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EM 7: Introduction to Children and A Photo Essay by

Adolescent Literature TRISHA COLEEN G.


Memoir To My Inner Child

The passage of time often obscures the
memories of our youth, but there exists within
each of us a sacred sanctuary where our inner
child resides, forever untouched by the years that
have passed. This memoir is a heartfelt journey
back to that innocent and joyous time, a tribute
to the dreams and aspirations of my younger self.
As I reflect upon the trials and tribulations of
adulthood, I am reminded of the importance of
reconnecting with that inner child and embracing
the pure, unbridled passion and curiosity that
once defined me.
In the garden of my inner child's imagination, I rediscover the boundless
creativity and unshakable belief in the extraordinary. It is a place where the
simplest of moments are transformed into grand adventures, where a cardboard
box can be a spaceship, and a bedsheet a majestic cape. I remember the awe and
wonder that accompanied each new discovery, the thrill of learning to ride a
bicycle or catching fireflies on a warm summer evening. These memories are a
testament to the unspoiled joy that exists within us all, a reminder that we must
never let the weight of adulthood extinguish our inner child's flame.

In the hustle and bustle of daily life, it is easy to

lose sight of the inner child that resides within us. Yet,
it is through reconnecting with this cherished part of
ourselves that we can find solace and rejuvenation. My
memoir to my inner child is a commitment to nurture
and protect that precious essence, to honor the
dreams and desires that once guided me, and to infuse
my adult life with the same sense of wonder and
possibility that once defined my youth. For it is in the
embrace of our inner child that we discover the key to
a life lived with unbridled joy and boundless

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