G-10 Ak Rat q1 Science

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Commonwealth, Aurora, Zamboanga del Sur



1. What can be the WORST and IRREVERSIBLE effect of negligence of

failure to prepare for natural geologic disasters?
A) Damage to properties C) Disease
B) Death D) Poverty

2. Which of the following types of plate boundary occurs between Nazca Plate
and the South American Plate?
A) Convergent Oceanic – Continental Plate Boundary
B) Convergent Oceanic – Oceanic Plate Boundary
C) Convergent Continental – Continental Plate Boundary
D) Transform Boundary

3. Which of the following is formed in the convergence of two oceanic or

oceanic and continental plates?
A) Volcanic island arcs C) Rift valley
B) Mountain range D) Oceanic ridge

4. Which of the following DOES NOT describe a convection process?

A) The handle of a metal pot is hot while cooking
B) Boiling of macaroni pasta
C) A sea breeze
D) Ocean water in the surface is warmer

5. Why is the earth not getting bigger despite the fact that molten materials
are gradually coming out from the mid-oceanic ridge?
A) Because everything is being consumed in the subduction zone
B) Because of the faster rate of movement of materials from the ridge
C) Because older oceanic materials are pushed away and slowly consumed
in the subduction zone.
D) Because the rate of coming out of new oceanic materials and
destruction of older oceanic crust are the same.

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