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Group Members: Offering Number: D185

Danofra, Jason

Luceñara, Niña Jane

Tejara, Jobette


I. Demographic Profile

Name (Optional): Sex: Female ____Male

Profession: ____Teacher ____Student

If Teacher, what subject area are you teaching?___________

If student, what year level?________________

II. Awareness Data

1. Have you ever heard about a tutoring service specifically for Social
Studies/Social Science?

______YES _______NO

If yes, where?____________
If no, proceed to no. 2
2. What services that are similar to tutoring services for Social Studies/Social
Science do you know?

_______Study Hub _______Tutoring Center

_______Tutoring Service at Home _______Others

3. When did you hear about tutoring services/similar services offered?


4. How did you come to know about tutoring services?

_______Colleagues ________Classmates

_______Friends ________Internet


III. Procurement Data

1. Have you tried availing tutoring services for Social Studies/Social Science or any
similar services?

_______YES _____NO

If yes, proceed to no. 2

If no, for what reason? __________________
2. Where do you avail tutoring services for Social Studies/ Social Science or any similar

________Online Tutoring Service _______Home Tutorial Services

________University/School ___________________Others(specify)

3. How often do you usually avail tutoring service for Social Studies/Social Science or
similar services?

______Twice a week _______Once a week

______Thrice a month _______Four times a week


4. How many hours of tutoring service do you usually avail?

_______1hour per session ________2hours per session

_______3hours per session ________45 minutes per session



1. When was the last time that you availed tutoring service or visited one?

________Last week __________Last 2 days

________Last month __________Yesterday

________Last year __________Others(specify)

2. If you answered "Last year", why didn't you availed lately or why did you stop availing
tutoring service?

3. How long have you been availing or taking tutoring service or similar services?

________More than a year _______1 month

________2 years _______2 months

________3 months _______Others(specify)

4. Who influenced you to avail or take tutoring service or similar services?

________Family ________Colleagues

________Friends ________Classmates

________Teachers ________Others(specify)
5. What were the reasons for availing the tutoring service?


V. Price Sensitivity

Which among the following price ranges are you willing to spend in order to avail the
tutorial service?

_________500-1000/3 hours (specific usage of space)

_________1100-1500/half-day (specific usage of space)

_________1600-1750/day (with free snacks)

_________1800-2000/day (with usage of other service rendered)

_________2500-above/15days (free usage of the resting area and all spaces)

_________7000/month (use all you can)

VI. Comments and Suggestions

1. Will you avail if the tutorial service is offered in Baybay City, Leyte?

_____YES _______NO

If no, why?____________
2. What can you suggest to have in the tutorial establishment as well as in the tutorial


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