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Elida Mercedes Romero Fernández

Práctica 2 Lenguas Extranjeras.

Martina Benavides Peña

Nombre: ___________________________________Curso: ____

I. Personal Identification.

1-Whats your name? ________________________________

2-What´s your family name? __________________________

3-what´s is your Nationality? __________________________

II. Place a DM if it belongs to the Bedroom, a

B if it belongs to the Bathroom and a K if it
belongs to the Kitchen.
Lotion _____ Knife _____
Medicine cabinet _____ Microwave_____
Mirror DM Scissors _____
Razor _____
Shampoo _____ Carpet _____
Shaver _____ Curtain _____
Double bed _
Dishwasher K Dressing table _____
Food mixer _____ Jewel-case _____
Fork _____ Mattress _____
Freezer _____ Mirror B
Fridge _____ Pillow _____
Glass _____

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