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Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 178 (2023) 113242

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Public attitudes and sentiments towards new energy vehicles in China: A

text mining approach
Zezhou Wu a, b, c, Qiufeng He a, b, c, *, Jiarun Li c, Guoqiang Bi d, Maxwell Fordjour Antwi-Afari e
Key Laboratory for Resilient Infrastructures of Coastal Cities (Shenzhen University), Ministry of Education, Shenzhen University, Shenzhen, China
Sino-Australia Joint Research Centre in BIM and Smart Construction, Shenzhen University, Shenzhen, China
College of Civil and Transportation Engineering, Shenzhen University, Shenzhen, China
Jinan Haiying Real Estate Development Company, Jinan, 250000, China
Department of Civil Engineering, College of Engineering and Physical Sciences, Aston University, Birmingham, B4 7ET, United Kingdom


Keywords: Public attitudes and sentiments are considered important factors driving the development of new energy vehicles
New energy vehicles (NEVs) in China, yet few studies have effectively articulated the public attitudes and sentiments on a national
Public attitude scale. Social media platforms provide open and large-scale data on how the public views NEVs. Accordingly,
Sentiment analysis
based on data collected from Sina Weibo, the largest open social media platform in China, this study adopts web
Text mining
crawler and text mining to explore public attitudes and sentiments toward NEVs. The results show that the
majority of NEVs followers belong to the media and broadcasting unit, which may lead to exaggerated adver­
tising of NEVs performance. Public pay more attention to NEVs in environmental pollution and developed
economies regions than others. In addition, it is found that the public is generally concerned about driving range,
policies, battery charging and safety performance, and NEVs-related attributes. Some interesting findings are that
preferential policies such as unrestricted driving are more popular with the public than tax incentives, and the
public attaches a high degree of importance to the brand in the attributes of NEVs. Moreover, the Chinese public
has relatively positive sentiments on NEVs, mainly due to the impact of China’s carbon reduction targets.
Negative sentiments are mainly due to safety and battery technology issues. Finally, some policy implications
derived from the discussion are given.

1. Introduction NEVs to take up about 25% of the market share in 2025 [8].
Such market penetration rate of NEVs is unsatisfactory as it falls
The continuous rapid development of the automotive industry has short of the efforts made by the Chinese government in the past years to
exacerbated China’s dependence on foreign oil and air pollution levels accelerate NEVs adoption [9]. Facts have proved that the dilemma of
[1]. Promoting the adoption of new energy vehicles (NEVs) is consid­ “hot policy” and “cold market” faced by China’s NEVs is largely related
ered an important measure to alleviate these problems [2–4]. NEVs refer to the Chinese public. The public is considered to be the main partici­
to four-wheel vehicles, electric vehicles, pure electric vehicles and pants in the dance game of driving the NEVs industry in China [10], and
plug-in hybrid electric vehicles using non-traditional fuels such as bio­ their attitudes could directly affect the adoption of NEVs [11–13].
ethanol, liquid natural gas and biogas, as well as various hybrid types of Especially, studies based on planned behavior theory and rational choice
these vehicles [5], which are designated as one of China’s seven strategic theory have found that consumer attitudes, emotions and subjective
emerging industries [6]. Recently, China’s market share of NEVs has social norms are the basis of behavioral intention [14,15]. Under­
grown significantly, from 74,800 units in 2014 to 1.367 million units in standing specific sentiments and attitudes associated with the adoption
2020 [7]. Nevertheless, the market share of NEVs is still tiny, only about of NEVs is critical for design communication, education, and policy to
5.40% in 2020, far below the target set by the Chinese government for overcome some of the barriers to consumer adoption of NEVs [16].

Abbreviations: NEVs, new energy vehicles; LDA, latent Dirichlet allocation.

* Corresponding author. Key Laboratory for Resilient Infrastructures of Coastal Cities (Shenzhen University), Ministry of Education, Shenzhen University,
Shenzhen, China.
E-mail address: (Q. He).
Received 5 July 2022; Received in revised form 27 December 2022; Accepted 6 March 2023
Available online 16 March 2023
1364-0321/© 2023 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Z. Wu et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 178 (2023) 113242

However, past studies on the public attitudes towards NEVs only 2.2. Attitudes and sentiments of the Chinese public toward NEVs
focused on a single or a few cities [17,18]. Chinese public attitudes to­
ward NEVs have yet to be effectively articulated nationwide. Addition­ Positive impression of NEVs leads to more positive sentiments to­
ally, a majority of existing studies collected data through questionnaire wards NEVs. This positive attitude in turn could positively affect the
survey or interviews [19,20], which is relatively subjective and has willingness to use NEVs [10,14,41]. Understanding the public attitudes
certain inherent defects [21]. For example, respondents can only choose and sentiments helps facilitate communication between policymakers,
from the options given by the experimental designer, or the results may technologists, and the public [42].
be biased due to the small sample size of the respondents [22]. Against Previous studies on consumer’s use of NEVs mainly focused on the
this backdrop, Li et al. [23] called for a more objective and large-scale factors that determine consumers’ purchase intention for NEVs, and
investigation of future research on NEVs. With the widespread use of found that these factors mainly include three categories, namely, de­
social media and the rapid development of computer technology, as well mographic, situational, and psychological [23]. Specifically, these fac­
as the maturity of large-scale user-generated data and natural language tors cover the purchase price, charging time, size, policy, charging
processing technologies, this kind of objective, large-scale survey is availability, appearance, etc. [43]. Other studies have mentioned the
possible. Social media carries people’s opinions from all over the public impressions of NEVs including high price [34], low safety per­
country, and these rich social media data provide real-time and effective formance [44], limited cruise range [45], and environmental friendli­
analysis content for analysts [24]. In addition, analysts can use social ness [46].
media to access users’ metadata, such as location and time, to further It can be observed that public sentiment is often ignored in the
analyze views from a demographic perspective [25]. Text mining se­ research on consumers’ attitudes and behaviors towards adopting NEVs.
mantic technology can extract useful insights from a large amount of A recent study shows that public sentiment in India has a significant
disordered data without any prior knowledge input [26,27], overcoming impact on the willingness to adopt NEVs [29], while there has been a
the limitations of traditional methods in terms of time, space, and lack of research on the Chinese public in this regard. In addition, other
sample size [28]. Therefore, using text mining technology to extract studies on the public attitudes towards NEVs only focused on a single or
public attitudes to NEVs from social media data is worth discussing. a few cities, and previous studies almost all adopt the method of ques­
Previous studies on the adoption of NEVs have neglected to pay tionnaire survey [47,48]. These studies cannot fully reflect the views of
attention to public sentiment [29]. Higueras-Castillo et al. [30] showed the public because the sample size is relatively small and respondents
that public sentiment is crucial in purchasing NEVs. Positive public can only choose answers from the given options. Furthermore, China’s
sentiments could lead to positive consumer attitudes, while negative public external evaluations of NEVs have yet to be effectively articulated
public sentiments could trigger consumer resistance. In particular, on a national scale. According to the so-called Chinese herd mentality
negative public sentiments could also cause consumers to overreact to [49], positive or negative external evaluation and trend following could
bad news and spread it in a herding fashion [31]. In the era of the rise of also significantly affect the purchase behavior of NEVs purchasing
the Internet, consumers’ judgment of product value relies heavily on behavior [17,50]. Especially for those potential consumers who have not
social media platforms, and public opinion seriously affects consumers’ personally experienced NEVs, they always rely on public word of mouth
decision-making behavior [32]. To fill out this research gap, this study or external evaluation to assist decision-making [32].
aims to collect data from Sina Weibo which is the public social media Thus, it is necessary to conduct an objective study based on a larger
platform with the largest number of internet users in China [33], and use sample size to understand the attitudes and mainstream sentiment of the
text mining to objectively investigate the public attitudes and sentiments Chinese public towards NEVs and provide more useful inspirations for
towards new energy vehicles in China. The rest of this paper is organized future policy improvement and manufacturer decision-making.
as follows. Section 2 reviews relevant studies. Section 3 describes the
data collection procedure and research methodology used in this study. 2.3. Mining public sentiments and attitudes in social media
The results obtained are further analyzed and discussed in Section 4.
Conclusions and policy implications are put forward in Section 5. Social media includes online platforms such as Facebook, YouTube,
WhatsApp, Twitter, and Sina Weibo [51], where nearly 3.6 billion
2. Literature review people around the world express their likes and dislikes about something
on a daily basis [52]. Rich social media data has recently become a
2.1. Status quo of NEVs implementation in China valuable resource for companies to excavate public sentiments, attitudes
[53], and behavior [54], with more than 75% companies collecting and
The implementation of NEVs is an important national strategy for using these data resources to monitor the health of their brands [55].
China to alleviate environmental pollution and cope with the fossil en­ These social media data not only have a large amount of data, but also
ergy crisis [34]. China’s earliest NEV industry started in the early 21st avoid the interference of subjectivity and the limitation of time and
century and was identified as one of the seven strategic emerging in­ space [22]. In the case of NEVs, their potential customers are usually
dustries in 2010 [35]. By the end of 2016, China has become the world’s millennials, who are willing to express their opinions on social media
largest electric vehicle market in production and sales [36]. The rapid and often rely heavily on these opinions to judge the value of their
development of NEVs in China is largely attributed to the support of the products [32]. The integration of these opinions further forms positive
government’s diversification policies, such as cancellation of driving or negative sentiments towards NEVs. As mentioned in the introduction,
restrictions, purchasing subsidy, bypass of the lottery system, tax positive sentiments or negative sentiments could spread online in a herd
reduction and exemption, as well as innovative policies for supporting effect, and then directly affect the choice of the public to a greater
NEVs rental and ride-sharing business [37–39]. Although China has extent. Therefore, using social media data to mine public attitudes and
made great progress in the implementation of NEVs through government sentiments towards NEVs can effectively bridge the gap between man­
efforts, some challenges remain. Compared to conventional automo­ ufacturers and customers [56]. Sina Weibo is the largest open social
biles, the market share of NEVs is still tiny. Especially, the vast majority media platform in China [57], with the number of monthly active users
of these sold NEVs are used for public transport services such as urban increasing to 573 million as of September 30, 2021 [22], providing a
buses, and only a few for private use [34]. Several studies have explored suitable platform for collecting online comment data from Chinese
the factors hindering the market diffusion of NEVs and found that public users.
attitude is one of the main factors [40,41]. Text mining is a popular and effective method for extracting useful
insights from large amounts of disorderly data without any prior
knowledge. The combination of this method and web crawler can

Z. Wu et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 178 (2023) 113242

expand the sample size as well as improve the objectivity of data activities of users. Generally, a crawler program can obtain the content
collection and analysis [43,58]. The effectiveness of this method for of a web page according to the web link address (URL), analyze the
mining public attitudes and sentiments based on Web-generated opin­ structure of web pages to extract useful information, and can also
ions has been demonstrated in multiple research fields, such as sus­ analyze other links of web pages with recursive retrieval [66]. The
tainable buildings [33,59], municipal solid waste [60], epidemiology detailed web crawler program adopted in this study is shown in Fig. 1.
[61], e-waste [56], finance [62] and among others. In this study, Python 3.7 programming tool was used to develop a
To sum up, exploring public attitudes and sentiments are of great crawler program to download the needed information on Sina Weibo.
significance in boosting the growth of the NEVs industry, especially in The detailed data collection process is as follows.
the context of a new and ambitious NEVs diffusion plan formulated by
the Chinese government in 2021. Previous relevant studies were con­ (1) Simulated login. This study adopts a post code module to submit
ducted through questionnaires or interviews, for which the data used for personal accounts and passwords to achieve simulated login on
analysis were mainly subjective. Using text mining and web crawler to Sina Weibo web page (
analyze Web-generated opinions in social media can expand the sample (2) Keywords retrieval. Taking “new energy vehicles” as the keyword
size and can provide more objective insights. with timestamps from 00:00 on January 1, 2022, to 24:00 April
30, 2022 to get the initial URL of Weibo posts.
3. Data and methodology (3) Data collection. Load into each post page to parse the page
structure and return easy-to-process JavaScript-based light­
3.1. Data collection weight data exchange format, and then extract useful data,
including the individual user-generated data (i.e., username,
Web crawler has been subscribed to be ideally suitable for collecting authentication conditions, introduction), Weibo posts-related
large-scale data [63]. Psychological analysis-related studies have widely data (i.e., post content, post time, retweeting, thump-up,
adopted this method and considered it suitable to investigate the pub­ comment counts), and comments-related data (i.e., comment
lic’s actual attitudes [64,65]. The data structure derived from the web publisher, comment content, comment time).
crawler is twofold, including the individual user-generated data and the (4) Data pre-processing. Export and save 527,699 acquired raw
metadata [63], which can be used to understand the rich psychological Weibo posts and 2781,192 comments under these posts to Excel

Fig. 1. The workflow of the web crawler.

Z. Wu et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 178 (2023) 113242

file. Considering that the data may include interference infor­ latent topics, where a topic is characterized by a distribution over
mation, some Weibo posts that label themselves related to NEVs, words [26]. The specific application of LDA is as follows. Firstly,
while the actual content is irrelevant to NEVs are deleted the words in corpus are randomly assigned to one of N topics. The
manually. Specifically, some advertising posts and duplicate number of topic N is a user-defined parameter [68], which can be
posts are also removed manually. A total of 32,381 Weibo posts obtained by calculating the perplexity of LDA [69]. Then, ac­
and 163,767 comments are finally obtained. cording to the Gibbs sampling formula, each word is again
assigned to a new topic. This process is repeated until the Gibbs
3.2. Text mining sampling converges. The topic-word co-occurrence frequency
matrix in the corpus is calculated as the final LDA model. Finally,
Text mining can extract heuristic information from extensive semi- the LDAvis package called in Python helps visualize the results of
structured or unstructured data. Some of its common applications the LDA topic modeling. From the visualization results, the topic
include text topic mining, text sentiment analysis, text keyword number of public attention (i.e., the number of topic N) can be
extraction, text clustering, text co-citation analysis and so on. This study visually observes, and the meaning of each topic can be obtained
used the first two application types to explore the public’s attitudes and by manually summarizing the most salient terms on the topic [70,
sentiments towards NEVs. 71].
Before digging heuristic information, the data needs to be cleaned (4) Sentiment analysis. Sentiment analysis in this study aims to
and separated into words for further topic mining and sentiment anal­ investigate the public’s sentiment orientations towards NEVs,
ysis. The specific steps are as follows. and is performed in the NLPIR-Parser platform. The platform
constructs the sentiment dictionary based on the ontology data­
(1) Data cleaning. The manually preprocessed data is further cleaned base of Chinese affective vocabulary constructed by Dalian Uni­
up. The regular expression codes are written in Python to remove versity of Technology and the Ekman’s seven basic emotion
useless information from the data, such as punctuation marks, models [59]. It can subdivide sentiments into interest, happiness,
spaces, and other non-text characters. anger, surprise, sadness, fear, and disgust [60]. The first two
(2) Word segmentation. Before the word segmentation, a new-word express positive sentiments and the rest express negative senti­
dictionary is built to avoid mistakenly separating some terms. ments. Moreover, the word frequency related to negative or
The Jieba package, a Chinese word segmentation tool, is then positive sentiments provided by the NLPIR-Parser platform could
called in Python to segment words based on the new-word dic­ clearly explain the focus of public sentiments.
tionary and the stop-word dictionary. Finally, a corpus that can
be further used for text mining is constructed. In short, as shown in Fig. 2, the overall research idea of this paper is
(3) LDA topic modeling. Topic mining is performed through latent based on the twofold data obtained by web crawler, and methods of
Dirichlet allocation (LDA) in this study. LDA is a computational statistical analysis and text mining are adopted to explore the public’s
content-analysis technique that can be used to excavate the attitudes and sentiments towards NEVs.
“hidden” topics from the given documents [67]. The basic idea is
that the documents are represented as random mixtures over

Fig. 2. Research outline.

Z. Wu et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 178 (2023) 113242

4. Results and discussion region, development of the western region, and revitalization of the
northeast) [74], China can be divided into four major economic regions:
4.1. Public attention status Eastern China, Northeastern China, Central China, and Western China,
excluding Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Macau. According to the statistical
4.1.1. Occupational status of the public results of the registration regions of 14,670 mainland users, as illus­
The crawled Weibo posts were posted by 15,081 users, of which trated in Fig. 4, the order of regions with the largest average number of
11,541 have been verified by Weibo. According to the information of registered users in each province is as follows: East > Central > West >
institution verified users or the career information of individual verified Northeast. Among them, the economically developed provinces of Bei­
users, the users can be grouped into the following professional cate­ jing, Guangdong, Shanghai, and Zhejiang in the eastern region have
gories: government agency, research institute, ecological environment many users. This finding is consistent with previous studies [75–77],
unit, new energy technology unit, internet technology unit, vehicle which showed that the more economically developed regions paid more
producer/dealer, equipment supplier, securities and fund unit, traffic attention to the sustainability of the transportation industry. Because the
control unit, fire rescue unit, motor repair unit, as well as media and economically developed provinces always have continuous investment
broadcasting unit. The details are shown in Fig. 3. It revealed that the in environmental governance and R & D activities [78], thus promoting
top three individual user types are the media and broadcasting unit, the diffusion of NEVs in society [79]. In addition, air quality in these
securities and fund unit, and Internet technology unit. Their top three provinces is generally at risk of serious pollution due to the influence of
followers also came from these three fields. Regarding institution users, urbanization, industrial production, and automobile exhaust emissions
the top three professional types are the media and broadcasting unit, [80,81]. As one of the important ways to improve air quality and opti­
internet technology unit, and fire rescue unit. These indicate that in the mize energy structure, NEVs have attracted more attention from local
field of NEVs, most Weibo post publishers and followers belong to the governments and citizens in economically developed provinces. As
media and broadcasting unit, which reflects that NEVs have been widely mentioned in the New Energy Vehicle Industry Development Plan
publicized in China. However, the appropriateness of such widespread (2021–2035) [8], the proportion of public NEVs in key areas of national
publicity deserves closer scrutiny. The Xinhua News Agency, China’s air pollution prevention and control (such as Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai,
most influential news website, reported in January 2021 that there was etc.) should not be less than 80%.
“excessive publicity” in the domestic NEV industry [72]. Xiong and
Wang [73] suggested that consumers should be correctly guided to un­
derstand the core information related to NEVs for changing the 4.2. Public attention topics
one-sidedness and incompleteness of the current propaganda process.
By performing LDA topic modeling on the collected Weibo posts and
4.1.2. Regional trends of public attention visualizing the results, the study obtained the top four topics of public
Based on the main elements of urban economic and social develop­ concern, as shown in Figs. 5–8. The left panel of the visualization is some
ment (i.e., development of the eastern region first, raise of the central circles, whose size and number indicate the importance, sequence
number of different topics, and whose positions indicate the proximity

Fig. 3. The number of Weibo users and their followers in various professional categories.

Z. Wu et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 178 (2023) 113242

Fig. 4. Distribution of Weibo users in four economic development regions. (Note: ANP is the average number of registered people in each province.)

Fig. 5. LDA topic model of Weibo posts -Topic 1.

of the topics. The right panel presented a horizontal histogram each topic, the specific focus that people pay the most attention to could
composed of 30 bars in which each bar represented an individual term be derived. Observingly, LDA does not assign each word exclusively to a
that is most useful for explaining the topic. By analyzing the terms under single topic, so a word may appear in more than one topic group to be

Z. Wu et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 178 (2023) 113242

Fig. 6. LDA topic model of Weibo posts -Topic 2.

Fig. 7. LDA topic model of Weibo posts -Topic 3.

used to explain different topic meanings [82]. the public pays high attention to NEVs batteries, driving range, and
The most popular topic is Topic 1, regarding the driving range of charging stations. Recently, although the driving range of NEVs can
NEVs. As seen from the most relevant terms on the right side of Fig. 5, meet the demand of short trips, people still have a strong concern.

Z. Wu et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 178 (2023) 113242

Fig. 8. LDA topic model of Weibo posts -Topic 4.

Through browsing the original text data, it is found that most users and related terms “spontaneous combustion” and “explosion” have also
mentioned: “the driving range of NEVs is erratic, its actual driving range been raised many times under this topic. Due to the heating problem of
is not if the official claims. The driving range is always affected by battery pack, NEVs are prone to spontaneous combustion [43]. The
weather or battery life”. Other users even reflected in a disgusted tone Chinese public particularly focuses on the safety performance of NEVs,
that “if I have to wait for an hour to recharge it, there’s no way I’m going which has had a critical impact on consumers’ purchase decisions. As
to buy it”, “Charging is a hassle, if you are in highway service areas or some users mentioned, “what we are most worried about is spontaneous
second and third-tier cities, it may take a long time to approach the combustion, which may lead to safety accidents”.
charging stations”. These findings imply that concerns about driving Topic 4 is about NEVs-related attributes. As illustrated in Fig. 8, the
range stem from unstable battery life, long charging time, and inade­ unique features of the vehicle itself that the public pays attention to
quate charging infrastructure. include “endurance”, “price”, “appearance”, “brand”, “vehicle type”,
Topic 2 is about NEVs-related policy. As can be seen from the most “configuration”, “performance”, “interiors”, “size” and “after-sale ser­
relevant terms in Fig. 6, policies that attract wide attention include vice”, among which the first three are the most important factors for
purchase subsidy, exemption from vehicle purchase tax, no driving re­ publics to consider. Indeed, this is in line with the expectation that
striction, and preferential purchase restriction. Among them, privilege people would like good-looking NEVs with better performance at a
policies such as no driving restriction attract more public attention than lower price [21,43]. Additionally, Chinese consumers also attach great
preferential tax policy, which can be proved by some high-frequency importance to the brand. Previous studies indicated that brand directly
terms (i.e., “green license plate”, “convenience”) and the fact that affects customers’ perceptions of product and service quality [85–87].
most users mentioned that “I bought it because there is no driving re­ Especially as people become increasingly sensitive to the potential safety
striction”. Other policies that have caught the public’s attention include hazards of NEVs, they become more trusting of good brands, because
infrastructure and battery technology support policies. Users have these brands are always formed by great reputation and trustworthy
widely diffused such policies, desiring that these policies could improve quality [88].
technical problems such as driving range and charging time. Moreover,
the terms “carbon neutralization” and “emission reduction” indicate
that people also attach great importance to the environmental policies, 4.3. Public sentiments analysis and focus
and believe that it could lead to an increase in the market share of NEVs
in the future. As mentioned in the Weibo posts, “NEV is an important All comments from the Weibo posts were used to analyze sentiment
guarantee to achieve carbon neutralization and a mainstream trend in orientation, and the high-frequency keywords in the comments were
the future development of the automobile industry”. used to explain the specific reasons for the public’s different sentiments
As shown in Fig. 7, Topic 3 reflects the public’s attention to battery towards NEVs. As illumined in Fig. 9, comments containing positive
technology. Battery technology has an essential impact on battery per­ sentiments account for the vast majority, accounting for 71.23%, most of
formance (i.e., longevity, capacity), battery price, charging time, and which are expressed as interest (53.50%). This finding contrasts with the
safety [83,84]. As users complained, “as the technology of NEVs is not study of Jena [29], who found that negative sentiments are more
mature enough, the battery life is not long enough, and battery prevalent in India, mainly due to higher purchase costs and immature
replacement is always very expensive”. In addition, the term “safety” battery maintenance technology. The research result of this study is
consistent with most other studies, that is, although people have

Z. Wu et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 178 (2023) 113242

Fig. 9. The proportion of positive sentiments and related keywords.

expressed some concerns about NEVs, they still maintain a highly pos­ Comments containing negative emotions account for 28.77%, among
itive and interested attitudes towards NEVs [17,20,89–92]. which disgust was dominant (20.77%), as shown in Fig. 10. The negative
Commenters who hold positive attitudes on NEVs believe that NEVs attitudes towards NEVs mainly comes from concerns about “safety”,
have benefits in terms of “fuel economy” and “non-gas-guzzler”, and that “battery life”, “driving range”, “recharging time”, etc. The safety of
NEVs have “pro-environment” benefits. This finding is consistent with NEVs is often related to explosion accidents caused by “spontaneous
previous findings that environmental concerns can significantly increase combustion” or “brake failure”, which is the most concerning issue for
the public’s positive perception of NEVs [93], especially among con­ the public. This finding is consistent with previous literature in China
sumers with higher environmental awareness [12]. For example, one [12]. Additionally, people are not convinced of the endurance of NEVs.
commenter said “Compared with traditional cars, NEVs are more Because the public found that the endurance of NEVs in bad weather or
fuel-efficient and environmentally friendly”. Another thing worth after repeated charging is not as long as advertised, further causing
paying attention to is that some publics show the cognition that NEVs public anxiety about the mileage [12]. Therefore, to eliminate con­
can bring less “carbon emissions”. By reviewing the comment text sumers’ resistance to NEVs, attention should be paid to improving the
associated with this keyword, it can find that many publics mentioned safety performance of vehicles, optimizing battery technology, and
China’s carbon peak and carbon neutrality targets. The public generally developing fast charging technology. In addition, it is worth noting that
believes that under the carbon peaking and carbon neutrality targets the most significant factor leading to negative public sentiments towards
[94,95], NEVs could become “the way of the future” and “future of NEVs in India is price, while this factor does not cause great negative
travel”. For example, one of the commenters mentioned that “the sentiments in China. A search for price-related comments showed that
country is implementing the long-term goal of carbon neutrality and subsidies played a key role in dispelling negative public sentiments
carbon emission reduction. The use of NEVs is much cleaner than those about prices, such as one user’s comment that “the price is very
burning oil, and it can also get rid of the country’s dependence on oil, attractive with subsidies”.
which could be the development prospect of the auto industry in the
future”. It follows that China’s carbon reduction policies and public 5. Conclusions and policy implications
awareness of environmental protection have to some extent stimulated
positive public sentiments. The development of NEVs is a crucial issue to promote the

Fig. 10. The proportion of negative sentiments and related keywords.

Z. Wu et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 178 (2023) 113242

transformation of the national energy structure and reduce environ­ enterprises and play the leading role of leading enterprises, so as
mental pollution. This study used data from social media platforms to to enhance the public’s confidence in purchasing NEVs.
excavate the status quo, topics, sentiment orientation and focus of public (5) Future policy objectives also include actively publicizing the
concern for NEVs through occupational analysis, regional analysis, text potential benefits of NEVs for environmental protection and
mining, topic modeling and sentiment analysis. The discussion of improving the security of national energy structure, because it
occupational categories indicates that the media and broadcasting units helps to promote the purchase of NEVs by the public, especially
release the most information about NEVs, which may cause excessive those with strong environmental awareness. In addition, a sound
hype on the Internet about the endurance capacity and safety perfor­ battery recycling policy system should be established to eliminate
mance of new energy vehicles [72]. From the perspective of the regional the suspicion of the environmentally-conscious public about
characteristics of public concern, the public in economically developed NEVs.
areas are more concerned about NEVs, which is mainly attributed to (6) In addition to providing support policies for research and devel­
more funding for R & D activities, more serious traffic problems and opment of core technologies, to change the public’s negative at­
stricter environmental policies in these regions [77,78]. In terms of the titudes towards the safety performance of NEVs, the government
topic of public concern, the Chinese public is most concerned about the should also improve the evaluation system for the safety and
driving range of NEVs. A reasonable driving range could satisfy their reliability of NEVs.
basic needs for daily travel and long-distance travel [96]. The second
topic of concern is NEV policy. Notably, privilege policies such as no The significance of this study lies in that it uses the objective research
driving restriction attract more public attention than preferential tax methods such as web crawler and text mining to excavate the public
policy. Battery technology is also the most discussed topic among the attitude and explore for the first time nationwide public attitudes to­
public, as it determines several prominent issues of NEVs, including wards NEVs in China, providing useful insights for the Chinese gov­
charging time, driving range, and safety performance. NEVs-related ernment and automobile manufacturers to comprehensively understand
attributes are also a hot topic. To obtain cost-effective NEVs, people the market situation and better develop NEVs in the future. This study
pay wide attention to their four characteristics of endurance, price, also has limitations that may serve as avenues for further research. For
appearance, and after-sale service. Additionally, the brand is increas­ instance, this study only focuses on public posts on China’s social media
ingly in the public spotlight, especially some familiar brands, such as platform and does not pay attention to posts on Twitter, Facebook, and
Tesla and NextEV. The public prefers brands with a good reputation and other foreign social media platforms. The public’s attitudes and senti­
high-cost performance. Meanwhile, the public tends to take its views on ments towards NEVs vary in different countries. Future studies can
leading enterprise brands as an evaluation of the trend of the whole NEV evaluate and compare the public’s attitudes and sentiments on foreign
industry. As for public sentiments, an interesting finding is that although and domestic social media, and further combine the policies of various
the public is worried about NEVs, they are generally positive. This countries to provide policy suggestions for the adoption of NEVs in
finding is contrary to the research of Jena [29]. The Chinese public’s China.
positive sentiment toward NEVs is largely benefited from the carbon
peak and carbon neutrality targets. The public is generally aware that Credit author statement
NEVs could be the future trend of China’s auto industry because NEVs
can change the energy structure and reduce carbon emissions. The Zezhou Wu: Conceptualization, Methodology, Writing-Original
public’s negative sentiments toward NEVs stems mainly from safety Draft, Supervision. Qiufeng He: Software, Writing-Original Draft,
concerns and dissatisfaction with battery technology. Methodology, Visualization. Jiarun Li: Conceptualization, Writing-
Based on the research findings, the following policy recommenda­ Reviewing & Editing. Guoqiang Bi: Formal analysis, Writing-Reviewing
tions are proposed. & Editing. Maxwell Fordjour Antwi-Afari: Writing-Review & Editing,
(1) Promote the rule of law construction of the Internet, strictly
check the authenticity of media advertising and the crackdown Funding
on the exaggeration of NEVs performance by online publicity, to
avoid the occurrence of consumers’ distrust of NEVs, thus This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation
inhibiting the market penetration of NEVs. Meanwhile, it is sug­ of China [grant number 72001148]; the Foundation for Basic and
gested to focus on communicating the concept of carbon peak and Applied Basic Research of Guangdong Province [grant number
carbon neutrality through official media or public figures on so­ 2019A1515110247]; and the Research Start-up Funding in Shenzhen
cial media, so as to make the public widely aware of the impor­ [grant number 000376].
tance of carbon reduction and have a profound influence on the
public’s pro-environment behavior. Declaration of competing interest
(2) Strengthen privilege policies (i.e., car purchase and driving re­
strictions) and environmental protection policies. And balance The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
subsidies and transportation environmental protection policies in interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
economically underdeveloped areas. the work reported in this paper.
(3) Enhance support for core technologies of NEVs, especially battery
technologies, to eliminate public concerns about a series of Data availability
problems brought about by these technologies, such as unstable
driving range in harsh environments, battery-related safety ac­ The authors do not have permission to share data.
cidents, short battery life, and brake failure [97].
(4) Chinese consumers pay more and more attention to the reputa­ Acknowledgment
tion of NEV brands and even unilaterally evaluate the whole NEV
industry with the quality of some leading enterprise brands. In The authors thank the editors and anonymous reviewers for their
the future, the government should pay attention to how to create valuable and constructive suggestions for improving this paper.
a healthy market environment, build reputable NEV brands, as
well as strengthen the sense of responsibility of leading

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