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Scribd Help Center / General Information / Terms and Policies

Community Rules (Prohibited Activity

and Content)
Updated 1 month ago

1.0 About these rules

Scribd, Slideshare, and Everand (the "Services") are home to a diverse community of
authors, publishers, and readers. All communities have standards, and we are no
exception. It is our goal to create a place where anyone can read or listen to books in a
comfortable and safe environment.

We have developed rules that govern the content that our members upload and publish.
Content that does not adhere to these rules can be removed at any time. We can, at any
time, disable the accounts of users that violate our Global Terms of Use, the Upload
Agreement for Scribd and Slideshare, or these rules; and/or fail to remediate violating
activity upon notification.

Illegal and unlawful activities are strictly prohibited. We cooperate, as appropriate, with
law enforcement investigations into unlawful activity.

These rules include, and augment, the prohibited activities enumerated in Section 9 of
the Global Terms of Use.

2.0 Harassment and menacing

We strictly prohibit the use of any element of our products and services, including titles,
descriptions, books, audiobooks, and documents in a manner that tends to defame,
harass, abuse, threaten, menace, or cruelly denigrate others. We strictly prohibit activity
that is intended to, or tends to, promote hatred, bigotry, or harm toward others. We
reserve the right to determine which contents and site activity are abusive.

3.0 Activity rules

We will take appropriate punitive action, up to and including account suspension, once
a member's account is determined to egregiously violate our policies; or when a
member repeatedly violates a policy or restriction once they are notified.

When creating an account on any of the the Services, you agree that you will not:

create an account, or multiple accounts, that targets others for harassment or

create an account, or multiple accounts, that is solely intended to, or tends to,
expose personal information about a living person;
create an account, or multiple accounts, with lewd, vulgar, obscene, or o ensive
profile names (usernames), profile descriptions, or profile photos;
create an account, or multiple accounts, that facilitates the operation of a script,
bot, spider, scraper, or other automation;
create an account, or multiple accounts, that is intended to, or tends to, mislead
consumers of the content uploaded to the account;
create an account, or multiple accounts, that is intended to thwart a previous ban
or suspension;
create duplicative accounts, either through manual or automated processes;
post your account information, or any member's account information, to a public
impersonate another living person, whether they are a member of the Services or
not; or impersonate a group or organization in a misleading or deceptive manner;
falsely claim an a iliation with any person or entity;
use the Services if you are under thirteen (13) years of age;
upload content if you are under eighteen (18) years of age;
use the Services in an illegal or unlawful way.

4.0 Content rules

We place certain limits on content that our members can upload. You agree that you
will not upload content to the Services that:

is illegal, or promotes or enables illegal or unlawful activities;

violates any applicable law or regulation;
infringes the copyright, patent rights, trade marks, trade secrets, or other
intellectual property rights of another person or entity (see the Help Center for
more information);
violates the privacy rights, or other personal rights, of others, or induces others to
do so; even if the information is considered “public” or published publicly
Personal information in public records of any kind must be fully redacted
and completely unreadable to both humans and computers before posting
to the Services.
Personal information includes, but is not limited to, home addresses,
national/social identification numbers, credit card information, phone
numbers, personal signatures, arrest records, political a iliation, school
grades, test results, medical records, disabilities, and sexual orientation.
You may not post images of other persons without their explicit consent or
an appropriate license.

contains, collects, or solicits personal information about anyone under age 18;
solicits personal information about anyone for commercial or unlawful purposes;
exposes chat logs, tweets, posts, texts, emails, and other private or deleted
communications without all parties’ explicit consent;
is intended to, or tends to, defame, harass, abuse, threaten, or cruelly denigrate
is intended to, or tends to, promote hatred, bigotry, or harm toward others on the
basis of race, ethnicity, national origin, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation,
religious a iliation, age, class, caste, disease, or disability;
is intended to, or tends to, promote or celebrate acts of terrorism and/or terrorist
is intended to, or tends to, promote or induce self-harm and/or suicide;
is intended to, or tends to, deceive or defraud consumers of content provided via
the Services;
is intended to, or tends to, facilitate the piracy of books, movies, music, so ware,
or any kind of media;
includes links that are unclear, obscured, misleading, deceptive, or malicious;
is designed, laid-out, or composed in a manner that obscures the content's intent
or origin;
is designed, laid-out, or composed in a manner designed to optimize search
engine rankings;
makes unsolicited o ers, including o ers that link to third-party websites;
exposes website passwords, account data, or other private account information;
alters or maliciously embellishes public records (including by means of titles and
descriptions), unless the alteration is to redact personal information;
displays unduly lurid, violent, and gory images, or images of sexual violence and
displays pornographic or luridly sexual imagery;
is inaccurate;
misrepresents or disguises the source, identity, authorship, or content of
is obtained from another member's account;
is duplicative or substantially similar to other content uploaded by you, or by
associates a iliated with you; whether in one account or across multiple

5.0 Academic cheating and plagiarism

We strictly prohibit content that facilitates academic cheating and plagiarism. We also
do not condone or support the use of content from any of the Services for the purposes
of academic cheating or plagiarism.

You agree that you will not upload content to the Services, or use the Services in any
way that:

is intended to, or tends to, promote cheating, plagiarism, or any academic

provides, or links to “course packs,” “test banks,” “cheat guides,” or any material
that provides answers to course, quiz, test and exam questions.
infringes the copyright, or other intellectual property rights, of educational
content providers, educational institutions, instructors, students, or other
provides guarantees, whether explicit or implied, of grades or exam results.
violates an academic code of conduct or academic code of ethics.

This notice is not intended to enumerate all conditions under which content or activity
is determined to be prohibited. We reserve the right to remove content and restrict
account access for any reason. Please send any questions about this notice to

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