Campus Journalism Reviewer

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 The word “journal” comes from the Latin AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES
word “diurna ” which means daily. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of
 The activity or profession of writing for Representatives of the Philippines in Congress
newspapers, magazines, or news websites assembled:
or preparing news to be broadcast.
(Webster Dictionary)  Section 1. Title. – This Act shall be known
 Something that embraces all forms in which and referred to as the "Campus Journalism
the news and comments on the news reach Act of 1991."
the public (Fraser F. Bond)  Section 2. Declaration of Policy. – It is the
declared policy of the State to uphold and
Origin of Campus Journalism protect the freedom of the press even at the
 July 11, 1777 - On a 4" x 6" sheet of paper, campus level and to promote the
Samuel Fickel Fox penned the first issue of development and growth of campus
THE STUDENTS GAZETTE at the William journalism as a means of strengthening
Penn Charter School in Philadelphia, USA. ethical values, encouraging critical and
 1890 - The history of campus journalism in creative thinking, and developing moral
the Philippines started when the University character and personal discipline of the
of Santo Tomas published EL Filipino youth.In furtherance of this policy,
LILIPUTIENSE. (Valenzuela, History of the State shall undertake various programs
Journalism in the Philippines Islands, 1933) and projects aimed at improving the
and (Lent, The Philippine Mass journalistic skills of students concerned and
Communication 1964) promoting responsible and free journalism
 1910 - The history of campus journalism in  Section 3. Definition of Terms. –
the country started when the University of (a) School. – An institution for learning in the
the Philippines published The College Folio, elementary, secondary or tertiary level
now The Philippine Collegian. (Manalo, comprised of the studentry, administration,
Matienzo, and Monteloyola, Ang faculty and non-faculty personnel;
Pamahayagan, 1985)
 1912 - THE TORCH of the Philippine (b) Student Publication. – The issue of any
Normal University, THE GUIDON of the printed material that is independently published
Ateneo de Manila University, and THE by, and which meets the needs and interests of,
VARSITARIAN of the University of Santo the studentry;
Tomas were also published two years later. (c) Student Journalist. – Any bona fide student
 1912 - Carlos Romulo y Pena edited The enrolled for the current semester or term, who
Coconut, the official student publication of was passed or met the qualification and
Manila High School, now the Araullo High standards of the editorial board.He must
School. it is now considered the first and likewise maintain a satisfactory academic
oldest high school newspaper in the standing.
 1923 - La Union High School in the Ilocos (d) Editorial Board. – In the tertiary level, the
Region published The La Union Tab, the editorial board shall be composed of student
 first printed and regularly issued high school journalists who have qualified in placement
newspaper in the country. examinations.In the case of elementary and
 1925 - The Pampangan, Pampanga High high school levels, the editorial board shall be
School; The Leytean, Leyte High School composed of a duly appointed faculty adviser,
 1926 - The Rizalian, Rizal High School the editor who qualified and a representative of
the Parents-Teachers ' Association, who will
 1927 - The Coconut, Tayabas High School;
determine the editorial policies to be
The Volcano, Batangas High School
implemented by the editor and staff members of
 1928 - The Toit, La Union Trade School;
the student publication concerned. At the
The Samarinian, Samar High School
tertiary level, the editorial board may include a
 1929 - The Melting Pot, Tarlac High School;
publication adviser at the option of its members.
The Granary, Nueva Ecija High School
 1930 - The Torres Torch, Torres High (e) Editorial Policies. – A set of guidelines by
School which a student publication is operated and
 1931 - The Cagayan Student Chronicle, managed, taking into account pertinent laws as
Cagayan High School well as the school administration ' s
policies.Said guidelines shall determine the
frequency of the publication, the manner of
selecting articles and features and other similar journalists, shall promulgate the rules and
matters. regulations necessary for the effective
implementation of this Act.
Section 4. Student Publication. – A student
publication is published by the student body Section 10. Tax Exemption. – Pursuant to
through an editorial board and publication staff paragraph 4, Section 4, Article XIV of the
composed of students selected but fair and Constitution, all grants, endowments, donations,
competitive examinations. Once the publication or contributions used actually, directly and
is established, its editorial board shall freely exclusively for the promotion of campus
determine its editorial policies and manage the journalism as provided for in this Act shall be
publication ' s funds. exempt from donor ' s or gift tax.
Section 5. Funding of Student Publication. – Section 11. Appropriations. – For the initial
Funding for the student publication may include year of implementation, the sum of Five million
the savings of the respective school' s pesos (P5,000,000.00) is hereby authorized to
appropriations, student subscriptions, be charged against the savings from the current
donations, and other sources of funds. In no appropriations of the Department of Education,
instance shall the Department of Education, Culture and Sports. Thereafter, such amount as
Culture and Sports or the school administration may be necessary shall be included in the
concerned withhold he release of funds sourced General Appropriations Act.
from the savings of the appropriations of the
Section 12. Effectivity. – This Act shall take
respective schools and other sources intended
effect after fifteen (15) days following the
for the student publication. Subscription fees
completion of its publication in the Official
collected by the school administration shall be
Gazette or in at least two (2) newspapers of
released automatically to the student
general circulation. Approved: July 5, 1991
publication concerned.
Functions of Campus Paper
Section 6. Publication Adviser. – The
publication adviser shall be selected by the AID TO STUDENTS
school administration from a list of
recommendees submitted by the publication  Provides an opportunity for interesting
staff.The function of the adviser shall be limited writing.
to one of technical guidance.  Gives students the opportunity to learn how
to read the newspapers.
Section 7. Security of Tenure. – A member of  Acts as stimulus to better work.
the publication staff must maintain his or her
 Develops students ’ power of observation
status as student in order to retain membership
and discrimination concerning relative
in the publication staff.A student shall not be
merits of news articles.
expelled or suspended solely on the basis of
 Serves as outlet and motivation for
articles he or she has written, or on the basis of
journalistic writing.
the performance of his or her duties in the
 Offers training in organizations, business
student publication
methods, commercial arts, salesmanship,
Section 8. Press Conferences and Training bookkeeping and business management.
Seminar. – The Department of Education,  Develops qualities of cooperation, tact,
Culture and Sports shall sponsor periodic accuracy, tolerance, responsibility and
competitions, press conferences and training leadership.
seminars in which student-editors/writers and
teacher-adviser of student publications in the AID TO SCHOOL AND COMMUNITY
elementary, secondary and tertiary levels shall  Informs the community of the work of the
participate. Such competitions, conferences and school.
seminars shall be held at the institutional,  Publishes school news.
divisional, and regional levels, culminating with  Creates and expresses school opinions.
the holding of the annual national elementary,
 Makes known the achievements of the
secondary or tertiary School Press Conferences
school. Helps unify the school.
in places of historical and/or cultural interest in
 Encourages and stimulates worthwhile
the country.
Section 9. Rules and Regulations. – The  Develops right standard of conduct.
Department of Education, Culture and Sports, in  Provides an outlet for students ’ suggestions
coordination with the officers of the national for the betterment of the school.
elementary, secondary or tertiary organizations  Develops better interschool relationship.
or official advisers of student publications,  Develops school spirit. Develops
together with student journalists at the tertiary cooperation between the parents and the
level and existing organizations of student school.
OTHER FUNCTIONS b. EARS. Ears are little boxes in either
or both sides of the nameplate. Ears usually
1. Information Function
contain advertisements or announcements
2. Opinion Function
3. Education Function c. BANNER (HEAD). The banner is
4. Watchdog Function the principal headline which is usually
5. Laboratory Function written in the boldest and biggest font. It is
6. Documentation Function the title of the most important news of the
7. Entertainment Function day. This most important news is called
8. Developmental Function banner news. The banner runs across the
front page.


is a type of head having two or more lines.
Whatever the type of paper it is, the parts and
sections are similar to one another. e. HEADLINE. Headline refers to any
Here are the major sections of a campus paper: title of any news.

1. front page f. DECK. A deck is a subordinate

headline or head which is immediately
2. news page placed below its mother head to give more
3. editorial page information about it.

4. features page g. LEAD. Lead refers to the beginning

of a news story. This means that a lead
5. community development page could be a word, a phrase, a sentence or
even a paragraph.
6. science and technology page
7. sports page h. NEWS STORY. The news story is
the whole story or a part of the whole story
about the news which is composed of the
PARTS OF FRONT PAGE lead and the text supporting and elaborating
the lead.

a. LOCAL NEWS - News that takes place within i. COLUMNS. They are horizontal
the country divisions of the parts or texts of a
newspaper. The number of columns varies
b. FOREIGN NEWS - News that takes place
from one kind of a paper to another, that is,
outside the country.
a newsletter has smaller number of columns
c. DATELINE NEWS - An out-of-town news story. as compared to a broadsheet.
It is introduced by a dateline which states the place
j. COLUMN RULES. Column rules are
from which the story was reported, the date, and
vertical lines that indicate the divisions of
the source of the material if not written by the local
the columns. In modern journalism, these
lines are substituted with a space (a blank
d. WEATHER NEWS - Usually a boxed forecast of column rule). Space column rules or more
the area, sometimes a temperature, wind formally known as sunken rules and are
directions and velocities. Extremes on weather are usually one cm wide. With the advent of
reported as more detailed news stories. digital layouting, the printer may adjust the
column rule easily and quickly.
e. INDEX - A slug line indicating an important inside
page story and the page where it is found. k. FOLD. It is the imaginary horizontal
line that divides the paper into two. The
purpose of the fold is primarily rooted from
OTHER THINGS FOUND IN THE FRONT PAGE the lay-outing rule that the fold should not
overlay or run against the banner head.
a. NAMEPLATE. The nameplate is Should the fold run over the banner
the engraved or printed name, logo or head, the layout is considered faulty.
symbol of the newspaper. More often than
not, the nameplate also bears the scope of l. BYLINE. A byline is the signature,
the publication, that is, the date when the name or pseudonym of the reporter who
articles were taken. prepared the news. It can be seen in
various forms: by Ruben Balacbac,
It also includes the volume and number of the (Ruben Balacbac), R.Balacbac, or R.B.
particular release. One common error in campus paper insofar
as writing the byline is concerned is the
inclusion of the colon between the c) It explicitly contains an
preposition "by" and the name of the writer. opinion or point of view.
This style is now obsolete. Usually, the
colon is deleted, thus, by Ruben Balacbac, c. OP-ED: An op-ed, abbreviation of
not by: Ruben Balacbac. opposite the editorial page (though often
believed to be abbreviated from opinion-
m. BOX. Any news material enclosed editorial), is a newspaper article that
by line rules is a boxed story. In this case, expresses the opinions of a named writer
ears are special types of boxes because who is usually unaffiliated with the
they are specially named because of their newspaper's editorial board. These are
position. different from editorials, which are
usually unsigned and written by
n. CUT. The cut is a metal plate
editorial board members. Op-eds are so
bearing the newspaper's illustration.
named because they are generally printed
o. CUTLINE. A cutline is the text on the page opposite the editorial.
accompanying photos or other art works. It d. LETTER TO EDITOR: Letter to the
is commonly known as caption. If the text
editor sometimes abbreviated LTTE or LTE
shows above the photo, it is called over line.
is a letter sent to a publication about issues
p. OVER LINE. It is a type of cutline of concern to its readers. Usually, the letter
written or shown above the photo. or the letters are intended for publication. In
many publications, letters to the editor may
q. KICKER. A kicker is a tagline above be sent through either conventional mail or
but smaller than the headline. It gives electronic mail. The subject matter of letters
stimulating but small details about the to the editor varies widely. However, the
headline, and this is why it is also called most common topics include:
a) Supporting or
r. HAMMER. A hammer is a type of opposing an editorial stance,
kicker but the difference is that a hammer is or responding to another
bigger than the headline. writer’s letter to the editor
s. CREDIT LINE. A credit line is a line b) Commenting on a
given to pay respect to the source of the current issue being debated
story or illustration printed. This is done by a governing body —local,
usually for stories or illustrations imported or regional or national
borrowed from other printed materials or depending on the
people. The difference of a byline from a publication's circulation.
credit line is that a byline is usually a name, Often, the writer will urge
signature or pseudonym of the reporter elected officials to make their
within the newspaper staff, but a credit line decision based on his or her
is used for those which are borrowed or viewpoint
imported. Thus, foreign news and dateline
news often have credit lines c) Remarking on
materials (such as a
PARTS OF EDITORIAL news story) that have
appeared in a previous
a. EDITORIAL PROPER: The article
edition or release. Such
that is considered to be soul of a newspaper
letters may be either critical
or magazine. It is an article that gives the
or praising
conglomeration of opinions of the members
of the editorial board on the hottest issue of d) Correcting a
the day. perceived error or
b. COLUMN: A column is a recurring
piece or article in the paper. It is primarily e. EDITORIAL CARTOON. An
written by a columnist who is well editorial cartoon, also known as a political
acquainted with the subject. What cartoon, is caricature containing a political
differentiates a column from other forms of or social message that usually relates
journalism is that a column meets each of to current events or personalities.
the following criteria:
f. FOLIO. Usually written on top of the
a) It is a regular feature in a page, this is composed of the page number,
publication. date of publication and name of the
b) It is personality-driven.
newspaper. Notably, this part runs through Whether the editors and staff members are
all the sections in the campus paper. chosen through recommendation or
competitive examination, the following pointers are
g. Masthead. This is also called flag. It recommended:
shows the publication's name, the volume
and number of release, the names of the 1. The candidate should have
staff and their respective positions. at least one-year residence.
PARTS OF SPORTS PAGE 2. The candidate should not be
in the probation list.
The sports section of a newspaper features
information on local sports events, like high school 3. He/she must not have any
sports teams. College level sports are also covered disciplinary case against him/her,
in this section, both on a regional and national because there is a likely chance for
level. Often, sports page in Philippine campus him to drop or to be suspended.
papers accommodate stories about intramurals and
relevant national sports issues. Student writers 4. The chief, associate, and
may consider writing sports analysis, sports managing editors should not hold
editorials, backgrounder, prophetic sports news and other major positions in school
the like. organizations, especially in the
student council or student
As regards reporters on other news beats, sports government. The press is supposed
journalism involves investigating e story, rather to be objective and non-partisan.
than simply relying on press releases and prepared
statements from the sports team, coaching staff, or The most democratic way to select the staff is
players. Sports journalists verify facts given to them through a competitive examination followed by an
by e athletes, teams, leagues or organizations they interview. However, there are certain drawbacks. If
are covering. there are no qualified teachers who will evaluate
the entries in the competitive examination, the test
SELECTION OF THE PUBLICATION STAFF will not be worthwhile. If a big number of students
Notably, there are no hard and fast rules on how to join the competition, the evaluation will take a long
organize the staff and to pick the editors. Each time. Another question is: In what phases of
school should therefore work out a system best journalism would the test be? Newswriting, editorial
suited to its particular set-up. writing, lay outing, or actual press work? If the test
is in editorial writing only, is not that just one
There are common mind-boggling questions for the phase of the work? Because of these
publication head or the moderator of the campus drawbacks, the adviser resorts to designation.
paper like: How are the editors and the staff The drawback here is favoritism.
members chosen? How long should they serve?
How big should the staff be? Should they be paid? The advisers should not rely only on result of the
To whom are they responsible? examination. They should also look for people who
did not take the examinations but have writing
First, there should be a moderator or an adviser skills. They should ask them to join the board, but
who must possess the following qualifications they should refrain from taking students into the
in the order of their importance, 1) with a degree in staff who have more activities in their hands than
journalism - bachelor, master or specialization, or they can handle. They should be aware of students
one with a degree in English — bachelor, master or who only love to see their names in the masthead
specialization. 2) with experience in newspaper or editorial box.
work or one with more than ordinary experience in
journalism or school paper work. Other schools The choice of editors should be based on who
consider one who teaches social studies. This set- obtains the highest average in the examinations
up is the traditional setup of picking the adviser or and who possesses the most in personal qualities
the moderator. The Campus Journalism Act, has a or traits like leadership, managerial skills, sound
different basis for choosing the adviser. Selecting judgment and flexibility. Consequently, advisers
an adviser is also optional for the tertiary level. should file and publish in the bulletin board the
results of the examinations and the comments of
For the traditional and beginning campus paper the judges.
system in the DepEd, the principal or the head of
the school, with the recommendation of the adviser How large should the staff be? A manageable staff
may designate the members of the staff or may should not be more than ten, as follows: (1)chief
pick them through a competitive examination. The editor; (2) associate editor; (3) managing editor; (4)
candidates should possess writing ability, feature editor; (5) literary editor; (6) sports editor;
leadership and previous experiences in school and (7) reporters (one for each class-senior,
publication in such order. Whatever the criteria are sophomore, freshman).
in choosing the staff, the method should be
systematic, objective and fair.
There are other members of the staff who may job is to edit all news articles
simply be appointed: the typists, the layout artist, submitted by the writers preparatory
the staff artist, the photojournalist and the to submission of the same to the
circulation manager. chief editor then to the adviser.
PUBLICATION STAFF optional staff function or position;
nonetheless, his/her prime job is to
write the editorial of the Filipino
The chief editor supervises the editorial staff of the section. He/She also edits all articles
paper. Usually, he/ she writes the editorials of the preparatory to submission of the
organ after consultation with the members of the same to the Filipino adviser, for
editorial staff. However, any member may write the final editing and for publication.
editorial so long as he/she follows the guidelines in Sometimes, he/she causes the
writing. Further, he/she edits all articles preparatory submission of all Filipino articles
to submission of the same to the adviser for final properly and timely. He/She may
editing and approval for publication. He/She likewise act as a liaison officer
likewise supervises the preparation of the layout, between the Filipino staff and the
dummy of the paper and its pagination in chief editor.
cooperation with the managing editor and layout
artist. He/She also causes the accomplishment of
c. Feature Editor. The feature
editor gives out assignments to
all assignments properly and on time. At times,
feature writers. He/She then
he/she acts as the liaison officer between the
receives and edits feature articles
editorial staff and the adviser, as he/ she also calls
preparatory to the submission of the
meetings of the staff.
same to the chief editor. Sometimes,
ASSOCIATE EDITOR he/she writes regular articles or
The associate editor edits the articles in
cooperation with the chief editor. Also, he/she may d. Exchange Editor. For
be delegated to write editorials of the organ. He beginning school paper system,
prepares assignments of section editors in this is an optional function.
consultation with the chief editor. Further, he/she Sometimes, the functions of the
cooperates in the preparation of the layout of the exchange editor are accomplished
paper and paging of the same with the chief editor by the circulation manager.
and the managing editor. Nevertheless,
MANAGING EDITOR the exchange editor makes up a list of school
papers sent by other schools. He/She is designated
Acting as the hand of the board, the managing
to mail copies of own paper to these schools as
editor brings articles to the press for typesetting. As
he/she also files their papers on a bulletin board or
such, he/she also checks articles for typographical
display them on a newspaper rack. He/She, too,
errors. He/She prepares the layout of the paper and
keeps files of school information, such as class lists
paging of the same in consultation with the chief
and lists of members, homeroom advisers, faculty
editor. Finally, he/she proofreads galley proofs
and staff.
before these are finally approved by the chief
editor, then by the adviser for printing. e. LAYOUT SECTION
EDITORS. They are assigned to
cause the assignment of the school's
As the nomenclature suggests, he/she is official photographer to take pictures
assigned in ensuring the release and on school's activities for the month
distribution of the paper. He/She also guarantees or for a specified time. They prepare
the smooth flow of the passing of articles from pictorial articles of the organ in
reporters to section editors. He/She is assigned to consultation with the managing
oversee the flow of processes in crafting the paper. editor and chief editor. Sometimes,
their job is to write the captions of
pictures utilized by the paper in
a. News Editor: Assigned as cooperation with the chief editor.
the reporter to cover events relevant f. LAYOUT ARTISTS. They
to the school activities, he/she writes
take charge of designing and
news articles on assignment from
formatting of all pages in the paper.
the chief editor or through his/her
As such, they label or properly
own initiative in consultation with the
identify all pictures made
latter. However, his/her primordial
available for publication. It is
suggested that they write using
pencil at the back of every picture of
the event to which a particular
picture refers. They likewise help in
the preparation of the layout of
pictorial stories and make
illustrations for feature articles.

g. The Reporters. The life of

the contents depends on the skills of
the reporters. They secure the cold
and raw facts of an assigned event
and write articles out of the same.
Moreover, they receive assignments
from the section editors or board of
editors and then accomplish the
same properly and timely.

a. Interview

b. Reference Sources


1. Planning

2. Writing and submission of articles

3. Revision

4. Lay-outing

5. Publication


A well-edited paper needs definite policies which
may pertain to what it may print or to what the staff
may conduct. Such policies may be posted on the
conspicuous places like the bulletin boards in the
staff room or they may be printed and distributed to
the staff.
Policies are brief statements of the paper's platform
or are sometimes printed under the masthead, as in
the following examples:

• To support all school projects

and to give only constructive
criticism of some projects

• To maintain a high standard

of sportsmanship by avoiding
personal enmity and jealousy both
within and outside the school

• To refrain from publishing

articles which convey wrong
impressions against the school, and

• To avoid unkind personal

jokes, criticisms and caricatures

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