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Human Resource Planning

Dr.Rony Thomas Rajan

Human Resource Planning
• “Is the process by which an organisation
ensures that it has the right number and kind
of people, at the right place, at the right time,
capable of effectively and efficiently
completing those tasks that will help the
organisation achieve its overall objectives”
Decenzo and Robbins
“Is the process by which an
organisation ensures that it
has the right number and
kind of people, at the right
place, at the right time,
capable of effectively and
efficiently completing those
tasks that will help the
organisation achieve its
overall objectives”

Decenzo and Robbins

Human Resource Planning

HR Planning Objectives
• Ensure optimum use of human resources
currently employed
• Avoid imbalance in the distribution and allocation
of HR
• Assess or forecast future skills requirements to
accomplish org goals
• Provide control measure to ensure availability of
necessary resources when required
• Control cost aspect of HR
• Formulate transfer and promotion policies
Nature of HR Planning
• HRP aims at ascertaining the manpower needs of the
organisation in no and kind
• Presents the inventory requirement of existing
manpower of organisation- what is available –discover
untapped talent
• To determine the shortfall of manpower by comparing
the total manpower needs with the present
• Introduction of diff programs organisation based on
the SS and DD of HRs. Future needs and available
• Acquisition , utilization, improvement and preservation
of HRs of organisation.
Benefits of Manpower planning
• Results in reduced labour costs- helps to
anticipate shortages or surpluses of manpower –
to correct imbalences
• Basis of planning employee development- to use
optimum use of workers skills
• Identification of gaps of existing manpower-
corrective training can be imparted
• Improves overall businees planning process
• Formulate managerial succession plans- identify
the right person- in the corporate ladder
Benefits of Manpower Planning
• Greater awareness of sound manpower
management in the organisation
• Serves as a tool evaluate the effect of
alternative manpower actions and policies
Process of HRP Redeployment and
Redundancy Plan

Determine Net Manpower

DD and SS Requirements

Employment Program
Inventory of HR
Skills ( Finding
Gaps) .

Training and Development

Appraisal of HR Planning
Objectives of HRP
Objectives of Manpower
• Purpose – to relate future HR to future
enterprise – so as to maxi. future return on
• Manpower Planning to be integrated with
overall planning
• To be done carefully- a wrong analysis – may
not be able to rectify in the short run
Process of HRP Redeployment and
Redundancy Plan

Determine Net Manpower

DD and SS Requirements

Employment Program
Inventory of HR
Skills ( Finding
Gaps) .

Training and Development

Appraisal of HR Planning
Objectives of HRP
Current Manpower inventory
• To be undertaken by depts, by function, by
occupation, by level of skills /qualifications
• Adjustments based on foreseeable future
• Assessment of demand for operative
personnels presents less problem of
uncertainty than in case of supervisory and
managerial levels
• Reservoir of talents – for vaccancies may occur
• Inventory of various skills to be indexed
Process of HRP Redeployment and
Redundancy Plan

Determine Net Manpower

DD and SS Requirements

Employment Program
Inventory of HR
Skills ( Finding
Gaps) .

Training and Development

Appraisal of HR Planning
Objectives of HRP
Demand Forecast

• Employment trends
• Replacement Needs
• Productivity
• Growth and Expansion
• Absenteeism
• Work Study
Supply Forecasting

• Human resource Audit

• Replacement charts
Process of HRP Redeployment and
Redundancy Plan

Determine Net Manpower

DD and SS Requirements

Employment Program
Inventory of HR
Skills ( Finding
Gaps) .

Training and Development

Appraisal of HR Planning
Objectives of HRP
Estimating the net Human Resource
• Estimating the internal supply , deficiencies
and surplus
• Need for transfer
• Promotion
Process of HRP Redeployment and
Redundancy Plan

Determine Net Manpower

DD and SS Requirements

Employment Program
Inventory of HR
Skills ( Finding
Gaps) .

Training and Development

Appraisal of HR Planning
Objectives of HRP
Action Plan for redeployment or
• When Surplus is estimated redeployment to
deficit centers.
• Plan for training and re-orientation
• If redeployment not possible – then plan for
redundancy / retrenchment / VRS / golden
handshake /
• VRS – compensation, support for getting new
jobs, priority for future vaccancies
Determining Job Requirements of
Positions to be Filled
• Is the qualitative aspect of MP- determines
the dd of a job in terms of responsibilities and
duties then translates these demands in terms
of skills, qualities and attributes
Process of HRP Redeployment and
Redundancy Plan

Determine Net Manpower

DD and SS Requirements

Employment Program
Inventory of HR
Skills ( Finding
Gaps) .

Training and Development

Appraisal of HR Planning
Objectives of HRP
Employment Plan
• Planning how the organisation can obtain the
required number and right type of personnels
Process of HRP Redeployment and
Redundancy Plan

Determine Net Manpower

DD and SS Requirements

Employment Program
Inventory of HR
Skills ( Finding
Gaps) .

Training and Development

Appraisal of HR Planning
Objectives of HRP
Training and Development Program
• Identify the training required
• Executive development programs for
• No option for training or not- but choice of
methods and techniques
Process of HRP Redeployment and
Redundancy Plan

Determine Net Manpower

DD and SS Requirements

Employment Program
Inventory of HR
Skills ( Finding
Gaps) .

Training and Development

Appraisal of HR Planning
Objectives of HRP
Evaluation of Effectiveness of MP
• Deficiencies to be identified
• Shortages and surpluses to be corrected
Process of HRP Redeployment and
Redundancy Plan

Determine Net Manpower

DD and SS Requirements

Employment Program
Inventory of HR
Skills ( Finding
Gaps) .

Training and Development

Appraisal of HR Planning
Objectives of HRP

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