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- Đề bài thường đưa ra 1 hoặc 2 ý kiến và yêu cầu người viết cần đưa ra quan điểm của mình
về vấn đề đó.
- Câu hỏi của dạng bài Opinion
+ Do you agree or disagree?
+ To what extent do you agree or disagree?
1. Introduction
Câu 1: paraphrase giới thiệu chủ đề
- Many people argue that SVO (quan điểm)
- It is widely argued that SVO (quan điểm)
- Some people believe that SVO (quan điểm)
- It is true that SVO (quan điểm 1) ..... while nobody can deny that/ some people believe
that SVO (quan điểm 2)
Câu 2: trả lời câu hỏi 1 cách chung chung (tức là nêu quan điểm của bản thân)
Có 3 cách giải quyết:
- Hoàn toàn đồng ý (completely agree)
+ Personnally, I completely agree with this view
+ Personally, I completely agree that SVO
- Hoàn toàn không đồng ý (completely disagree)
+ Personally, I completely disagree with this view
+ Personaly, I completely disagree that SVO
Personnaly có thể thay bằng In my opinion, However
- Đồng ý 1 phần
+ While I accept that SVO, I believe that SVO
+ Personally, I partly agree with this opinion for a number of reasons.
2. Body 1
- There are two main reasons why....
- It is understandable why ....
- It might be a good idea to V
+ One reason (for N/ Ving) is that SVO
+ Perhaps the strongest/ compelling/ important reason (for N/ Ving) is that SVO
+ The first reason is that SVO

+ Another reason is that SVO

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+ The second reason is that SVO

3. Body 2
- However, I would argue that SVO
- However, it seems to me that SVO
- However, I am convinced that SVO
- However, I strongly/ firmly believe that SVO
4. Conclusion
- In conclusion, it seems to me that SVO
- In conclusion, for the reasons I have mentioned above, I strongly believe that SVO


- Đề bài đưa ra 2 quan điểm trái chiều về một vấn đề và yêu cầu người viết thảo luận
2 quan điểm trên, có thể đưa thêm ý kiến cá nhân của người viết (nếu đề bài yêu
- Yêu cầu của đề:
+ Discuss both views (chỉ cần thảo luận về 2 quan điểm, tuyệt đối không được đưa
quan điểm cá nhân)
+ Discuss both views and give your own opinion (thảo luận 2 quan điểm và đưa ra
quan điểm cá nhân )
1. Introduction (2 câu)
Câu 1: paraphrase giới thiệu chủ đề
- Some people argue that SVO = It is argued that SVO
- People have different views about
- It is true that N/ Nph/ Ving remains a source of controversy
Câu 2: giới thiệu 2 quan điểm
 Đối với bài discuss đơn thuần (không yêu cầu nêu quan điểm cá nhân)
- While many people believe that SVO (quan điểm 1), others think that SVO (quan
điểm 2)
 Đối với bài Discuss + Opinion
- While some people believe that SVO, I would argue that SVO (quan điểm mình
đồng ý)
2. Body 1: bàn luận về quan điểm 1 (thường là bàn luận về benefits/ drawbacks
hoặc reasons)

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- On the one hand, it is beneficial for smb to do smt. / On the one hand Ving/ N/ Nph
is beneficial in some ways.
- On the one hand, there are a variety of reasons why SVO.
- On the one hand, this trend has some notable drawbacks.
3. Body 2: bàn luận về quan điểm 2 (thường là bàn luận về benefits/ drawbacks
hoặc reasons)
Đề Discuss đơn thuần
- On the other hand, it is beneficial for smb to do smt. / On the other hand Ving/ N/
Nph is beneficial in some ways.
- On the other hand, there are a variety of reasons why SVO.
- On the other hand, this trend has some notable drawbacks.
Đề Discuss + Opinion
- On the other hand, I (strongly/ firmly) believe that N/ Nph/ Ving can also benefit N
- On the other hand, it seems to me that it is better to V
- On the other hand, I would argue that the benefits of N/ Nph outweigh the
- On the other hand, I believe that the benefits are more significant than such
4. Conclusion: tóm tắt 2 quan điểm và quan điểm cá nhân (nếu đề bài yêu cầu)
Đề Discuss
- In conclusion, it seems evident that both Ving/ N/ Nph (quan điểm 1) and Ving/ N/
Nph (quan điểm 2) each have their own unique advantages.
Đề Discuss + Opinion
- In conclusion, although Ving/ N/ Nph is advantageous to some extent, it seems to
me that it is better to V (quan điểm mình đồng ý)
- In conclusion, although there are some drawbacks ....., it seems to me that it is
more advantageous for smb to V
- In conclusion, although there are strong arguments for both views, it seems to me
that on the whole it is beneficial that SVO


- Đề bài đưa ra 1 vấn đề, và yêu cầu thí sinh nêu ra lợi ích và bất lợi của nó
- Câu hỏi thông dụng:
+ What are the advantages and disadvantages of ....?

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+ Do the advantages outweight the disadvantages?

+ Do you think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?
+ Do you think this is a positive or negative development?
+ Do you think this is a positive or negative social development?

1. Introduction
- Câu 1: paraphrse giới thiệu chủ đề
+ It is true that these days ....
+ It is true that there has been a growing tendency for smb to do smt
+ It is true that N/ Nph/ Ving is gaining in popularity.
- Câu 2: trả lời câu hỏi của đề một cách chung chung
+ While I accept that there are benefits and drawbacks of this ...., I would argue that it is
better to
+ While I accept that this has both benefits and drawbacks, I would argue that there are
more disadvantages than advantages.
+ Despite some obvious disadvantages/ advantages of this trend, I believe that these are
outweighted by the advantages/ disadvantages.
+ While there are serious negative consequences of this development, I would argue that
these are outweighed by the advantages.
2. Body 1, 2
- On the one hand, there are important benefits for smb when ....
- On the other hand, I believe that there are serious drawbacks, which outweigh these
- On the one hand, there are two major drawbacks when ...
- On the other hand, I believe that the benefits are more significant than such disadvantages.
- On the one hand, Ving/ N/ Nph is negative from two/three aspects.
- On the one hand, Ving/ N/ Nph is advantageous in some certain aspects.
- On the other hand, the downsides of Ving/ N/ Nph are varied
Note: Body 2 thường sẽ bàn luận về mặt outweigh (tức là quan điểm ca nhân mình nghiêng
về hơn). Số lượng ý giữa hai mặt này có thể cân bằng, không nhất thiết phải viết mặt
outweigh nhiều ý hơn.
3. Conclusion
- In conclusion, it seems to me that there are many advantages for ...., although this ... has
some notable disadvantages.
- In conclusion, it seems to me that the advantages of this ... are more significant than the

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- Đề bài đưa ra 1 vấn đề xã hội và yêu cầu thí sinh phân tích nguyên nhân và đưa ra
giải pháp để giải quyết vấn đề
1. Introduction
- Câu 1:
+ It is widely argued that .................. has a negative impact on ...............
+ It is true that .......................
+ It is true that.............................. has become an increasingly widespread concern.
- Câu 2:
+ While there is a number of reasons behind this phenomenon, solutions must be
applied to resolve some of the serious issues which have arisen.
+ There are a number of reasons behind this phenomenon and several solutions
should be adopted to solve the problem.
+ While there are various reasons for this trend, some measures can be
implemented to ...................
+ Some causes for this feeling can be identified, but I beleve that some solutions
could help to solve this problem.
+ Several problems have resulted from this tendency and they should be tackled by
a number of effective solutions (from both individuals and the government).
2. Body 1
- There are two primary reasons why ...... One reason is that..../ The first reason is
that ..../ The most compelling reason is that ............................ Another reason is
that..../ Another strong reason is that ....
- There are two main issues that .... have to face up to. Firstly, ...... Secondly,....
3. Body 2
- Some measures should be implemented to deal with these root causes of ....
- Since such issues are serious, the government and individuals should take steps
immediately to address these problems.
- Some measures should be taken to mitigate the problem of ...
- Measures must be taken by governments and individuals/ international bodies to ....
4. Conclusion

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- In conclusion, there are various negative consequences of ...............some reasons

why ... can be identified, and solutions should be implemented urgently to tackle
this issue./ and appropriate steps need to be taken to tackle these problems, (not
only by the government but also by individuals).

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