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0 / /11/02/2014/ © Airbus Helicopters rights reserved

SAFETY information for ATO training
SAFETY Information for FTO
training courses

Safety Management System, WHY?

© Airbus Helicopters rights reserved

At Airbus Helicopters, Quality and safety is one of our top priority for products and
Everyday, thousands of people fly on Airbus Helicopters aircraft: their safety is AH’s top priority.
Day after day, AH employees around the world contribute to the safety of our products and
services. AH continues to improve its safety standards, requires suppliers to do the same and
shares this culture with customers.
AH is fully committed to safety as the most important aspect of its business.
Org acronym / name of accountable/ name of document / 1,v.0 / /11/02/2014

Accident Statistics
Airbus Helicopters (AH)
Worldwide fleet 5 years period (2008-2012)
Main causes of accidents
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The operational aspect is the first cause of accident

and pilots have a direct impact on it

Accident Statistics
AH Fleet : Breakdown
of Operational causes
Accidents due to the operational aspect
have different origins
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Accident Statistics
AH Fleet : Breakdown
of Operational causes
In training flight impact:
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Reduce these impacts is the goal of SMS for pilot

Reminders on SMS

Safety Management System, What is it?

© Airbus Helicopters rights reserved

A Safety Management System (SMS) is a structured approach to safety

management, which encompasses the organizational structures, responsibilities,
policies and procedures necessary in order to ensure safe operations of the
company. On the of key concept is “Just culture”:
“Just culture is a culture in which front line operators or others are not punished for actions, omissions or
decisions taken by them that are commensurate with their experience and training, but where gross
negligence, willful violations and destructive acts are not tolerated.” (Regulation (EC) 691/2010)
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SMS focus on operational aspects of the activity:

• Systematic hazard identification
• Risk management:
– Risk analysis
– Eliminate these risks or mitigate them at a level which is acceptable
– Protective measures against risk outcomes
• Measurement of efficiency (level of safety)
• Continuous Improvement of the system

Event notification

How to notify an event during your training in AHTS

• Directly to your instructor
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• At the end of training session via the « customer satisfaction survey »

• By Email :
• By using the detachable page of the safety leaflet

Additional links:

Technical incident should be reported to AH:

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• Toll free*: + 800 85 85 97 97

• Other countries: + 33 (0)4 42 85 97 97
• Fax: + 33 (0)4 42 85 99 96
• e-mail:

Additionnal informations

EUROCOPTER has issued:

the SIN 2247-S-00 dated 01.12.2010 which reminds
© Airbus Helicopters rights reserved

- the purpose of the maintenance program (original program from the functional
analyis and its improvement through the feedback from the field and the continued airworthiness)
- The importance of the strict respect of the maintenance program and the
maintenance operation procedures associated.

the IN 2255-I-00 dated 25.04.2013 which reminds

- the purpose of Safety Management System
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- How to conduct hazard identification and risk management in your activity

We also invite you to review the lettre entitled « A call for action by Helicopter Owners »
which was issued by AH through Safety Information Notice N 2170-S-00. This documents
emphasizes the importance of strict compliance with the maintenance program prepared
by the manufacturer and the introduction of a Safety Management System.
We also invite you to visit the International Helicopter Safety Team web site for additional

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