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Customer Churner

Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1. Overall Description
Internet is a source for helping people and providing them the necessary information they need.
People can seek help at anytime and anywhere. Customer loyalty is the key to success in the
mobile application development industry. Because mobile app relies on customer downloads,
ratings and reviews which in the long run converts in to revenue. So, customer churn is
particularly problematic in this industry. Customer loyalty results in providing the customer with
the services they need in contrast to this app developers and customer relation is vital. The main
challenge is turning massive amounts of raw data from customers and other marketing practices
into actionable business insights and decisions that impact customer sustainability.
1.1.1. Objectives

The objectives of this project are as follows:

 To analyse the patterns that leads to customer churn and focusing customer retention.
 To design a web portal that is convenient for layman person.
 To customer churn analysis, prediction and prevention.
 To analyse factors that are affecting diversity of organization.
 To analyse employ performance issues

1.1.2. Problem Description

Every mobile app has a goal to retain its customer at any cost. So, customer churn is the basic
and main aim of every organization. Also, knowing the factors that are affecting company
performance has great importance in successful organizations. So, our problem is to analyses
past customer churn and predict the future churn also analyses the factors that effects employ
performance and make them in consideration for suitable actions. Customer left at what time
and why and which customer is more possibly to leave

1.1.3. Methodology

We are going to use website that will be used by the developer to make him understand about his
application on the go with graphical and visual statistical based representation and declutter the
noise along the way. The user will be able make strategic decision based on the data and
recommendation that he will see.

1.1.4. Product Scope

This will be a web based application. Every mobile app has a goal to avoid and maximize
customer churn as much as possible and every organization’s main goal is to consider the factors
affecting its performance for better threshold in future. So, this project can improve the
performance of their mobile application in the market. We can extract hidden patterns from
dataset and check the customer retention. A person must have his login details to access the
application.We will provide the following data analysis on dataset, use of hidden pattern
extraction,Observe customer behaviour,Machine Learning Algorithms on data analysis and a
web based portal in this project.

1.1.5. User Classes and Characteristics

Customer Churner is not restricted to any type of user on the basis of gender, nationality and
class. lt is an open platform for everyone to use. lt is designed in such a way that anyone can use
it with minimum knowledge of browsing. Users with the readable level of English can use this
system with ease.

1.1.6. Operating Environment

The targeted environment for Customer Churner till now is on desktop computers or laptops. The
front end of the customer churner website is developed using basic HTML for blocked content
display and CSS for styling the content and layout of the page. To make Customer Churner
responsive Bootstrap is used so it can be used in any screen layout. Backend of Customer
Churner is developed in PHP for server side and for request/respond queries JavaScript is used.
Database is developed in SQL.

1.1.7. Assumptions and Dependencies

 The user must have basic knowledge of browsing.

 Device must be connected to internet.
 User must first register to use the system.
 The server should be able to handle maximum m multiple requests and users at a time.
1.2. Functional Requirements

Classes for classification of specific requirements:

 The user must be able to login to the website or sign up if login for first time
 The website must show stats of rating, reviews
 The application must give the graphical representation to the customer regarding and already
built application.
 The application will have to update real time data for the customer.
 The application will edit according to the customer needs.

1.3. External Interface Requirements

1.3.1. User Interfaces

Users will use browser to open the Customer Churner. The first screen that appear will be login
screen. First time users will have to sign up with a valid email. After successful login the system
will display the graphs option, rating graphs, comments under graphs, voting on comments.

1.3.2. Hardware Interfaces

The characteristics of hardware interfaces are as follows

Client side:

 Operating system: Windows, Mac

 Processor: 2.5 GHz or above
 Ram: 4 GB or above
Server side:

 Processors: 2.5 GHz or above

 Ram: 2 GB or above
 Hard disk drive space: 10gb or above
1.4. System Features

Main features of Customer Churner are described are follows:

 The key features of Customer Churner are registration, checking graphs, rate graphs, edit
rating, comment under graphs, update comment, delete comment, vote comments, change
theme, update account details, delete account, show details of account

1.5. Nonfunctional Requirements

1.5.1. Performance Requirements

The application shall be able to load data in under 0.75 second when the user login to the
application access to different button including header and footer shall be fluent. Speed
The website should respond fast and with correctness. The user should get the desired
information in minimal time period. Some Performance requirements identified are listed bel ow:

 The database can store data of more than a million users.

 Maximum users can use system at a time with no delay.
 Every request should be responded within millisecond.
 Rapid and accurate processing.

1.5.2. Safety Requirements

 Database should have backup.
 Backup electric power should be available to access website when power
cuts down.
 No unauthorized person should be allowed to enter the database room.

1.5.3. Security Requirements

 User must use valid email.

 Passwords must be encrypted and stored as hash values.
 Password should be a combination of capital letter and numbers.
1.6. Software Quality Attributes

1.6.1. Usability:

 User interface should be kept understandable by making it simple.

1.6.2. Availability:
 The website should be available all time.
 lt should be developed in such a way that it should be reliable.

1.6.3. Testability:
 The website should go under complete testing before deployment.
 The system should be designed in such a way that the maintenance
should be easy. The software quality attributes of this system are as
 Accurate and reliable
 Secured
 Fast Speed
 Compatibility
 User friendly design
Chapter 2 Literature Review
1.1. Introduction

In this literature review topic, we will discuss the analysis and comparison of the existing
Customer Churn website of the proposed system. This chapter is a detailed explanation of
features used in existing Customer Churn websites. This literature review document will also
differentiate the existing system with the proposed improvement in the system.

1.2.Related Works

1.2.1. Terminology

 WWW: World Wide Web

 .COM: Commercial

 HTTPS: Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure

1.2.2. Existing Techniques/Works/Research

The customer churn websites are as follows Bibly Author Chris evan

It is the website which is giving marketing services to its user by just giving information on
apps that are already in the market and their overall rating in the market as well as giving their
description. Beta List Author

It is the website which provide use full information on startups and the application they are
making it also provides the possible information of exposure and the impact that these apps can
give in the market. App Annie:

It is the website which provides on over 8 million application worlds wide as well as websites it
is providing complete picture of mobile landscape you need to acquire and retain customers,
prioritize road map and optimize Roi.
8 Mobile Marketing Insights Author Think with google:

It is the website which aims to provide a complete market overview on the application already
in the market. It shows you tools for advertising applications in the market and guides you step
by step how to market your website. Sensor tower

It is the website in which customer churn is providing data driven tools like how are the mobile
ecosystem doing, what will help me increase traffic in my application and what are the best app
doing. All of these are data driven in this website. Clever Tap:

It is the website which is empowering automated brands to decrease customer churn. It will help

in structuring user experiences with analytics.

1.3.Comparative Analysis
Bibly Beta List App Mobile Sensor Clever
Author Author Annie Marketing Flow Tap
Chris insights
evan Author Think
with google
Show      
Rate      
Comment      
Vote on      

Delete      
Update      
Theme      
Show      
to ratings
Show      
to voting

Table 1 Comparative Analysis

1.4.Limitations/Gaps within Existing Techniques/Works
Most of the websites that provides churn-based services are giving their personal reviews and
services regarding customer churn but in our website customer preference is of high essence as
the customer will get to decide based on the already present tool what types of tools, he wants
to fulfill his/her goal which off course will be backed votes and recommendation of previous
users. This is one of a kind and will help the customers and they will help themselves by
deciding what will guide them towards their statistical goal. This will help their application
flourish in the market and will guide them to their success the application that have already
done their mark on the making a website for customer churn do not have the features that are
present in the customer churn website that we are making.

1.5. Proposed Improvements in Existing Works

In our website the customer will have the preference and vote based on how he needs his
information different statistical information will be given to him about any application he
needs in the market the information will be based on previous votes that is given by the
users to a particular chart or an application by this feature he will be able declutter through the
extra work information he has to go through because the user can be in his case in a hurry to
market and deploy his application

1.6. Summary

The goal of this document is to provide a detailed examination and a comparative analysis on
the existing website with our project. The feature and specification of existing websites are
compared above to show our application will stand out.
Chapter 3 System Design
1.1. Introduction
Internet is a source for helping people and providing them the necessary information they need.
People can seek help at anytime and anywhere. Customer loyalty is the key to success in the
mobile application development industry. Because mobile app relies on customer downloads,
ratings and reviews which in the long run converts in to revenue. So, customer churn is
particularly problematic in this industry. Customer loyalty results in providing the customer with
the services they need in contrast to this app developers and customer relation is vital. The main
challenge is turning massive amounts of raw data from customers and other marketing practices
into actionable business insights and decisions that impact customer sustainability.

1.1.1. Purpose
This document will cover the designing phase of Customer Churner, how the project is
developed. The overall system design and architecture is discussed in this document. This
document is also a guideline to better understand the design of the system. It will also help to
facilitate viewer for communication to system. This document will discuss the design decisions
made for Customer Churner.

1.1.2. System Overview

This project extends the functionality of the customer churner process. The website will be based
on giving the customer an edge over the application market. The website will give charts and
statistical based over view on the types of application that is present in the market. The
information will be quite vital when for making decision by the developers when they are
deploying the application in the market. These tools will definitely help them.

1.2. Design Consideration

1.2.1. Assumptions
 System should be connected to internet.
 The user should be able to understand basic English language.
 Valid Email should be use to register.
 System should be able to handle multiple requests.
1.2.2. Constraints
Being a social network website, the system should ensure the safety of information given by the
user and provide some privacy settings options to the user. The user has to share the information
of his rating so that the other users can make important decision other than the above the user’s
security and customization will have protected throughout.

1.2.3. Design Methodology

The website will use CSS3, Bootstrap and JavaScript, the front end of the website will be quite
responsive. The website will run on quite any other screen with 300 pixels to 2500 pixel.
1.3. Architecture
Customer Churner is purposed for every targeted user and its interface is very user friendly and

Figure 3.1 : Customer Churner Data Flow Diagram Level 0

Figure 3.2 Customer Churner Data Flow Diagram Level 1
Figure 3.3 Customer Churner Data Flow Diagram Level 2

1.3.1. Overview

The user will access webpage from browser, server will get desired request from user and it will
display a page HTML5, Bootstrap, CSS, images from server and the information is collected
from database server and result will be displayed to the user’s browser.
1.3.2. Top Level Architecture

The diagram above is the block diagram of Customer Churner showing different modules with
their interactions. Flow control is shown as the arrows in the figure.

Figure 3.4 Customer Churner Top Level Architecture Diagram

1.3.3. Application Architecture

Figure 3.5 Customer Churner Application Architecture diagram.

1.3.4. Subsystem, Component, or Module
I will use MVC framework for Customer Churner web application. This framework divides the
main application into three parts which are interconnected. The end-user is restricted from the
internal representations of the data.
 Presentation Layer:
This is the front-end pages which are visible to users. These pages contain the results and
 Controller Layer:
This is an intermediate layer which enable changes to the database.
 Data Access Layer:
This layer access data from database and then make changes.
1.4. Entity Relationship Diagram

Figure 3.6 Customer Churner ER diagram

1.5. Database
Essentially Load testing, integration testing and unit testing will be performed to ensure that each
entity works properly without any issues. After that overall system testing will be implemented
to the complete system to check the controllability, operability and stability of the system.
1.6. Database Schema

1.6.1. Tables, Fields and Relationships

The tables that are created for the design and implementation of the Celtic Social Network.

Figure 3.7 Database

1.7. High Level Design
This division delivers an indication of high level design of the system.

1.7.1. Sign up

Figure 3.8 Sign up Form

1.7.2. Login

Figure 3.9 Login Form

1.7.3. Home

Figure 3.10 Home Screen

1.8. Low Level Design

1.8.1. User Interface Design

Figure 3.11 Use case Diagram

1.8.2. Sequence Diagram Registration

Figure 3.12 Registration Manage Account

Figure 3.13 Manage Account Comment On Graph

Figure 3.14 Comment On Graph Vote On Graph

Figure 3.15 Vote On Graph All Graph Displayed

Figure 3.16 All Graph Displayed

1.9. User Interface Design

1.9.1. Screenshots

Figure 3.17 Login Screen

1.9.2. Home

Figure 3.18 Home Screen

1.9.3. Sign Up

Figure 3.19 Sign Up Screen

Chapter 4 Implementation
1.7. Discussion
The customer churner website is a website based on information of about the application that
is present in the market it gives detail explanation of the application present in the market and
provide key analysis tools for the developers looking for an edge in the market. The user will
analysis the chart of any particular app and make decisions on how to market its own
application and if the application that he has idea of is already implemented he just look at
the stats of that particular application the feature it has and then can try to make better
decision by consuming the information. The web app will have different types of charts but
the main turning point is that the user will vote which chart has helped him the most during
his research which will pave for other information seekers to make decision based on the
votes he saw on that particular chart. The website will also feature different types of apps that
are available in the market also the top apps that are present in the market.

1.8. Implementation Tools and Technologies

To implement the customer churner app following given tools and technology has
been used.
 Sublime
 Visual Studio Code

1.9. Development Methodologies

In this section, we will discuss about the methodology we have chosen for this project.

1.9.1. Frontend Design Methodologies

Frontend development is the most important part of the system because of user interaction.
To overcome this, we will be using HTML5 for static content, CSS and Bootstrap, Java
Script and jQuery. We have implemented these languages very carefully to make it
interactive and fascinating. The frontend is responsive and can be used in any device screen

1.9.2. Backend Design Methodologies

Data store is the most important part of any internet-based system. We are using MYSQL for
queries, database is created on PHP My Admin and server-side scripting is done on PHP. The
backend is design by keeping in mind that the users are of two types and the data is stored in
single place. The database is designed for an e-commerce like website. We have assigned an
I’d to each model to ease in data retrieval.

1.9.3. Login Screen

As in any other online system this system also has a login. Figure 3.3.1 shows the login
screen of this system for login, user has to enter a email address along with password to
access the website.

Figure 4.1 Login screen

1.9.4. Register Screen

In this screen, user have to enter all of their information such as username, email,
password for the registration process to begin.
Figure 4.2 Register Screen
4.3.5. Home Screen
The home screen will consist of a UI of the website the UI will give information about the
purpose of the application that it is a customer churner-based application which will help in
making decision for a developer making an application.

Figure 4.3 Home Screen

4.3.6. Graph View
The website will have the following graph which will help the client in making the decision
for the application he is making. The graphs will help him in making ideal decision. The
graphs consist of the bar graph, histogram, scatter plot and bubble chart these graphs are then
up voted by the people which they believed seemed helpful for them and they can also add
comment about the graphs which can be helpful for others.

Figure 4.5 Graph View Screen

Figure 4.6 Graph View Screen

Figure 4.7 Graph View Screen

Figure 4.8 Graph View Screen

Figure 4.9 Graph View Screen

Figure 4.10 Graph View Screen

We have discussed in the section 4.3.6. we have used open-source technologies for our
project. We used PHP for server-side scripting and MYSQL for database, the database is
created using models in local host server, for this we have used XAMP server which is used
widely by developers. We are using MYSQL for database because it is used by mostly
running websites. For text editor we will use sublime text3 because it is very easy to use.
Sublime text can support multiple languages.

4.3.7. Summary
The customer churner project will be a game changer when it comes to self-preference and
expert analysis user can help in giving their reviews which can help the other people visiting
the website and thus saving their time this idea of decluttering extra workload can prove
beneficial in both gaining an edge when deploying the app and saving the time at the process.


[1] "Guru99," [Online]. Available: [Accessed 05 11 2021].

[2] "Visual Paradigm," [Online]. Available:

unified-modeling-language/. [Accessed 17 10 2021].

[3] "," [Online]. Available: [Accessed 03 11 2021].


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