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Two Marks:

1. State Second law of thermodynamics

2. Define Elastomers give one example
3. What is meant Gauge Pressure?
4. State Stokes law
5. What is meant by regelation?
6. State Hooke’s law
7. Definitions of pressure and density.
8. State Pascal’s law
9. What is meant by streamline flow?,.
10. Definition of temperature and heat.
11. Definitions of specific heat capacity,
12. molar specific heat capacity.
13. Definition of change of state.
14. Definition of thermal conductivity.
15. Definition of thermal equilibrium,
16. Define internal energy
17. Zeroth law of thermodynamics.
18. Definition of oscillation,
19. Define periodic motion,
20. Define Time period,
21. Define frequency,
22. what is meant by simple harmonic motion?
23. Define Amplitude..
24. Types of stress.
25. What is meant by transverse waves?,
26. What is meant by longitudinal waves?
27. Define wave length
28. Define wave number.
29. State charle’s law,
30. State Boyle’s law.
31. Explain ideal gas equation
32. State First law of thermodynamics
33. What is meant by Surface tension?
34. Reynold’s numbers
35. What is meant by Viscosity?

Three Marks:

1. Stress and strain and its types.

2. Types of modulus of elasticity.
3 Applications of Pascal’s law. (Hydraulic lift )
4 Explain the Variation of pressure with depth.
5.State and explain Hookes law..
6.Thermal expansion and its types
7.Relation between linear and volume expansion.
8. Explain Heat transfer methods.
9. Explain Specific heat capacity of water.
10.Explain the Thermodynamic processes.
11.Explain the Work done in isotherm al process
12.Explain the Work done in adiabatic process.
13. State Law of equipartition of energy.
14. Explain Kinetic interpretation of temperature.
15. Derive the expression for angular acceleration simple harmonic motion.
16. Explain the Energy of the Simple harmonic motion.
17.Explain the speed of a longitudinal wave.
18. Explain the speed of transverse wave.
19. Velocity and acceleration equation in SHM
20. State kelvin and calsius statement.
21Explain the Latent heat capacity.
22. What is meant by surface energy?
23. What is meant by Calorimetry?
24. What is meant by normal melting point?
25.Define latent heat of fusion.
26. State Wien's displacement laws
27. State Stefan Boltzmann law.
28. What is meant by adiabatic and diathermic wall?
29.what is meant by mean free path?
30.Explain the specific heat capacity of solids.
Five Marks:
1.Explain the Stress and strain curve.
2. Explain the elastic potential energy for a stretched wire.
3 Explain the energy in simple harmonic motion.
4 State and explain the Bernoulli's theorem
5. What is a perfect black body? What do you understand by black body radiations?
6 State and explain Stefan’s law
7. What are the assumptions of kinetic theory of gases? Derive an expression for pressure exerted due to an ideal gas?
8. What is the relation between pressure and kinetic energy of the gas?
9.Prove that kinetic energy of translation per molecule of the gas is given by 3/2 k bT.
10. What is specific heat capacity of a gas? Derive expression to calculate the ratio of specific heat capacity of mono
11. Elastic potential energy in a stretched wire.
12. What is specific heat capacity of a gas? Derive expression to calculate the ratio of specific heat capacity of Di
molecule gases.






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