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The ever increasing use of electric power for domestic, commercial and industrial purposes
necessitates providing bulk electric power economically. This is achieved with help of suitable
power producing units, known as power plants.
Grid Station are the stations which reduces the high voltages to low voltages and increases
the current. It is an interconnection point between two transmission ring circuits.

Fig. 1.1 Grid Station

1.1. Introduction to Gladni Jammu

Location: - Narwal, Gladni, Jammu (J&K)

In Gladni Grid Station there is a provision for three incoming transmission lines:-

1) 220 KV Salal -1

2) 220 KV Salal -2

3) 220 KV Jatwal

The outgoing/incoming line is one that is :-

1) 220KV Jammu – Hiranagar/Saran/ Hiranagar-2

Gladni Grid Station

There are three numbers 220/132KV Four transformer bank with capacity :-

3 x 133.3 MVA = 400MVA

1 x 160 MVA = 160MVA

1 x 150 MVA = 150 MVA

Total = 710 MVA

Again there are two transformers bank 132/33KV with capacity,

3 x 50MVA = 150 MVA

There is provision following 132 KV lines outgoing feeders:-

1 132 KV Gangyal Line.

2 132 KV Janipur Kalakote Line.

3 132 KV Hiranagr/ Bari-Barahamana 1 & 2

4 132 KV Sidhra-1.

5 132 KV Sidhra-2.

6 132 KV Bari-Brahamana.

7 400 MVA Transformer bay.

8 160 MVA Transformer bay.

9 150 MVA Transformer bay.

10 50 MVA Transformer bay.

11 50 MVA Transformer bay.

12 50 MVA Transformer bay.

13 Bus Coupler.

There is also provision for following 33KV lines :-

1 33 KV G-1, Auxiliary lines used by Power Station itself.

Gladni Grid Station

2 33 KV G-2, Gandhi Nagar JDA Complex

3 33KV G-3, Nanak Nagar

4 33KV G-4, Residency Road

5 33 KV G-5, Railway Complex

6 33 KV G-6, Channi Himmat, sanik colony, Hotel Radison Blue

7 33KV G-7, Transport Nagar, Bathindi

8 33 KV G-8, Bohri PHE Station

9 33 KV G-9, Karan Nagar, PHE Sheetli and Nagrota

10 33 KV G-10, Wave mall

11 Bus Coupler

Fig.1.2 Gladni Grid Station Narwal



Figure shows the single line diagram of the Gladni Grid Station Jammu. The key diagram of the
Grid Station is explained as under.

1. There are two sources of supply namely 220KV DC Salal Gladni Transmission Line and
220KV Short circuit Sarna Jammu Transmission Line which are connected to Bus Bar incoming
lines connected to the bus bars. Each incoming line is capable of supplying the substation load.
All these lines can be loaded simultaneously to share the grid station load or any one line can be
called up to meet the entire load. The three-line transmission line circuit increases the reliability
of the system. In case there is a breakdown of any one incoming line, the continuity of supply
can be maintained by other lines.

2. The Grid-Station has Main and Transfer bus-bars system, One main bus bar and the other
Transfer bus-bar. The incoming line can be connected to either bus bar with the help of an
arrangement of circuit breaker and isolators. The advantages of this bus bar system is that if
repairs is to be carried on any breaker, the supply need not to be interrupted as the load can be
transferred to the other bus through bus coupler arrangement.

3. The Gladni Grid Station steps down the incoming 220KV supply to 132KV through. Three
Transformer bank with capacity 3 x 133.33 MVA = 400MVA

1 x 160MVA =160MVA

1 X 150MVA =150MVA

Thus the Total capacity = 400MVA + 160MVA +150MVA =710MVA

Gladni Grid Station

Fig. 2.1 single line diagram of 710MVA, 220/132/33KV Grid Station at Gladni, Jammu

4. All the incoming and outgoing lines are connected throughout circuit breakers having isolators
on their either ends. Whenever repairs are to be carried out, the lines is first switched and then

5. The Potential Transformer (P.T) and the Current Transformer (C.T) are suitably loaded for
supply to metering and indicating instrument and the relay circuit. The P.T is connected right on

Gladni Grid Station

the point where the lines are terminated. The CTs are connected at the terminals of each circuit

6. The Lightening Arresters are connected near the Transformer terminal to protect them from
lightning strokes .
7. There is a further provision to step down 132KV supply to 33KV through three Transformer
with capacity
3 x 50 MVA = 150MVA
8. There is a further provision of 33/0.4 KV auxiliary Transformer for supply auxiliary supply to
substation equipments components in the Grid-Station such as wave trap, capacitor bank for the
power factor improvements earth connection, local supply connection and DC supply
9. The Grid Station has three Capacitor bank for the power factor improvements which reduces
the reactive power from the system
Under 220KV bus bar :- the total number of bays are seven as under
1 Salal-1 bay.
2 Salal-2 bay.
3 Sarna bay.
4 400MVA Transformer bay.
5 160MVA Transformer bay.
6 150MVA Transformer bay.
7 Bus Coupler
There is provision following 132 KV lines outgoing feeders:-
1 132 KV Miran Sahib Line.
2 132 KV Janipur Kalakote Line.
3 132 KV Hiranagr/ Bari-Barahamana 1 & 2.
4 132 KV Sidhra-1.
5 132 KV Sidhra-2.
6 132 KV Bari-Brahamana.
7 400 MVA Transformer bay.
8 160 MVA Transformer bay.
9 150 MVA Transformer bay.
10 50 MVA Transformer bay.

Gladni Grid Station

11 50 MVA Transformer bay.

12 50 MVA Transformer bay.
13 Bus Coupler.

There is also provision for following 33KV lines :-

1 33 KV G-1, Auxiliary lines used by Power Station itself.
2 33 KV G-2, Gandhi Nagar JDA Complex
3 33KV G-3, Nanak Nagar
4 33KV G-4, Residency Road
5 33 KV G-5, Railway Complex
6 33 KV G-6, Channi Himmat, sanik colony, Hotel Radison Blue
7 33KV G-7, Transport Nagar, Bathindi
8 33 KV G-8, Bohri PHE Station
9 33 KV G-9, Karan Nagar, PHE Sheetli and Nagrota
10 33 KV G-10, Wave mall
11 Bus Coupler
2.3. Arrangement of Equipments
The various equipments used in Gladni Grid Station are Lightening Arresters; Wave Trap,
Current Transformer Potential Transformers, CVTs, Isolators, Circuit Breakers, etc. The
arrangements of these equipments in line are as under
INCOMING BUS:- The arrangement is as under respectively
1 Lightening arrestors
3 Wave Trap
4 Current Transformer
5 Transfer Bus Isolator
6 By Pass Bus Isolator
7 Main Bus Isolator
8 Circuit breaker
9 Circuit Breaker Isolator With Earthing Switch
IN TRANSFER BUS:- The arrangement is as under respectively
1 Transfer Bus Isolator.
2 Spare bus Isolator.
3 Main Bus Isolator.

Gladni Grid Station

4 Circuit Breaker.
5 Circuit Breaker Isolator.
6 Current Transformer.
7 Lightening arrestors.

Chapter 3
Grid Station
An electrical grid is an interconnected network for delivering electricity from producers to
consumers. It consists of generating stations that produces electrical power, high voltages
transmission lines that carry power from distant sources to demand centers, and distribution lines
that connect individual customer.

Fig. 3.1 Overview Of Gladni Grid Station

Power stations may be located near a fuel source, at a dam site, or to take advantage of
renewable energy sources, and are often located away from heavily populated areas. The are
usually quite large to take advantages of economics of scale. The electric power which is
generated is stepped up to a higher voltage at which it connects to the electric power
transmission network. The bulk power transmission network will move the power long distances,

Gladni Grid Station

sometimes across international boundaries, until it reaches its wholesale customer (usually the
company that owns the local electric power distribution network).
On arrival at a substation, the power will be stepped down from transmission level voltages to a
distribution level voltage. As it exist the substation, it enters the distribution wiring. Finally,
upon arrival at the service location, the power is stepped down again from the distribution
voltage to the required service voltage(s).
Electrical grids vary in size from covering a single building through national grids which
cover whole countries to transnational grids which can cross continents.
Thus grid stations may be defined as the assembly of apparatus, which transfer energy to
another; e.g from AC to DC or to the voltages from 33KV, 66KV, 132KV,or 220KV. However
500KV will used for the national national grid system in future. The consumer do not need such
high voltage and so they must be transformed to low voltage levels by means of substations, thus
a substation may be called as link between the generating stations and consumer.
3.1. Design of Grid Station
When a station is to be designed the following procedure should be adapted:-
prepare a single line diagram of main electrical connections showing bus bar arrangements,
circuit breaker and transformers.
Decide the layout of the switchgear keeping views capacity of substations, methods of control
and number of feeders, reliability, safety, flexibility, space needed and construction.
The layout should be such that it should be possible to isolate any sections during fault, without
affecting the service of the healthy section.
It should be possible to have an easy and safe access for maintenance and inspection for different
An arrangement should be made to extinguish fire.
The earth conductor should of sufficient cross-sectional area to carry the faults currents in severe
conditions. A proper and sufficient automotive electrical protective gear should be used. Power
cables should be separate from control cable. Allow reasonable amount of expansions for
3.2. Location of Grid Station
The following points should be taken mainly into consideration in choosing the location of
grid station:-
Location stations as close to the load centre as possible.

Gladni Grid Station

Locate stations as such points that all the perspective loads may be conveniently reached without
under voltages regulations.
Allow access to the incoming transmission line and outgoing distribution line.
Choose the site where municipal restriction of property laws should permit the type of building
necessary for substation.
Keep load on substation with in such limits that an undue large area of number of consumers will
not be affected in case the station shut down occur.
The location of station should be indoor, outdoor, and underground or pole mounted. The last
two are for small size of distribution stations and the rural electrification may be considered only
in large crowded cities, with space limitations. The indoor type of station, which is common
used, all the equipments. In case of outdoor type of station which is common used, all the
equipments are arranged outdoor and should withstand weather conditions. The advantage of
outdoor type is that they do not need any building. In case of outdoor the cost of transformer and
switchgear equipments is less than that indoor type.
In case of stations at the generating stations, to step up generation voltage to transmission
voltage, they are located in the outstation yard. So in the transmission stations also control and
protective equipments are located inside the buildings near the station yard.

Gladni Grid Station

Chapter 4
Equipment and Switch Gear Installation at Gladni Grid Station


There are the various electrical equipment installed at the substations. These are:
4.1. Incoming Lines
These lines supply powers to the substations from source of generations or from
transmission lines at high voltages.
4.2. Bus Bars
When a number of lines operates at the same voltage they have to be directly connected
electrically, bus bars are used as the common electricity components. Bus bars are copper or
aluminum bars (generally rectangular x-section) and operate at constant voltages. The
incoming and outgoing lines in a substation are connected to the bus bars . The outdoor bus
bar is either of the rigid type or the strain type . In rigid type pipes are used for bus bars and
also for making the connection among the various equipment wherever required. The strain
type bus bars are the overhead system of wires string between the two supporting structures
and supported by the strain type insulators.
These are numerous variations of bus bar arrangements. The choice of a particular
arrangement depends on various factors system voltages and position of the substation in the
system flexibility, reliability of supply and costs:-
Simplicity is the keynote of dependable system. Maintenance should be possible without
interruption of supply or danger to the operating personal. The installation should be as
economical as possible keeping in view the requirements and continuity of supply. The most
commonly used bus bars arrangements in substations are:-
4.2.1. Single Line Bus Bar Arrangement It consists of single (three phase) bus bars to
which the various feeder are connected. In case of faults or maintenance bus bar the entire
bus bar has to be de-energized and total shutdown results. The equipment connections are
very simple and it is very easy to operates . It is not popular and used for 33KV and above,
expect where the relative importance of the substation is less or the position of the substation
does not justified elaborates schemes. This arrangement is simplest and cheapest. However it

Gladni Grid Station

suffers from two major defeats: maintenance without interruption of supply is not possible
and extension of substation without a shutdown is possible.
4.2.2 Double Bus Bar Arrangement

The double bus arrangement provides facility to change over to either bus to carry out
maintenance on the other but provides no facility to carry over breaker maintenance. The
main and transfer bus works on other way round.

Fig. 4.1 Double Bus Bar

It provides facility for carrying out breaker maintenance but not permit bus maintenance.
Whenever the maintenance is required on any breaker, the circuit is changed over to the
transfer bus and controlled through bus coupler breaker.
The schemes used two identical bus bars so that each load circuits may be divided into
two separate groups if needed from the operational considerations. Either bus bar may be
taken out for the maintenance and cleaning of insulators.
This arrangement has been used quite frequently adopted where the load and continuity
of supply justify additional cost. The type of bus used in GLADNI is main bus bar ( bus) &
reserve bus bar(bus2).

The insulator used in connection with over head systems employing bar conductors are
composed almost invariably of glazed porcelain, although some molded materials are used
for low voltage, and glass material are used.
Gladni Grid Station

The porcelain should be ivory white, should free, free from defects and thoroughly vitrified
so that the glaze is not dependent upon insulation Thus through verification of the
porcelain is of

Fig. 4.2 Insulator

prime importance, since the presence of pores or other air-spaces will lower the dielectric
strength, and it therefore follows that porcelain for electrical purposes must be both
thoroughly air-free and impervious to the entrance of gases and liquids. Toughened glass is
also sometime used for insulators but its use in limited to about 33KV. Normally cement is
used between metal and porcelain.

Types of Insulators

4.3.1. Pin Type Insulator

The pin insulators are normally used up to 33KV. It is not desirable to use them beyond
50KV as a cost of such insulators then increase much faster than the voltage

Fig. 4.3 Pin type Insulator

Gladni Grid Station

4.3.2. Suspension Type Insulator

Suspension insulator being free to swing, the clearance required between the power
conductor sand the up supporting structures are more as compared to pin type insulators can
be used.

Fig 4.4 General suspension type Insulator

Several important advantages follow from this system

Each insulator is designed for a comparatively low working voltage, usually about 11,000
volts, and the insulation for any required line voltage can be obtained by using a ‘string' of a
suitable number of such insulators

Fig. 4.5 Suspension type in Gladni

The mechanical stress are reduced, since the line is suspended flexibly with pin types
insulators, the grid natures of the attachments results in fatigue and ultimate brittleness of the
wire due to the alternating nature of the stresses. Also string is free to swing; there is an
equalization of the tensions in the conductors of successive spans.

Gladni Grid Station

4.3.3. Post Type Insulator

Post insulators have metal bolt down as opposed to threads. Many early multipart lines are
spotted with line post insulators as replacements. Post insulators also used in substations to
insulate high voltage switching gear and transformers. There is no hobby numbering system
for post insulator yet. The hole in the cap is the threaded so that the bus bars can be directly
connected to cap.

Fig. 4.6 Post tpe Insulator In Grid Station

4.4 Isolating Switches
In substation, it is often desired to disconnect part of the system of the general maintenance
and repairs. The isolating switch or isolator accomplishes this. It may be defined as a device
used to open or close a circuit either when negligible current is interrupted or when no
significant change
in the voltage across the terminals of each pole of the insulator will result from the operation.
An isolator's essentially a knife switch and is designed to open the circuit under no load. In
other words, isolator's switches are operated only when the lines in which they are connected
carry low current. Isolators are fitted control devices and function only for instantaneous
changes of switching circuit's. Isolators are handled manually as well as automatically.

Gladni Grid Station

Fig. 4.7 Isolating Switches

4.5 Circuit Breaker

A circuit breaker is equipment which can be open or close a circuit under a normal as
well as fault condition. It is so desired that it can be operated manually or by remote control
under normal condition and automatically under fault condition. For the latter operation a
relay is used in the circuit breaker. A circuit breaker essentially consists of fixed and moving
contacts, called electrodes.
Under normal operating condition, these contacts remain closed and will not open
automatically until and unless the system becomes faulty. The contact can be opened
manually or by remotes control whenever desired. The basic construction of any circuit
breaker requires the separation of the contacts by any insulating fluid, which serves two
It extinguishes the arc drawn between the contact when the circuit breaker opens.
It provides adequate insulation between the contacts and from each contact to earth.
Many insulating fluids are used for arc extinction and the fluid chosen depend upon the
rating and types of the circuit breaker.
The insulating fluids commonly used are:
Air at atmospheric pressure
Compressed air
Ultra high vacuum
Oil which produces hydrogen for arc extinction
Sulphur hexafluoride(SF6)
In Gladni Grid Station different types of circuit breaker are used. I. 220 KV line minimum
oil circuit breaker (MOCB) is used where as in 132KV line MOCB and SF6 are used and for
33KV line MOCB and vacuum circuit breaker is used.

Gladni Grid Station

4.5.1. Types of Circuit Breaker Minimum Oil Circuit Breaker (MOCB)

One of the important developments in the design of oil circuit breaker has been to reduces
the amount of oil needed. It is used minimum amount of oil and is only used for arc
extinguishing. The current conducting parts are insulating by porcelain or organic insulated
material. Low oil circuit breaker employ solid material for insulation purpose and use a small
quality of oil which is just sufficient for extinguishing. By using suitable arc control devices,
the arc extinguish can be further facilities in low circuit breaker venting.

Fig.4.8 MOCB Sulphur Hexafluoride (SF6)
In such circuit breaker sulphur hexafluoride gas is used as arc quenching medium. The
SF6 is electronegative gas and has a strong tendency to absorb free electrons. The contacts of
the breaker are opened in a high pressure flow of SF6 gas and an arc is stick between them.
Thus conducting free electrons in arc are rapidly captured by the gas to form relatively
immobile negative ions. This loss of conduction electrons in arc quickly builds up enough
insulating strength. The SF6 circuits has excellent insulating strength because of affinity for
electrons i.e. whenever a free electrons collides with the neutral gas molecules to from
negative ion, the electrons is absorbed by the neutral gas molecules may occur in two ways.

SF6 + eSF6'

SF6 + e – greater than SF5'+ F

Gladni Grid Station

Fig.4.9 SF6 Circuit Breaker Vacuum Circuit Breaker
In such breakers vacuum (degree of vacuum being from 10-7 to10-5 torr) is used as arc
quenching medium. Since vacuum offers the high insulating strength, it has superior
quenching properties than any other medium e.g. when contacts of the breaker are opened in
vacuum, the interruption occurs at first currents zero with dielectrics strength between the
contacts building at a rate of thousands of times higher than obtained with other circuit
breaker. In the vacuum arc the neutral atoms, ions and electrons do not come from the
medium in which the arc is drawn but they are obtained from the electrodes themselves by
evaporating its surface material, because of the large mean free path for the electrons, the
dielectrics strength of the vacuum is a 1000 times more than when the gas is used as the
interrupting medium.

Fig. 4.10 Vacuum circuit breaker

4.6 Lightening Arrestors

It is protective device which conducts the high voltage surge on the power system to the
ground. Surge voltages are abnormal voltage that may cause break down of insulation of
electrical equipment. These voltages may result from switching disturbance in the electrical

Gladni Grid Station

installation circuit or from lightning stroke. In Gladni station valve type arrester is used. It
consists of two assemblies: Series spark gaps and non-linear resistor discs.
These both are connected in series under normal conditions; the normal system voltage
is insufficient to cause the breakdown of airgap assembly. On the occurrence of over voltage,
the breakdown of series spark gap take place and the surge current is conducted to earth via
the non-linear resistor. They provide effective protection.
Requirement of Lightening Arrestor
∑ It should not pass any current at normal or at abnormal (normally 5% more than normal
voltage)power frequency voltage.
∑ It should break down as quickly as possible after abnormal high frequency voltage is
∑ It should not only protect the equipment for which it is used but should discharge the
surge current without damaging itself.
∑ It should interrupt the power frequency follow current after the surge is discharged to

Fig.4.11 Lightening Arresters

4.7. Bus Coupler

Breakers are bus Coupler.They provide the coupling between the two bus bars of the zone
e.g the provide the coupling between the zone A and zone B. Whenever there is a fault in

Gladni Grid Station

main bus coupler the load of the main bus bars is transferred to second bus bar and vice
4.8. Control Cables
The control cables and conduit system is required for affecting automatic controls. For
laying these cables generally ducts are run from control room basement to centrally located
junction box from where the conduits are run to be required.

4.9.Protective Relay and Earthing

Protective Relays It is a device that detects the faults and initiates the operation of the
circuit breaker to isolate the defective element from the rest of the system. The relay ensures
the safety of the circuit equipment from any damage which might be otherwise caused by the

The types of Relays Installed at Gladni

•IDMLT type relay (Directional or Non Directional)
•Primary relays such as Buchholz relay.
4.9.1. IDMTL (Inverse Definite Minimum Time Over Current Relay)
IDMTL is one in which the operating time approx inversly proportional to the fault current
near pick up value and becomes substantially constant slightly above the pick up value of the
relay. This is achieved by using a core of the electromagnet which gets saturated for currents
slightly greater than pickup current. It has two types:-

1. Non-directional relay
2. Directional relay Non-Directional (Over Current or Earth Leakage ) Relay
This type of relay will not be able to discriminate when used on transmission lines,
whether the fault has been taken place in the section where the relay is located or it has taken
place in the adjoining section. Under the condition of high power factor or leading power
factor, the impedance seen by relay is a very low or even negative. Directional (Over Current or Earth Fault) Relay
The non directional relay can operate for fault flow in either direction.

Gladni Grid Station

Fig. 4.12 Directional Relay

In order to achieve operation for the fault flowing in a specific direction, it is necessary
to add a directional element to the non directional element. Such a relay which respond to
fault flow in a particular directional is called a directional relay

4.9.2. Buchhol'z Relay

Buchhol'z relay is a gas actuated relay used for protecting oil immersed transformer
against all types of internal fault and makes use of the fact that fault decomposes oil thus
generating gases. The device relies on the fact that an electrical fault inside the
transformer tank is accompanied by generation of gas, and if the fault current is high
enough by a surge of oil from the tank to the conservator.

Fig. 4.13 Buchhol’z Relay

Chapter 5
Power Transformers
A Power transformer is used in a substation for step down the voltage. Expect at the
power station, all the subsequent substation used step down transformer to gradually reduce
the voltage electrical supply and finally delivered it at the utilization voltage. The modern
practice is to use 3 phase transformer in the substation, although 3 single phase bank of
transformer can also be used.
The use of three phase transformer (instead of 3 phase bank of transformer) permits two
advantages. Firstly, only one 3 phase load tap changing mechanism can be used. Secondly its
installation is much similar then single phase transformer. The power transformers are
generally installed upon length of rails fixed on concrete slabs having foundation 1 to 1.5 m
deep. In Gladni substation two rating of transformers are installed 220/132/33 KV.

5.1. Accessories and Auxiliaries used in Transformer

∑ Tank
∑ Radiator
∑ Cooling fans, oil pumps, oil to heat exchangers
∑ Bushings
∑ Buchholz Relays/ Oil surge Relay
∑ Temperature Indicator – WTI , OTI
∑ Oil level Indicators
∑ Pressure Relief device
∑ Marshalling Box / Control Cubicle
∑ Oil preservation system : Conservators and Breathers
5.2. Transformer Oil
One of the most important factors, which determine the life, satisfactory operations of the
transformer is the oil in which it is immersed the transformer oil has two prime functions:-
∑ To create the acceptable level of insulation in conjunction with insulated conductors and
∑ To provide a cooling medium capable of extracting quantities of heat without
deterioration as an insulating medium. Transformers oil is a mineral oil obtained by
fractional distillation of crude petroleum. Vegetables and animal oils not used in

Gladni Grid Station

transformers. Some of the important characteristics necessary in transformer oil are its
dielectric, strength, resistance, to emulsion, viscosity, purity and flash point and sludge
5.3. Transformer Cooling
Transformer is a static device that converts energy at one level to another voltage level.
During this process of energy transfer, losses occur in the windings and core of the
transformer. These losses appeared as heat. This heat is dissipated to the surroundings.
The coolants used in the transformers are:-
∑ Air
∑ Oil
The transformers using air as coolant are called dry type transformer while transformers
using oil as coolant are known as oil immersed transformers. In dry type transformers the
heat generated is conducted across the core and winding to be dissipated from the outer
surface of the windings to the surrounding air through convection. In case of oil immersed
transformers, the heat produced inside the core and the winding are connected across them to
their surfaces. The heat is transferred from oil to the walls of the tank through convection.
Finally, the heat is transferred from the tank walls of the surrounding air by radiation and

5.4. Instrument Transformers

The lines 1 substation operates at high voltage and carries current of 1000 of amperes.
The measuring instruments and protective devices are designed for low voltages (for
generally 110 volts) and currents (about 5 A). Therefore, they not work satisfactory if
mounted directly on the line this difficulty is overcomes by installing instrument transformers
on the power lines. The function of his instrument transformers is to transfer voltage or
current in the power lines to values which are convenient for the operation of measuring
instrument and relays. There are two types of instrument transformers viz ;

5.4.1. Current Transformer

C.T is essentially a transformer which steps down current to a known ratio. The primary
winding of this transformer consists of one or more turns of thick wire connected in series.
With the line. Suppose current transformer rated at 100/5 A is connected in the line to
measure current in primary the current in the line 100A, then secondary of C.T will be 5 A.
Similarly, if current in the line is 50A, then secondary of C.T will have current of 2.3 A.
Thus C.T under consideration will step down the line current by a factor of 20.
Gladni Grid Station

Fig. 5.1 Current Transformer

5.4.2. Potential Transformer

It is essentially a step down transformer and step downs the voltage to known ratio. The
primary of this transformer consists of large number of turns of fine wire connected across
the line instrument relays a voltage a known fraction of the line voltage. Suppose a potential
transformer rated at 66KV /110V is connected to a power line. If line voltage is 66 KV, then
the voltage across secondary will be 110KV.

Fig.5.2 Potential Transformer

5.5. Metering and Indicating Instruments

Gladni Grid Station

There are several metering and indicating (e.g. ammeter, voltmeter, energy meter etc)
installed in a substation to maintain water over the circuit quantities. The instrument
transformers are invariably used with them for satisfactory operation.

5.6. Power Line Carrier Communication System

Whenever some breakdown occurs in the transmission network at any place, the message
to rectify the fault must be sent to all substations. Quickness is the first priority. The ordinary
telephone network cannot be used as it already overloads and remains engaged. Therefore,
the same power lines, which carry energy, are used for this purpose. The signal is modulated
by HF carrier and is send as radio waves through the power lines. This system is known as
power line carrier Communication system.

Fig. 5.3 Power Line Carrier Communication System

As in well known transformer is a piece of apparatus without continuously moving parts,
which by electromagnetic induction transformers alternating voltage and current in one or
move winding usually of different values of voltage and current and at same frequency.
Transformers is heart of power system and is most important and costliest in power system. It
is estimate that one MW of additional power earning capacity requires about 7 to 8 MVA
transformer’s capacity. The diamond for transformer is expected to grow at a lipid pace, since
the generating station conventionally Hydroelectric, thermal are suited geographically for a
part from load centers and since these are linked by transformer.

5.7. Structural Circuits In Transformer

There are the following parts of the transformer. These are as following:
5.7.1. Conservator

Gladni Grid Station

In conservator with variation of temperature there is corresponding variation in oil

volume. To account for this, an expansion vessel called conservator is added to hemp with a
connecting pipe to main tank. In smaller Transformers this vessel is open to atmosphere
through dehydrating breathers in large transformer; an air bag is mounted inside the
conservator with inside bag open atmosphere through breathers and outside surface of bag in
contact with oil surface.

Fig. 5.4 Conservator

5.7.2. Breather
Both transformer oil and celluloses paper are highly hygroscopic. Paper was being more
hygroscopic than the mineral oil. The moisture, if not excluded from oil surface in

Fig. 5.5 Breather

Gladni Grid Station

conservator, this will find its way finally into paper insulation and causes reduction insulation
strength of transformer to minimize this the conservator is allowed to breath only through
silica gel column, which absorb the moisture in air before it enters the conservator air
5.7.3. Bushings
Transformers are connected to HV lines and therefore care is to taken to prevent flash-
over from high voltage connections to earthed tank. Connections from cables are made in
cable boxes, but overhead connections are to be brought through bushing specially designed
for different classes of voltages.

Fig. 5.6 Bushing

5.7.4. Tap Changer
It is very essential to maintain system voltage within prescribed limits for better health of
electrical equipments voltage of system can be varied by changing the true ration of
The device tap changer is used for adding or cutting out turns of primary or secondary
winding of transformer. It is of basically two types :
a. Off-Circuit tap changer
b. On-Load tap changer (OLTC)
a. Off-Circuit Tap Changer
The cheapest method of changing turn ratio of transformer is use of off-circuit tap changer. It
is essential to de-energize the transformer before changing tap.
b. On-Load Tap Change
On-load tap changers are employed to change the turn ratio of the transformer to regulate
system voltage while transformer is delivering normal load. With the introduction of on-load

Gladni Grid Station

tap changer, operating efficiency of electrical system has considerably improved

Fig. 5.7 Tap Changer

5.8. Transformer installed in Gladni Grid Station

The various type of transformer installed in Gladni Grid Station and Sub-station are:-
1) 400 MVA, (3+1) Single phase transformer (220/132)KV.
2) 160 MVA, 3-Phase transformer (220/132) KV.
3) 150 MVA, 3-Phase transformer (220/132) KV.
4) 50 MVA, 3- Phase transformer (132/33)KV.
5) 50 MVA, 3- Phase transformer (132/33)KV.
6) 50 MVA, 3- Phase transformer (132/33)KV.
7) An auxiliary (33KV/0.4KV) for internal use of Grid Station.

Gladni Grid Station

Fig. 5.8 133.3MVA Transformer ( 1-Phase)

Fig.5.9 160 MVA Transformer (3-Phase)

Gladni Grid Station

Fig. 5.10 50 MVA Transformers (3-Phase)

Fig. 5.11 150 MVA Transformer (3-Phase)

Chapter 6
Control Panel

A Control Panel is a flat, often vertical, area where control or monitoring instruments are
displayed. The following is the control panel as shown in below

Fig.6.1 Control Panel

They are found in factories to monitor and control machine are production lines and in places
such as Nuclear Power Plants Ships Aircrafts and Main frame computer older control panels
are most often to equip with push button and analog instruments, whereas today in many
cases touch screen are used for monitoring and control purposes.

Chapter 7
Battery Bank

All the circuit breakers and relays work on dc. This dc supply is provided by the battery
bank. There are 110 batteries installed, each having a voltage rating of 2V.

Fig.7.1 Battery Bank


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