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Thermosyphon Reboiler Hydraulics

User Input
Calculates Result

Liquid flowrate to
reboiler 571403.000 kg/hr
1390.275 m3/hr

Coloum Dia 6.000 m

Colm cross A= 28.260 m2 2.343 m
Considering Wier at 70% of crossection
Area available for Reboiler Liq is
ArebLiq-Cross- 19.782 m2
Residance time in
column sump 2.000 mins
Wier Hight 2.343 m Liquid Density= 411.000 kg/m3
Vapor Density 42.000 kg/m3

DelP Inlet
Inlet Line Length=

DelP System=

Objective= In thermosyphon reboiler, it is important to determine to inlet nozzle elevation of reboiler
This spreadshit will help to determine the same.
User have to change h1 which is related to inlet nozzle elevation of reboiler
to get desired result that is " Thermosyphen will have desired flow".
It gives what should be reboiler return nozzle to the column.
It also provides reboiler height required
This input is useful for the reboiler design

DelP Disch= 0.112 bar/100m

Line Length= 5.000 m
DelPDich= 0.011 bar 113.045

30.000 % Vapor
Density= 113.045 kg/m3
1.500 m Vertical
3.843 Thermos

h2 8.500
h1 7.000 DelPReb= 0.034 bar

4.657 m

Density= 411.000 kg/m3 Slope= -35.054

0.150 bar/100m Avg Density= 262.023 kg/m3 C= 411.000
7.000 m
0.011 bar
0.260 m
H2*DenAvg*g 21848.754 262.023
DelP Avail= 0.064 bar H1*DenL*g 28223.370
DelP System= 0.056 bar

Thermosyphon will have design flow

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