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School of Business Studies (BBA)

Chronicle Order of the Summer Training Project Report

*Front (hard bound) +Cover Page
2 Certificate (6 -8 Weeks) (Issued by the Organisation )

(Scanned colored printout)

3 Acknowledgement ( format attached)

4 Table of Contents

5 Introduction to the topic

6 Objectives of the study

7 Company Profile

8 Literature Review

9 Research Methodology

10 Data Analysis & Interpretation

11 Findings & Conclusion

12 References/ Bibliography ( Format Provided)

13 Annexure- to include questionnaire, balance sheets,

tables, reports if any

Front (hard bound) +Cover Page
Summer Training Project Report
Title Of the Project

Submitted in partial fulfillment of requirement of award of BBA degree of

GGSIPU, New Delhi

Submitted By:
Enrolment No.:
Semester: BBA Vth Semester
Batch: 2021-2024

Dr. Akhilesh Das Gupta Institute of Technology &

(Affiliated to GGSIPU)
FC-26, Shastri Park, Delhi-110053

The successful completion of the project would be incomplete without the mention of the
people who made it possible.
I would like to take the opportunity to thank and express my deep sense of gratitude to
my corporate mentor, Ms./Mr……………………………………………………………,
(Designation),….…………(Company Name), ….……………….. I am greatly
indebted to him/her for providing valuable guidance at all stages of the study,
constructive suggestions, positive and supportive attitude and continuous encouragement,
without which it would have not been possible to complete the project.

I would like to take the opportunity to thank and express a deep sense of gratitude to my
ProjectGuide, Dr./Ms./Mr………………………………………, ………………………..
(Designation), BBA Department, Dr. Akhilesh Das Gupta Institute of Technology &
Management, New Delhi who in spite of her/ his busy schedule has co-operated with me
continuously and has provided valuable guidance at all stages of the study, that has been
certainly indispensable for my project work.
I owe my wholehearted thanks and appreciation to Mr. Amit Yadav, Department
Incharge, for continuous encouragement and cooperation during the course of my study.
I express my sincere thanks to Prof (Dr.) Divya Gangwar, Course Director, Dr.
Akhilesh Das Gupta Institute of Technology & Management, New Delhi, for being a
constant source of knowledge, motivation and guidance.
I would also like to convey my warm regards to my family members and friends for their
kind support and helping hand.

Student Name:
Enrollment No.:
BBA Vth Semester, Batch 2021-2024


1 Introduction to the topic

2 Objective of the study

3 Company Profile

4 Literature Review

5 Research Methodology

6 Data Analysis & Interpretation

7 Findings & Conclusion

8 References/ Bibliography

9 Annexure- to include questionnaire, balance sheets,

tables, reports if any


Author's last name, first initial.(Publication year). Book title.Additional information. City
of publication: Publishing company.
Rowling, J.K. (2001). Harry Potter and the socerer's stone. London: Bloomsburg
Articles/ Journals
Author's last name, first initial.(Publication year).Article title. Periodical title, volume
number(issue number if available), inclusive pages.
Derwing, T. M., Rossiter, M. J., & Munro, M. J. (2002).Teaching native speakers to
listen to foreign-accented speech. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural
Development, 23(4), 245-259..
Author's name.(Year of publication).Title of article. , Retrieved month day, year, from
full URL
Example: Kraizer, S. (2011). Preventing bullying.Retrieved from

Note: 1) Arrange in alphabetical order.

2) Google or any other search engines and Wikipedia are not included in
Guidelines for the Summer Training Report

1. Acknowledgement – Company, Mentor, Faculty guide and Head of the

Institution (Format given)
2. Introduction –It should include Meaning of the concept, ie, Job Satisfaction,
Consumer Satisfaction, Working Capital Management (according to your Topic)
Rationale for choosing the topic/problem under study, Implementation strategy of
concept in your present study.
3. Objectives – Clear & to the point (2-3 objectives).
4. Company Profile – Nature of the Organization and its business
(service/production/trading etc), i.e., type of industry & business in which the
company is operating.
Mention specific functional area, if any, such as marketing, finance, HR, logistics
etc, in which the company is operating.
Company’s vision & mission
Product range of the company
Size (in terms of manpower &turnover) of organization.
Organization structure of the company.
Market share & position of the company in the industry.
5. Review of Literature – Theoretical foundations, Empirical research undertaken
and the work done in the past. (2-3 pages)
6. Research Methodology – Research design, Sampling Type, Sample size,
Sample location, Data type,Sources of data (primary, secondary), Instrument
used, Analytical Tools, Limitations
7. Data Analysis and Interpretation -Statement form of the Questions, Table
showing the total number of respondents, pie charts or Bar graphs and
Interpretation (coloured)
8. Findings & Conclusion - Final shape of the project, In line with objectives.
9. Recommendations- if any
10. References and Bibliography – See proper format
11. Annexure – Attach questionnaire/ tables if any.

Important points to be kept in mind

1. One Spiral report- (to be approved by the Faculty Guide)

2. One Hard Bound Report + CD is to be submitted– Black Cover with golden
embossing. ( hard bound to be done only after spiral report is approved by the
3. The Front page to be same on the Hard Cover & inside the report.
4. Front page of File to be in color.
5. Certificate to be in color.
6. The Project Title should be complete. No open ended titles. Should be specific.
7. No cutting and pasting.
8. Company profile not more than 4-5 pages.
9. Limited No of pictures (Introduction and Company Profile)
10. No company logos on each page.
11. Line spacing 1.5 only
12. Time New Roman- 12(text) , 14(sub heading), 16(heading) only
13. No spelling errors.
14. Total no of pages –Between 40-50
15. No page numbering on certificate, acknowledgement, bibliography & annexures
16. No borders
17. Chapter page to be included but not numbered (Format given)
18. Graphs to be in colour
19. Text to be in black.
20. For the pages, bond papers should be used.
(Introduction of the topic)

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