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The provided table gives data on how much money citizens spent in health services in eight nations

in 2010.

It can be seen that the spent costs on healthcare in Japan was the most. Meanwhile Brazillians paid
the least.

It is clear that Asia countries were on top in the table, almost four times more than the average
money in global. People in Japan paid $2.690 on medical management. Besides, South Korea and
Singapore spent a same amount on health, $1,187 and $1,035 respectively. Bahrain and Kuwait
stood close the global average with $810 and 796$ respectively.

North America countries, however, were ranked in the low in going to hospital and medical reports,
especially lower than the global avarage amount. Although Argentina was upper than Chile and
Brazil, people in there just had to pay $551 for health services. Two others paid less than $500.

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