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Lecturer: Mervin M Muukua (Pr. Eng.

B.Sc. (Hons) - UCT, ND - PoN
Civil Office 12 (4th floor)
mmuukua@nust .na

Structural Steel and Timber Design

(SDE 311S)
B.Tech. Semester 5 -2017

3.1 Loading on Structures

Loading on Structures 1
Structural Loading - Introduction
Types Loading Patterns:

• Point Loads
eg. a load of a column on a beam, (KN)

• Linear Distributed Loads (Uniform & Non-uniform)

eg. a load of a wall on a slab, (KN/m)

• Uniform Distributed loads (Shell loads)

eg. the load of screed and tiles on a slab, (KN/m²)

All these patterns depend on the use of the structure.

Reff: Design of Structural Steel in Southern Africa to SABS0162 - J Mahachi

Loading on Structures 2
Structural Loading - Introduction

Reff: Design of Structural Steel in Southern Africa to SABS0162 - J Mahachi

Loading on Structures 3
Structural Loading - Introduction

There are different types of loadings that exert forces on structures. They originate from different
sources as well. A few of these sources are listed below:

• Self weight of structure (dead load)

• Weather loads
• Building or Structures use
• Thermal loads
• Stability loads
• Others

In order for these external loads to be resisted, internal loads are generated within the member and
design intern is the sizing of the members to ensure that they can resist those loads.

Reff: Design of Structural Steel in Southern Africa to SABS0162 - J Mahachi

Loading on Structures 4
Structural Loading
Self weight of structure (dead load)

Any structure must be made of some kind of material, all materials have some weight as given by their
specific weights.

Below are some commonly used materials

Reff: Design of Structural Steel in Southern Africa to SABS0162 - J Mahachi

Loading on Structures 5
Structural Loading
Self weight of structure (dead load)

As per SABS 0160, these densities can be found in Appendix B (pg 90-94): Nominal unit masses of
Below is an example from the SABS 0160
Plain, unreinforced: Mass/unit area
Nominal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2300
Using broken brick aggregate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2000
Lightweightaggregate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1500
Nominal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2400
2 % reinforcement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2500
3 % reinforcement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2600
Special heavyweight concrete:
Using natural heavy aggregates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3200
Using steel shot aggregates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3200

For Steel sections, one can view the weights from the tables in the steel Red Book.

Reff: SABS 0160

Loading on Structures 6
Structural Loading
Self weight of structure (dead load)

Below is an example that shows how dead load of a steel structure compares to that of reinforced

Reff: Design of Structural Steel in Southern Africa to SABS0162 - J Mahachi

Loading on Structures 7
Structural Loading
Self weight of structure (dead load)

In determining the dead load of the member, we have to have an idea of what loads it will have to
carry, hence what strength it will have to be and in turn what size it should be. Thus we end up in a
self weight cycle. From experience we thus initially guess a the size of the member, hence obtaining a
weight of which we can then determine the strength.

Reff: Design of Structural Steel in Southern Africa to SABS0162 - J Mahachi

Loading on Structures 8
Structural Loading
Self weight of structure (dead load)


Reff: Design of Structural Steel in Southern Africa to SABS0162 - J Mahachi

Loading on Structures 9
Structural Loading
Weather loads – Wind load
Example: Determine the wind load for the Warehouse located in the northern industrial area of
Windhoek (1600m above sea level). The building is surrounded by buildings of similar nature located
a maximum of 20m away.

Reff: SABS0160

Loading on Structures 10
Structural Loading
Weather loads – Wind load
Wind load can be determined as per SABS 0160, clause 5,5 (pages 34-65). Below is an example.

Reff: SABS0160

Loading on Structures 11
Structural Loading
Weather loads – Wind load
Wind load can be determined as per SABS 0160, clause 5,5 (pages 34-65). Below is an example.

Reff: SABS0160

Loading on Structures 12
Structural Loading
Weather loads – Wind load
Wind load can be determined as per SABS 0160, clause 5,5 (pages 34-65). Below is an example.

Reff: SABS0160

Loading on Structures 13
Structural Loading
Weather loads – Wind load
Wind load can be determined as per SABS 0160, clause 5,5 (pages 34-65). Below is an example.

Reff: SABS0160

Loading on Structures 14
Structural Loading
Building / Structures use – live load

Reff: Design of Structural Steel in Southern Africa to SABS0162 - J Mahachi

Loading on Structures 15
Structural Loading
Building / Structures use – live load

Live load can be determined as per SABS 0160, clause 5,4 (pages 25-34).

Thermal load

Reff: Design of Structural Steel in Southern Africa to SABS0162 - J Mahachi

Loading on Structures 16
Structural Loading
Stability load

Vibration loads
Earthquake loads
Foundation settlement

Reff: Design of Structural Steel in Southern Africa to SABS0162 - J Mahachi

Loading on Structures 17

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