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Republic of the Philippines

North Eastern Mindanao State University

Formerly Surigao Del Sur State University (SDSSU)
Bislig Campus
Maharlika, Bislig City, Surigao Del Sur

NAME: Lisbeth Wea R. Bastasa DEGREE PROGRAM: BSCE-1B

CLASS SCHEDULE: _________________________ DATE SUBMITTED: __________________

SUBJECT: Contemporary World

TOPIC: Activity 2: Globalization Theories

Activity 2.1
Draw your concept of Globalization.


Republic of the Philippines
North Eastern Mindanao State University
Formerly Surigao Del Sur State University (SDSSU)
Bislig Campus
Maharlika, Bislig City, Surigao Del Sur

Activity 2.2
In 3-5 sentences, Answer the following questions.
1. Are societies in the world becoming more similar (homogenous) or more different
 The world's societies are growing more similar (homogeneous). One
characteristic that allows people to move and feel free is their mobility. It became
a global village as a result of tremendous technological advancements. People
may receive their preferred things promptly and without boundaries in any part of
the world, which I believe is a wonderful step toward global advancement. People
are more open nowadays, and it is easier for them to communicate with one

2. What do you think are the advantages and disadvantages of homogenization of culture?
How about heterogenization?
 The advantage of homogenization of culture is that it creates comfort through
sameness. It demonstrates that in a world with varying priors, homogenization
enables delegation and coordination, decreases monitoring and influence
operations, enhances communication quality, and increases effort and expected
utility. Its disadvantage is that there is less freedom to leave one's own society if
one does not agree with it, the aspects of "specialization" may occur as a result
of having many cultures and can cause uniformity's flamboyance. Many of them
are interested in learning how a completely new method works.
 The advantages of heterogenization are the increased of learning opportunities,
broad-mindedness, and enhance cultural diversity. Its disadvantage is that it can
cause misunderstanding of people.

3. Which of the aforementioned views on the history of globalization you find most
appealing? Why?
 I find the second view the most appealing among the others. Globalization, in this
context, is a long-term upward trend in political and economic change influenced
by cyclical forces. These long-term changes include the most current technology
advancements as well as the rise of international trade and investment.
Fundamental technological developments in transportation, communication,
financial intermediation, and other areas have preceded and fueled successive
waves of global economic integration because they have permitted arbitrage, or
the continuous search for less expensive ways to address the needs.


Republic of the Philippines
North Eastern Mindanao State University
Formerly Surigao Del Sur State University (SDSSU)
Bislig Campus
Maharlika, Bislig City, Surigao Del Sur

4. What do you think is the effect of a high dependency ratio in developed countries? In
developing countries?
 In developed countries, the dependency ratio poses problems because the
working-age population is insufficient to support all of the elderly. Because of the
enormous number of dependents who pay little or no taxes, developed countries'
dependency ratios result in lower economic growth. In developing countries, a
high dependence ratio can hinder growth since a substantial amount of
expenditures on health, social security, and education, which are most consumed
by the youngest and oldest members of a population, can cause serious
problems for a country. Because these ratios lead to long-term economic
changes, they can cause the country's progress to be slowed.

5. Is the heightened flow of people a unique feature of the current global era?
 Long before the term "immigration" was coined, people have been traveling
around the world. It is safe to assume that small populations relocated to new
locations due to necessity. Apart from not worrying much about racial concerns,
national borders were unheard of, thus individuals moved around and
intermarried regularly. People today move for a variety of reasons, including
employment, vacation, tours, looking for a mate, shopping, and so on. Yes, the
heightened flow of people is a distinct aspect of the current global era, since our
current society facilitates the movement of everything, including people.

6. Has globalization facilitated or obstructed greater labor migration?

 The trade of products and services between national economies is referred to as
globalization, and it is made more accessible by advances in communication and
technology. Globalization has had a significant impact on international labor
migration, serving as both a "push" and a "pull" influence. Through tremendous
developments in information and communication technology, it has made it easier
to connect international labor markets. Globalization will definitely promote
greater labor migration as technology advances in the digital era.

Activity 2.3
In this activity, look for and read two, newspaper opinion editorials (op-eds)
discussing globalization. You may use local or international op-eds. Write a 50-word
summary for each op-ed. Identify whether they subscribe to a particular definition discussed
in class or they have a new definition. Also, identify whether they are broad and inclusive or
narrow and exclusive.


Republic of the Philippines
North Eastern Mindanao State University
Formerly Surigao Del Sur State University (SDSSU)
Bislig Campus
Maharlika, Bislig City, Surigao Del Sur

1. The State of Globalization in 2021 by Steven A. Altman and Caroline R. Bastian

 There were concerns about the pandemic's long-term influence on globalization as the
coronavirus spread the globe, closing borders and disrupting international trade and
capital flows. However, a closer examination of recent data reveals a considerably more
hopeful picture. International travel is not expected to return to its pre-pandemic
level before 2023. However, trade, capital, and information flows all had positive roles
to play in the pandemic response. The bottom line for business is that Covid-19 hasn't
slowed globalization down nearly enough for strategists to focus on their native
countries or regions.
 It is a narrow and exclusive globalization.

2. Understanding Globalization by Raysa Ahmed

 Globalization is the process of bringing international trade, investment, information

technology, and cultures together on a global scale. Globalization is driven by
government policies that open economies both domestically and internationally in
order to help poorer countries develop and enhance their people's living standards.
Globalization, in social terms, entails a growing degree of connection among
worldwide people. Globalization is a cultural term that refers to the flow of ideas and
values between civilizations, as well as a trend toward the formation of a single world
culture. Globalization has pushed the political activity of countries to the global level
by intergovernmental organizations. However, globalization has enormous
disadvantages stated that the more third-world countries become industrialized, their
living standards have improved and has aided in the causes of global warming,
climate change, and the depletion of natural resources.
 It is a broad and inclusive globalization.

Activity 2.4 Ang Mundo sa Mata ng Isang OFW

Although globalization is an overwhelming concept, it is experienced by people in
number of ways in real terms. For instance, globalization of technology improved modern
transportation and communication. As a result, people become more mobile and are able to
reach different places around the globe. There are various reasons why people leave their
country of origin. Through this activity, you should be able to gain a first-hand
knowledge of the experiences of Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs), people who obviously
reached other countries. Their stories could provide a concrete understanding of how
globalization affects themselves, their families, and the country.


Republic of the Philippines
North Eastern Mindanao State University
Formerly Surigao Del Sur State University (SDSSU)
Bislig Campus
Maharlika, Bislig City, Surigao Del Sur

1. Find a former or a current OFW to be interviewed. Your respondent's name should not
be revealed in class to protect the person’s identity and ensure anonymity.

2. Use the following guide questions (you may add additional questions):

a. How long have you stayed abroad?

 I’ve been working abroad for almost 7 years.

b. What are the purposes for your stay there?

 One of the reason why I pursue working abroad is to save up money and build
our own house. To earn money to provide the needs of my family including the
needs to sustain the education of my children.

c. What were your most unforgettable experiences there? How will you describe them,
good or bad?
 My unforgettable event that I’ve experienced is the tension between the GCC
countries: Saudi and Qatar. It was a bad experience for me because I was
unfamiliar with the area and was not from there. It's impossible to say whether I'll
be safe from whatever may happen.

d. How will you compare the Philippines with other countries?

 There is a big difference between the Philippines and other country in terms of
government and education. I can really tell that the Philippines has lower
standards than the other country. In the Philippines, the government is corrupt
and lack of education standard. However, people in other countries do not suffer
and even experienced poverty because even children are already supported by
their government.

e. Do you want to go back abroad or to other countries in the future? Why or why not?
 Yes, because GDP rate of other countries are higher than the Philippines. I am
planning to apply to other country to experience new environment and encounter
new challenges. However, I am planning to transfer to another country only if
there aren’t no restrictions at all.


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