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Hello, we are team Tours Macha and we have come together to make a website

that helps tourists and residents explore Bangalore easily. Finding new places to
visit in Bangalore is a hassle and due to the chaos people miss out on the hidden
gems present in the city. Our website aims to uncover these places to the people
so that they can experience Bangalore to its fullest potential . Our website has
an integrated chatbot in it which helps to answer the questions of people to help
them navigate the website better making it user friendly.Our team consists of
Kavin , Aniruddh , Karthika and Suchit.

I am Aniruddh the project leader , communications leader and the data expert .
My role as a project leader was to bring the vision of our team together so that
we all could envision the same final product. As the data expert, I collected the
necessary information for the website through forms which were obtained from
users . I also was the key link between my team and our teacher.

I am Kavin, the coder and the tester. My contribution to this project was the
coding of the chatbot. I also integrated the chatbot into the website. As the tester
my role was to get the feedback from the users about their satisfaction with the
prototype and whether their problems were solved without there being any bias.

I am Karthika, the data expert and information researcher of our project. I am

responsible for researching and gathering relevant information about different
travel destinations, cultures, and tips which helped in the design of the
prototype. I also collected information discussed during the meetings and noted
them down in the log book.

I am Suchit, the designer and tester of our website. I am responsible for

designing the website’s usability, functionality, and user satisfaction. I help
create an interface that helps integrate AI for personalised travel
recommendations . I also made navigating through the site is both simple and

We have made this project with the vision that we have for it and we are proud
of the prototype we have made with all of our efforts combined together with all
the resources we could use even tho it might have some flaws in it but we hope
to partner up with other companies in the future and make our website flawless.
Thank you for watching our video presentation. Have a nice day!

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