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Anthropology (Franza Boaz) – study of humankind; “anthropos”= human, “logos”= study:

1. Physical or Biological – evolution, human fossils

2. Cultural or Social – diversity, pre-literate societies, human behavior, religion, ritual, myth,
3. Archaeology – earlier cultures, material remains, cultural changes, artifacts
4. Linguistic – various changes in speech and language, different communications, language
variation, language use

Sociology (Auguste Comte) – science of society, group interaction, sociological imagination

(relationship bw indiv and society); “socios”= companion with others

 Develop traditions, values, customs, behavior

 Human actions and meaning of actions
 Current issues and problems
 Public Sociology – aims to solve social problems
o Macro Perspective – social structures or institutes, status determine behavior
+ Conflict theory – compete for scarce resources, elite control poor
o Microsociology – social interaction, one’s interpretation and given meaning determine
+ Symbolic interactionalism – symbols, face-to-face interaction
+ Functionalism – how aspects of society function (adaptive)

Political Science – the study of the state and government; “polis”= city

Political Ideologies:

 Anarchism – the state is an unnecessary evil that oppresses the weak to prioritize higher
 Socialism – state and class system, Marxist
 Liberalism – neutral state, social order
 Conservatism – conserve tradition
 Fascism – supreme state, totalitarianism
 Monarchism – King Queen
 Capitalism – private ownership
Culture – complex whole, learned and shared

Society – a group of people of the same culture

 Social – product of behavior, interactions

 Variety – unique
 Shared
 Learned – enculturation
 Transmitted – via language, imitation, instructions
 Continuous and Cumulative – social heritage
 Dynamic – changing, diffusion, acculturation
 Gratifying and idealistic – opportunities

Ethnocentrism – judging other cultures, outsider

Xenocentrism – judging’s own culture, insider

Cultural Relativism – understanding other cultures

Cultural Imperialism – imposing one's own culture on another culture

Absolute Cultural Relativism – own culture be understood

Critical Cultural Relativism – question cultural practices, power relationships

Paleolithic – Old Stone Age, Ice Age, “palaios” = old, “lithos” = stone

 2.5m yrs ago

 Nomads, caves
 Unpolished stone tools
 Fire
 Gathering plants, fishing, hunting, scavenging
 Respect for age, reputation

Neolithic – New Stone Age, First Agricultural Revolution

 10 000 BC
 Sedentary, villages, increased population
 Polished stone tools
 Domesticated plants and animals
 Crafts, pottery and weaving
 Transportation

Age of Metal – Rise of Civillization

 4 000 BC – 1 500 BC
 Copper, bronze, iron
 Historical development: Egypt, Mesopotamia, Persia, India, China
 Agricultural tools
 Military weapons
 Household utensils
 Social, cultural, political, economic systems
 Civillization: tribes empires, state

Ancient State and Civillization

 Mesopotamia – land between 2 rivers = cradle of civilization

o Earliest state is Fertile Crescent – first evidence of agriculture
o Cuneiform
o Cities functioned independently and had ziggurat in center: Ur, Uruk, Kish, Lagesh
o Dynasty – single family line
o Akkadian Empire, Babylonian Empire overtook Sumerian and bulit Bbylon
 Egyptian
o River Nile
o Fertile land, crops and domesticated animals
o Pharaoh – king, powerful
Modern State and Civillization

 Europe – several states grew

o England (1500) – War of theRoses in England led by Henry VII, led to Tudor
dynasty and development of country
o Spain (1492) -Ferdinand and Isabella took Spain back from Muslim, global power
o France – Louis XIV made absolute monarchy and became dominant power in Eu,
French Revolution
o 1914 – 1919 WWI – Treaty of Versailles
o 1939 – 1945 WWII – UN

The State of People: Democratic State - active citizens, the rule of people

1. Representative democracy – govn rep among citizens

2. Direct democracy – governing body, vote directly on issue
3. Constitutional democracy – limit govn powers

Socialization – learning one’s society and its culture, interactions, learns role, expectations,

Agents of Socialization – influences

 Family – childhood, molded, behavior and actions

 School – member of society
 Peer Group – similar age, social status, interest, belonged
 Social Media

Enculturation – learn requirements, values, and appropriate behaviors of one's own culture

Primary Group – the relationship itself

- concern for one another, shared activities and culture, long time together

Secondary Group – for usual or habitual interests or affairs

- weak emotional ties, little personal knowledge, exchange commodities

In-Group – same common bond and interest

Out-Group – negative or bad influence

Reference Group - standard of comparison regardless of closeness, norms and dominant values

Network – pattern of connections

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