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EaSc001-Earth Science

Module No. 6
Title of the Module: Astronomy
Learning Check
1. What will our life be without the sun?

No sun means no life on Earth. The Earth will turn to rock solid without any
vegetation left. Within a few weeks, Water and air would freeze over into sheets of
ice. Larger trees can survive for decades but human existence will only last a couple
of days due to the temperature drop.

2. According to recent studies, Mars is one of the planets in the solar system where
humans can survive. Explain why Mars is habitable?

By many reasons, after Earth, Mars is the most habitable planet in our solar
system. The soil contains water for filtration. It's still not too hot or too cold. It has
an atmosphere is thinner but still provides protection from cosmic radiation and the
radiation of the Sun. A day on Earth is 24 hours and on Mars is only 24 hours, 39
mins. and 25 seconds. In order to use solar panels, there is enough sunlight. Mars'
gravity is 38% that of our Earth's, which many assume is adequate for the human
body to adapt to.

3. The Earth is the 3rd planet in the Solar System closest to the sun. How can the
Earth regulate the heat from the sun?

The Sun is the primary source of energy that influences any planet's temperature,
including Earth. The amount of energy received from the Sun is called insolation; the
ratio reflected is called the albedo. The Earth converts solar radiation in the visible
spectrum to infrared radiation, which it emits; greenhouse gases absorb infrared
radiation and warm the atmosphere. Aerosols usually act to cool the Earth on
relatively short timescales. The composition of a planet's atmosphere also influences
its temperature, particularly the concentration of greenhouse gases present.

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