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Submitted by:

Abegail Buenavista

Submitted to:

Ma’am Hidielyn Gammad


The nursery, a haven for development and change, holds a crucial role in the journey of the
rambutan, a beloved tropical fruit recognized for its delectably sweet flesh. This is where the
captivating life story of the rambutan commences, transforming from modest seeds into thriving,
fruit-bearing trees. Embarking on this enthralling journey begins with the meticulous selection of ripe
rambutan fruits, carefully extracting their seeds. What ensues is the enchanting process of rambutan
seed germination—an expedition demanding patience, knowledge, and unwavering care. Armed with
these attributes, one can nurture these fledgling seedlings into sturdy trees, ultimately reaping the
delightful rewards of rambutan fruits cherished by aficionados of tropical treasures. Let us delve into
the narrative of this captivating transformation, witnessing the growth, resilience, and promise of
these emerging rambutan trees through an eight-week observation.

Scientifically termed Nephelium lappaceum, the rambutan stands as an alluring and eye-
catching evergreen tree. Boasting a distinctive plump, bushy appearance, these remarkable plants
captivate the imagination of those fortunate enough to encounter them. Their unique characteristics
set them apart in the plant world, with growth patterns, leaves, flowers, and reproductive features that
showcase the diversity of life in our natural environment. Reaching a maximum height of
approximately 30 meters (98 feet), rambutans exude grandeur and majesty, dominating the tropical
landscapes they inhabit. When admiring these majestic trees, their size and presence leave an indelible

The determining factor in the overall shape of the rambutan is its branches. Low and
spreading, they create an appealing canopy that offers shade and shelter for the life burgeoning
beneath them. These branches extend far out, establishing a sense of symmetry and balance in the
tree's silhouette. The rambutan shell, with its smooth and elegant appearance characterized by a grey-
brown color, stands out as a distinctive feature. This sleek bark not only contributes to the tree's
aesthetic allure but also serves as a protective layer, shielding the tree from various environmental


1. Investigate the diverse effects of different growth regulators on the growth and development
of rambutan seedlings.
2. Analyze how various growth regulators influence key parameters such as height, leaf
development, and overall health of the seedlings.
3. Evaluate the influence of container size on the growth patterns and overall health of rambutan
4. Assess the relationship between container size and root development, considering factors such
as nutrient absorption and water retention..

Week 1: During the first week, I visited the nursery to inspect the progress of rambutan seeds.
Among the seeds, one had sprouted. It was identified as seed number .

Week 2: In the second week, the growth continued, and seeds 2, 4, 5, and 6 had sprouted.
Interestingly, no insects were observed during this period, but there was an increase in weed presence
around all the seeds.

Week 3: By the third week, the growth of seeds 1, 2, 4, 6, and 7 persisted. However, no
insects were spotted during my observations, indicating a pest-free environment.

Week 4: As I entered the fourth week, seeds 1, 2, 4, 6, and 7 continued to sprout, and seed
number 7 even developed a single leaf. Notably, there were still no signs of insect infestation.

Week 5: As I entered the fifth week of my dedicated observation of the rambutan seeds, I was
met with the reassuring sight of continued growth and development. Seeds 1, 2, 4, 6, and 7, which had
previously shown promise, continued their journey towards becoming healthy rambutan plants.
Notably, seed number 7, which had earlier revealed a single leaf, was now adorned with multiple
leaves, signifying its remarkable progress.

This week's observations reaffirmed the consistent vitality of the seeds, and it was heartening
to witness the transformation of seed number 7 from a mere sprout into a more robust and leafy
sapling. What remained equally intriguing was the persistent absence of insects, which, as we
approached the middle of this eight-week observation, continued to validate the health and pest-free
status of the seedlings.

Week 6: In the sixth week, the rambutan seeds maintained their growth trajectory with
unwavering determination. Seeds 1, 2, 4, 6, and 7 continued to thrive, and the sight of healthy foliage
was now a common occurrence. Seed number 7, in particular, stood out with its flourishing leaves,
reflecting the excellent conditions it had been nurtured in.

Notably, the environment remained free from any signs of insect presence, which was a
testament to the meticulous care and monitoring that these seeds had received. The seeds were not
only growing but thriving, and it was becoming increasingly evident that this cultivation project was
well on its way to success.

Week 7: The seventh week of my observation brought forth further evidence of the seeds'
resilience and the fruitful environment in which they were being cultivated. Seeds 1, 2, 4, 6, and 7
continued to flourish, showcasing robust growth and healthy greenery. Once more, seed number 7 was
a standout, with its leaves unfurling in a magnificent display of vitality.
The most encouraging aspect of this week's observations was the persistent absence of
insects. It was becoming increasingly clear that this particular nursery was providing the perfect
conditions for the seeds to grow and thrive without the threat of pest infestation. The seeds had shown
a remarkable ability to fend off any potential threats.

Week 8: As I arrived at the eighth and final week of this comprehensive observation, it was a
moment of both accomplishment and awe. The rambutan seeds, after eight weeks of consistent care
and nurturing, had not only grown but thrived. Seeds 1, 2, 4, 6, and 7 were flourishing with
remarkable vitality.

Week 9: Entering the ninth week of my rambutan seedling observation, the nursery continued
to be a testament to the success of our cultivation efforts. Seeds 1, 2, 4, 6, and 7 displayed robust
growth, and their vitality was unmistakable. Notably, seed number 7, which had earlier shown
remarkable progress, continued to thrive, affirming the positive trajectory of our cultivation project.
The absence of insect infestation persisted, underscoring the resilience of the seeds and the
effectiveness of the nurturing environment.

Week 10: Progressing into the tenth week, the rambutan seeds exhibited continued resilience
and growth. Seeds 1, 2, 4, 6, and 7 maintained their robust stature, showcasing healthy foliage and a
promising future. Seed number 7, in particular, continued to stand out with its flourishing leaves. The
environment remained free from any signs of insects, highlighting the success of our pest control
measures and the overall health of the seedlings. The tenth week reaffirmed the sustained vitality of
our rambutan seeds.

Week 11: In the eleventh week of my observation, the rambutan seeds continued to flourish,
reflecting the culmination of dedicated care and meticulous monitoring. Seeds 1, 2, 4, 6, and 7
showcased consistent and robust growth, with healthy greenery adorning the nursery. The remarkable
progress of seed number 7 persisted, emphasizing the positive impact of the nurturing environment.
Once again, the absence of insects underscored the effectiveness of our pest management strategies,
contributing to the overall success of the cultivation project.

Week 12: (Nitrogen Deficiency Detected): As I entered the twelfth and final week of my
comprehensive observation, a closer examination revealed a concerning issue – nitrogen deficiency in
the rambutan seedlings. Despite the overall success and vitality witnessed in Seeds 1, 2, 4, 6, and 7,
the telltale signs of nitrogen deficiency were identified, particularly in the yellowing of leaves and a
slightly stunted growth pattern. The rambutan seedlings nurtured for twelve weeks with unwavering
dedication, had transformed into thriving seedlings. Seeds 1, 2, 4, 6, and 7 stood as vibrant testaments
to the success of our cultivation endeavors. Seed number 7, in particular, had evolved into a robust
sapling, adorned with lush green foliage.


9 Healthy and Growing- Seeds 1, 2, 4, 6, and 7 showed continued


- Seed 7 developed multiple leaves, a significant leap.

- No signs of insect presence, affirming their health

100% Germination

10 - Absence of sprouts persists for some seeds.

10% Germination

11 Flourishing- Seeds 1, 2, 4, 6, and 7 showcased robust growth.

- Seed 7's magnificent display of vitality stood out.

- Absence of insects continued, revealing healthy conditions.

10% Germination

12 Thriving and Flourishing- Seeds 1, 2, 4, 6, and 7 were in excellent


- A remarkable journey of growth and vitality over 8 weeks.

10% Germination


Week 12: (Nitrogen Deficiency Detected): As I entered the twelfth and final week of my
comprehensive observation, a closer examination revealed a concerning issue – nitrogen deficiency in
the rambutan seedlings. Despite the overall success and vitality witnessed in Seeds 1, 2, 4, 6, and 7,
the telltale signs of nitrogen deficiency were identified, particularly in the yellowing of leaves and a
slightly stunted growth pattern.

Week 9 Observation: Flourishing - Seeds 1, 2, 4, 6,

and 7 showcased robust growth.
Observation: Healthy and Growing - Seeds 1,
2, 4, 6, and 7 showed continued growth. Notable Event: Seed 7's magnificent display of
vitality stood out.
Notable Event: Seed 7 developed multiple
leaves, a significant leap. Condition: Absence of insects continued,
revealing healthy conditions.
Condition: No signs of insect presence,
affirming their health. Germination Rate: 10%

Germination Rate: 100% Week 12

Week 10 Observation: Thriving and Flourishing - Seeds

1, 2, 4, 6, and 7 were in excellent health.
Observation: Absence of sprouts persists for
some seeds. Notable Event: A remarkable journey of
growth and vitality over 8 weeks.
Germination Rate: 10%
Condition: 10% Germination
Week 11
Problem Encountered: Nitrogen Deficiency

Symptoms: Yellowing of leaves, slightly

stunted growth pattern


The rambutan seedlings nurtured for twelve weeks with unwavering dedication had
transformed into thriving seedlings.

Seeds 1, 2, 4, 6, and 7 stood as vibrant testaments to the success of our cultivation endeavors.

Seed number 7, in particular, had evolved into a robust sapling, adorned with lush green foliage.

Moving forward, it is recommended to maintain a more vigilant control over moisture levels
to ensure uniform germination rates. Additionally, periodic monitoring and adjustment of
environmental variables, such as temperature and nutrient supply, should be implemented to provide a
consistent and optimal growing environment for all seeds. Despite this temporary setback, the overall
success of the cultivation project is evident in the healthy and robust growth of Seeds 1, 2, 4, 6, and 7.
Seed number 7, in particular, exhibited remarkable progress, emphasizing the resilience of the
rambutan seeds in the face of challenges. The absence of insect infestation throughout the observation
period further underscores the effectiveness of the implemented pest control measures. In conclusion,
the eight-week observation period provided valuable insights into the growth and development of
rambutan seedlings. While challenges were encountered, the dedication and meticulous care invested
in the nursery resulted in flourishing and resilient seedlings, setting the stage for a promising future.
As we conclude this observation, the journey of these rambutan trees serves as a testament to the
transformative power of a nurturing environment and the potential for growth, even in the face of
occasional challenges.

Week 9-12 however, amidst the overall success, a noteworthy challenge surfaced during Week 10. An
unexpected drop in germination rates, specifically 10%, posed a concern and prompted a meticulous
investigation. It became evident that a slight fluctuation in environmental conditions, particularly
moisture levels, contributed to this decline. This observation underscores the importance of
maintaining consistent and optimal growing conditions for uniform germination. In Weeks 11 and 12,
the seedlings rebounded with vigor, displaying robust growth and vitality. Seed number 7, resilient in
the face of challenges, continued to thrive, emphasizing the promising trajectory of our cultivation
project. The absence of insect infestation throughout the observation period attests to the effectiveness
of our pest control measures.

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