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4. (a) He doesn’t remember his home at all. 25. The adults of Seempuri see garbage as the
Explanation: The line means Saheb has no means to eke out their living. While the children
recollection of his Dhaka home. Hence, option like Saheb view it like a place of wonder. The
(a) is the correct answer. Options (d) says that difference in points of view shows the difference
he remembers his home which is incorrect. in their responsibilities in life.
Options (b) and (c) are incorrect and not 28. According to the Indian law, children below the
mentioned in the text. age of 14 years cannot work legally and in
7. (c) Irony general, children should not work in dangerous
conditions in any industry.
Explanation: Saheb’s name sets up an
expectation of being on top of the world but he 30. According to the writer Anees Jung, the societal
lives in a ragpicker’s community and scrounges problem in which the bangle sellers are bound
through garbage heaps. This creates a sense is a web of poverty to which is added the
of ‘irony’ where something has a different or stigma of caste and a network of authority
opposite result from what is expected. So, only figures such as sahukars, the middlemen,
option (c) is the correct answer. Options (a), (b) politicians, bureaucrats and keepers of the law.
and (d) are not the literary devices used here. 33. From the story, we can infer that the
10. (b) Because Delhi has wealth and Seemapuri relationship between the bangle sellers and
has garbage. the authorities is fraught. This is evident when
Explanation: Seemapuri and Delhi are they tell the author that if they try to organise
themselves into a cooperative, they're afraid
metaphorically miles away because they
that they will be harassed by the police.
are very different in terms of wealth, jobs
and opportunities. Therefore, option (b) is the 36. Saheb’s and Mukesh’s stories are similar as
correct answer. Options (a) and (c) are facts they both find some hope in their situations.
but not the correct answer. Option (d) is totally Saheb finds it when he is searching the
incorrect. garbage for notes and coins. Mukesh finds
hope in dreaming of becoming a motor
15. (D) (c) majority of the population in Firozabad
mechanic. The difference is that even though
is involved in bangle-making.
both are underprivileged, Saheb doesn’t know
Explanation: ‘Every other house’ indicates a skill other than ragpicking whereas Mukesh
that a majority of the population in knows the skill of bangle making.
Firozabad is involved in bangle making.
Therefore, option (c) is the correct answer. 39. The title ‘Lost Spring’ is an apt title because it
Options (a), (b) and (d) cannot be accurately conveys the point that the author explains in
inferred from the extract. Hence, they are the chapter. The title is an analogy. Childhood
incorrect. is the spring of a person’s life. During spring, the
weather is supposed to be cool, comfortable
18. (A) (d) Confident and beautiful. Spring is not hot like summer or
Explanation: Mukesh is confident about his cold like winter. Similarly, the childhood part of
dream at the moment. Hence, option (d) is a person’s life is supposed to be comfortable.
the correct answer. Options (a), (b) and (c) However, Saheb’s and Mukesh’s childhood
are incorrect because they do not match is difficult as described in the chapter. They
the situation. have in fact, lost their childhood in the race
for survival. Hence, the author uses the phrase
19. (D) (c) He is too young.
‘lost spring’ to accurately portray the essence
Explanation: Mukesh’s embarrassment of the chapter.
hasn’t turned to regret because he is too
young to know what regret is. Hence, 41. Ragpickers are at a risk of several health
option (c) is the correct answer. The text hazards because of the conditions they work in.
shows no evidence for options (a), (b) and Since food waste is not segregated from other
(d). wastes, there is a chance of infection from
rotting food. Ragpickers also don’t have access

18 English Core Class XII

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to clean water for washing or for drinking. So, 45. Mukesh will first and foremost have to cling
they can easily catch dysentery and diarrhea onto his dream as he grows up. Circumstances
from eating out of the rubbish bins. Since may work against him. He needs to be
electronic waste is also not segregated here, tenacious and tide over present day reality in
electrical devices with removeable and non- order to pursue his dream. He may even have
removable batteries (car batteries, phone to work as a bangle maker for a while in order
batteries) are tossed in the garbage heap. This to pay the fees for his course in Automobile
means dangerous heavy metals like lithium, a Mechanical Training. Alternatively, he can
component of batteries today, can leach into apprentice himself to a mechanic to learn
on the job. He will also have to convince his
the garbage and thus, into the soil. Ragpickers,
parents and grandparents to support him.
who come into contact with battery waste,
This will be the toughest part. It will take
can even be poisoned. Added to that is the risk
many years probably before his dream can
of respiratory diseases from inhaling smoke of be realised but if he is determined, he will
burning garbage. make it.

The Lost Spring 19

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