Content Topic - Human Resource Management

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In hours

I. Human Resource Management — An Overview 3

1. The Evolution of the HR Function — From Personnel
to Human Capital
2. HR Departments' Organization Charts and Structures
3. HR and Information Technology
4. IT Applications in HR
5. Types of Internet Resources
6. Possible Uses of an Internet in the Field of FIR
7. Human Resources Information System

II. Acquisition of Human Resource

1. Job Analysis
2. Definition of Different-Job Terms
3. Specific Information Provided by Job Analysis
4. Uses of Job Analysis Information
5. Method Used in Job Analysis
6. Recommended Steps in Conducting Job Analysis
7. Writing the Job Description
8. New Job and Hot Jobs tor the 21- Century
9. Writing the Job Specifications

III. Recruitment of Employees

1. Recruitment on the Internet
2. Jobs on the Web
3. The Recruitment Process/Recruitment Plan
4. Sources of Applicants
5. Alternatives of Recruiting
6. Cost Benefits and Recruitment
7. Different Parts of Your Resume
8. Strategies for Finding Employment on the Internet
9. Four Different Types of Web Resources for Job

IV. Selection of Employees

1. Why the Selection Process is Important
2. Developing an External Selection Strategy
3. Selection Process

V. Development of Human Resource

1. Training and Development of Employees
2. Employee Orientation
3. Objectives of Training and Development
4. Using Training to Deal with Competition and
5. The Training Process
6. Traditional Training Methods
7. Technology-based Training
8. Distance Learning or E-Learning
9. Steps in using a Performance Analysis to Determine
Training Needs
10. Evaluating Training Effectiveness
11. Determine Return on Investment

VI. Performance Review and Appraisal

1. Why Measure Performance
2. Early Approaches to Performance Appraisal
3. Objectives of Performance Appraisal
4. Performance Criteria
5. Source of Data in Appraisal
6. Performance Appraisal Methods
7. Who Should Evaluate Performance
8. Process Involved in Performance Evaluation
9. Evaluating the Contribution/Performance of HR in the

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