the relevant attributes by selecting
RMS objects using the selector.

RMS-54013 Point Table

A Point Table is now available for an empty point or a poly-
gon dataset.

Fixes and improvements

RMS-65800 Horizon Uncertainty Modeling
If TVD is referenced from RKB for the Export/import setting in
the Reference Selector dialog of Wells, the HUM-created
well picks were shifted, based on the RKB value of the

RMS-65584 Horizon Uncertainty Modeling

The setting Use first zone log entry as zone top was not
available for the Horizon Uncertainty Modeling job. In the
LAS 2.0 well format, the top of the first zone is given by a
zone log transition from -999 to 0.

RMS-66736 Horizon Uncertainty Modeling

The well data input for the Horizon Uncertainty Modeling
job gets converted with a high resolution well trajectory
for matching the logs resolution. This results in a low per-
formance when running the job.

RMS-66737 Horizon Loading

Some horizon datatypes were missing when loading a spe-
cific project into RMS.

RMS-54423 Model Box

When an object was dragged and dropped to the Edit Box
dialog to define the model box range, the model box did
not follow the shape of the object.

RMS-55487 Data Filtering

The Data Filtering job did not provide error messages
when the input data field was empty.

RMS-63452 Remove Data Types

In some specific projects, the Remove Data Types tool failed
to clear some data types from the Horizons folder in the
Data tree.

RMS-66467 Local B-Spline Algorithm

When mapping by the Local B-Spline algorithm, the map
created with a rotated grid had too many unexpected dif-
ferences as compared to the map created without a ro-
tated grid.

RMS-66529 Global B-Spline Algorithm

When mapping by the Global B-Spline algorithm, the map
created with a rotated grid had too many unexpected dif-
ferences as compared to the map created without a ro-
tated grid.

RMS-66530 Converging Average Algorithm

When mapping by the Converging average algorithm, the
map created with a rotated grid had too many unexpected
differences as compared to the map created without a ro-
tated grid.

RMS-67107 Horizon Uncertainty Modeling

Performance was slow when opening a HUM job with
many wells, or when switching to other wells.

RMS-67103 2D Volumetrics
The job 2D Volumetrics defined with only 1 interval and Use
volume boundaries in pre-RMS 13 projects, would fail to
run through in RMS 13.

9 Other
This chapter provides an overview of enhancements done in other areas, apart from
the ones listed in earlier chapters.

Fixes and improvements
RMS-66234 Information
In the Information dialog box, the values of Date and Time
failed to be updated for some RMS objects.

RMS-62873 Information
The updated information was not displayed in the
Information dialog box for the parameters generated by

RMS-66884 IPL
The points inside closed polygons weren’t set to UNDEF
successfully by the IPL command to filter the points out.

RMS-65944 Workflow Log

It was not easy to read the workflow log files, as they were
created without line breaks.

RMS-62636 RMS Licensing

When starting RMS, the wrong number of licenses was dis-
played when clicking on a module to check the details.

RMS-66485 RMS License Availability

RMS can access the correct number of licenses, but the
available licenses number shown in the RMS Licensing
Availability (which is accessible from the User Preferences
dialog) was wrong.

RMS-67528 IPL Script

The IPL script provided wrong results if mixing both 3D pa-
rameters and scalar logical expression by IF statements.

RMS-67143 RMS Database Connection:

Well trajectories were in some cases not imported prop-
erly from OpenWorksTM 5000.10.3 through 5000.10.7.
When importing polygon sets together with depth sur-
faces for horizon a crash could occur. In addition to the
fixes mentioned above, some progress information has
been added to the dialog.

10 Software and Support

This chapter describes the known issues, and the hardware and software require-
ments for RMS V14.
Projects older than RMS 11 are not accepted by RMS V14.
We recommend that this project is used when possible for reporting issues.

Known Issues
Resizing and moving TkInter windows
In some cases, moving and resizing windows created by
the TkInter graphical user interface package from the RMS
Python job can cause RMS to exit uncleanly. We recom-
mend using RMS Plugins for custom graphics.

Unicode in username or installation path

RMS may fail to start if the Windows/Linux username con-
tains Unicode, or if RMS is installed in a path which con-
tains Unicode.

Dual NVIDIA graphics cards on laptops

In certain cases, RMS could encounter compatibility issues
on a laptop using NVIDIA graphics cards based on the
Pascal architecture in a dual graphics card setup. In such a
case, we recommend enabling the Discrete Graphics set-
ting only in the laptop’s BIOS.

FirePro graphics cards on Linux

RMS is known to be unstable with FirePro graphics cards
from AMD/ATI on Linux.

When importing well logs, if more than 20% of the
total logs in the project are selected, then the import
can take a long time if any log in the entire project is
corrupted. This is due to embedded OpenSpirit per-
formance optimizations dealing with log retrievals
where the optimizations do not account for bad data
in the project.
As a workaround to this issue, create a
$HOME/OpenSpirit/osp.config file in the UNIX HOME
directory for the UNIX account used to start the
OpenWorks R5000 data server. In that file, add the
where: 1000 can be changed to an appropriate num-
ber for your typical database import workflow.

Opening views or dialog boxes on Windows

In rare circumstances only applicable to using RMS on the
Windows operating system, some pop-up views or dialog
boxes, such as the Licensing dialog box on startup, may
open behind others which are already open.

Seismic inversion
To perform inversion in RMS, it is a prerequisite that cer-
tain unit settings are specified. See the relevant RMS Help
for more details.

Changing font settings on Linux

When you change system font settings in Red Hat
Enterprise Linux 6, the changes may not be reflected in
RMS until you restart the application.

Roxar API RegularGrid2D set values in masked array

The roxar.RegularGrid2D.set_values() method may fail if
the values argument is constructed using NumPy’s
masked array APIs. To avoid this issue, retrieve the initial-
ized grid values from its parent Surface object and then
set the values. This is demonstrated in various Roxar API
example scripts for RegularGrid2D and Surfaces.

Aspen Technology operates a system of regional help
desks to provide a continuous e-mail and telephone sup-
port service during your local office hours. They are
equipped to handle most queries themselves, but they
also have access to specialist help and relevant program-
mers when the need arises.

Contact information
To locate contact information in RMS:
1. Select Contact AspenTech from the RMS Help menu.
A map shows the contact information for various
support offices around the world. This list is also pro-
vided in the support area of the AspenTech web site.
2. Access the client login area of the web site for useful
and current information, such as information about
the latest software releases.

Aspentech SSE Software Portal

To apply for a login name and password for the Aspentech
Software Portal site:
1. In an internet browser, navigate to
2. If you haven’t already signed up for an account, click
Request a Login and fill in the form. Please use only
your company email address.
3. You will receive an email with a link to activate your
4. Once you have verified your account, you can change
your password and login.
For Software Portal queries, email

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