Genetics Reviewer Chapter 6

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Chapter 6.

1 - CHROMOSOMES ● Somatic cells - usually contain two sets of

What is a Chromosome? ○ 2n - Diploid
● Highly condensed form of DNA ○ 3n - triploid
● Wrapped into nucleosomes ○ 4n - tetraploid
● Wrapped into chromatin fiber
● Condensed during metaphase into the familiar
● Humans have 22 pairs of autosomal chromosomes
and one pair of sex chromosomes
● Are rod-shaped, filamentous bodies present in the
nucleus, which become visible during cell division.
● They are the carriers of the gene or unit of heredity.
● Are not visible in the active nucleus due to their high
water content but are clearly seen during cell
● Were first described by Strausberger in 1875.
● The term “Chromosome” was first used by
Waldeyer in 1888.

The term Chromosome is derived from:

➢ Chromo = color
➢ Soma = body

Chromosome Size:
In contrast to other cell organelles, the size of
chromosomes shows a remarkable variation depending upon
the stages of cell division.

● Interphase: chromosomes are longest & thinnest.

● Prophase: there is a progressive decrease in their
length accompanied by an increase in thickness.
● Anaphase: chromosomes are small.
● Metaphase: chromosomes are the most easily
observed and studied during metaphase when they
are very thick, quite short, and well spread in the

➔ Chromosomes can be distinguished by “painting” -

using DNA hybridization + fluorescent probes

Types of Chromosomes:

Number of chromosomes: ● Autosomes:

● Normally, all the individuals of a species have the ○ Paired chromosomes with/ the same
same number of chromosomes. length, shape, centromere location, and
● Euploidy - the presence of a whole set of genes.
chromosomes is called. ○ Any chromosomes other than a sex
● Aneuploidy - a change in the chromosome number chromosome
that does not involve entire sets of chromosomes ○ Determine the size, color, & hair of a body.
but only a few of the chromosomes. ● Sex chromosomes:
● Haploid - gametes normally contain one set of ○ Members of a pair of chromosomes that
chromosomes. differ between males and females.
Chromosome Types:
There are four types of chromosomes, and
it is classified based on the position of the

1. Telocentric - no p arm; centromere is on

the end part.
2. Acrocentric - has very small p arm;
centromere is very near the end part.
3. Submetacentric - p arm is just a little
smaller than the q arm; the centromere is
in the middle part.
4. Metacentric - p and q arms are exactly the
same length; the centromere is in the
exact middle part of the chromosome.

Things to remember:
➔ Homologous chromosomes are
● p arm - the smaller of the two arms (p - stands for ◆ not genetically identical.
petite) ◆ They can have different alleles of genes.
● q arm - the longer of the two arms ➔ Sister chromatids are:
➔ Bands are numbered from centromere outward ◆ Genetically identical.
◆ Forms as cells go through the S phase
◆ Attached to each other by centromere until
anaphase of Mitosis.
◆ Once separated, each is again referred to
as a chromosome.

● Cytogenetics:
○ Study of chromosomes and chromosomal
○ Study Karyotypes - picture of an ● Translocations:
individual’s chromosomes in Metaphase, ○ Non-homologous chromosomes have
spread out on a slide. exchanged pieces (cross over)
■ Robertsonian Translocation
Human Chromosomal Abnormalities: ● Two q arms of two
different chromosomes
● Numerical Chromosomal Aberrations: come together.
○ Trisomy = 3 copies of single chromosome ● Two p arms are lost
(47) entirely.
○ Monosomy = 1 copy of a single
chromosome (45)
○ Triploidy = 3N
○ Tetraploidy + 4N
● Structural Chromosomal Aberrations
○ Deletion
○ Duplication
○ Translocation (involves 2 chromosomes)
○ Inversion
○ Isochromosome
○ Ring Chromosome

Abnormal Number:
■ Reciprocal Translocation
➢ Polyploidy: complete extra set of chromosomes ● Two different
○ Three of every chromosomes chromosomes exchange
○ Cannot survive to birth parts.
➢ Aneuploidy: missing or extra of one chromosome ● Since all parts are still
○ Monosomy - missing one chromosome present, it is often
○ Trisomy - one extra chromosome normal.
○ Only Trisomy 13, 18, and 21 are viable

Uniparental Disomy:
➔ When nondisjunction occurs in both the mother and
the father’s gametes causing two copies of one
chromosome to come only from one parent.
➔ “Two bodies, one parent” - bodies are
➔ Incredibly rare event
➔ More often, nondisjunction leads to either
monosomy or trisomy.
➔ Haplotype refers to a set of DNA variants along a
single chromosome that tend to be inherited
together. ● Inversions:
○ One part of the chromosome has been
flipped around in the opposite direction.

○ Again, individual may be normal

○ Unless inversion breakpoints are in middle
of a gene
○ Or unless inversion affects centromeres

Abnormal Structure:

● Deletion: ● Isochromosomes:
○ Large part of one chromosome has been ○ Have two identical arms
lost during mitosis. ○ Two p’s or two q’s and not the other
○ Vary in size - larger is more severe ● Ring chromosome:
● Duplication: ○ Telomeres are lost, or don’t function
○ Large part of one chromosome has been ○ So one end of chromosome attaches to
duplicated on the same chromosome another end forming a ring
○ Vary in size - larger is more severe ○ Cannot undergo mitosis successfully
➔ Causes of Chromosomal Disorders: ● XYY or Jacob’s syndrome (Male)
◆ Ionising radiation, autoimmunity, virus, ○ Height, more active
infections and chemical toxins in the ○ Slight learning disability
pathogenesis of certain disorders. ○ Normal intelligence

● XXX = Trisomy X Female

○ Produce healthy female
● X/XO = Turner syndrome (Female)
○ Webbed neck
○ Short height
○ Immature females

● Non-disjunction:
○ Unequal division of chromosomes during
○ Can happen to either sperm or oocyte
○ From one gamete w/ two copies of same ● Patau’s Syndrome (#13 Trisomy)
chromosome ○ Small heand, small or missing eyes
○ Other gamete with zero copies of that ○ Heart defects, Extra fingers
chromosome ○ Abnormal genitalia
○ Different outcomes if happens at first or ○ Mentally retarded
second stage of Meiosis. ○ Cleft palate
○ Most die a few weeks after birth

● Trisomy 21 or Down Syndrome

○ Characteristic facial apperance
■ Small nose, flat face, epicanthal
○ SIngle palmar crease
Numerical Chromosomal Aberrations
○ Mental retardation (avg. IQ <50)
○ Multiple complications
● XXY or Klinefelter’s syndrome (Male)
■ Heart disease
○ Feminine character
■ Leukemia
○ Tall, Normal Intelligence
■ Epilepsy
○ Some fertility problems
● Trisomy 18 or Edwards Syndrome:
○ 1/8000 live births; maternal age affect
○ Low birth weight
○ Multiple dysmorphic features
■ Chin, ears, single palmar crease,
clenched hands
○ Malformation of the brain, heart, kidneys,
and other organs
○ Rarely survive beyond 1 year
Chapter 6.2 - KARYOTYPING abnormality, the chances of increase with
increasing maternal age. Chromosome analysis of
What is karyotyping? the fetus should be offered as a routine part of
➔ Karyotyping is one of the techniques that allows us prenatal care in such pregnancies.
to diagnose several thousand possible genetic 5. Family history: A known or suspected
diseases in humans. chromosome abnormality in a relative can be an
➔ It also refers to the use of a microscope to examine indication for chromosome analysis under some
the size, shape, and number of chromosomes in a circumstances.
sample of body cells.
➔ Extra, missing, or abnormal positions of
chromosome pieces can cause problems with a Two categories of chromosome abnormalities:
person’s growth, development, and body function.
1. Numerical - Chromosome abnormality simply
What is a karyotype? means that a person has a total number of
➔ The number and visual appearance of the chromosomes different from 46, usually 47 or
chromosomes in the nucleus of a cell is called a sometimes 45 chromosomes, in each cell of their
karyotype. body, respectively. Health problems and birth
➔ Remember that one chromosome of each pair defects are usually present as a result of having
comes from the other and the other from the father. extra or missing genetic material. An example of a
Thus, each parent contributes 23 chromosomes. numerical chromosome abnormality is Down
syndrome, typically caused by having an entire
extra chromosome 21, for a total of three copies of
chromosome 21 instead of two.

2. Structural - This means that a portion of the

genetic material has been altered or rearranged in
some way; for example, a piece of one
chromosome may be attached to another
chromosome (translocation or a piece of a
chromosome may be turned upside down

When is chromosome analysis indicated? Cells Used for Chromosomal Analysis:

➔ Chromosome analysis - is recommended as a ● Any cell with a nucleus
routine diagnostic procedure for a number of ● Lymphocytes
indications, including (but not limited to) the ● Skin cells
following: ● Tumor cells
● Amniotic cells
1. Problems noted during early growth or ● Chorionic villi
development: Failure to thrive, developmental ● Rare fetal cells from maternal blood
delay, dysmorphic (unusual) feature, multiple birth
defects, short stature, ambiguous genitalia, and ➢ Amniocentesis:
mental retardation are frequent findings amongst ○ Collects fetal cells for chromosomal and
individuals w/ chromosome abnormalities, although biochemical studies.
they are not exclusive to this group. ○ Generally performed in the 16th week.
2. Stillbirths and neonatal deaths: The incidence of
chromosome abnormalities is much higher amongst
stillbirths and infants who die shortly after birth
(each about 10%) than among live births (0.7%).
Chromosome analysis may be able to identify a
cause for the loss and provide important information
for prenatal diagnosis in future pregnancies for
3. Fertility problems: Chromosome analysis is
recommended for women who are past the typical
age of puberty and have never had a menstrual
cycle as well as couples with a history of infertility or
recurrent miscarriage. Chromosome abnormalities
can be seen in one or the other parent in
approximately 3-6% of infertility or recurrent
miscarriage cases.
4. Pregnancy in women 35 years or older at the
time of delivery: Though anyone at any age has a
chance to have a child with/ a chromosome
analysis system for karyotyping (High-resolution images w/
12-bit digital CCD-camera (1280x1024 pixels).

Seven groups of chromosomes:

Group A - chromosomes 1-3 are largest w/ median


Group B - chromosomes 4-5 are large with submedian

➢ Chorionic Villus Sampling:
○ Somewhat risky for mother and fetus.
Group C - chromosomes 6-12 are medium-sized w/
submedian centromere.

Group D - chromosomes 13-15 are medium-sized w/

acrocentric centromere.

Group E - chromosomes 16-18 are short w/ median or

submedian centromere.

Group F - chromosomes 19-20 are short w/ median


Group G - chromosomes 21-22 are very short w/acrocentric


Chromosome X - similar to group C.

Chromosome Y - similar to group G.

➔ Chromosomes are arranged into seven groups

based on size and centromere location. The
centromeres can be found in the middle of the
chromosome (median), near one end (acrocentric),
or in between these first two (submedian).

➔ Karyotype Analysis:
1 - Obtain a set of chromosomes.

2 - Match the chromosomes with/ their homologous mate.

One chromosome of each pair is numbered; as you match
your chromosomes, number the homologous pairs. You need
to be very systematic. The number one chromosome is the
largest. Its corresponding mate should be of the same size,
with the same banding pattern, and have the same
centromere location.

3 - Determine the karyotype abnormality using the

Chromosome Analysis.

4 - Research your abnormality using the resources available.

A photograph of a real karyotype for the disorder is in the
computer database; for example, Band ViewR is Applied
Spectral Imaging’s fully automated image acquisition and
Spectral Karyotyping (SKY)

Spectral Karyotyping:

➔ Refers to the application of spectral imaging to the

simultaneous visualization of all human (or other
species) chromosomes in different colors.
➔ A laboratory technique that allows scientists to
visualize all of the human chromosomes at one time
by “painting” each pair of chromosomes in a
different fluorescent color.

Principles of SKY:

➔ Uses fluorescent “tags” specific to each

➔ Combining two techniques, in q996, the SKY
technique was developed by Schrock et al.

1. Chromosome painting: is a technique of

drawing an entire image of a certain
chromosome by using fluorescent signals.
2. Multicolor fluorescence: a technique of
drawing images of several hybridization
signals with different fluorescent dyes.
human chromosomes at one time by “painting” each
pair of chromosomes in different fluorescent colors.

➢ Traditional karyotyping allows scientists to view the

full set of human chromosomes in black and white,
a technique that is useful for observing the number,
size, and shape of the chromosomes. Interpreting
these karyotypes, however, requires an expert, who
might need hours to examine a single chromosome.
By using SKY, even non-experts can easily see
instances where a chromosome, painted in one
color, has a small piece of a different chromosome,
painted in another color attached to it.

➢ Chromosomal Analysis can be useful in a wide

variety of clinical situations.
○ To detect chromosomal disorders in the
○ To reveal the cause of infertility or
repeated miscarriages.
○ To evaluate couples with chromosomally
abnormal children.
○ To evaluate women who are not
○ To examine abnormal sexual development,
particularly when there is doubt about true
○ To evaluate the course and the
effectiveness of treatment of certain
○ To look for the cause of birth defects,
mental retardation, or retarded growth.
Advantages of SKY:

● Easy visual interpretation when analyzing results.

The result is a digital image rather than film, in full
● Pairing of the chromosomes is simpler because
homologous pairs are the same color, and
aberrations and cross-overs are more easily
● Used to detect translocations not recognized by
traditional banding analysis. When a chromosome
in which the origin cannot be identified or the
structural abnormality of a partial copy of a
chromosome is observed with G-banding, the SKY
technique makes it possible to recognize each
chromosome with different color tones.


➢ Karyotyping is a test to examine chromosomes in a

sample cell, which can help identify genetic
problems as the cause of a disorder or disease.
Also called Chromosome Analysis.

➢ The test can be performed on a sample of blood,

bone marrow, amniotic fluid, or tissue from the
placenta, and the organ that develops during
pregnancy to feed a growing baby.

➢ Spectral Karyotyping (SKY) is a laboratory

technique that allows scientists to visualize all of the

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