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Reading Test 3C (Module 3)

NAME ______________________________________________ DATE _______________

CLASS ______________________________________________ MARK: ––––––
(Time 20 minutes)


As a teen, you may feel anxious and insecure during your teenage years. But,
don’t worry too much! We’ve got lots of helpful tips to boost your happiness!

Have good relationships Lead a healthy lifestyle

According to a study, 74% of teens think that their Having a healthy and balanced diet, as well as
relationships with their friends and family are a getting a good night’s sleep, gives you the energy
vital part of their happiness. With this in mind, it’s you need in your daily life. You should eat at least
very important to maintain healthy and strong three small meals a day plus healthy snacks such as
relationships. How can you do this? By being fruit or nuts. But, this doesn’t mean you have to cut
yourself and talking to them about how you feel. out all sweets, just eat less of them. Following these
tips can make you feel great and help you feel less
Develop your strengths and interests anxious before your exams!
Lots of us enjoy learning how to do new things,
so joining school clubs and taking up hobbies Take breaks from social media
and sports is a great way to spend your free Spending time away from social media is really
time. In fact, one of the main benefits of important. This way, you get to spend more time with
joining a club is that you can make lots of friends as well as do your favourite hobbies. It can
new friends there who have the same make you feel happier. Studies show that spending
interests as you. just one hour on social media can make you less
happy, so imagine what being online all the time can
do to your happiness.

So, should you follow this advice? The answer is yes, according to a study carried out in the UK, being a happy teenager increases
your chances of being a happy adult. Now, that’s even more of a reason to smile, isn’t it?

© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 1 Right On! 3

Reading Test 3C (Module 3)

A. Read the article and decide if the statements (1-5) are R (right), W (wrong) or
DS (doesn’t say).

1 The findings of a study show that 74% of teens know how to build strong relationships.

2 Most teens talk to their friends about how they feel.

3 According to the writer, joining a school club is more important than taking up a sport.

4 The writer suggests that a good night’s sleep is about 8 hours of sleep.

5 The writer advises teens to spend less time on social media and more time with friends.
5 x 1 = 5 marks

B. Read the article and for questions 1-5, choose the correct answer (A, B or C).

1 A study claims that most teens 4 What does the writer suggest about spending too
A have good relationships with their families. much time on social media?
B talk about their feelings. A It can bring you closer to your friends.
C think relationships are important. B It can make you happier.
C It can stop you from enjoying your hobbies.
2 The writer thinks that one of the best things
about joining a club is 5 The writer says that being a happy teenager
A meeting new people. A is the only way to become a happy adult.
B learning a new skill. B helps you to become a happy adult.
C having a fun way to spend your free time. C means you become a happy adult.

3 According to the writer, eating healthily

A helps you sleep better.
B doesn’t include sweets.
C can reduce exam stress.
5 x 1 = 5 marks

C. Read the article and complete the sentences. Use up to three words for each sentence.

1 This article gives advice to ________________ on how to ______________________ .

2 To build a good relationship you should be yourself and express your _______________________ .
3 Joining a club will help teens meet people with similar ____________________ to theirs.
4 Teens can feel great when they ____________________ and ____________________ well.
5 Spending ________________________ on social media is enough to make you feel sadder.
5 x 1 = 5 marks

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Bodovi 14 – 15 12 – 13 10 – 11 7–9 6
Postotak 90% – 100% 80% – 89% 65% – 79% 46% – 64% 45% i manje

© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 2 Right On! 3

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