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Living abroad can be an experience that offers a myriad of benefits to individuals and their
home countries. Two key aspects that stand out are the impacts on business and culture. The
exposure to different culture can significantly contribute to personal growth, supporGng a
more global perspecGve and the development of a naGon.

One of the most significant benefits of living abroad is the potenGal impact on business.
Furthermore, as globalizaGon conGnues to change the economic aspect, individuals with
internaGonal experience are becoming seriously more valuable to companies operaGng in the
world. When people immerse themselves in a different type of economy, they obtain
knowledge of different business pracGces and behaviors. Moreover, this deep understanding
of internaGonal business can prove a great professionalism.

In addiGon to the benefits for businesses, the exposure to cultures through living abroad can
also have a profound impact on the personal development of an individual and cultural
understanding. Experiencing different tradiGons, customs, and ways of life can expand
individuals perspecGves and a greater cultural knowledge. Besides, this exposure encourages
individuals to develop a more open-minded approach to different culture and respect for
foreign people.

In conclusion, while both the business and cultural benefits are significant, the cultural aspect
holds greater importance, for the populaGon. The understanding and appreciaGon of different
cultures are fundamental for a global cooperaGon, especially in this years where wars and
conflicts are dominaGng.

TEST 3- PART 2 (report)

Dear Principal,
I am wriGng to provide an evaluaGon of the recently completed course at our internaGonal
college. The course, while demonstraGng several strengths, also reveals some areas that could
benefit from improvement. Through this report, I want to highlight the course's strengths and
weaknesses and offer recommendaGons for its improvement.

• Curriculum: The course's curriculum was very well designed, surrounding a diverse range of
topics and themes that provided a comprehensive understanding of the subject.
• Global Perspec3ve: The course encouraged a global perspecGve, emphasizing the
importance of understanding various cultural, social, and economic contexts.
• Professionalism of the teachers: The professors were very knowledgeable on the topics,
giving a lot of extra noGons on current themes.
• Lack of Prac3cal Applica3on: While the course content was comprehensive, there was a
noGceable lack of pracGcal applicaGon and physical experience, parGcularly in certain areas.
IncorporaGng more pracGcal exercises could greatly intensify students' pracGcal
understanding and skills.
• Lack of electronic devices: The course, in certain areas, required the use of electronic
devices, and as there were not enough for all members of the group, we had to divide them.
• Few debates: During lessons many students expressed different ideas, and, on many
occasions, there were no debates, especially on current topics.

In conclusion, the recommendaGons I want to give to improve the course are regarding the
weaknesses. To my eyes, the course must integrate more pracGcal hours, many more
electronic devices and greater connecGon between students, through debate.

Thank you for your aZenGon.

Your Sincerely,
Riccardo Giuliano

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