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Sri Lanka Institute of information Technology Software Engineering II - Year 2011

Worksheet 02 Note: Submit Exercise 01 and Exercise 02 as the group assignment at the end of the lab session In this Lab we will discover classes using the CRC method. You will need several A4 sheets for this exercise. You have to work in groups.

Time Tabling Software System for SLIIT The following is a brief specification of a Time Tabling Software for SLIIT.

1 Software Engineering II

Use Case No : 01 Use Case Name : Get Batch Time Table Main Flow : 1. The user logs into the system 2. The system displays Menu 3. User Selects Get Batch Time Table 4. The system prompts the user to select year and batch 5. User selects year and batch 6. System displays Batch Time table

Use Case No : 02 Use Case Name : Get Individual Time Table Main Flow : 1. The lecturer logs into the system 2. The system displays Menu 3. User Selects Get Individual Time Table 4. System displays Individual Time table

Use Case No : 03 Use Case Name : Update Time Table Main Flow : 1. The coordinator logs into the system 2. The system displays Menu 3. Coordinator selects Subjects/Lecturers/Lecture Halls/Labs/Batches/Time Table 4. Coordinator updates relevant data.

2 Software Engineering II

Use Case No : 04 Use Case Name : Get Time Table for a particular subject

Main Flow : 1. The coordinator logs into the system 2. The system displays Menu 3. Coordinator selects Time Table for a particular subject 4. The system prompts for the subject 5. The coordinator enters the subject 6. The system displays the subject specific timetable.

Use Case No : 04 Use Case Name : Get Time Table for a particular subject

Main Flow : 1. The coordinator logs into the system 2. The system displays Menu 3. Coordinator selects Time Table for a particular subject 4. The system prompts for the subject 5. The coordinator enters the subject 6. The system displays the subject specific timetable.

Use Case No : 05 Use Case Name : Get a schedule for a particular lecture Hall/Lab

Main Flow : 1. The coordinator logs into the system 2. The system displays Menu 3. Coordinator selects schedule for a Lecture Hall/Lab 4. The system prompts for the Lecture Hall/Lab 5. The coordinator enters the Lecture Hall/Lab 6. The system displays the schedule for a particular Lecture Hall/Lab

3 Software Engineering II

Use Case No : 06 Use Case Name : Find free slots for a Lecture Hall/Lab

Main Flow : 1. The user logs into the system 2. The system displays Menu 3. user selects Find Free slots for a Lecture Hall/Lab 4. The system prompts for the Lecture Hall/Lab 5. The user enters the Lecture Hall/Lab 6. The system displays the free slots for a particular Lecture Hall/Lab

Activity 01 Identify the Responsibilities and Collaborations using CRC cards. Take several A4 sheets and use the quarter of the sheet as a CRC card. 1. 2. 3. 4. Each member can represent 1-2 classes. Each member should try to assign responsibilities for his/her class. Discuss this as a group taking one class at a time and agree about the Responsibilities. Each member should try to assign collaborations for his/her class (identify helper classes).

4 Software Engineering II

Exercise 01 Below is the scenario for the Issue Bike use case. Draw CRC cards by identifying classes, responsibilities and collaborations.

Exercise 02 A mail order company is preparing a new brochure to send out to existing customers and other potential outlets. They will need to get an update on product details from their suppliers and a list of existing customers from the company database. The marketing department will supply them with a new design for the brochure and a list of people and organizations they can send it to. Draw a CRC card for the mail order company showing the responsibilities and collaborations in this situation.

5 Software Engineering II

Assignment submission details The assignment must be a Word document and the use the correct format given below to save and upload the assignment. E.g: MLB_groupno Note: If the groups does not adhere to the correct format group marks will be deducted.
Software Engineering II Lab Assignment 02 GroupNo- MLB_0010 Group Members:
DIT No 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Name

6 Software Engineering II

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