Geo, 2022 January

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Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematic Schools

First Term Exam

2021– 2022

Subject: Earth science Grade 10

Time: 60 min

 Use Blue ink, ballpoint pen or pencil.
 Answer all questions.
 Answer the questions in the spaces provided – there may be more space than you
 You need to ensure that you fill in the entire box like the example:

 You can use the BLANK PAGE at the end of the questions as draft papers.
 Candidates may use a scientific calculator.

 Read each question carefully before you start to answer it.
 Keep an eye on the time. Try to answer every question.
 If you do not know the answer to a question, go on to the next question. You may
come back to the skipped question later if you have time.
 Check your answers if you have time at the end.
1 LO.01
Whi Which branch of earth science study the following image?

A- Mineralogy
B- Geomorphology
C- Structural geology
D- Physical geology
2 LO.01
Which branch of Earth science discovers the places of Egyptian monuments?
A- Geophysics
B- Sedimentology
C- Paleontology
D- Geomorphology
3 LO.01
Which branch of geology determines the ancient climate conditions since million years
A- Paleontology
B- Physical geology
C- engineering geology
D- Structural geology
4 LO.01
The science which most helps in constructing new cities in arid areas is ………
A Engineering geology
B Structural geology
C Hydro geology
D Mineral geology
5 LO.01
The science which most concerns about determine the location of iron rows is ………
A- Mineralogy
B- Sedimentology
C- Geophysics
D- Stratigraphy

Subject: Earth Science _ Grade: 10 Page 2 of 12

6 LO.02
Quartz differs from halite in all of the following EXCEPT ……..
A- Hardness
B- Cleavage
C- Luster
D- Chemical composition
7 LO.02
What is the physical property that shows in a sample of Pyrite (without using any
A- The hardness
B- The cubic cleavage
C- The ability of magnetism
D- The metallic luster
8 LO.02
In front of your eyes a small yellow brown streak crystal and metallic luster, you did
your investigations which showed that hardness is 5 mohs' and mineral is …………
A- hematite
B- sphalerite
C- apatite
D- limonite
9 LO.02
The following table is showing some types of non-metallic luster ,study it then answer
questions(9 and 10)

# luster appearance
I pearly sparkly
II Earthy Dull
III Dull waxy
IV vitreous pearly

Which row determines the luster of Quartz and feldspar respectively?

A- I
10 LO.02
From the previous table :
Row (III) respectively describes the luster of …………….
A- Hematite and galena
B- Calcite and talc
C- Hematite and talc
D- Diamond and calcite

Subject: Earth Science _ Grade: 10 Page 3 of 12

11 LO.02
To prepare thin section in sandstone rock sample, we can use a knife plate made of
A- Fluorite
B- Apatite
C- Quartz
D- Corundum
12 LO.02
An unidentified mineral that is cleaved in only one direction and has a metallic luster,
this mineral most likely is …………
A- Fluorite
B- Pyrite
C- Halite
D- Muscovite
13 LO.02
Study the following image that shows the cleavage of three minerals : fluorite ,halite
and calcite (from left to right) then answer:

Mention the types of their cleavage respectively?

A- Cubic , octahedral and three perfect
B- Cubic , three perfect and octahedral
C- Octahedral , cubic and three perfect
D- Octahedral , three perfect and cubic
14 LO.02
What happens when scratching quartz with window glass and steel file
A- Steel file affects but window glass doesn't
B- Window glass affects but steel file doesn't
C- Both window glass and steel file will affect
D- Neither window glass and steel file will affect
15 LO.03
When the engineer build a building in North coast, which of the following decorative
stones must be used to cover the walls?
A- Granit
B- Marble
C- Breccia
D- Chert
Subject: Earth Science _ Grade: 10 Page 4 of 12
16 LO.03
To manufacture extra rapid hardening cement must adding calcium chloride due to
A- block the pours completely
B- used in warm weather
C- used in coastal area
D- solidified quickly
17 LO.03
Quartzite rock has…………..
A- Low porosity and it is hard to use.
B- High porosity and it is hard to use
C- Low porosity and it is easy to use
D- High porosity and it is easy to use
18 LO.03
Alexandria governate takes a decision to cover all the front of the building with a
certain material.
Advise them NOT to use one material of the following.
A- Granite
B- Quartzite
C- Sand stone
D- Lime stone
19 LO.03
Steel is an alloy that is widely used in construction and other applications due
A- Its low tensile strength and high cost.
B- Its low tensile strength and low cost.
C- Its high tensile strength and low cost.
D- Its high tensile strength and high cost.
20 LO.03
Crushed stone is an economic resource. How is crushed stone mainly used?
A- In building houses
B- In isolating the roofs
C- In steel factories
D- In coal mining
21 LO.04
Which rock of the following has the thinnest crystals?
A- Pegmatite
B- Basalt
C- Diorite
D- Obsidian

Subject: Earth Science _ Grade: 10 Page 5 of 12

22 LO.04
Study the following graph then answer the questions ( 22 – 23 )

Which (A) represent silica percentage and (B) represent the color from dark to light in
igneous rocks?
Which of the following is the best expression for this graph?
A- When the silica percentage decrease the lightness increase
B- When the silica percentage increase the lightness decrease
C- When the silica percentage decrease the darkness increase
D- When the silica percentage increase the darkness increase
23 LO.04
From the previous graph:
The represented relation will be still the same when we replace color in (B) with ….
A- Sodium percentage
B- Calcium percentage
C- Magnesium percentage
D- Iron percentage
24 LO.04
Study the following diagram then answer:

Magma Granite

This process occurs …….

A- Slowly forming minerals poor of Potassium
B- Slowly forming minerals rich of Potassium
C- Fast forming minerals poor of Potassium
D- Fast forming minerals rich of Potassium
25 LO.04
Which of the following rocks contain higher percentage of iron?
A- Peridotite and gabbro
B- Peridotite and diorite
C- Rhyolite and gabbro
D- Rhyolite and diorite

Subject: Earth Science _ Grade: 10 Page 6 of 12

26 LO.04
Which property gives the best evidence that granite was formed in deep depth under
earth surface?
A- The coarse grains
B- The chemical structure
C- The low density
D- The mineral components
27 LO.04
The texture of volcanic rocks is all of the following EXCEPT………..
A- Fine grains
B- Coarse grains
C- Glassy
D- Frothy
28 LO.05
Rock salt is formed in Siwa Oasis, what does this suggest about the ancient climate in
Siwa Oasis?
A- Cold and humid
B- Hot and dry
C- Tropical and rainy
D- Coastal and rainy
29 LO.04
Which rock may forms when magma meets with cold sea water suddenly?
A- Obsidian
B- Andesite
C- Rhyolite
D- Scoria
30 LO.05
What is the coarse grain texture of a piece of pegmatite can’t tell us about?
A- The size of crystals
B- The way of formation
C- The place of formation
D- The type of minerals
31 LO.05
A rock is composed of several large, rounded pebbles and sand grains cemented
together. Which inference about the rock is best supported by this description?
A- It is inorganic sedimentary rock
B- It is calstic sedimentary rock
C- It is chemical sedimentary rock
D- It is organic sedimentary rock

Subject: Earth Science _ Grade: 10 Page 7 of 12

32 LO.05
The similarity and differentiation between scoria and gabbro can summarize in one
A- Similar in mineral composition and differ in silica percentage
B- Similar in mineral composition and differ in texture
C- Similar in silica percentage and differ in mineral composition
D- Similar in silica percentage and differ in color
33 LO.05
Finding a sandstone layers could tell you that this region was a ………
A- Shallow ocean
B- Deep ocean
C- Swamp
D- Forrest
34 LO.05
On increasing pressure, what is the right order?
A- Anthracite – peat - bituminous – lignite
B- Bituminous – peat – anthracite - lignite
C- Peat – bituminous – lignite - anthracite
D- Lignite – peat - bituminous – anthracite
35 LO.05
During your geological field trip, you notice a wide area with dolomite rock. What you
conclude about the geologic history of this area?
A- It was a lake in hot region
B- It was a lake in polar region
C- It was a swamp in tropical region
D- It was a forest in hot region
36 LO.06
What happen if clay stone and mud stone exposed to high temperature and pressure?
A- It will be change to slate
B- It will be change to shale
C- It will be change to schist
D- It will be change to gneiss
37 LO.06
If the metamorphic rock deeper burial and exposed to heat and presser, suggest the
changes will be occur on this metamorphic rock?
A- It will be melting
B- It will be solidified
C- It will be more crystalize
D- It will be less crystalize

Subject: Earth Science _ Grade: 10 Page 8 of 12

38 LO.06
Gneiss and Schist are metamorphic rocks but they differ in ……..
A- The texture
B- The crystals arrangement
C- The size of grains
D- The reason of metamorphosis
39 LO.06
Which type of pressure will result in the alignment of metamorphic minerals?
A- Confining pressure
B- Chemical pressure
C- Directed pressure
D- Contact pressure
40 LO.06
What is the correct order of the following rocks by increasing the metamorphism
A- Phyllite – Schist – Slate - Shale
B- Schist - Phyllite – Shale - Slate
C- Shale – Slate - Phyllite - Schist
D- Slate– Schist – Phyllite - Shale
41 LO.06
What is the rock that is expected it has clear fossils?
A- Basalt
B- Marble
C- Greenstone
D- Sandstone
42 LO.06
Why the metamorphic rocks don't often contain fossils? Because it……
A- forms under earth surface.
B- forms from igneous rocks.
C- metamorphoses by heat
D- has a foliated structure.

Subject: Earth Science _ Grade: 10 Page 9 of 12

43 LO.07
Study the following diagram then answer (43 to 45)

What geologic processes occurring at location (6) and (7) in the following diagram?
A- Denudation, precipitation and weathering
B- Weathering, transportation and precipitation
C- Transportation, precipitation and weathering
D- Precipitation, weathering and denudation
44 LO.07
If the sedimentary rock is limestone and the metamorphic rock is marble, that (3) is
referring to?
A- Pressure only
B- Heat only
C- Low Pressure and low heat
D- High Pressure and low heat
45 LO.07
By studying the diagram, what is the temperature conditions in (1) and (2)
A- Increase - increase
B- Increase - decrease
C- Decrease - increase
D- Decrease - decrease
46 LO.07
The first rocks that had formed at the beginning of earth formation had formed due
A- Increasing of the temperature of its components
B- Decreasing of the temperature of its components.
C- Decreasing then increasing of the temperature of its components.
D- Stability of the temperature of its components.
47 LO.07
The first rock had formed on earth surface may be……..
A- Dolomite
B- Quartzite
C- Calcite
D- Basalt

Subject: Earth Science _ Grade: 10 Page 10 of 12

48 LO.07
During a rock cycle, when a sedimentary rock with grains size larger than
(1mm)exposes to high temperature,…….. rock is formed.
A- Marble
B- Quartzite
C- Gneiss
D- Phyllite
49 LO.07
In a rock cycle if a light intrusive igneous rock with large -grains subjected to high
temperature and pressure, it will change to …………
A- Schist
B- Slate
C- Gneiss
D- amphibolite
50 LO.07

Study the following diagram and answer the following question.

If the metamorphic rock deeper burial and exposed to heat and presser, suggest the
changes will be occur on this metamorphic rock?
A- Will be melting
B- Will be more crystalize
C- Will be solidified
D- Will be lithified

Subject: Earth Science _ Grade: 10 Page 11 of 12

List of data, formulae and relationships

Mohs' Scale

Subject: Earth Science _ Grade: 10 Page 12 of 12

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