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1%) H f Pg-42 : Alicanes Cie eAlkynes a 7 x *Chemical wys (56) “More cers (60) » Sut, Ey Sn®y Er = Pg-63 , “How te ETS G3) + Mulley bases (es) *Nucteophites ANd bases 6) | Ks growos (625 h Holofltancs Reactions Pa-65 {i . cael Su casoAs 1 Pa-4) MizcteanGcs) ... . , ia 4 dx... ay) som dation (AF thes yolysis (108), Mp udrocarbon: yp Sittnads of preparation of ALCAN Et — Pp 9 Cotarytic tydragenation of ALKENES £ Aleyngs — CSyn Oddikion) R-c=c-R'—> R- CH. -CH.- @' =. Reagents :- Hr (reactant) & 25"¢ =3 Ni, Pd, P+, Rh “hae Nii at hi = Ahen its cated Sabitier & Senderen's rx. )_from Oragannometallic ear pound: =A 5 \Whurtz ae action 2R- gers, R+INoxXr = Revie pty ss e- 2, R-R' R'-R' = Fl cree \ re ts =a 9) Covrey- House synth ¢ oic gay 2H, 99/58 + ix S Racuti Aa Lithium dialky) “ple J a { ee Ss = + R2 Culi doesn't v1 ith = ‘a 3C0, ett ug DATE a YBy Fronklond’s reng eng R-x4 Wns R-K — R-K + Tn¥a * Reagents = Ory ether oe lo ‘s reagent RMgk + R=" —3 R-R! W) Ry reduction of Alley! Hatider ‘ O) With Metal -acid R-X¥ — R-Ht MY S Reagents :- Zn acid, Cn-Cu) H20, Zn-Cufaud Zn-Cu/ CoHs0H , Na-Ky /ocid, AL-Hg / Hr0 yk \ C V | £2 : we a * Reageny i) Ten (Pha Sn) same for 17,27 & 3° i) Nagy for IS 3 wis pe for 1°& 2° R-¥ C3*) ats, QIKENE Dp al Re CHO tari Hh =COOH —> R-c -oK 3 RA R-Cooft 4 R-cHs R-Ch— R-H R- cooce > R-Cita 3 DATE _ ee > 2 %) Decerboxylation hy Soda-limn¢ D Kolbers clectrotysig ean ow siehous, gy b aco. + 2KOH 9 oxy latio = 9 Ss (A3-C-CHa-CooH —— CH3-C-CH? 5) Reduction of Aldehydes & Ketone, )_Clenmmensen's reduction geto-p’ —9 R-CH,-R' tro pesetive te CRs POT * Reagents ic Zn-Hg Lconc- Hee R CHO — R-CHat + Ww 7 is - WHa-NH2) / KOH Solveny Beagen® 2 ethy lene -, + Mok ured with bare-scensitive grace Bly cot) Ch re pg, sf © Reagents io - 1) Chiovination CRalhy or Sorta | R200 E-Bud-CK or Ch2/Reoe 2) Bromination Bralhy or $028¥./ R202 uO-Gr Or Br. 7 R201 3) Todination Trlho © + HNO; oH TOg 4 Fluovina tion Fok Pave + No environment "Relative Yield = Relative reactivity x Probability factor SRS Eo oases a + Ralotiving I + Heat of ai Stability oF Ue > | pare 9% nna pi ___ REG.) J By Denydvation ot fileonals __ oc R-CHe~CH.-8H ——> R-CHE CHa + Hi0 = | +CB-elimination) fees ot) 90, (ee eo / ee » pS ati os esos 8 oa CN¥t-pyy 4 PAE 3 a \ a nd + Kon oS pales ~ Kx u “ + Ho Reagentrs- ) Hot an Nieicallinnces Kou /NaoH 2%) Nant 4) Exo? / EtOH 7) $Bu0®k® in tuo 4) icinal +. 4 =t=c= 3 CECH 1 x CEr Canty 2limninat on’) ‘ NS OT og Reagents i ND Not inaces ) zn dust, acetic acid: 0 Ethano\ DATE Sy Methods of Preparation of Alkymet Soe y Dehalogtnation of Tetrahaloalcanet and — TIxilhotoaliconee ¥ Zn dust e ——_R=-C=c- Ke Znka Alcohol, & “R= xboex C= e x * _CHChy + 6Og + Che — > CHECH + 6Ag CR Jp : ve ibis R-CH=CH-R'+ Bx, — + pair =R! + ZNagr : ZDNaNHy ot vr + Reagents :- ‘) Nantty, LiNHs, Nia 2) ale. KOH 3) Replacement of Acetylenic Hydingen Atom of terminal aleyune to form higher Alleyne plana - R-C=CH ——> e-c aco iy Ree “R= Hc Set Crizt py) DATE wx : = Sena — > Rac =e RoC Ee= Wee Ro CE Clg 4 ee Re 3 “eceon > R-c Ec © > R-c=c-e' ‘D Hydrotysic of Carbides ” CoCr +420 — Cotr+ CaCon)2 * _Mgca+ Hr0 —> Cos # Mg Conds os * Mg. C2 + H20 —> CH; CECH » tg Cond, S) Ko . ai. 5 Eta COUK eckeotyns5 | (y \ ‘ ee CH2—-—cCook CAS Wit nb Ne 3 NV — ee) CH— cook cH y Le TT DATE = exe 7a nue R 7 W 1 Cag Aw ana Lett yi E Reagents :- iy) HY (H+) i) Ho¥-Cx*)) 1 — i) YG CX) is) Hoo/ Ht CHt) _Halogenation ot flleeme x f Ncect + ya 5 NC i don, C Xe Usually anti-add. Reagent :- gy, 5 Ck Fr and Tr are not used: Soivents = ip) Coty Crest) i) CHC2s C Hro, mreOH, ete: J _Hatogenation of feynet Br Br Br Se nc +—+ R-CEC-R — 5 @-czc-R —s R-c-t-R es Oo ee Be Rater C)>C1) ‘ DATE a { 4) Rddition of HOY to Aleene | . OH acs cee cas “ + x ‘) ¥2 +H,0 — Hy¥o +HX 2%) Hox ene | Reagents: - 5) Prddition of Rox te Alleyne x OH Hox xs - R-C=CH > Roos coy ee ieq. & -CCoM iene ng Cates OW Ho x “Tautomerisa= [oheo fon ! is ) bartah a We j 0. Corl.) Oar) oc-Raloketene 6, 0¢- din aloketone * Note:- 4 OH —Ha6. Roos, PS picicn” peu " We On m0 Alicynet: - Br Ve be y R-CECH —> R-b= CHa > R-C= CH \ a 1) Bicid=cotalyced Hydration 1)_for Allene :- = pug! c=oct +10 ——> -c- c= ‘ EE oe Martovnikov addition and) Reigorelettve: > “oxy mecturation -demercuraton Comom) R-CH = CH. ——> R-CH-chH3 OH Reagents :- ip) Hg Cone) s / THE/ HO ~ 8) No@Hu/ 2 0® CNKE-ps) Ai eee Rg DATE $4 iil) Pthoxy mercurntion=cemerturatioy R-cH= Chi —— R-CH - CHG oe ‘ Reagens:- ') HeCOAc), / THE/ R-OH i) MaRHy /H.0® a : Oxides R-CHO CHL 2 R- CHr-CH.-OH Reagents:- i) Ree / THE : ii) Heo2}on® Bite Pty - Maasicovni tov eT “) for Mey ne rain a R-C=SCH —> R-C—0H, | ae —————___ =o. ee nost- 4 230 a KN) Hasoy a Fs 1 a ee — See =o ee ee a [3 More reactions of Ailleaner a ~") Nabi 3 RHF Noy 5 RNOz+ Hro CHy + HNO, => CHeNO. +H20 oe — | CH3 CH2CHy + HNO3 —> CH3CHi CHL NOr + MM canon + CH3CHe + CH CH CHs 1 ‘ n : NOy ee = | 2) Sulphonation Only Higher members C6 onwarde) “ayve sulphonate d > _R-3Or7H +H20 "RH+ H2soy heating Lower members react with $04 in 6 eee aban DATE 3 9) eomerisation ; Ca@uoternon € Cannot be generated) ar Fah g PXLCAG S37 CHa CHa CHa CHa CH CH CHsCH2CHiCHCH3 + CH3CHiCHCHaCH ’ I CH 3 CH? 4) Aromatisaton Also cated Hydrn forming or dehyden— -qenation or cyclisation or catalytic act-forming . For unbranched higher Alkaner (643 10) gs in Cr O31 V205s! PI0,03 7 ee Y Gg TT3E, 10-20 attr ~ u DATE 6 5) Reaction wits okeon + Ee + 3Ho 6) Pyrolysis Also i Th \ de ition Egs= Lono’e CHy ——> C+ Cott He CeHig . CoAT FORE : CoHe + C2 Ha + CHy eae DK C-Cse— t+ X17 (Aa Bee — NCSi= N- Bromosuceinimid ¢ N- Chiorosuceinimide ° 1 7? TEE= n-CL x ~ ° ° DATE 6s Suit, Suit, Su Ay , €', 2, Etce, Sni * Method to identity type of reaction — ) 1° Cowon :- > Reachan is almoas + certain s Sn> Te bulky base, then Er > Heat favours Er product: 2 2* Carbon * Look at nurtenebiles/ bare / cotvents + non-, Strong , Ro-baric Nuctenoniler Will C more B-Brancthing means tess Su 5) DATE 4) CH3¥ >_E2 and E! wilinevee occur: ! “Stren nia = CHighry tiketys A \dleak nucteophite would indicate Sm! —2 Cvery nit = @ fov = would be very Unctabte } = Note= Sn'and E' prefer Polay pxotic. solvent _Ccensider during solvolysis) —— —>_Sn'? ang E2 prefer polar aprotic soivent: oo OF 1° Caxton, there is R- branching Oriotof steric hindrance, £2 maybe Be ONT NN gee ic ce = > _Bulky bares indicate elimination ah. HB Sand Sui* donot wore on oramatic a Chains oy C=C-X. WA WNTALA os i a SO tapers ; MB Hefennon praduct in elimination ya CN xt’ pg) DATE i) t-Buo? i) die Bleets Gute wid toy eee N \ | aay 0 iy) Loa Lithium di-\sopropylamide ~ Rate of xx is factest for F —2 + Sut weaction Cdaxzen reaction) 4 + R-0 nth 8 iS CThiony! Chlovide) Os emer -on —— A+ Hert SO follow. Sn? mechanisna. SG Proc”) uihprotltc Ga a GinWolie knw NR Ch ct & a aa fT DATE 67 ¥ Strong Baser and Nucieophiles DT HH arn forms nlu aOR ote ie :OH Tn form of NadH, Fou ek WSR Tn form of: narostabay woah ily -HCEco Coan be Formed WE NENG) iv) CHa® Cvrstrony NU®) * nueteophi) ) Hydnide) In forms of e9: Wau? AM ii) tBu? ii) Loa ',8-diaeabicyclo Dibenrylideneacetone ie undec=T~ ene 9 aed oe , ae pers but decent Nucteophite ——— likes toact ara bare: C Borderline) as! = | iY) Deu y) OBA e = eS nS) Has, NH, “Ato =~") C Borderline) PM + vicck oases } Nucteaphite ee Sg ot eich e —a Ba scat ces enowng = E Similay to ROH- MM 8) Ron Cdown't give OHO, came arahave’) —= ® Tale of leaving groups = becomes stable after leaving = * Weak bases art generally good leaving Groups. _ * V. Bad leaving groupe!= mao Buk in cate of acidic mediuen, it ma —s ; Perr si a ; ; oO iy FO WD NWA? iy CHy a Cir one ne 2 ECHR ) v) Ro® vip Pho? __viiy Rcon® AA C.Rb© > one > Pro® > Rco0®) _ DATE GS_CLOv) *~ ON Dm On Thy 2. BCLS i) Heo iN) Alcan Sulpnate ion v) )) Swoart's yeaction Fluoving exchange reaction *R-X +Age —> R-F + Agyb+ R-0OH Crtajer) Cfrorn x0) 4+ R-OCrHs Evergrinoy Keagents:- AgF/H2O Crlajor ) + C2Hs 0H CMinor ) 2) Lucas xeaction Used to identity degree of -R-OW R-oW —> R-Cce& Transparent Tarvid CCloudy) t= Conc: + Ahy. Zn Geceds rx"), 7 3° RoW — instant turtordity 72° R-oW} — Turbidity im 5-10 ein + 4° Q-of — Turbidity after 20 mi + CH; 0 — Long time , yemerally not uced- -Trsvant burpi airy (ektephons) = Ae RC ATO SERED rey on or ~ oe : a BRR e eee DATE Substract -_HT and HBr as are ured ac HR. * Tertiary follows SN' mechanism or else SN? mechanism. He @ -R-OK aU eam 5 ge ai : Core on Py-8 3) ax 4 i) cy : aie Vie weet ok R-OH+ RoOoW 5) Snr aR aol > (OEE eee 32 i an Legs Ne ne ‘ XPS) | FARRAR RRR RRR Ranaane DATE Me _ ]_Erinieelstein ctactiny bud R-cR + NoL —— Rr + Nace d SM oe-gr enor SS er + NaBrd =a i) Halogen exchange rx” — —rr - WY reten Hon as ee only xthenton Fee Me a Trvevsion + Trversion —> Retention, 3) hitliamson!s synthesis of ether R=BFF oer? 7 R-OFt+ xBr 5 an Trease of 3°/90 RK, . S| AYKeRT TS produced oe nat LL. | pate 13 D Reaction of Atcohot Conti) with PXs se aoa Rx + Ha PO3 _PXs R-ou > RK + POX, CP remover Oxygen) 10 4 Filcohol Con has SOCKr AND Pyridine Hh R=0H Soeta ether, Re Pyridine 1] Sri -yeaction (Darren's process) pa SO ot Hae __3 R-0H ———— R-ce + Ht S05 Cito pyxidine) FAR PRR RR Ree DATE, sah '3) Deureriusa exchange 0 rk ¢ Ahey can be exchange with deuterium ; by xeactian witt, D20 ( Heavy wrarer } S-Leps Cerchange of O-H 1) hin y 0 ; 9 i > Biro BT we 00 a + Hop Vt Bd Ox , Enolate Pormation 0 2 00. °O é +e So oD Dp” Drovers sae Coeureration) 7 + Dro 7s CAE _ftlemnols, R-gX_ eters __ *_Preparatinn of Alcohols *) From Alkenes it) 9 Cues Seite @) Acid- \ CPq 58 b) ampm CPg 58) 9_Hydreboratinn oxidation Cg 59) 2) From Alticy) Halides By SN' and Su* reachons. 3) From _Crrignaid R nae nt CRrgx) 9) Gorm air io R-MgX% + 0. —5 ane 2Mg CoH) >) Grom ethytene oxide:- Covirane’) Hex, Ong Ohms can —CHy— OH + Mqx CoH). “Bom Coxisony\topaands ater on = RVers 1 —_—- SS — ——_ —_h::25___ ee ‘ DaTe____ hah * Addition of RMgX +o acid halide or OT 9 oe T Bi-E-Ra + RMgX —> RKinc“R + Mg CoH)X R pias Set 4) Reduction of Carbonyl compounde 0) Catetutic Hydragenation of Aldehydes and ketones. R-cHo > RecHa-0H Ci?) R=co-R' —> R-CH-Rri. (2°) on >) By LiAZH & -_R-co-p! “=> R-cH-R! E ou - R-e-x ==> R-cHa- 0H + Hx v %o™ oO + Bee oy ies ee + Ri-oy ny © a pate 17 » Recoeh Sacto aCe Recooe: BE Nine R= cu-@! C2 OH 4) Rouy : n ©. =CHO a a ° Lon CHi-OW ! Acone Wi on iD CMe haces 1 e) uction of Ni acid Viphatie x n eeu ss Or. — R-DHtNa + F) Hydroxylation 3) is 0 in O4/N Os 0 Oz X 7 Os045 Heer a % DSi czc Cac ' Or KMnou, Naok | raraieeey ——— OO Co it) patie Hydvoxylation Using peracids __ # EEE aa Pre Cire | WOH ae 5 eae a pate a Se * Chemical reactinne of Alcoholt Rem with Hydrogen Halide, © Con!) TF fis EO PA keto nels then Syy% = HI> HBr >HCR | =" : 2) Lucas yeaction (Gala) SH 69-10) = :) Reaction with Meralt = RON +N > ROON aes ST onan mctal —a CCHSE SS ESF) i 2. eee H® 9 1 R-coon + ROH =" R—coorTy =a HES 9) Oxidaction of Plconole a Me Ghee Gore Tf =thz= Gots NH CrOs == CPcc) Sa KMnow 2_R-Ccoow DATE 74 oH Krtr07 or Ren with Phosphores trihalides +FX3 — 3R-X+ H3P0, CKt C2, Be, T) ISAS Cs R if 4% fener exp fias qe =the 0 Pre x H Hoe%e + RCH teed 8) Reh with PCRs C3nr) a # SP R-CRIHAR YE apas=o: —— a6 ped. + HEA H Chlovosulphite etter SOF Rt 10) Sri yeaction of Alcohols. CNO Pyxidine) R-OH + SOCA2 — RCRtSOLFHEHCRT ~ =f = Rl0=s=o €—RZO-g=0: © Ce thee H Me rm ; 5 eee alte CRebention ) w R=CR-+ S07 CN¥t PS) eRe ee eRe Ree eee ee 6 DATE &\ Calico ina tion a 1) Pinacel = Pinacolone rearrangement Sie a He Hy CH=CH — Cie orl oH O CHg CPinacor) Cina colone) CRaid-catatysed Climination of Hid ) Plechanism :- CHz cH? Cs 1 : t pe 1 a Si CN \ gu_on on {9,, Conjugate acid of Pinacote ) Cha—CHs ete. =H20 a) Senpoda | Nos intermediate Move stable © CA3 Be 08. R-o- Ry a #5) Tndurtrial Method ftsO2 B-0n + Ho-R Tease R-OTR + Ho #e cho R=OH + CHs Ny —— R-0-CHy + Na ~ mi chon 1) Wit HX CHa= CH= 0 CH= CH 3 CHy-Wir tr CH; + CH3) 2 CH=-OH (CH3).CH Br e——__L RK Ce \F excess Less Stericatiy hindered parts Forms R-x “More sterically hindered part Forms Mine eae) lL CH, OCH 4°, 2° —> Snr a3" > oy! Fe 3 4s ee CN¥E-P3) eer aS ee Hudroperoxide + ,&=0-0-th,- eR Prateyy Peroxide By) Reaction with acid chiovides and tn ee Soc ckaaee aS =Ck —> R-Ck + R-COOR ea Redoent ee DZnetp Ceti > 5 ee nck Reagent + )-7ince a) SS" > - oe D> pece i) ete. pate. 84a 2) vwuith H2304 “cé) + R-O-R + Had0y == £-2=6 52 S-2) Hsoa® Conc) = R-0H + R-07HS0, * R=B-R + Ha804 — 2R-0H Cail) *) Bute -ovidetionvolietner o Oat R-0-CH»-R" feos R-o-tH- H &s cA 5) Reaction with Carbon monsxide —_ | Reaction vith Cas BEs P-o-R + CO ~Sloame See Co Sle l2s-1g0°C 6) Re" with Halogens “with C&o or Bro «tiple. -p Sida = eisai me CH a — CHH Or one a CR it excess os ce ce 3 Cock * Chere o- Aas Tro Ca 8) 0 omher. + JF saee - ae eae 5 Pat a Rican arnt tee me NI Mechanism -— (yas ninaered © Ne 1 86 DATE * Mechanisna Cacidic)i- Mort substitued y® Corbon, R-cCH-CHe eas CH= Se” ye “yt AI Hr R—CH- CHa ( | —htu—OH v £ } x e ether ER farige tyne @ R-M9 x Reactivity '- R-I>? RBr> RCR > RE RE No GR formation * Chemical reactions of GR ) Rx® with acidic tt AL ZH + R-MgX —> R-H+ M19 ™ x Z-% + R-MgX' —7-R+ Ma zy! CNucleophillic substitution ) Z— Group having —-Z effect: CNxt-pg) WEEE BREIEENIVIILAEI DATE 2) Reaction with R=%; Alby | Halide Sd KIIg=R RR eS Rat gk Nv J N Rerantion Inversion 3) Nucleophillic additon acx _____ _Cinvaiving Jt polar bond ) No OLN ee nS, -c=n, 7 7 7 —N=0 .2\s=0 a5 1 gra Xk fois JS R-C- OMgx o> Oo > @-Co = RcHOFAr CHO * Ba COn eee ® Sy2zTh a 4 i ni iN e R-ctx +R'MgX — e-c+x Go te oe CTH int: 3 ge! -t-e! €— R-c-P! ! o ~") DATE ge = ©) Reaction with annhydride ~w aig CHE RCOE OTOH C > Bir OCP - Crs OmgX OE CH, FOR eet 44 = 4 eileen aos OR 8 ea + =c= One pn oar) C=OMgx g! 1 ¢ + i Co! Wee ” Previvul R=C0r eee 6 ° R'M4x + ROMIgX a RN 4,5 R=c-@" R-on + M4 (OH) xX ‘) : Formation of * ) Reo {On oO ard 0 s R-Migx # O=C=HO > R-C—OMmgx ° renee + R-C-own aaa ¥ ip Ay0e O_ C of \cetone 2? > DATE Ao 1) Reaction with RCN R {ere aX + R—=C=EN 2, R-C=NM4x [Roe eR" QR! T W028 ro R-t—NH2, G~— R-c=NH \ OR R-c-R + y © DATE aes | Reduction, Oxidaton, Hydrolysic | . qony- 7 (Po. 4k) (exothermic) Homogeneous a) Ni CRa-Nid b) Pd ( padi) &) Pe (Prosi) J t Catalytts : CP.q 5.2 Sue a Rosernund’s catalyst Poisoned HatPsy Barog € pg Cotelyst ) + Redes PH ttgne te tenes tT atid nande eng de Soars 2) _Metai/ pro ten (acid )-rreducton ~Metals give e© to electrophilic. pee Tt 5 : We ee ee = 5 t Dy = ip we R-Ou ay R-CHOS R-CooH “gee DATE Res ») v ES io Cg 17) Cyanide — 1 Acrine Ester —> 4° Alcohol Acid Halide —s 1° Alcohoy iw c : 19) Reagents:- i) Sn PadiGed Stannour Chloride Ty A20 E> R= CHaNHa (Amine) pecan Heh Compete EEC \Osnceo/ Hee it) Ho i MC aethe fine dat) Portia ect en é CNet pg af DATE ab gy e UCHOW i) Linay CLAW) Jeter or THE Aldehyde —> 1° Picohol Ketone — 2" Ses Carboxylic acid a 4° Alcono) pad nanny inte —> 7.2... Oe ences 1° br Veohiay Acid Chioxride =? 1° A\cono) Ester —> 1° Alcohol Cuanide —> [1° Romine Arnide —> 1° Brnine ° i — 2" Benin Q4& DATE WEN Gry | ene coe Aldenyde — 1° Alcoho) Ketone —— 2° Aleohot Acid Chloride 4° Alcoho [eda W)_DTRAL-H] inert solvent Ester po 1° Alcohol + L____5 Aldehyde + R'-0H Cyanide —3 Aldenyde G) Miscetianenus educhonc i) Wolt = \eisheraee duction Aan ieia PaaS am" Reduction with Red Pand WT CPg- %2) SM pldenyde laine ketone Allcanes SB Aa atti freed] i) # AM") Meeewin- Pondort Verity reduction CMIPV reduction’ ZB i Fluminiuo ifsopropoxide ) DATE a5. | ESS R-—c- 2'y CHz-CH- Che te T ° OH 7 peCocncoyhijly a 4 soil OW + CH = C~CH3 \y sO *_Oxidation 1) Chemical oxidation wtitr KMnOy J (for Alleanes) Ki Cr. 07 A H ay KM mO4 a oe a Ty atH0F # We i tachi Adio Tertiary 1 ie onty\) Ji iD) Ba ex's rec gent Coold, dituted, 1/7 Alkaline (Mn Oy) Alicene — vicinal diol ‘4 Madd. p GE a7 oH) DATE x th: x Czc + RCOOOH —> Sc—c— + RCOOH a al euueeeeee s 2) \ eee | Pee: Conti additi L iHon) on =a + More SulosHtused double bond Teatts a Faster: SAE *) oxonolysis - for Plikenes:- coc —_ C— Gas — CNxet'Pg) Once, Motozonide = (Gnstabiey DATE aI boatteot me © c 2 zne] oF e CCH3)28 /H20/a 0 O.» ACGHadas == . es Reductive ) Fs, pak H20/H20./ 4 Coxidatve) 1 wt oO ° Tt a aldehyde is formed, itboecomes R-COOK + for A\ I- 0 Recec—p' — 2s. =~C=c— ’ \ \ 7 ES Eee = Cee z) n mm Ttarrane get _ Ones a CNxt pgy es ~ DATE _ See 8 7° 4 C11:2- dicarbony) =C-c- POOH: ) 33 a err a 0-0 Net = | mee ar oxidot e. Ll? RCH TRICOOH = Ww , —3 * For terminal Alkenee & Alkumer, R=c=CH, — CO. = R-C=CH —=> Cor SAM oxidation Oxidation of Alco wot ee See | wees = pier Cra YOANN E ) ppc NG “COR e. C2CcHsN: CrO2) iw ’ =_dil- i CrO;/acetone/ Hed . : is) Colin's reagent —> CrOgt Pur ding in CHrCtr a4 DATE D CxO, inwater /H2 Cry 2) _Krinoy /H © 3) ke Cr, 07 /H® ° Very. y- strong oxidising agents >= Kminou/ Hes DB Weak Of Stan gO) 1° p-o4 > Aldehyde Carboxylic add 2 p-0H > Ketone Ketone si e-on > MA NA, wv: strong Of ~Cu/h 4° R-OH Carboxylic acd Pridehyde 2 e-0H oF cavboylic acid Ketone . TK - F PDehydrate -0 + Caxvooxylic acd %! 3°R-0OH of: Cavooxylic Aci co FIREne. 4 wy utils Oxidation are \cCeton e a Ketone ¥ Gare * Common in init Tertouteride CAheCociier)2) pare 100 OH Sice + Ac Wy ies -co-R' Fates x H RCHoH> g2CHoK > RrCoH CH y—-C— CH, _ RCHo> RcH.OH De viv i B v4 Wy’ Cig CNH3)2) RCHO — RCoOoH Weak oxidising agent HCHO — COr RHO TR > R-co08 + Ag) + NHs+ Heo VIX) With febling's golution lin ‘ i oy Compleredi with tartrabe ro) HcHo ot © RteHO+ EC — + OH Bee Cae bse - o with Benzaldehyde: ) With Grnedict’s solution Sodium citrate +NaoH+ NaHtogs CusOy CHo + Cutt “8 eco tic. oe Fre 061816002) Co Red ppt: DATE oO) b= ; aaa | RCoon+ ZHER | + Harti Rekotr Horta Hatt, + Hr0 —— KRCOON+ 2H a ¥ i ift? 40) £ p= Rosalinin 10 = Chiorvde decolori S02. NH~ NH» Se your Cotertess fe ot Scns ts (I Coagenta) o reagent =| RTHO \ RCOoH + Pins @NHAC? Color. Note,- e. Cvit) Cwiit) Cie) C¥ JSMnOu or KKatro ) : Crtore_on phis 5, , later DATE \or * Oxy ion of n oD ic ICMno wr Ke ° ACHo + C0} —> HctooH RCHO + Co}: —> RCOOH nolit hig hh * Popott’s rule. During oxidaton of Ketones , semaler coAlSke grp goes wit, Corbony) Cartoon. CH3—CO+CLHs Teaeat 2CH;COOH CH p= Co Chi CH CH, ——s CH; Coou + CHzCH.COOo romatt Prom atic Sse n benzylic carbon to —~COOH if benzyric Hy drogen oY unroiuratio is Present: nr Coon CH;-uto Coo c= B= Cert eg) Seen bebbeseaeede DATE (03 CECH Coon ; N t= So =e Tervary bury! will Nok we oxidised. ¥!) Oxidation with S202 Converis ~CH,= adjacent to Cazbony\ ¢ n a eOr —CHi-—c- a Taper ums As Ge TT TY TY ve) Oro: Hh VOPR eC Re TY any a ° XN) Origa tion tanith Rromine water Mild CAr+ Hr20% oxidising Agent * Oxidises Pidemnyde to arid Carboxylic. 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