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Classless Addressing

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• The rapid growth of the Internet has led to an
enormous increase in the number of requests
submitted for registered IP addresses.
• The result is a drastic reduction in available
registered addresses.
• Virtually all class A and Class B addresses have
already been assigned.
• Although there are still many Class C addresses,
their numbers are rapidly dropping.
• In addition, the relatively small number of available
Class C hosts place unrealistic configuration
constraints on intranet infrastructures that support
heavily populated network segments
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• By definition, every registered IP address
must identify a unique connection to the
• The 32-bit address specifies both a
unique network on the Internet and a
unique host on that network.
• With the number of registered IP
addresses limited, as it is in the current
version of IP (IPv4), this requirement
poses two commonly encountered
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• Suppose a corporation had a registered
Class B network address and a corporate
intranet that includes ten separate
• Because the registered Class B network
address must uniquely identify a single
LAN attached to the Internet, only one of
the corporate networks is able to connect
to the Internet without additional
networks within that single registered IP
address needing to be defined.

Subnetting addresses this problem.
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• A company that has a single network
populated with 400 hosts illustrates
another common dilemma.
• With the number of available Class B
addresses in short supply, the company is
unable to obtain a registered Class B
address but instead is granted two Class C
• Without some way of defining its
corporate network as a single network
within the two registered IP addresses, the
company will be forced to divide the
network, possibly at considerable expense.
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• It is therefore, time for us to learn how
the technique of subnetting allows us to
define multiple networks within a
single IP address as well as how to plan
and implement subnetting.
• We shall also learn how supernetting
allows us to define contiguous network
addresses as a single network segment.
• Furthermore, we shall learn how to
plan and implement a supernetting
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• When necessary, a network administrator can divide a
single IP network into multiple, connected networks,
subnets. Reasons for creating subnets include the following:
• Network extension. You can extend a network by adding
routers and creating subnetworks to support
connecting additional hosts when the network needs to
grow beyond its physical limits defined by the Physical
Layer protocols.
• Reducing network congestion. Communication between
hosts on a single network creates intranetwork traffic.
Adding hosts to the network can result in network
congestion when the amount of traffic supporting
interhost communication becomes excessive. By
dividing a network into subnetworks and group hosts
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share communications on the same subnets, most interhost
communications are isolated to the individual subnets and
overall network congestion is reduced.

Using multiple network media types. When a network is

divided into subnets, different physical media types can be
used on each subnet.

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• Isolating network problems. Subnetting can reduce
the overall impact of a network communication
problem, such as a cable break on a 10Base2
Ethernet network, isolating it to the subnet on
which it occurs.
• Improving network security. Subnetting allows you
to restrict communications containing sensitive
information to a specific subnet. In addition,
because only registered IP addresses are visible
from the Internet, the structure of a private
corporate network that is connected to the
Internet through a single registered IP address is
made invisible from the outside.
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• A subnetwork or subnet is a logical subdivision of an IP
• The practice of dividing a network into two or more
networks is called subnetting.
• Computers that belong to a subnet are addressed with a
common, identical, most-significant bit-group in their
IP address.
• It is called a subnet mask because it is used to identify
network address of an IP address by performing a bitwise
AND operation on the netmask.
• A Subnet mask is a 32-bit number that masks an IP
address, and divides the IP address into network address
and host address.

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• Subnet Masks
• Each IP address contains both a complete
network address and a complete host address
within its 32-bits address.
• The TCP/IP protocol uses a technique called
subnet masking to indicate which of the bits in
an IP address represent the network address
and which represent the host address.
• For this reason, each IP network address must
be assigned a subnet mask even if the network
is not segmented into subnetworks.

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• The subnet mask is a 32-bit number
commonly expressed in dotted octet
(binary) or dotted decimal format.
• Binary ones indicate the corresponding bit
positions in an IP address that are to be
read as the network portion of the address.
• The binary zeros in a subnet mask indicate
the corresponding bit positions in an IP
address that are to be read as the host
portion of the address.

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• A router identifies the network and host addresses of a
host by logically ANDing the subnet mask with an IP
• This helps the router to determine whether the value
of a bit position is to be read as part of the network
address or host address.
• The router only reads the value of the bit position as
part of the network address when X AND Y is true.
• This occurs only when both the IP address and the
subnet mask have 1 in corresponding bit positions.
• When ANDing the IP address and the subnet mask,
the router reads the network address from bit
positions that are true for both the IP address and the
subnet mask.

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• The mask hides the values at all other
bit positions in the IP address from the
router. This means that the router sees
the value of only the network portion of
the IP address.
• This is the portion necessary for routing
a packet to the proper destination
network. Default masks are assigned to
Class A, Class B and Class C networks.
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• The default Class A mask has all 8 bits in the first octet
set to 1, with the remaining 24 bits set to 0.
• The Class B mask has all 16 bits in the first two octets set
to 1 with the remaining 16 bits set to 0.
• The Class C mask has all 24 bits in the first three octets
set to 1 with the remaining 8 bits set to 0.
• Because a bit position value is read as part of the
network address only if both the IP address and the
subnet mask have a 1 in the same position, Class A
network addresses can be defined only in the first octet
of an IP address.
• The process applies for both Class B and Class C
network addresses, which must be defined in the first
two and first three octets of an IP address, respectively.
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Classful and Classless Subnet Hierarchies

IP addresses are designed with

two levels of hierarchy.

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• IP positions that conform to the default mask
assignments for different network classes are
recognised as members of a classful subnet
• In a classful subnet hierarchy, Class A networks
always use 8 bits for the network address and 24
bits for the host address, Class B networks
always use 16 bits for the network address and
16 bits for the host address.
• Internet routers route packets in a classful
subnet hierarchy using the default mask for the
network class, as defined in the initial bits of the
first octet.

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• Dividing a network into smaller subnetworks involves
borrowing bits from the host portion of the IP address
to define the additional subnet addresses.
• When you borrow bits from the host portion of the IP
address to create subnets, you have IP addresses that
use non-standard numbers of bits to represent the
network and host portions of the address.
• IP addresses that do not conform to the default mask
assignments make up a classless subnet hierarchy.
• Routers inside a subnetted network are configured
with subnet masks that recognise subnet addresses and
route to subnets using classless addresses.

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Figure 1
A network with two levels of
hierarchy (not subnetted)

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Figure 5-2
A network with three levels of
hierarchy (subnetted)

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Figure 5-3
Addresses in a network with
and without subnetting

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Figure 5-4

Hierarchy concept in a telephone number

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Figure 5-5
Default mask and subnet mask

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Finding the Subnet Address
Given an IP address, we can find the
subnet address by applying the mask to the
address. We can do this in two ways:
straight or short-cut.

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Straight Method
In the straight method, we use binary
notation for both the address and the
mask and then apply the AND operation
to find the subnet address.

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Example 1

What is the subnetwork address if the

destination address is and the
subnet mask is

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11001000 00101101 00100010 00111000

11111111 11111111 11110000 00000000
11001000 00101101 00100000 00000000

The subnetwork address is

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Short-Cut Method
** If the byte in the mask is 255, copy
the byte in the address.
** If the byte in the mask is 0, replace
the byte in the address with 0.
** If the byte in the mask is neither 255
nor 0, we write the mask and the address
in binary and apply the AND operation.
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Example 2

What is the subnetwork address if the

destination address is and the
mask is

See Figure 5.6

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Figure 5-6
Example 2

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Example 3

A company is granted the site address (class C). The company needs
six subnets. Design the subnets.

The number of 1s in the default

mask is 24 (class C).

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Solution (Continued)

The company needs six subnets. This number

6 is not a power of 2. The next number that is
a power of 2 is 8 (23). We need 3 more 1s in
the subnet mask. The total number of 1s in
the subnet mask is 27 (24 + 3).
The total number of 0s is 5 (32 - 27). The
mask is

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Solution (Continued)

11111111 11111111 11111111 11100000

The number of subnets is 8.
The number of addresses in each subnet
is 25 (5 is the number of 0s) or 32.
See Figure 5.8
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Figure 5-8
Example 3

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Example 4

A company is granted the site address (class B). The company needs
1000 subnets. Design the subnets.

The number of 1s in the default mask is 16

(class B).

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Solution (Continued)

The company needs 1000 subnets. This

number is not a power of 2. The next number
that is a power of 2 is 1024 (210). We need 10
more 1s in the subnet mask.
The total number of 1s in the subnet mask is
26 (16 + 10).
The total number of 0s is 6 (32 - 26).

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Solution (Continued)

The mask is
11111111 11111111 11111111 11000000
The number of subnets is 1024.
The number of addresses in each subnet is 26
(6 is the number of 0s) or 64.
See Figure 5.9
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Figure 5-7

Comparison of a default mask and

a subnet mask

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• Planning Subnet Numbers

• The number of bits borrowed from the host address
field determines the maximum number of possible
subnets that can be created and the number of host
addresses that will be available on each subnet.
• The number of possible networks made available by
assigning a subnet mask is calculated as follows:

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The number of subnets must be
a power of 2.

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Possible number of subnets = 2n – 2

Where n is the number of bits masked from the host portion

of the IP address. The two addresses subtracted from the total
are the “all 1s” and “all 0s” network addresses, because these
addresses are not supported by all routers. The number of
possible host addresses that can be assigned to each subnet is
calculated as follows:

Possible number of hosts: 2m – 2

Where m is the number of unmasked bits remaining in the

host portion of the IP address after some bits have been
borrowed for subnetting. Again, the two addresses subtracted
from the total are the “all 1s” and “all 0s” addresses. These
methods can be used when masking partial and complete
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• Subnetting with Partial Octets

• Creating subnets by masking a full octet may be
inappropriate or even impossible in some cases.
• For example, you can mask the entire fourth octet of a
Class C address, but doing so leaves no host bits
available for assigning host addresses.
• It is common to mask part of the octet to provide
subnet addresses while leaving unmasked bits available
for assigning host addresses.
• This provides multiple networks within the constraints
of a single Class C address.

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• Consider a situation in which a Class C address
needs to support three subnets with less than 20
hosts per subnet. first three bits (high-order) of the
fourth octet easily
• Masking the accommodates this.
• This solution allows one to assign up to 6 subnet
addresses, with each subnet supporting up to 30
hosts. This can be summarised as given below:

Network Address:

Subnet Mask:
Possible Subnet Addresses: 23 – 2 = 6
Possible Host Addresses per Subnet:25 – 2 = 30
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• A network component
• The first three octets. The network component reflects the
network class – in this case, a Class C network. The network
components for Class A and Class B networks would consist
of one and two octets, respectively.
• This component is common to all hosts on the network. It is
the classful address recognised by Internet routers as a
unique network on the Internet.
• When IP addresses are assigned, every host on this network
will use for the network component.
A subnet component
• These are the bits that are masked. In this case it is the first
three bits of the fourth octet.
• Each network segment or subnet is assigned a unique value
for the subnet component from the list of available subnet

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Supernets combine multiple Class C addresses into a

block of addresses that can be assigned to hosts on a
single network segment.
Even though multiple Class C addresses are used to
define the supernet, it is identified as a single network by

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Figure 5-11
A supernetwork

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Supernets were invented to address the following
issues concerning the current IP addressing structure:

a) Virtually all Class B addresses have been assigned,

whereas a relatively large number of Class C
network addresses are still available.
b) A single Class C address supports a maximum of
only 254 hosts.
c) Continued growth of the routing tables in the
Internet routers will render them virtually
unmanageable due to their enormous size.
d) The existing IP address space must accommodate
continued growth.

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• The process of creating a supernet mask
to combine multiple Class C addresses is
the reverse of the process involved in
creating a subnet mask to subdivide a
• Instead of borrowing bits from the host
portion of the IP address, bits are
borrowed from the default network
address and used to increase the number
of host address bits.
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** The number of blocks must be a power of 2 (1,
2, 4, 8, 16, . . .).
** The blocks must be contiguous in the address
space (no gaps between the blocks).
** The third byte of the first address in the
superblock must be evenly divisible by the number
of blocks. In other words, if the number of blocks is
N, the third byte must be divisible by N.

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Example 5

A company needs 600 addresses. Which of

the following set of class C blocks can be
used to form a supernet for this company?

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1: No, there are only three blocks.

2: No, the blocks are not contiguous.
3: No, 31 in the first block is not divisible by 4.
4: Yes, all three requirements are fulfilled.

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In subnetting,
we need the first address of the
subnet and the subnet mask to
define the range of addresses.

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• IP Address Requirements for Creating Supernets

• For one to create supernets from Class C IP

addresses, the network addresses must be
consecutive and the third octet in the first address
must be evenly divisible by two.
• This ensures that a single bit (the rightmost bit in
the third octet) defines the difference between the
two addresses.
• Using these criteria, for example, you can create a
supernet with the Class C network addresses and, but not with network
addresses and

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In supernetting,
we need the first address of
the supernet
and the supernet mask to
define the range of addresses.

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Combining More than Two Class C Addresses
• You can combine more than two Class C
addresses by borrowing more bits from the
network portion of the address to extend the
host portion of the address.
• The effect of borrowing additional bits to
support more hosts on a single network.
• You can use the information shown in figure 50
to determine how many networks to combine or
how many bits to borrow to support a given
number of hosts. Figure 50 shows, for example,
how many bits should be borrowed in order to
support 4,098 hosts.
• In this case 5 bits need to be borrowed.
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Figure 5-12
Comparison of subnet, default,
and supernet masks

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Example 6
We need to make a supernetwork out of 16
class C blocks. What is the supernet mask?
We need 16 blocks. For 16 blocks we need to
change four 1s to 0s in the default mask. So the
mask is
11111111 11111111 11110000 00000000
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Example 7

A supernet has a first address of and a

supernet mask of A router receives three
packets with the following destination addresses:
Which packet belongs to the supernet?

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We apply the supernet mask to see if we can find

the beginning address. AND ➔ AND ➔ AND ➔
Only the first address belongs to this supernet.

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Example 8
A supernet has a first address of and a
supernet mask of How many blocks are in
this supernet and what is the range of addresses?


The supernet has 21 1s. The default mask has 24

1s. Since the difference is 3, there are 23 or 8
blocks in this supernet. The blocks are
to The first address is
The last address is
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Supernets and Classless InterDomain Routing (CIDR)
• CIDR was invented to provide a process for enabling routers
to identify non-default or classless IP addresses.
• Because it allows routers to use subnet masks other than the
defaults for Class A, B or C networks, the routers can
identify these addresses.
• Earlier routing schemes used the default mask to identify the
network portion of an IP address.
• With CIDR, network addresses are identified by the number
of bits in the network portion of the address.
• The IP address, for example, is read by routers
as having a subnet mask of 11111111.11111111.11111110.0000
• The /23 in the address tells the router that the first 23 bits
from the left make up the subnet mask.
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Figure 5-13

Variable-length blocks

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Number of Addresses in a Block
There is only one condition on the number
of addresses in a block; it must be a power
of 2 (2, 4, 8, . . .). A household may be given
a block of 2 addresses. A small business
may be given 16 addresses. A large
organization may be given 1024 addresses.

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Beginning Address
The beginning address must be evenly divisible
by the number of addresses. For example, if a
block contains 4 addresses, the beginning
address must be divisible by 4. If the block has
less than 256 addresses, we need to check only
the rightmost byte. If it has less than 65,536
addresses, we need to check only the two
rightmost bytes, and so on.

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Example 9
Which of the following can be the beginning address of a
block that contains 16 addresses?

The address is eligible because 32 is

divisible by 16. The address is eligible
because 80 is divisible by 16.
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Example 10
Which of the following can be the beginning address of a
block that contains 1024 addresses?

To be divisible by 1024, the rightmost byte of an
address should be 0 and the second rightmost byte
must be divisible by 4. Only the address
meets this condition.
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Figure 5-14
Slash notation

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Slash notation is also called

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Example 11
A small organization is given a block with the beginning
address and the prefix length (in slash
notation). What is the range of the block?

The beginning address is To find the
last address we keep the first 29 bits and change the
last 3 bits to 1s.
Beginning:11001111 00010000 00100101 00011000
Ending : 11001111 00010000 00100101 00011111
There are only 8 addresses in this block.

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Example 12
We can find the range of addresses in Example 11 by
another method. We can argue that the length of the suffix
is 32 - 29 or 3. So there are 23 = 8 addresses in this block.
If the first address is, the last address is (24 + 7 = 31).

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A block in classes A, B, and C
can easily be represented in slash
notation as
A.B.C.D/ n
where n is
either 8 (class A), 16 (class B), or
24 (class C).

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Example 13
What is the network address if one of the addresses is

The prefix length is 27, which means that we must
keep the first 27 bits as is and change the remaining
bits (5) to 0s. The 5 bits affect only the last byte.
The last byte is 01010010. Changing the last 5 bits
to 0s, we get 01000000 or 64. The network address

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Example 14
An organization is granted the block
The organization needs to have four subnets. What are the
subnet addresses and the range of addresses for each


The suffix length is 6. This means the total number

of addresses in the block is 64 (26). If we create
four subnets, each subnet will have 16 addresses.

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Solution (Continued)
Let us first find the subnet prefix (subnet mask).
We need four subnets, which means we need to add
two more 1s to the site prefix. The subnet prefix is
then /28.
Subnet 1: to
Subnet 2 : to
Subnet 3: to
Subnet 4: to
Figure 5.15 ©The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2000
Figure 5-15
Example 14

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Example 15
An ISP is granted a block of addresses starting with The ISP needs to distribute these
addresses to three groups of customers as follows:

1. The first group has 64 customers; each needs 256 addresses.

2. The second group has 128 customers; each needs 128 addresses.

3. The third group has 128 customers; each needs 64 addresses.

Design the subblocks and give the slash notation for each
subblock. Find out how many addresses are still available
after these allocations.

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Group 1
For this group, each customer needs 256 addresses.
This means the suffix length is 8 (28 = 256). The
prefix length is then 32 - 8 = 24.
01: ➔
02: ➔
= 64  256 = 16,384 ©The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2000
Solution (Continued)
Group 2
For this group, each customer needs 128 addresses.
This means the suffix length is 7 (27 = 128). The
prefix length is then 32 - 7 = 25. The addresses
001: ➔
002: ➔
003: ➔
Total = 128  128 = 16,384
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Solution (Continued)
Group 3
For this group, each customer needs 64 addresses.
This means the suffix length is 6 (26 = 64). The
prefix length is then 32 - 6 = 26.
001: ➔
002: ➔
128: ➔
Total = 128  64 = 8,192
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Solution (Continued)

Number of granted addresses: 65,536

Number of allocated addresses: 40,960
Number of available addresses: 24,576

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