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2 . RETA WULANDARA 21040008
3 . FITRI DESTIAN 21040013
4 . WINDA FITRIA 21040023
5 . ERIK FEBRIAN 21040024
curriculum old order

a. Curriculum in 1947 In the application of this curriculum, the

The beginning of this curriculum was formed
Minister of Education, Teaching pays attention
in 1947 to continue the curriculum to things
which was already used by the Dutch because like,
at that time it was still in process (1) reduction of mind education,
struggle for independence. This curriculum (2) connecting the content of the lesson with
has only been implemented in schools in everyday life;
in 1950. A number of circles call the history of (3) paying attention to the arts; as well as
curriculum development starting from (4)
1950s curriculum. prioritizing character, physical, citizenship and
community education (Winarso, 2015).
This curriculum was made in accordance with
the conditions of the newly independent
b. Curriculum in 1952

This curriculum further details each subject called Lesson

Unraveled in 1952. At the end of President Soekarno's era,
the 1964 Education Plan or
1964 curriculum. The focus is on developing creativity, taste,
initiative, work, and morals
(Pancawardhana). Subjects in five studies: morals,
intelligence, emotional/artistic, skills (skills), and physical.
Basic education
emphasizes on knowledge and practical functional activities.
After 1952, towards 1964 the government again perfected
the education curriculum system
in Indonesia.
c. Curriculum in 1964

The curriculum system in 1964 was renewed

again, with this government curriculum
have the desire that the people get academic
knowledge for debriefing on
SD level. So learning centers on the
Pancawardhana program, namely
moral, intellectual, emotional, artistic
development, skills, and
physical (Ahmad, 1998). By 1964, the government
was again perfecting the system
curriculum in Indonesia. This time it was named
the Education Plan 1964.
curriculum in 1975
curriculum in 1968
The 1975 curriculum as a substitute for the
a. The 1968 curriculum was a renewal of the 1964
b. 1968 curriculum emphasized the 1975
curriculum, namely
changes in the structure of the educational
to the goal that education is more efficient and
curriculum. In terms of educational goals, the
1968 Curriculum aims that education effective. "The background is
Emphasis is placed on efforts to form a true, influence of the concept in the field of
strong and physically healthy Pancasila man, management.
enhancing intelligence and physical skills, morals, This era is known as the term "lesson unit",
character and religious beliefs. Educational namely the planned
content is directed at lesson for each subject. Each lesson unit is
activities enhance intelligence and skills, as well as detailed again: general instructions, objectives
develop physically special instructional (ICT), subject matter,
healthy and strong. According to Winarso (2010) study tools, teaching and learning activities,
the contents of the 1968 curriculum generally and
said: evaluation. The 1975 curriculum was heavily
1) The curriculum must reflect the soul of the criticized. The teacher is busy writing the
preamble to the 1945 Constitution and its content details of what will be achieved
1945 Constitution. in each learning activity.
curriculum in 1984
c. The 1984 curriculum carries a process skill approach.
There are ideas raised by the 1984 curriculum which have
different characteristics. These differences include (Winarso, 2015)
1. In terms of organization and curriculum form, there is a simplification of the GBPP matrix
into one matrix, but accommodates the reference expected by the teacher in terms of
method and evaluation
2. In terms of teaching and learning approaches, skills are developethrough d
the Active Student Learning Method (CBSA) process.
3. In terms of the existence of new elements from the GBHN that have not been
accommodated by the curriculum
In 1975, a new field of study emerged, namely Education in the History of the National
4. In terms of the gap between school graduates and employment, the material for special
skills and areas of development are processed to be perfected
local content ideasRegardingthe curriculum has not accommodateddeveloped throughit .

The 1994 curriculum is more focused on integrating
previously. However, the fusion of goals and processes has
not been successful.
The 1994 curriculum was created
as a refinement of the 1984 curriculum and implemented in
accordance with law no. 2 of 1989 concerning the National
Education System. This has an impact on the system
division of lesson time, namely by changing from the
semester system to the system

a. curriculum in 2004 (KBK)

The 2004 curriculum has another name, namely KBK
Competency-Based Curriculum. Competence is a
combination of knowledge, skills, values ​, and
reflecte in habits of thought and action. Competence
here can be interpreted as
knowledge, skills, and abilities that are mastered by
someone who has become part of himself, so that
students can carry out behaviors
cognitive, affective, and psychomotor as well as
b. curriculum 2006 (KTSP)
The newest curriculum is the 2006 KTSP curriculum
is a development of the 2004 KBK curriculum. The 2006 curriculum
at this time is a curriculum that gives autonomy to schools to
Organizing education, the peak of the task will be carried out by
each subject teacher, namely the teacher. The curriculum that we
use today still has many shortcomings
existing advantages. The drawback is none other than
(1) lack of human resources
potential in describing KTSP in other words the quality of a teacher
is still low because in KTSP a teacher is required to be more
creative in implementing
(2) the lack of facilities and infrastructure owned by schools.
4. 2013 Curriculum and its Revision

The 2013 curriculum is different from the KTSP. In the 2013 curriculum the Graduate
Competency Standards as desired will form the subjects. So, what is needed now and in
the future will be provided. Second, the 2013 curriculum has a more complete learning
approach by prioritizing student creativity. The new curriculum fulfills the three main
components of education namely knowledge, skills and good attitudes. Third, the 2013
curriculum is designed to be sustainable between existing competencies in elementary,
junior high and high school. In essence, in the 2013 curriculum every student is required to
be creative and innovative because in the future findings and creativity will become the
mainstay. In addition, there is also the development of national character that has been
integrated into all study programs.
5. Curriculum During the Pandemic/ New Normal Period (Emergency Curriculum,

The Covid-19 pandemic has had an impact on every aspect of human life, one of which is in
the field of education and the educational curriculum. Many obstacles were faced by
teachers and parents as well as students during the co-19 pandemic. In August 2020, the
government issued adjustments to learning policies during the Covid-19 period. The main
principles of education policy during the Covid-19 pandemic are
(1) The health and safety of students, educators, education staff, families and communities
is a top priority in establishing learning policies,
(2) The growth and development of students and psychosocial conditions are also a
consideration. in fulfilling education services during the covid-19 pandemic.
There are 2 new policy focuses issued by the government, namely:
1) Expansion of Face-to-Face Learning for the Yellow ZoneFor areas that are in the orange and red zones,
face-to-face learning is still prohibited in education units. The zone continues to carry out Learning From Home
(BDR) activities. For the yellow zone can be allowed to conduct face-to-face learning with consideration of
health risks that are not much different with green zone .
2) Emergency Curriculum (under special conditions)
To alleviate learning difficulties during the Covid-19 era, emergency curricula and learning modules can be
used. The emergency curriculum is used to reduce the teacher's burden in implementing the national
curriculum and students in relation to determining class promotion and graduation. The emergency curriculum
is a simplification of basic competencies that refers to the 2013 curriculum. It is hoped that this curriculum will
facilitate the learning process during a pandemic and have a positive impact on teachers, students and parents
as well as improve their psychosocial well-being.
a}Teachers are helped by the availability of simple curriculum references and teachers can focus on
essential and contextual education.
b) For students
Students are not burdened with the demands of completing all curriculum achievements and can focus on
education and learning that are essential and contextual.
c) For parents
Emergency curriculum can facilitate learning assistance at home
SUMMARY (Curriculum Development in Indonesia)

The educational curriculum in Indonesia has existed since the kingdom era and before
Indonesia's independence, although the existing curriculum is not complex. At least eight
times, Indonesia has made curriculum changes since Indonesia's independence until now.
The replacement and development of the existing curriculum is carried out with the aim
of improving the existing education system and at the same time keeping up with the
times. But in every implementation it is still not optimal. This all happened due to a lack of
understanding and meaning from the teacher or from the educator. So that it creates
educational problems.

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